Steve King: [White People] Have Contributed More to Civilization Than Other 'Sub-Groups'

Why is someone saying "whites are awesome" bad, when every other group has people saying "X is awesome"?
King was saying whites are superior.

No, he wasn't. That's what you were hearing, because it fits your narrative.
It was unequivocal.

Don't worry if you don't get it. The WNs get it. And so do the minority voters.

We get that you're a race baiting asshole.
I really don't think so. and again, he was replying to the tired old "old white guy" trope the left LOVES to use, even if any other group were maligned like that they would throw a hissy fit.

Maligned? How??? What exactly is wrong with old white guys?

The whole dem talking point offensive has been labeling the Republicans as the party of "old whit guys". Dems are gleeful about how they are dying off, and assuming a great demo-graphical surge that will give them permanent power.

There assumption however rests on identity continuing to trump ideas.
Yep, they assume blacks will always be on the welfare plantation and vote Democrat.
Why is someone saying "whites are awesome" bad, when every other group has people saying "X is awesome"?

For some, its not about equality, its about revenge, and since the people who actually created the wrongs are dead and buried, then the rest of us will have to do.

BS this cartoon is a caricature (pardon the pun) of what was actually said by King. It if wasn't, white kid would be saying "I like being white because whites are better than your subset race"

You keep expanding on what he said to "explain" what he said. usually when people expand on things, their own views creep into it, or more exactly, their views on what they THINK the person actually said.

When you add complication to something, your own biases (especially about biases by others) cannot help but be added to the mix.

Antontoo is just a leftwing asshole, pure and simple. His biases don't "creep" into it. He blasts them with a megaphone.
You keep expanding on what he said to "explain" what he said. usually when people expand on things, their own views creep into it, or more exactly, their views on what they THINK the person actually said.

When you add complication to something, your own biases (especially about biases by others) cannot help but be added to the mix.

You are right, maybe what he said didn't reflect his racism, but rather his stupidity. :lol:

How ironic!
You keep expanding on what he said to "explain" what he said. usually when people expand on things, their own views creep into it, or more exactly, their views on what they THINK the person actually said.

When you add complication to something, your own biases (especially about biases by others) cannot help but be added to the mix.

You are right, maybe what he said didn't reflect his racism, but rather his stupidity. :lol:

More assumptions on your part, without any backup or merit.

Marty seriously, time to give it up

"White people have contributed more to civilization than other sub groups" is a clearly racist statement that places whites above others.

If you think you look better defending this turd than that guy you called racist you need to think again...and then move on.

No one said that except the guy who started this thread, you sleazy lying douche bag.
Sooner or later it will lose the rest of its sting, and that is a terrible thing, because there are actual, true racists out there, and they are getting cover from the lessening of the definition of the term.
Precisely, that has been my argument all along.

The REAL mouth-breathing, butt-scratching racists are getting cover from the fact that the PC zealots have turned the term "racism" into a fucking punch line.

Which makes me wonder what the real goal here is. It's not healing racial divisions, that's for damn sure.
Precisely the opposite is the case. Keeping the race issue stirred up is their goal. They couldn't win a single election if it wasn't for the resentment of minorities.
Sooner or later it will lose the rest of its sting, and that is a terrible thing, because there are actual, true racists out there, and they are getting cover from the lessening of the definition of the term.
Precisely, that has been my argument all along.

The REAL mouth-breathing, butt-scratching racists are getting cover from the fact that the PC zealots have turned the term "racism" into a fucking punch line.

Which makes me wonder what the real goal here is. It's not healing racial divisions, that's for damn sure.

The argument is wrong - you walk around chest beating about your race and how you are just stating facts, but are calling someone a racist just because they may disagree with you on facts.

The bigger point is that there is absolutely no good reason to beat your chest about race, be it fact or false. You look like an asshole either way.

There's plenty of good reason, like defeating all the "diversity" bullshit pumped out by servile brainwashed morons like you. The idea that all cultures are equal is used to convince people to import muzzie savages who want to kill us. That's an idea that needs to be defeated. We also need to defeat the idea that we suffer no harm by letting millions of low wage workers flood from third world countries into this country, take our jobs and dilute our culture. The reason the countries they come from are fucked up is the fact that they live there. It's no surprise that they vote Democrat when they get here.
Then please explain groups like BLM, the Congressional Black Caucus, the NAACP, on and on.

You're against their existence, right?

I don't recall BLM, the Congressional Black Caucus, the NAACP espousing black supremacy.

I don't see Rep King doing it either.

yes of course, he is just stating facts about how the whites are the best- right? :oops-28:

Western Culture is the best. The fact is indisputable.
Elites in general. Its just that Dems seem to have the monopoly of divisive tactics based on Race at the current moment.

They have monopoly on divisive tactics...and you have King-the-truf-teller talking about how whites are the best.

Somehow I'm not convinced and I don't think other voters will be either if you guys keep it up.

For the 1000th time, asshole, he never used the term "whites."
Then please explain groups like BLM, the Congressional Black Caucus, the NAACP, on and on.

You're against their existence, right?

I don't recall BLM, the Congressional Black Caucus, the NAACP espousing black supremacy.

I don't see Rep King doing it either.

yes of course, he is just stating facts about how the whites are the best- right? :oops-28:

Western Culture is the best. The fact is indisputable.
:itsok: keep telling yourself that....
Then please explain groups like BLM, the Congressional Black Caucus, the NAACP, on and on.

You're against their existence, right?

I don't recall BLM, the Congressional Black Caucus, the NAACP espousing black supremacy.

I don't see Rep King doing it either.

yes of course, he is just stating facts about how the whites are the best- right? :oops-28:

Western Culture is the best. The fact is indisputable.
:itsok: keep telling yourself that....

Only a moron would dispute it.
Then please explain groups like BLM, the Congressional Black Caucus, the NAACP, on and on.

You're against their existence, right?

I don't recall BLM, the Congressional Black Caucus, the NAACP espousing black supremacy.

I don't see Rep King doing it either.

yes of course, he is just stating facts about how the whites are the best- right? :oops-28:

Western Culture is the best. The fact is indisputable.
:itsok: keep telling yourself that....

He also talks to himself....:badgrin:
47 years ago TODAY 'Neil Armstrong' steps out on the moon for all of mankind , just notice that Western Society cultivated in the USA made it all possible .
I don't recall BLM, the Congressional Black Caucus, the NAACP espousing black supremacy.

I don't see Rep King doing it either.

yes of course, he is just stating facts about how the whites are the best- right? :oops-28:

Western Culture is the best. The fact is indisputable.
:itsok: keep telling yourself that....

He also talks to himself....:badgrin:
You're a numskull, obviously.
Bullshit thread. [white people] Wrong. He said Western civilization. It was the liberal who tried to put words in his mouth. Giving one guy credit for what another said. Typical lib tactics. Frustrated from not having enough dirt so just making shit up, huh?
Bullshit thread. [white people] Wrong. He said Western civilization. It was the liberal who tried to put words in his mouth. Giving one guy credit for what another said. Typical lib tactics. Frustrated from not having enough dirt so just making shit up, huh?

Editing what other people say is a favored leftwing tactic. They did it to George Zimmerman, and they do it to Trump all the time.

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