Steve King: [White People] Have Contributed More to Civilization Than Other 'Sub-Groups'

The more you have to analyse and interpret, the more it becomes obvious that you are implanting your own biases into the conversation.

analysing = bad.

Gotcha. Not convincing.

it's more about over-analyzing to meet your pre-conceived notions, i.e. putting the "anal" in analysis.

What did I OVER analyze?

He was saying Western Civilization as a great achievement of the old-white-guys. You seriously think that is OVER analyzing? That it WASN'T what he was saying?

What the fuck was he saying then and what then is his connection between the old-white-guys he was sick hearing about and western civilization???

I think you just don't want to admit something about what King was saying and you'll LAZY up your thoughts as much you need to that end, while blaming me for not following suit.

It's putting words in his mouth to suit your own interests. Its delving into something and coming to a conclusion that re-enforces your own ideas.

You are not answering my basic question to you...feeling Lazy?

He was saying Western Civilization as a great achievement of the old-white-guys. You seriously think that is OVER analyzing? That it WASN'T what he was saying?

What the fuck was he saying then and what then is his connection between the old-white-guys he was sick hearing about and western civilization???
The more you have to analyse and interpret, the more it becomes obvious that you are implanting your own biases into the conversation.

analysing = bad.

Gotcha. Not convincing.

it's more about over-analyzing to meet your pre-conceived notions, i.e. putting the "anal" in analysis.

What did I OVER analyze?

He was saying Western Civilization as a great achievement of the old-white-guys. You seriously think that is OVER analyzing? That it WASN'T what he was saying?

What the fuck was he saying then and what then is his connection between the old-white-guys he was sick hearing about and western civilization???

I think you just don't want to admit something about what King was saying and you'll LAZY up your thoughts as much you need to that end, while blaming me for not following suit.

It's putting words in his mouth to suit your own interests. Its delving into something and coming to a conclusion that re-enforces your own ideas.

You are not answering my basic question to you...feeling Lazy?

He was saying Western Civilization as a great achievement of the old-white-guys. You seriously think that is OVER analyzing? That it WASN'T what he was saying?

What the fuck was he saying then and what then is his connection between the old-white-guys he was sick hearing about and western civilization???

What he was saying that the denigration of "old white guys" is misplaced, as western civ (which old white guys are a part of) was and is responsible for most of the achievements we have today.

If you listen to the whole interview, you see where the interviewer was trying to go, and King went with him part of the way, but never did he espouse white supremacy, which is something entirely different from being a fan of western civ and "old white guys" who were a part of it.
What he was saying that the denigration of "old white guys" is misplaced, as western civ (which old white guys are a part of) was and is responsible for most of the achievements we have today.

If you listen to the whole interview, you see where the interviewer was trying to go, and King went with him part of the way, but never did he espouse white supremacy, which is something entirely different from being a fan of western civ and "old white guys" who were a part of it.

Holy stretching-the-obvious. The interviewer simply asked King the OBVIOUS implication of what he was saying.

No silly, he was not sharing western civilization with anyone except old-white-guys as their achievement otherwise what he is saying is complete gibberish nonsense and he actually does not make any argument about how great the old-white-guys are.

King has been around the ringer long enough to learn not to say directly that which he is plainly saying even if in round about way.

He makes the same mistake as all of you here that take old-white-guys is a disparaging term to whites, hence his "i'm sick of the old-white-guys...". But you all miss the point what this is about, it not about white guys per-se, its about the fact that REPUBLICAN PARTY has problem attracting anyone else.

By missing this point you proceed to get all white-pridish and only make matters worse for yourselves.
What he was saying that the denigration of "old white guys" is misplaced, as western civ (which old white guys are a part of) was and is responsible for most of the achievements we have today.

If you listen to the whole interview, you see where the interviewer was trying to go, and King went with him part of the way, but never did he espouse white supremacy, which is something entirely different from being a fan of western civ and "old white guys" who were a part of it.

Holy stretching-the-obvious. The interviewer simply asked King the OBVIOUS implication of what he was saying.

No silly, he was not sharing western civilization with anyone except old-white-guys as their achievement otherwise what he is saying is complete gibberish nonsense and he actually does not make any argument about how great the old-white-guys are.

King has been around the ringer long enough to learn not to say directly that which he is plainly saying even if in round about way.

He makes the same mistake as all of you here that take old-white-guys is a disparaging term to whites, hence his "i'm sick of the old-white-guys...". But you all miss the point what this is about, it not about white guys per-se, its about the fact that REPUBLICAN PARTY has problem attracting anyone else.

By missing this point you proceed to get all white-pridish and only make matters worse for yourselves.

The reporter was looking for a "gotcha" moment, and he got a 1/2 gotcha moment.

More over analysis from you for the rest of your post.

Also, i saw a lot of women in that audience, but I guess since they are not progressive women, they don't count.
The reporter was looking for a "gotcha" moment, and he got a 1/2 gotcha moment.

And you are sure that's not just something your biases pick up?? What makes you sure he wasn't simply trying to clarify what King was saying?

Either way it doesn't even matter.
The reporter was looking for a "gotcha" moment, and he got a 1/2 gotcha moment.

And you are sure that's not just something your biases pick up?? What makes you sure he wasn't simply trying to clarify what King was saying?

Either way it doesn't even matter.

It reeks of a gotcha moment, something the press, i.e., democrats with bylines specializes in.
The reporter was looking for a "gotcha" moment, and he got a 1/2 gotcha moment.

And you are sure that's not just something your biases pick up?? What makes you sure he wasn't simply trying to clarify what King was saying?

Either way it doesn't even matter.

It reeks of a gotcha moment, something the press, i.e., democrats with bylines specializes in.

Reeks eh?

Well most people would say that King's comments REEK of racism and does Republicans no favors.
The reporter was looking for a "gotcha" moment, and he got a 1/2 gotcha moment.

And you are sure that's not just something your biases pick up?? What makes you sure he wasn't simply trying to clarify what King was saying?

Either way it doesn't even matter.

It reeks of a gotcha moment, something the press, i.e., democrats with bylines specializes in.

Reeks eh?

Well most people would say that King's comments REEK of racism and does Republicans no favors.

If you use the watered down definition of racism used by progressives as a discussion ender, maybe.
The reporter was looking for a "gotcha" moment, and he got a 1/2 gotcha moment.

And you are sure that's not just something your biases pick up?? What makes you sure he wasn't simply trying to clarify what King was saying?

Either way it doesn't even matter.

It reeks of a gotcha moment, something the press, i.e., democrats with bylines specializes in.

Reeks eh?

Well most people would say that King's comments REEK of racism and does Republicans no favors.

If you use the watered down definition of racism used by progressives as a discussion ender, maybe.

Sorta like the way you use watered down "gotcha moment"?
The reporter was looking for a "gotcha" moment, and he got a 1/2 gotcha moment.

And you are sure that's not just something your biases pick up?? What makes you sure he wasn't simply trying to clarify what King was saying?

Either way it doesn't even matter.

It reeks of a gotcha moment, something the press, i.e., democrats with bylines specializes in.

Reeks eh?

Well most people would say that King's comments REEK of racism and does Republicans no favors.

If you use the watered down definition of racism used by progressives as a discussion ender, maybe.

Sorta like the way you use watered down "gotcha moment"?

Not watered down, attempted, and only partially successful.

In any event, I believe we have reached this point in the argument:

And you are sure that's not just something your biases pick up?? What makes you sure he wasn't simply trying to clarify what King was saying?

Either way it doesn't even matter.

It reeks of a gotcha moment, something the press, i.e., democrats with bylines specializes in.

Reeks eh?

Well most people would say that King's comments REEK of racism and does Republicans no favors.

If you use the watered down definition of racism used by progressives as a discussion ender, maybe.

Sorta like the way you use watered down "gotcha moment"?

Not watered down, attempted, and only partially successful.

In any event, I believe we have reached this point in the argument:

"My culture is better than yours" arguments are inherently pretty stupid. Western Civilization would be a bunch of illiterate backwoods hicks if they hadn't recovered a lot of the lost Hellenistic learnings from the Muslims. They'd be as stuck as the Greeks were and Romans were in terms of Science and Math if they didn't get Algebra and Trig results from the Indians and Chinese. Western Civ ended up abandoning Roman Numerals for any serious business and science work in favor of the Hindu Arabic numerals. Western Civ inherited a lot of its basic medical knowledge from the Muslims. The Hellenistic Greeks inherited a lot of their Math and Science results from the Babylonians and Egyptians. No one bootstraps all the way up from nothing. The closest civilization we have to doing that are the Japanese after Admiral Cook forced them to open their ports.

On top of that, before we go touting the advances of Western Civ since inheriting things from other Civilizations, we also have to weigh in that a lot of those advances came with pretty big darksides. Advances in science helped mechanize war to an extent that World War I and World War II wouldn't have been possible at that scale and loss of life at any time prior. We invented atomic weapons and nearly wiped ourselves out. Western Civ gave birth to Facism, Nazism, and Communism and kept perpetuating slavery long past the point it made sense in an economic or technological setting. We've witnessed the American Indian and Jewish Holocausts, both directly attributed to Western Civ and seen the genocides in Yugoslavia, and Cambodia among others to which Western Civ at least enabled if not outright caused. We've damaged our environment and caused extinctions at a cataclysmic rate and helped spread the Spanish Influenza and other pandemics all over the world.

That said, even with all that the world has benefited overall from Western Civ and its rise as the dominate global culture. We've cured diseases, saved lives, advanced technology and people by and large are more free, healthy, and happy than they have been at any other point in history. We've walked on the moon and studied the very stars and atoms that build us all. When we decline, hopefully the next dominate culture to arise will be do at least as much good as we did.

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