Steve King: [White People] Have Contributed More to Civilization Than Other 'Sub-Groups'

maybe Moonglow , when a mostly a White USA military is being killed by a 'jap' military plus the attack on Pearl Harbor , well yeah , there was a dislike of 'japs' Moonglow .
yeah, I see, Hitler only killed non-whites, huh? The reason for a white military? Segregation or separate but equal philosophy..
------------------------------- no matter the reason , the USA military was mostly WHITE so the fact that a jap [sic] army was killing a mostly White military , plus the Pearl Harbor sneak attack was why japs [sic] were disliked in the USA Moonglow .

The reason was racist, un-American idiots like you.

Guess what's the most highly decorated unit in US military history, weakling?
The 442nd infantry, made up entirely of soldiers with Japanese ancestry...Seen the movie several times....
--------------------------------------------------- big deal , an aberration and probably an experiment but the 442 was put into service by WHITE hierarchy in USA government and USA military . Probably put into service as an example that all japs were not the enemy Moonglow . They should be applauded for their good work but like I say , they were few and far between . The 442 is applauded as they were awarded medals and their contributions were and are advertised and appreciated . And they were a small part of USA predominately WHITE military . AND , they were all fighting in Europe weren't they Moonglow ?? [honest question]
Was Albert Einstein white?
Take a look at his picture, blind man.


Now does that look like a white man to you?

--------------------------------------------------- big deal , an aberration and probably an experiment but the 442 was put into service by WHITE hierarchy in USA government and USA military . Probably put into service as an example that all japs were not the enemy Moonglow . They should be applauded for their good work but like I say , they were few and far between . The 442 is applauded as they were awarded medals and their contributions were and are advertised and appreciated . And they were a small part of USA predominately WHITE military . AND , they were all fighting in Europe weren't they Moonglow ?? [honest question]

Let me see if I got this straight.

The fact that a Japanese unit was given the most awards by a white military establishment is proof of white racism against Japanese people?

No shit?
Just day one of the Republican National Convention and the rancid, blatant racism in on display by yet another prominent Republican Party leader...

Some people never learn.


Well he stayed away from the word "white." pretty smart for a racist republican...sorry for the redundancy.
Why is someone saying "whites are awesome" bad, when every other group has people saying "X is awesome"?

Racial supremacy statements are discussing no matter who they come from.

It's one of those things people understand by now...except people who are conservative it seems.

What an inaccurate statement, so only black republicans are saying blacks are awesome? So only Hispanic republicans are saying Hispanics are awesome. You are clueless.

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Why is someone saying "whites are awesome" bad, when every other group has people saying "X is awesome"?

Racial supremacy statements are discussing no matter who they come from.

It's one of those things people understand by now...except people who are conservative it seems.

What an inaccurate statement, so only black republicans are saying blacks are awesome? So only Hispanic republicans are saying Hispanics are awesome. You are clueless.

???? You want to re-read what you are replying to and say something not moronic?
and as I said earlier in he thread , White people are the smallest group of people in a sea of all people of color in the world . We should appreciate and applaud , celebrate White people and their Western Society based contributions to the world MoonGlow
Why is someone saying "whites are awesome" bad, when every other group has people saying "X is awesome"?

Racial supremacy statements are discussing no matter who they come from.

It's one of those things people understand by now...except people who are conservative it seems.

What an inaccurate statement, so only black republicans are saying blacks are awesome? So only Hispanic republicans are saying Hispanics are awesome. You are clueless.

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Yes, both of them!
Why is someone saying "whites are awesome" bad, when every other group has people saying "X is awesome"?

Racial supremacy statements are discussing no matter who they come from.

It's one of those things people understand by now...except people who are conservative it seems.

What an inaccurate statement, so only black republicans are saying blacks are awesome? So only Hispanic republicans are saying Hispanics are awesome. You are clueless.

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Yes, both of them!

Now that's funny!

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Why is someone saying "whites are awesome" bad, when every other group has people saying "X is awesome"?

Racial supremacy statements are discussing no matter who they come from.

It's one of those things people understand by now...except people who are conservative it seems.

What an inaccurate statement, so only black republicans are saying blacks are awesome? So only Hispanic republicans are saying Hispanics are awesome. You are clueless.

???? You want to re-read what you are replying to and say something not moronic?

You want to try following a thought through...sorry I forgot I'm dealing with a moron.

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I really don't think so. and again, he was replying to the tired old "old white guy" trope the left LOVES to use, even if any other group were maligned like that they would throw a hissy fit.

Maligned how? What exactly is wrong with old white guys (other than the fact that Republicans have trouble getting votes from anyone else)?

If there's nothing wrong with them, then why do douche bags like you always say the term with a sneer?

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