Steve King: [White People] Have Contributed More to Civilization Than Other 'Sub-Groups'

and Western societies were predominatly built up by white people . See all Western Euro countries and the USA before mass travel , immigration and travel .
Was that before or after they started abducting Eastern Europeans as slaves?
-------------------------------------------- well various slaves may have provided labor but the thinking , building , designing of the foundations of the USA were all from the minds of the little ol' British Isles people tat came to the Colonies . Heck , the Chinese built some railroads at slave wages . Course the Chinese coulda stayed in China and starved or been slaves to their Chinese overlords Moonglow .
This country was built by many folks from around the can be proud that white Christians liked to kill injuns for their land...
Until quite recently they all came from Western Europe.
I bet you are proud of how they treated the Japanese while allowing the Germans freedom during WWII..
-------------------------------------- think it was a 'dem' that did that internment trick but even if a repub decisions were made for the perceived good of the country Moonglow .
Was that before or after they started abducting Eastern Europeans as slaves?
-------------------------------------------- well various slaves may have provided labor but the thinking , building , designing of the foundations of the USA were all from the minds of the little ol' British Isles people tat came to the Colonies . Heck , the Chinese built some railroads at slave wages . Course the Chinese coulda stayed in China and starved or been slaves to their Chinese overlords Moonglow .
This country was built by many folks from around the can be proud that white Christians liked to kill injuns for their land...
Until quite recently they all came from Western Europe.
I bet you are proud of how they treated the Japanese while allowing the Germans freedom during WWII..
-------------------------------------- thin it was a 'dem' that did tat trick but even if a repub decisions were made for the perceived good of the country Moonglow .
And general dislike of Asians....
maybe Moonglow , when a mostly a White USA military is being killed by a 'jap' military plus the attack on Pearl Harbor , well yeah , there was a dislike of 'japs' Moonglow .
USA was not any kind of PC back in ww2 as you probably know . Course none of this talk about racism or internment camps has anything at all to do with the good Senator Steve Kings talk about the contributions of Western Society to the well being of the ENTIRE human race Moonglow .
and Western societies were predominatly built up by white people . See all Western Euro countries and the USA before mass travel , immigration and travel .
Was that before or after they started abducting Eastern Europeans as slaves?
Western Europe wasn't even a fraction of the market for the Slav/slave trade.
That is because when the Pope told the followers that it was okay to treat heathens in a manner that was different than believers....It made them off limits..Which in the 15th century motivated super powers like Portugal and Spain to abduct and enslave Eastern Europeans because of the Turkish control of the area at the time.Then the Portuguese started to sail down the coast of Africa and you have people who's form of warfare included the selling of slaves that we conquered people(Western European nations and empires used to do the same till the Pope said they were off limits....You also saw how they treated natives in the New World...
maybe Moonglow , when a mostly a White USA military is being killed by a 'jap' military plus the attack on Pearl Harbor , well yeah , there was a dislike of 'japs' Moonglow .
yeah, I see, Hitler only killed non-whites, huh? The reason for a white military? Segregation or separate but equal philosophy..
and Western societies were predominatly built up by white people . See all Western Euro countries and the USA before mass travel , immigration and travel .
Was that before or after they started abducting Eastern Europeans as slaves?
Western Europe wasn't even a fraction of the market for the Slav/slave trade.
That is because when the Pope told the followers that it was okay to treat heathens in a manner that was different than believers....It made them off limits..Which in the 15th century motivated super powers like Portugal and Spain to abduct and enslave Eastern Europeans because of the Turkish control of the area at the time.Then the Portuguese started to sail down the coast of Africa and you have people who's form of warfare included the selling of slaves that we conquered people(Western European nations and empires used to do the same till the Pope said they were off limits....You also saw how they treated natives in the New World...
--------------------------------------------------------------so YOU say ehh Moonglow . Hey , things happen , such is ancient history and it doesn't happen at the hands of Western society anymore Moonglow . In fact nowadays its happening in a reverse way . See parts of Europe at the hands of muslims refugee invaders today Moonglow .
maybe Moonglow , when a mostly a White USA military is being killed by a 'jap' military plus the attack on Pearl Harbor , well yeah , there was a dislike of 'japs' Moonglow .
yeah, I see, Hitler only killed non-whites, huh? The reason for a white military? Segregation or separate but equal philosophy..
---------------------------------------- you keep going OFF TOPIC on the subject of the things that Western Society has given to the world Moonglow .
maybe Moonglow , when a mostly a White USA military is being killed by a 'jap' military plus the attack on Pearl Harbor , well yeah , there was a dislike of 'japs' Moonglow .
yeah, I see, Hitler only killed non-whites, huh? The reason for a white military? Segregation or separate but equal philosophy..
------------------------------- no matter the reason , the USA military was mostly WHITE so the fact that a jap army was killing a mostly White military , plus the Pearl Harbor sneak attack was why japs were disliked in the USA Moonglow .
and things have changed , mostly for the good over time . And it was a mostly White government or White military that changed things . See the 'war of northern agression' or the 'civil war ' to see Whites fighting Whites to change things in the USA Moonglow .
maybe Moonglow , when a mostly a White USA military is being killed by a 'jap' military plus the attack on Pearl Harbor , well yeah , there was a dislike of 'japs' Moonglow .
yeah, I see, Hitler only killed non-whites, huh? The reason for a white military? Segregation or separate but equal philosophy..
------------------------------- no matter the reason , the USA military was mostly WHITE so the fact that a jap [sic] army was killing a mostly White military , plus the Pearl Harbor sneak attack was why japs [sic] were disliked in the USA Moonglow .

The reason was racist, un-American idiots like you.

Guess what's the most highly decorated unit in US military history, weakling?
maybe Moonglow , when a mostly a White USA military is being killed by a 'jap' military plus the attack on Pearl Harbor , well yeah , there was a dislike of 'japs' Moonglow .
yeah, I see, Hitler only killed non-whites, huh? The reason for a white military? Segregation or separate but equal philosophy..
------------------------------- no matter the reason , the USA military was mostly WHITE so the fact that a jap [sic] army was killing a mostly White military , plus the Pearl Harbor sneak attack was why japs [sic] were disliked in the USA Moonglow .

The reason was racist, un-American idiots like you.

Guess what's the most highly decorated unit in US military history, weakling?
The 442nd infantry, made up entirely of soldiers with Japanese ancestry...Seen the movie several times....
Just day one of the Republican National Convention and the rancid, blatant racism in on display by yet another prominent Republican Party leader...

Some people never learn.


This threads title is a lie. King was talking about the contributions of Western Civilization, and the other commentators interjected he was referring to whites, and he went back to speaking specifically of Western Civilization and refused to take the bait.

Lol, no matter what people do to try and be fair and nonracial, the race baiting minority jack asses will ALWAYS find something to whine about becuase that is how they shake down society.

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