Steve King: [White People] Have Contributed More to Civilization Than Other 'Sub-Groups'

Why is someone saying "whites are awesome" bad, when every other group has people saying "X is awesome"?

For some, its not about equality, its about revenge, and since the people who actually created the wrongs are dead and buried, then the rest of us will have to do.

BS this cartoon is a caricature (pardon the pun) of what was actually said by King. It if wasn't, white kid would be saying "I like being white because whites are better than your subset race"

You keep expanding on what he said to "explain" what he said. usually when people expand on things, their own views creep into it, or more exactly, their views on what they THINK the person actually said.

When you add complication to something, your own biases (especially about biases by others) cannot help but be added to the mix.
The whole dem talking point offensive has been labeling the Republicans as the party of "old whit guys". Dems are gleeful about how they are dying off, and assuming a great demo-graphical surge that will give them permanent power.

There assumption however rests on identity continuing to trump ideas.

I don't see how that is disparaging to old white guys. It is disparaging to the REPUBLICAN PARTY and King's response exemplifies exactly WHY that is the case.

So you use the very mental gymnastics you guys say the other side is not allowed to, upon pain of being called racist....

What a freaking hack you are.

Western Civilization has had more of an impact on the current world than any other these past 2 centuries, that cannot be disputed. Why is a little chest thumping about it "racist"?

I don't even know why I reply to this idiocy.

You and Republicans want to walk around talking about about white race's superiority? Go right ahead, just don't be surprised when you get called racist assholes and can't win elections.

Why do you keep putting words in other people's mouths? Why is your insecurity complex somehow my issue now? The thing about civilizations and societies like the current US/Western Civ situation, is that race at this point has nothing to do with a person's participation in it, and benefits from it. Why would a racist want everyone to benefit from the fruits of centuries of Western Civilization's improvement? Why does one have to be a racist to state the benefits given to us by Western Civ?

Yes,Europe is full of white people, and was even more white when most of these concepts were born. Why is saying that racist?
------------------------------------ actually I think that it is Antontoo that is the racist and revisionist of reality . Also he is a 'euro' of some sort as I look at his tennis avatar .:afro:
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You keep expanding on what he said to "explain" what he said. usually when people expand on things, their own views creep into it, or more exactly, their views on what they THINK the person actually said.

When you add complication to something, your own biases (especially about biases by others) cannot help but be added to the mix.

You are right, maybe what he said didn't reflect his racism, but rather his stupidity. :lol:
You keep expanding on what he said to "explain" what he said. usually when people expand on things, their own views creep into it, or more exactly, their views on what they THINK the person actually said.

When you add complication to something, your own biases (especially about biases by others) cannot help but be added to the mix.

You are right, maybe what he said didn't reflect his racism, but rather his stupidity. :lol:

More assumptions on your part, without any backup or merit.
The title of the video is "Rep. Steve King says white people have contributed more to civilization than other 'sub-groups'," douche bag. I used the term that the creator of the video used, and that you obviously supported.

So your reasoning is that you just used the same term the OP used, even though you wrote that is "true nevertheless" that most the people on this planet would be dead" if it weren't for "white people"?

Yeah, whatever. You got caught being racist. Be a man and own up.

I don't know what you think I support; all I did was reply to your racist and ignorant assertion that white people are somehow superior to other people.

You are obviously one of those snowflakes who believes all the usual "diversity" crap pumped out by pinko professors in our public universities. You can't win an argument by discussing the actual facts, so your knee-jerk response to any criticism is to call your critic a racist sexist homophobic bigot.


All I did was call you out on your racism. Don't get mad, just be a man and admit it to yourself.

I know you hate those who went to college and value education, who have faith that anyone, regardless of race, gender, religion, creed, sexual orientation can be a productive member of society and live what is to them a fulfilling life, who are different from your white-washed fantasy vision of Murica; however, soon you and those like you will go the way of the southern slave owners, anti-integrationists, and those who supported apartheid.

You aren't fooling anyone.


Lots of assumptions there, and little actual content to back any of it up.

But hey, yelling RACIST and not backing it up is working well for you idiots, so keep running with it.

Sooner or later, the boy who cried wolf too many times got eaten.

Read the entire exchange, Marty, before assuming that I'm just "yelling" racist because I don't have something to support some point I'm trying to make. My point was that he wrote something racist, I quoted his racist remark several times.

When someone says something racist, pointing out their racism is the appropriate response.
------------------------------------- aww racist , everyone gets to decide what racist is and they also get to decide what is not racist . Its good that no matter what is racist or not racist that racist speech is not illegal in the USA ColoMM. .
Unfortunately it isn't racist. It's the truth...

No, its racist, because you assume blacks wouldn't be able to figure things out if "all white people disappeared" soley because they are black.

and speculation usually cannot be considered truth, because there is no way to prove it.
It really has nothing to do with skin color... That isn't why they are perpetual failures. Their problems are much deeper than skin deep. Color has next to nothing to do with it.

Still doesn't change the fact that your view is actually racist, not "racist" as is currently bandied about.

Hey, why not just admit it?
I'm a realist. Not an idealist. Anything contrary to your view; you would label racist. It's like " ******", for the white guy... Just more pointless name calling.

Well when one sees actual racism, like you are espousing, one calls it out.
Not calls it out... Calls names. "It" in this case happens to be the truth. So now truth itself is racist? Gimme a f'ing break...
You keep expanding on what he said to "explain" what he said. usually when people expand on things, their own views creep into it, or more exactly, their views on what they THINK the person actually said.

When you add complication to something, your own biases (especially about biases by others) cannot help but be added to the mix.

You are right, maybe what he said didn't reflect his racism, but rather his stupidity. :lol:

More assumptions on your part, without any backup or merit.

Marty seriously, time to give it up

"White people have contributed more to civilization than other sub groups" is a clearly racist statement that places whites above others.

If you think you look better defending this turd than that guy you called racist you need to think again...and then move on.
No, its racist, because you assume blacks wouldn't be able to figure things out if "all white people disappeared" soley because they are black.

and speculation usually cannot be considered truth, because there is no way to prove it.
It really has nothing to do with skin color... That isn't why they are perpetual failures. Their problems are much deeper than skin deep. Color has next to nothing to do with it.

Still doesn't change the fact that your view is actually racist, not "racist" as is currently bandied about.

Hey, why not just admit it?
I'm a realist. Not an idealist. Anything contrary to your view; you would label racist. It's like " ******", for the white guy... Just more pointless name calling.

Well when one sees actual racism, like you are espousing, one calls it out.
Not calls it out... Calls names. "It" in this case happens to be the truth. So now truth itself is racist? Gimme a f'ing break...

Where is the truth in your original statement? It is a supposition, and an outlandish one at that.
Why is someone saying "whites are awesome" bad, when every other group has people saying "X is awesome"?

For some, its not about equality, its about revenge, and since the people who actually created the wrongs are dead and buried, then the rest of us will have to do.

BS this cartoon is a caricature (pardon the pun) of what was actually said by King. It if wasn't, white kid would be saying "I like being white because whites are better than your subset race"

You keep expanding on what he said to "explain" what he said. usually when people expand on things, their own views creep into it, or more exactly, their views on what they THINK the person actually said.

When you add complication to something, your own biases (especially about biases by others) cannot help but be added to the mix.
Remember, the PC zealots will try to turn absolutely anything they can to scream RACIST!

One of their most effective tactics is to purposely conflate a RACIAL comment with a RACIST comment.
You keep expanding on what he said to "explain" what he said. usually when people expand on things, their own views creep into it, or more exactly, their views on what they THINK the person actually said.

When you add complication to something, your own biases (especially about biases by others) cannot help but be added to the mix.

You are right, maybe what he said didn't reflect his racism, but rather his stupidity. :lol:

More assumptions on your part, without any backup or merit.

Marty seriously, time to give it up

"White people have contributed more to civilization than other sub groups" is a clearly racist statement that places whites above others.

If you think you look better defending this turd than that guy you called racist you need to think again...and then move on.

No, that is not a racist statement. It doesn't denigrate other groups solely based on the race of the other groups. THAT is racism.

Note I am not defending the actual racist in this thread, so think about that for a second.
Why is someone saying "whites are awesome" bad, when every other group has people saying "X is awesome"?

For some, its not about equality, its about revenge, and since the people who actually created the wrongs are dead and buried, then the rest of us will have to do.

BS this cartoon is a caricature (pardon the pun) of what was actually said by King. It if wasn't, white kid would be saying "I like being white because whites are better than your subset race"

You keep expanding on what he said to "explain" what he said. usually when people expand on things, their own views creep into it, or more exactly, their views on what they THINK the person actually said.

When you add complication to something, your own biases (especially about biases by others) cannot help but be added to the mix.
Remember, the PC zealots will try to turn absolutely anything they can to scream RACIST!

One of their most effective tactics is to purposely conflate a RACIAL comment with a RACIST comment.

Sooner or later it will lose the rest of its sting, and that is a terrible thing, because there are actual, true racists out there, and they are getting cover from the lessening of the definition of the term.
No, that is not a racist statement. It doesn't denigrate other groups solely based on the race of the other groups. THAT is racism.

Note I am not defending the actual racist in this thread, so think about that for a second.

Can you explain what is meant by "sub groups"? Sub...what?
Sooner or later it will lose the rest of its sting, and that is a terrible thing, because there are actual, true racists out there, and they are getting cover from the lessening of the definition of the term.
Precisely, that has been my argument all along.

The REAL mouth-breathing, butt-scratching racists are getting cover from the fact that the PC zealots have turned the term "racism" into a fucking punch line.

Which makes me wonder what the real goal here is. It's not healing racial divisions, that's for damn sure.
Sooner or later it will lose the rest of its sting, and that is a terrible thing, because there are actual, true racists out there, and they are getting cover from the lessening of the definition of the term.
Precisely, that has been my argument all along.

The REAL mouth-breathing, butt-scratching racists are getting cover from the fact that the PC zealots have turned the term "racism" into a fucking punch line.

Which makes me wonder what the real goal here is. It's not healing racial divisions, that's for damn sure.

The argument is wrong - you walk around chest beating about your race and how you are just stating facts, but are calling someone a racist just because they may disagree with you on facts.

The bigger point is that there is absolutely no good reason to beat your chest about race, be it fact or false. You look like an asshole either way.
Sooner or later it will lose the rest of its sting, and that is a terrible thing, because there are actual, true racists out there, and they are getting cover from the lessening of the definition of the term.
Precisely, that has been my argument all along.

The REAL mouth-breathing, butt-scratching racists are getting cover from the fact that the PC zealots have turned the term "racism" into a fucking punch line.

Which makes me wonder what the real goal here is. It's not healing racial divisions, that's for damn sure.

The argument is wrong - you walk around chest beating about your race and how you are just stating facts, but are calling someone a racist just because they may disagree with you on facts.

Reality is that there is absolutely no reason to beat your chest about race, fact or false.
Then please explain groups like BLM, the Congressional Black Caucus, the NAACP, on and on: Top 21 African American Professional Associations |

You're against their existence, right?
Then please explain groups like BLM, the Congressional Black Caucus, the NAACP, on and on.

You're against their existence, right?

I don't recall BLM, the Congressional Black Caucus, the NAACP espousing black supremacy.

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