Steve King: [White People] Have Contributed More to Civilization Than Other 'Sub-Groups'

Just day one of the Republican National Convention and the rancid, blatant racism in on display by yet another prominent Republican Party leader...

Some people never learn.


Initially you wrote "technical and scientific advances made by white people" not Western Civilization. Don't move the goal posts, pretend you're innocent and then act offended that you were called out on your racism.

I'm not the one who used the term "white people," douche bag. You did, and you did it dishonestly when you attributed it to a Republican. As always, you're nothing by a lying douche bag.


Here's your actual post:

Not politically smart in this PC culture, but true nevertheless. Most of the people on this planet would be dead if it wasn't for the technical and scientific advances made by white people.

The title of the video is "Rep. Steve King says white people have contributed more to civilization than other 'sub-groups'," douche bag. I used the term that the creator of the video used, and that you obviously supported.

So your reasoning is that you just used the same term the OP used, even though you wrote that is "true nevertheless" that most the people on this planet would be dead" if it weren't for "white people"?

Yeah, whatever. You got caught being racist. Be a man and own up.

I don't know what you think I support; all I did was reply to your racist and ignorant assertion that white people are somehow superior to other people.

You are obviously one of those snowflakes who believes all the usual "diversity" crap pumped out by pinko professors in our public universities. You can't win an argument by discussing the actual facts, so your knee-jerk response to any criticism is to call your critic a racist sexist homophobic bigot.


All I did was call you out on your racism. Don't get mad, just be a man and admit it to yourself.

I know you hate those who went to college and value education, who have faith that anyone, regardless of race, gender, religion, creed, sexual orientation can be a productive member of society and live what is to them a fulfilling life, who are different from your white-washed fantasy vision of Murica; however, soon you and those like you will go the way of the southern slave owners, anti-integrationists, and those who supported apartheid.

You aren't fooling anyone.

It's okay. Minorities already know how much the GOP hates them. Don't worry. This is not news to them.

When you lose 97 percent of the black vote, don't lie to yourselves and say it was "because gifts".

Same tired tribal politics. And if the GOP "hates" black people, why is their primary complaint that Democratic/progressive policies are ruining black culture? Wouldn't people who "hate" blacks want to see them continue to be fucked over by the very policies that claim to help them?
Ruining black culture? BWA-HA-HA-HA! The Right has been forever whining that blacks won't assimilate!

As for claiming Democrats are hurting blacks, you still can't see how stupid you sound. The far better argument is to say Democrats hurt EVERYONE, Democrats create an over-dependence on government in EVERYONE.

By singling out blacks, you make them sound dumber than everyone else.

Blacks actually have far less of an assimilation issue that other groups, as there is a baseline black american culture that is even more american than some of the others (Irish-american, Italian-american, etc) because it has been around far longer. Its actually two cultures, black culture in the South, which has its roots in slavery, and the middle class black culture that has its roots in the freed northern blacks from that time period.

Most assimilation issues are with some Hispanics, and with some Muslims, the former due to lack of language assimilation, and the latter due to not wanting to accept the basic principles of american society.

And Asians and Southeast Asians assimilate wonderfully into our culture, while adding parts of their own.
------------------------------- agree for the most part , south of the border , many don't fit in because they are purposely doing Reconquista . 'muslims . some of the problems with them is their religious political goals . Plus any observant muslim that puts the USA Constitution over mohamads words is by definition an apostate .

Note also I said "some", not "all" of those two groups have an issue.

To me some of the language issue with Hispanics is brought on by progressive coddling, not seen when immigrants were coming over in the early part of the century. Then parents made sure their kids learned English ASAP. We all knew kids with a grandparent or two who only spoke the language of the old country, but those were few and far between, and the kids and grand-kids were primarily English speakers, even if they spoke Italian/polish/Russian at home.

My wife's mother is fluent in English, but more comfortable in Bengali, because she was born speaking Bengali. My wife is comfortable in both because she learned both even if she was born here. Our future kids will learn both as well, (which means I better get cracking at learning it.)
It is true that white people have given the world much more than any other group.
We given the world all of the worlds modern technology.
------------------------- except for the fire mans safety helmet and the automatic stoplight that's used to control vehicular traffic . And then the old fashioned muscle powered weed whip that was invented by some guy out of China . And the French Tickler which was not really invented by a Frenchie DDrifter . :afro:. [wink wink] / lets give credit where credit is due .

Western Civilization has had more of an impact on the current world than any other these past 2 centuries, that cannot be disputed. Why is a little chest thumping about it "racist"?

I don't even know why I reply to this idiocy.

You and Republicans want to walk around talking about about white race's superiority? Go right ahead, just don't be surprised when you get called racist assholes and can't win elections.

Why do you keep putting words in other people's mouths? Why is your insecurity complex somehow my issue now? The thing about civilizations and societies like the current US/Western Civ situation, is that race at this point has nothing to do with a person's participation in it, and benefits from it. Why would a racist want everyone to benefit from the fruits of centuries of Western Civilization's improvement? Why does one have to be a racist to state the benefits given to us by Western Civ?

Yes,Europe is full of white people, and was even more white when most of these concepts were born. Why is saying that racist?
So where is your leader on muslim supremacists? Or black supremacists liken the black panthers....oh ignoring or helping the get off

I would think "my leader" whoever that is, like myself, would reject any racial supremacy statements and please going forward don't ask where people get the strange idea that Republicans is a party of bigots and racists.
Just day one of the Republican National Convention and the rancid, blatant racism in on display by yet another prominent Republican Party leader...

Some people never learn.


I'm not the one who used the term "white people," douche bag. You did, and you did it dishonestly when you attributed it to a Republican. As always, you're nothing by a lying douche bag.


Here's your actual post:

Not politically smart in this PC culture, but true nevertheless. Most of the people on this planet would be dead if it wasn't for the technical and scientific advances made by white people.

The title of the video is "Rep. Steve King says white people have contributed more to civilization than other 'sub-groups'," douche bag. I used the term that the creator of the video used, and that you obviously supported.

So your reasoning is that you just used the same term the OP used, even though you wrote that is "true nevertheless" that most the people on this planet would be dead" if it weren't for "white people"?

Yeah, whatever. You got caught being racist. Be a man and own up.

I don't know what you think I support; all I did was reply to your racist and ignorant assertion that white people are somehow superior to other people.

You are obviously one of those snowflakes who believes all the usual "diversity" crap pumped out by pinko professors in our public universities. You can't win an argument by discussing the actual facts, so your knee-jerk response to any criticism is to call your critic a racist sexist homophobic bigot.


All I did was call you out on your racism. Don't get mad, just be a man and admit it to yourself.

I know you hate those who went to college and value education, who have faith that anyone, regardless of race, gender, religion, creed, sexual orientation can be a productive member of society and live what is to them a fulfilling life, who are different from your white-washed fantasy vision of Murica; however, soon you and those like you will go the way of the southern slave owners, anti-integrationists, and those who supported apartheid.

You aren't fooling anyone.


Lots of assumptions there, and little actual content to back any of it up.

But hey, yelling RACIST and not backing it up is working well for you idiots, so keep running with it.

Sooner or later, the boy who cried wolf too many times got eaten.
Why do you keep putting words in other people's mouths? Why is your insecurity complex somehow my issue now? The thing about civilizations and societies like the current US/Western Civ situation, is that race at this point has nothing to do with a person's participation in it, and benefits from it. Why would a racist want everyone to benefit from the fruits of centuries of Western Civilization's improvement? Why does one have to be a racist to state the benefits given to us by Western Civ?

Yes,Europe is full of white people, and was even more white when most of these concepts were born. Why is saying that racist?

WHY say it? What the fuck are you after here? Why walk around beating your chest about skin color? Racist assholism is all I can think of.
It's okay. Minorities already know how much the GOP hates them. Don't worry. This is not news to them.

When you lose 97 percent of the black vote, don't lie to yourselves and say it was "because gifts".

Same tired tribal politics. And if the GOP "hates" black people, why is their primary complaint that Democratic/progressive policies are ruining black culture? Wouldn't people who "hate" blacks want to see them continue to be fucked over by the very policies that claim to help them?
Ruining black culture? BWA-HA-HA-HA! The Right has been forever whining that blacks won't assimilate!

As for claiming Democrats are hurting blacks, you still can't see how stupid you sound. The far better argument is to say Democrats hurt EVERYONE, Democrats create an over-dependence on government in EVERYONE.

By singling out blacks, you make them sound dumber than everyone else.

Blacks actually have far less of an assimilation issue that other groups, as there is a baseline black american culture that is even more american than some of the others (Irish-american, Italian-american, etc) because it has been around far longer. Its actually two cultures, black culture in the South, which has its roots in slavery, and the middle class black culture that has its roots in the freed northern blacks from that time period.

Most assimilation issues are with some Hispanics, and with some Muslims, the former due to lack of language assimilation, and the latter due to not wanting to accept the basic principles of american society.

And Asians and Southeast Asians assimilate wonderfully into our culture, while adding parts of their own.
------------------------------- agree for the most part , south of the border , many don't fit in because they are purposely doing Reconquista . 'muslims . some of the problems with them is their religious political goals . Plus any observant muslim that puts the USA Constitution over mohamads words is by definition an apostate .

Note also I said "some", not "all" of those two groups have an issue.

To me some of the language issue with Hispanics is brought on by progressive coddling, not seen when immigrants were coming over in the early part of the century. Then parents made sure their kids learned English ASAP. We all knew kids with a grandparent or two who only spoke the language of the old country, but those were few and far between, and the kids and grand-kids were primarily English speakers, even if they spoke Italian/polish/Russian at home.

My wife's mother is fluent in English, but more comfortable in Bengali, because she was born speaking Bengali. My wife is comfortable in both because she learned both even if she was born here. Our future kids will learn both as well, (which means I better get cracking at learning it.)
-------------------------------- once again , I agree for the MOST part while acknowledging the political and religious reasons for some not assimilating . ------ by the way , for the sake of disclosure , I am 100 percent anti immigration of any sort . That thinking is based mostly on the numbers of people already in the USA and the numbers of them that are foreign in their thinking process because they will always be foreigners .
The short, and sweet version...
If all blacks disappeaered tomorrow; white cultures wealth and progress would skyrocket exponentially.
If all whites disappeared tomorrow; blacks would die horrible deaths by the millions, and those left to remain would dwell in filth, poverty, and suffering...
It's just that simple.
Just day one of the Republican National Convention and the rancid, blatant racism in on display by yet another prominent Republican Party leader...

Some people never learn.



Here's your actual post:

The title of the video is "Rep. Steve King says white people have contributed more to civilization than other 'sub-groups'," douche bag. I used the term that the creator of the video used, and that you obviously supported.

So your reasoning is that you just used the same term the OP used, even though you wrote that is "true nevertheless" that most the people on this planet would be dead" if it weren't for "white people"?

Yeah, whatever. You got caught being racist. Be a man and own up.

I don't know what you think I support; all I did was reply to your racist and ignorant assertion that white people are somehow superior to other people.

You are obviously one of those snowflakes who believes all the usual "diversity" crap pumped out by pinko professors in our public universities. You can't win an argument by discussing the actual facts, so your knee-jerk response to any criticism is to call your critic a racist sexist homophobic bigot.


All I did was call you out on your racism. Don't get mad, just be a man and admit it to yourself.

I know you hate those who went to college and value education, who have faith that anyone, regardless of race, gender, religion, creed, sexual orientation can be a productive member of society and live what is to them a fulfilling life, who are different from your white-washed fantasy vision of Murica; however, soon you and those like you will go the way of the southern slave owners, anti-integrationists, and those who supported apartheid.

You aren't fooling anyone.


Lots of assumptions there, and little actual content to back any of it up.

But hey, yelling RACIST and not backing it up is working well for you idiots, so keep running with it.

Sooner or later, the boy who cried wolf too many times got eaten.

Read the entire exchange, Marty, before assuming that I'm just "yelling" racist because I don't have something to support some point I'm trying to make. My point was that he wrote something racist, I quoted his racist remark several times.

When someone says something racist, pointing out their racism is the appropriate response.
Why do you keep putting words in other people's mouths? Why is your insecurity complex somehow my issue now? The thing about civilizations and societies like the current US/Western Civ situation, is that race at this point has nothing to do with a person's participation in it, and benefits from it. Why would a racist want everyone to benefit from the fruits of centuries of Western Civilization's improvement? Why does one have to be a racist to state the benefits given to us by Western Civ?

Yes,Europe is full of white people, and was even more white when most of these concepts were born. Why is saying that racist?

WHY say it? What the fuck are you after here? Why walk around beating your chest about skin color? Racist assholism is all I can think of.

So any accomplishment by Europeans must be denigrated, or if it is lauded, that adulation is now racist?
The title of the video is "Rep. Steve King says white people have contributed more to civilization than other 'sub-groups'," douche bag. I used the term that the creator of the video used, and that you obviously supported.

So your reasoning is that you just used the same term the OP used, even though you wrote that is "true nevertheless" that most the people on this planet would be dead" if it weren't for "white people"?

Yeah, whatever. You got caught being racist. Be a man and own up.

I don't know what you think I support; all I did was reply to your racist and ignorant assertion that white people are somehow superior to other people.

You are obviously one of those snowflakes who believes all the usual "diversity" crap pumped out by pinko professors in our public universities. You can't win an argument by discussing the actual facts, so your knee-jerk response to any criticism is to call your critic a racist sexist homophobic bigot.


All I did was call you out on your racism. Don't get mad, just be a man and admit it to yourself.

I know you hate those who went to college and value education, who have faith that anyone, regardless of race, gender, religion, creed, sexual orientation can be a productive member of society and live what is to them a fulfilling life, who are different from your white-washed fantasy vision of Murica; however, soon you and those like you will go the way of the southern slave owners, anti-integrationists, and those who supported apartheid.

You aren't fooling anyone.


Lots of assumptions there, and little actual content to back any of it up.

But hey, yelling RACIST and not backing it up is working well for you idiots, so keep running with it.

Sooner or later, the boy who cried wolf too many times got eaten.

Read the entire exchange, Marty, before assuming that I'm just "yelling" racist because I don't have something to support some point I'm trying to make. My point was that he wrote something racist, I quoted his racist remark several times.

When someone says something racist, pointing out their racism is the appropriate response.

Which posts in this thread do you consider racist?
The short, and sweet version...
If all blacks disappeaered tomorrow; white cultures wealth and progress would skyrocket exponentially.
If all whites disappeared tomorrow; blacks would die horrible deaths by the millions, and those left to remain would dwell in filth, poverty, and suffering...
It's just that simple.

See, THIS is racist.
The short, and sweet version...
If all blacks disappeaered tomorrow; white cultures wealth and progress would skyrocket exponentially.
If all whites disappeared tomorrow; blacks would die horrible deaths by the millions, and those left to remain would dwell in filth, poverty, and suffering...
It's just that simple.
You must be one of those LBJ KKK Democrats we have heard so much about.
Same tired tribal politics. And if the GOP "hates" black people, why is their primary complaint that Democratic/progressive policies are ruining black culture? Wouldn't people who "hate" blacks want to see them continue to be fucked over by the very policies that claim to help them?
Ruining black culture? BWA-HA-HA-HA! The Right has been forever whining that blacks won't assimilate!

As for claiming Democrats are hurting blacks, you still can't see how stupid you sound. The far better argument is to say Democrats hurt EVERYONE, Democrats create an over-dependence on government in EVERYONE.

By singling out blacks, you make them sound dumber than everyone else.

Blacks actually have far less of an assimilation issue that other groups, as there is a baseline black american culture that is even more american than some of the others (Irish-american, Italian-american, etc) because it has been around far longer. Its actually two cultures, black culture in the South, which has its roots in slavery, and the middle class black culture that has its roots in the freed northern blacks from that time period.

Most assimilation issues are with some Hispanics, and with some Muslims, the former due to lack of language assimilation, and the latter due to not wanting to accept the basic principles of american society.

And Asians and Southeast Asians assimilate wonderfully into our culture, while adding parts of their own.
------------------------------- agree for the most part , south of the border , many don't fit in because they are purposely doing Reconquista . 'muslims . some of the problems with them is their religious political goals . Plus any observant muslim that puts the USA Constitution over mohamads words is by definition an apostate .

Note also I said "some", not "all" of those two groups have an issue.

To me some of the language issue with Hispanics is brought on by progressive coddling, not seen when immigrants were coming over in the early part of the century. Then parents made sure their kids learned English ASAP. We all knew kids with a grandparent or two who only spoke the language of the old country, but those were few and far between, and the kids and grand-kids were primarily English speakers, even if they spoke Italian/polish/Russian at home.

My wife's mother is fluent in English, but more comfortable in Bengali, because she was born speaking Bengali. My wife is comfortable in both because she learned both even if she was born here. Our future kids will learn both as well, (which means I better get cracking at learning it.)
-------------------------------- once again , I agree for the MOST part while acknowledging the political and religious reasons for some not assimilating . ------ by the way , for the sake of disclosure , I am 100 percent anti immigration of any sort . That thinking is based mostly on the numbers of people already in the USA and the numbers of them that are foreign in their thinking process because they will always be foreigners .

Immigration built this country, and shaped a large part of it. The large majority of the people who come here legally buy into the American Concept, and sure as hell raise their children to assimilate while maintaining part of their cultural identity. My Mother in law is a Hindu and attends all sorts of Hindu celebrations, but she also celebrates the 4th of July (she loves fireworks) and the whole family celebrates Christmas, not in the religious sense, but in the sense of the american secular portion of the holiday (tree, lights, presents)
The short, and sweet version...
If all blacks disappeaered tomorrow; white cultures wealth and progress would skyrocket exponentially.
If all whites disappeared tomorrow; blacks would die horrible deaths by the millions, and those left to remain would dwell in filth, poverty, and suffering...
It's just that simple.

See, THIS is racist.
Unfortunately it isn't racist. It's the truth...
The short, and sweet version...
If all blacks disappeaered tomorrow; white cultures wealth and progress would skyrocket exponentially.
If all whites disappeared tomorrow; blacks would die horrible deaths by the millions, and those left to remain would dwell in filth, poverty, and suffering...
It's just that simple.
You must be one of those LBJ KKK Democrats we have heard so much about.
The short, and sweet version...
If all blacks disappeaered tomorrow; white cultures wealth and progress would skyrocket exponentially.
If all whites disappeared tomorrow; blacks would die horrible deaths by the millions, and those left to remain would dwell in filth, poverty, and suffering...
It's just that simple.

See, THIS is racist.
Unfortunately it isn't racist. It's the truth...

No, its racist, because you assume blacks wouldn't be able to figure things out if "all white people disappeared" soley because they are black.

and speculation usually cannot be considered truth, because there is no way to prove it.
The short, and sweet version...
If all blacks disappeaered tomorrow; white cultures wealth and progress would skyrocket exponentially.
If all whites disappeared tomorrow; blacks would die horrible deaths by the millions, and those left to remain would dwell in filth, poverty, and suffering...
It's just that simple.

See, THIS is racist.
Unfortunately it isn't racist. It's the truth...

Hmm, where have we heard that before...
The short, and sweet version...
If all blacks disappeaered tomorrow; white cultures wealth and progress would skyrocket exponentially.
If all whites disappeared tomorrow; blacks would die horrible deaths by the millions, and those left to remain would dwell in filth, poverty, and suffering...
It's just that simple.

See, THIS is racist.
Unfortunately it isn't racist. It's the truth...

Sieg Heil!

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