Steve King: [White People] Have Contributed More to Civilization Than Other 'Sub-Groups'

"If you're really optimistic, you can say that this is the last time that old white people will command the Republican Party's attention, its platform, its public face," Pierce (Esquire) said. "That hall is wired by loud, unhappy, dissatisfied white people."

"This 'old white people' business does get a little tired, Charlie," King said. "I'd ask you to go back through history and figure out, where are these contributions that have been made by these other categories of people that you're talking about, where did any other subgroup of people contribute more to civilization?"

Hayes asked: "Than white people?"

"Than, than Western civilization itself," King said. "It's rooted in Western Europe, Eastern Europe and the United States of America and every place where the footprint of Christianity settled the world. That's all of Western civilization."

Context. King was correct

It's a fucking stupid answer.

he basically said - "Whites are awesome so I don't see whats so bad about Republicans being the party of whites"

Why is someone saying "whites are awesome" bad, when every other group has people saying "X is awesome"?
Why is someone saying "whites are awesome" bad, when every other group has people saying "X is awesome"?

Racial supremacy statements are discussing no matter who they come from.

It's one of those things people understand by now...except people who are conservative it seems.
Yeah cause all of those countries in Africa have sure made wonderful societies.

Just day one of the Republican National Convention and the rancid, blatant racism in on display by yet another prominent Republican Party leader...

Some people never learn.


It has nothing to do with the color of their skin, douche bag. That's purely coincidental. It's a result of Western culture, which is superior to every other culture on the planet. The advances you're talking about are ancient history, and they took thousands of years, but about 200 years ago in the context of Western culture the industrial revolution began. That produced an eruption of scientific and technical advances that increased exponentially. Virtually 99% of everything we know about the universe was learned in the West in the last 200 years, and 99% of all inventions occurred in the West during the last 200 years. By comparison the achievements of every other culture on the planet look pathetic.

You can deny it all you want, you can whine that all cultures are equal, but you can't deny the indisputable fact that Western culture has achieved more than any other culture by 1000 fold.

Initially you wrote "technical and scientific advances made by white people" not Western Civilization. Don't move the goal posts, pretend you're innocent and then act offended that you were called out on your racism.

I'm not the one who used the term "white people," douche bag. You did, and you did it dishonestly when you attributed it to a Republican. As always, you're nothing by a lying douche bag.


Here's your actual post:

Not politically smart in this PC culture, but true nevertheless. Most of the people on this planet would be dead if it wasn't for the technical and scientific advances made by white people.

The title of the video is "Rep. Steve King says white people have contributed more to civilization than other 'sub-groups'," douche bag. I used the term that the creator of the video used, and that you obviously supported.

So your reasoning is that you just used the same term the OP used, even though you wrote that is "true nevertheless" that most the people on this planet would be dead" if it weren't for "white people"?

Yeah, whatever. You got caught being racist. Be a man and own up.

I don't know what you think I support; all I did was reply to your racist and ignorant assertion that white people are somehow superior to other people.

You are obviously one of those snowflakes who believes all the usual "diversity" crap pumped out by pinko professors in our public universities. You can't win an argument by discussing the actual facts, so your knee-jerk response to any criticism is to call your critic a racist sexist homophobic bigot.
"If you're really optimistic, you can say that this is the last time that old white people will command the Republican Party's attention, its platform, its public face," Pierce (Esquire) said. "That hall is wired by loud, unhappy, dissatisfied white people."

"This 'old white people' business does get a little tired, Charlie," King said. "I'd ask you to go back through history and figure out, where are these contributions that have been made by these other categories of people that you're talking about, where did any other subgroup of people contribute more to civilization?"

Hayes asked: "Than white people?"

"Than, than Western civilization itself," King said. "It's rooted in Western Europe, Eastern Europe and the United States of America and every place where the footprint of Christianity settled the world. That's all of Western civilization."

Context. King was correct

It's a fucking stupid answer.

he basically said - "Whites are awesome so I don't see whats so bad about Republicans being the party of angry old whites"

No, he was just ridiculing morons like you who blame white people for all the problems in the world.
"If you're really optimistic, you can say that this is the last time that old white people will command the Republican Party's attention, its platform, its public face," Pierce (Esquire) said. "That hall is wired by loud, unhappy, dissatisfied white people."

"This 'old white people' business does get a little tired, Charlie," King said. "I'd ask you to go back through history and figure out, where are these contributions that have been made by these other categories of people that you're talking about, where did any other subgroup of people contribute more to civilization?"

Hayes asked: "Than white people?"

"Than, than Western civilization itself," King said. "It's rooted in Western Europe, Eastern Europe and the United States of America and every place where the footprint of Christianity settled the world. That's all of Western civilization."

Context. King was correct

It's a fucking stupid answer.

he basically said - "Whites are awesome so I don't see whats so bad about Republicans being the party of angry old whites"

That's not what he said, dipshit
I realize that the bar for what is "racism" is pretty low - in fact, at this point, I hear that Pokemon Go! is racist, which may set a new (if hilarious) low - but I didn't see him attacking or saying anything specifically negative about other races.

Did I miss it?
Why is someone saying "whites are awesome" bad, when every other group has people saying "X is awesome"?

Racial supremacy statements are discussing no matter who they come from.

It's one of those things people understand by now...except people who are conservative it seems.

No one is talking about supremacy, King was talking about contributions to society as a whole, and I am talking about some group saying, "hey we rock".

Someone it seems has an insecurity complex here.
I realize that the bar for what is "racism" is pretty low - in fact, at this point, I hear that Pokemon Go! is racist, which may set a new (if hilarious) low - but I didn't see him attacking or saying anything specifically negative about other races.

Did I miss it?

YES!! Pokemon GO is cultural misappropriation!!!
No one is talking about supremacy, King was talking about contributions to society as a whole, and I am talking about some group saying, "hey we rock".

Someone it seems has an insecurity complex here.

We are not arbitrarily talking about someone saying "we rock", we are SPECIFICALLY talking about what Kings said, which is "we rock so much more than them subgroups"
No one is talking about supremacy, King was talking about contributions to society as a whole, and I am talking about some group saying, "hey we rock".

Someone it seems has an insecurity complex here.

We are not arbitrarily talking about someone saying "we rock", we are SPECIFICALLY talking about what Kings said, which is "we rock so much more than them subgroups"


Western Civilization has had more of an impact on the current world than any other these past 2 centuries, that cannot be disputed. Why is a little chest thumping about it "racist"?
Just day one of the Republican National Convention and the rancid, blatant racism in on display by yet another prominent Republican Party leader...

Some people never learn.


Hmmm...blatant racism.....I don't mean like.....

La Raza...


Black lies matter....

The black panthers...

Core groups of the democrat party...

Or like

al sharpton

jesse jackson

bill clinton

barak obama

Racist leaders of the democrat party......

You mean that kind of blatant racism....?
Is there a country anywhere run by a black man (100% black) where that country is not a cesspool?

Which one?

Ooops, did I say black man.


Meant to say "African."

Wait, are all "Africans" negros? Is that a proper question? I mean when we say African American, does that only mean a negro?

Ooops, is negro racist? Oh man, I am confused.
Just day one of the Republican National Convention and the rancid, blatant racism in on display by yet another prominent Republican Party leader...

Some people never learn.

I like this guy. He is racially aware and knows who the superior race is, White people.

Just day one of the Republican National Convention and the rancid, blatant racism in on display by yet another prominent Republican Party leader...

Some people never learn.

I like this guy. He is racially aware and knows who the superior race is, White people.

And then there are vastly inferior White people, such as you. Funny how that works.

You are highly mistaken.
We have to take into consideration that the white people took credit for what some black people did in history.

Vivien Thomas ( Black ) finally did get the credit for the first open heart surgery. He didn't go to medical school so Alfred Blaloch (White) took credit for it and got all of the awards .

I am sure that this happened a lot.

"Something the Lord Made is a 2004 film about the black cardiac pioneer Vivien Thomas and his complex and volatile partnership with white surgeon Alfred Blalock, the world famous "Blue Baby doctor" who pioneered modern heart surgery."

Good movie
Something the Lord Made (TV Movie 2004) - IMDb

Not to mention that Ancient Egyptians were doing brain surgery along with Tibetans over 5000 years ago...

Drilling holes in someones skull to release evil spirits would hardly be called brain surgery.
What ever the reason for brain surgery, it was done with precision and skill, and the patients lived........What were the Europeans doing 3k years ago? Wandering the alps with hopes of finding a cure for late development?
------------------------------------------------------ point is that the best societies for most people in the world today are Western societies designed by Westeners . All these silly invention stories are no big deal and are all speculation . example , I guess that a fine black man invented the stoplight , good for him , I hope that he made millions but its just no big deal Moonglow .

European Americans have no need to be personally ostentatious with their pride. The media, infrastructure and social apparatus all are geared to project White pride. Even great things , innovations and inventions dome by minorities have been absorbed into the the White power structure and stolen or credited to Whites. Once in a while, Blacks will try to uncover their contributions only to be set upon vehemently. There are White people who are obsessed with devaluing the lives of Black folks. Those kind of White people are ubiquitous and make immense pleasure in destroying any inroads that address Black contributions to civilization. They want Blacks to feel inferior and resign themselves to that notion.

Such as....
bullshit. By "society" you mean white people.

No not bullshit.

Doesn't matter by WHO, whites, arabs, asians, or hispanics. Fact is bias in favor of whites is real and has real effects.

There are many studies that definitively show it:

"Job applicants with white names needed to send about 10 resumes to get one callback; those with African-American names needed to send around 15 resumes to get one callback."

Employers' Replies to Racial Names

Yes, it really is a fact that whites get auto-advantageous.

I personally disagree with going balls out with it and framing in coarse terms like "white privilege", but saying that the words mean that whites are "evil" is stupid bs you make up to justify your racist pre-occupations.

No shit....sorry but laquandra does not convey stuff.....Michael isn't a white name....ass Michael strahan.......its a christian name....he's God top angel.....learn stuff before being a fucking retard
Why is someone saying "whites are awesome" bad, when every other group has people saying "X is awesome"?

Racial supremacy statements are discussing no matter who they come from.

It's one of those things people understand by now...except people who are conservative it seems.

So where is your leader on muslim supremacists? Or black supremacists liken the black panthers....oh ignoring or helping the get off
Liberals support affirmative action.....which by definition is racist and don't lecture us

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