Steve King: [White People] Have Contributed More to Civilization Than Other 'Sub-Groups'

The short, and sweet version...
If all blacks disappeaered tomorrow; white cultures wealth and progress would skyrocket exponentially.
If all whites disappeared tomorrow; blacks would die horrible deaths by the millions, and those left to remain would dwell in filth, poverty, and suffering...
It's just that simple.

See, THIS is racist.
THIS is who Rep. Steve King was reaching out to.
The short, and sweet version...
If all blacks disappeaered tomorrow; white cultures wealth and progress would skyrocket exponentially.
If all whites disappeared tomorrow; blacks would die horrible deaths by the millions, and those left to remain would dwell in filth, poverty, and suffering...
It's just that simple.

See, THIS is racist.
Unfortunately it isn't racist. It's the truth...

No, its racist, because you assume blacks wouldn't be able to figure things out if "all white people disappeared" soley because they are black.

and speculation usually cannot be considered truth, because there is no way to prove it.
It really has nothing to do with skin color... That isn't why they are perpetual failures. Their problems are much deeper than skin deep. Color has next to nothing to do with it.
The short, and sweet version...
If all blacks disappeaered tomorrow; white cultures wealth and progress would skyrocket exponentially.
If all whites disappeared tomorrow; blacks would die horrible deaths by the millions, and those left to remain would dwell in filth, poverty, and suffering...
It's just that simple.

See, THIS is racist.
Unfortunately it isn't racist. It's the truth...

Sieg Heil!

Not quite. for a true "Hitler Salute", the hand has to be parallel to the arm, the arm straighter out from the body, and the shoulders even.
The short, and sweet version...
If all blacks disappeaered tomorrow; white cultures wealth and progress would skyrocket exponentially.
If all whites disappeared tomorrow; blacks would die horrible deaths by the millions, and those left to remain would dwell in filth, poverty, and suffering...
It's just that simple.

See, THIS is racist.
THIS is who Rep. Steve King was reaching out to.

I really don't think so. and again, he was replying to the tired old "old white guy" trope the left LOVES to use, even if any other group were maligned like that they would throw a hissy fit.
The short, and sweet version...
If all blacks disappeaered tomorrow; white cultures wealth and progress would skyrocket exponentially.
If all whites disappeared tomorrow; blacks would die horrible deaths by the millions, and those left to remain would dwell in filth, poverty, and suffering...
It's just that simple.

See, THIS is racist.
Unfortunately it isn't racist. It's the truth...

No, its racist, because you assume blacks wouldn't be able to figure things out if "all white people disappeared" soley because they are black.

and speculation usually cannot be considered truth, because there is no way to prove it.
It really has nothing to do with skin color... That isn't why they are perpetual failures. Their problems are much deeper than skin deep. Color has next to nothing to do with it.

Still doesn't change the fact that your view is actually racist, not "racist" as is currently bandied about.

Hey, why not just admit it?
The short, and sweet version...
If all blacks disappeaered tomorrow; white cultures wealth and progress would skyrocket exponentially.
If all whites disappeared tomorrow; blacks would die horrible deaths by the millions, and those left to remain would dwell in filth, poverty, and suffering...
It's just that simple.

See, THIS is racist.
Unfortunately it isn't racist. It's the truth...

No, its racist, because you assume blacks wouldn't be able to figure things out if "all white people disappeared" soley because they are black.

and speculation usually cannot be considered truth, because there is no way to prove it.
It really has nothing to do with skin color... That isn't why they are perpetual failures. Their problems are much deeper than skin deep. Color has next to nothing to do with it.

Still doesn't change the fact that your view is actually racist, not "racist" as is currently bandied about.

Hey, why not just admit it?
I'm a realist. Not an idealist. Anything contrary to your view; you would label racist. It's like " ******", for the white guy... Just more pointless name calling.
I really don't think so. and again, he was replying to the tired old "old white guy" trope the left LOVES to use, even if any other group were maligned like that they would throw a hissy fit.

Maligned how? What exactly is wrong with old white guys (other than the fact that Republicans have trouble getting votes from anyone else)?
See, THIS is racist.
Unfortunately it isn't racist. It's the truth...

No, its racist, because you assume blacks wouldn't be able to figure things out if "all white people disappeared" soley because they are black.

and speculation usually cannot be considered truth, because there is no way to prove it.
It really has nothing to do with skin color... That isn't why they are perpetual failures. Their problems are much deeper than skin deep. Color has next to nothing to do with it.

Still doesn't change the fact that your view is actually racist, not "racist" as is currently bandied about.

Hey, why not just admit it?
I'm a realist. Not an idealist. Anything contrary to your view; you would label racist. It's like " ******", for the white guy... Just more pointless name calling.

Well when one sees actual racism, like you are espousing, one calls it out.
I really don't think so. and again, he was replying to the tired old "old white guy" trope the left LOVES to use, even if any other group were maligned like that they would throw a hissy fit.

Maligned? How??? What exactly is wrong with old white guys?

The whole dem talking point offensive has been labeling the Republicans as the party of "old whit guys". Dems are gleeful about how they are dying off, and assuming a great demo-graphical surge that will give them permanent power.

There assumption however rests on identity continuing to trump ideas.
Why is someone saying "whites are awesome" bad, when every other group has people saying "X is awesome"?
King was saying whites are superior.

No, he wasn't. That's what you were hearing, because it fits your narrative.
It was unequivocal.

Don't worry if you don't get it. The WNs get it. And so do the minority voters.

There you go again, assuming things not in evidence, and thinking you "know what people are thinking"
Why is someone saying "whites are awesome" bad, when every other group has people saying "X is awesome"?

For some, its not about equality, its about revenge, and since the people who actually created the wrongs are dead and buried, then the rest of us will have to do.

BS, this cartoon is a caricature (pardon the pun) of what was actually said by King. It if wasn't, white kid would be saying "I like being white because whites are better than your subset race"
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The whole dem talking point offensive has been labeling the Republicans as the party of "old whit guys". Dems are gleeful about how they are dying off, and assuming a great demo-graphical surge that will give them permanent power.

There assumption however rests on identity continuing to trump ideas.

I don't see how that is disparaging to old white guys. It is disparaging to the REPUBLICAN PARTY and King's response exemplifies exactly WHY that is the case.
Just day one of the Republican National Convention and the rancid, blatant racism in on display by yet another prominent Republican Party leader...

Some people never learn.


Its totally fine if someone makes the claim "black people are the best basketball players", but people like you think that whites shouldnt be allowed to be proud of THEIR accomplishments. Racism at its finest.

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