Steve Schmidt reacts to Donald Trump's "declaration of war" | The Warning

The crowd was psychotic listening to Trump
After watching, I think a coup is possible but not probable.

MAGAs do not have the GRIT to get it done.

True Libertarian here. Will not vote for Trump or Biden
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The left and the DOJ ignored the current power brokers (senator Schumer) threats against the Supreme Court resulting in the attempted assassination of at least one Justice but they think civilian Trump somehow declared war. Go figure.
Watch the video...

Heil Trump :abgg2q.jpg:

You’re a simpleton and a shorty propagandist.

Go to court as a witness. Put your left hand on the Bible and raise your right hand to take the oath.

Guess what, you scumbag. That doesn’t equate with the Nazi salute.
Should we take Trump seriously? That is not a serious question.
If J6 was any indication, the answer is known.
At 2:54 it starts to get interesting. Trump is going to go after Biden if he gets elected.
IF being the key word of course.

Steve Schmidt reacts to Donald Trump's speech at Bedminster golf club after he was arraigned on documents and obstruction charges. Steve calls Trump's words "a declaration of war" and says we must take his fascist rhetoric very seriously.

Who the fuck is Steve Schmidt and why would I care what he has to say.
Limbaugh never regretted anything. He might have said he did, but he lied so much.
You’re in no position to advise anybody on what he felt. And you’re also totally lacking in credibility as well as being a scumbag lowlife.

So go fuck yourself up the ass with a dirty rusty rasp.
So you are admitting that is exactly what the illegitimate administration is doing? Thanks.
Nope, but I am saying to go after the criminals that you have evidence on.

trump, all the evidence will soon be shown to you in a court of law.
They have collected and verified the evidence.

biden, stolen election, fraud, FIND the evidence and present it.
So far you have been unable to do so.
Get off your ass and FIND the evidence.

If it can be proven that biden committed such crimes, indict him (after he leave office of course) I don't care.
I care that criminals, either party, are prosecuted and given their due process.

Why are you so upset about trump being given the opportunity to defend himself? Try to answer without saying Witch Hunt, Biden, or Hillary.

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