Steward Rhodes charged with seditious conspiracy

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You calling someone dumb is just funny. You with an IQ that is smaller than your shoe size.
Timing is everything, and when it was asked...a hesitation and a meek "no".
No, timing means nothing to your idiot comment, because you vomited it without thinking like a normal adult that,hey, this point is REALLY fucking stupid, if they have been asked several times over the past year.

Your own rabidness and aggressive ignorance got the best of you again. So now you scramble to pick up the pieces. Embarrassed again.
Poor pathetic trumplet....doesn't know the difference between the US Air Force and the US Navy. Never served, did you? Rejected, were you?
Weren’t you once called out for your own alleged service? Something about “don’t ask don’t tell” and how you had to lie before that time period?
The one shot and killed by police?

What point do you imagine you are making?

what point are you making? You people are acting like karens convincing yourselves that Congressional Reps suffered violence abd injury and I reference the Bernie Sanders supporter who did exactly what you people are screaming over what could have happened with flagpoles and zip ties.
Rhodes said at a November 2020 online meeting, "We're going to defend the president, the duly elected president, and we call on him to do what needs to be done to save our country. Because if you don't guys, you're going to be in a bloody, bloody civil war and a bloody -- you can call it an insurrection, or you can call it a war or fight."

Sounds like he's confessing to sedition.

what point are you making? You people are acting like karens convincing yourselves that Congressional Reps suffered violence abd injury and I reference the Bernie Sanders supporter who did exactly what you people are screaming over what could have happened with flagpoles and zip ties.
Doesnt matter. These 11 traitors are most likely going to end up in a jail cell. And that will be a great day for real Americans. Of which you are not one.
Ha, you keep telling yourself that hot shot, and in the meantime, more arrests and convictions will follow.
Libs. Always at the ready to presume guilt.

By the way, there can’t be more convictions (for sedition or conspiracy to commit sedition) until there’s a first one. You do grasp that charges don’t mean convictions, don’t you, twit?
No, timing mean nothing to your idiot comment, because you vomited it without thinking like a normal adult that,hey, this point is REALLY fucking stupid, if they have been asked several times over the past year.

Your own rabidness and aggressive ignorance got the best of you again.
No, timing means nothing to your idiot comment, because you vomited it without thinking like a normal adult that,hey, this point is REALLY fucking stupid, if they have been asked several times over the past year.

Your own rabidness and aggressive ignorance got the best of you again. So now you scramble to pick up the pieces. Embarrassed again.
No, timing does mean everything in politics you moron, where have you been?
And, to top it off, in reality nobody gives a shit about this, except you wingnut morons that are tied to
a party that has no agenda to stand on. If they had been smart (which they have the IQ that you do) they would have charged somebody
within the first 6 month to give it some legs. A smart person doesn't wait over a year. :laughing0301:
No, timing does mean everything in politics you moron, where have you been?
And, to top it off, in reality nobody gives a shit about this, except you wingnut morons that are tied to
a party that has no agenda to stand on. If they had been smart (which they have the IQ that you do) they would have charged somebody
within the first 6 month to give it some legs. A smart person doesn't wait over a year. :laughing0301:
It takes time to build a case, unlike trespassing charges which have been handed out. Actually smart people aka the DOJ does wait over a year while they gather evidence and build a rock solid case. LOL nobody giving a shit about this. Well, you traitors might not care, but the rest of sane America does. Justice will be served to these 11 if found guilty. Hopefully the max, 20 years.
Definition of PROSECUTORIAL Try and keep up. You can do it.
I was a prosecutor so I don’t need your definitions. The QUESTION I put to you was what is a “non-prosecutorial crime?”

Those were your typically retarded words. I am quite sure you have no clue what you meant. But if you do, it ain’t what you said.
It takes time to build a case, unlike trespassing charges which have been handed out. Actually smart people aka the DOJ does wait over a year while they gather evidence and build a rock solid case. LOL nobody giving a shit about this. Well, you traitors might not care, but the rest of sane America does. Justice will be served to these 11 if found guilty. Hopefully the max, 20 years.
Look at the polls and see if this is even close to the top. It ain't, even in your tent it's not, just the wingnuts like yourself.
“All of the people that are being unlawfully detained or denied bail, they’re being abandoned by Trump. He’s done nothing for them. You know, he could donate money, he hasn’t even done that. He didn’t pardon anybody while he was still in office, and then when he left, he hasn’t raised money,” Rhodes said. “... I think he has abandoned his base, because he has abandoned the people who were there to protect his other supporters. So yes, I do feel abandoned by him.”

Do you think trump abandoned all the people who went to jail and prison for him? Do you think trump should've at least paid their legal fees?
Why do you keep making comparisons?
When did I say I supported defunding the police you dumb piece of shit?
Thousands of left wing people were arrested for the damage they caused. Even the guy that attempted to burn the Fed Court HOuse in Portland pleaded guilty and is serving jail time, and rightfully so.

You're just trying to obfuscate 1/6 by what if's and what about's. That's your thing though. You just come off as a dumb piece of shit that has no respect for anything. You're also fucking stupid bc you have no clue what I believe as a person. You just assume I think how you perceive every other democrat thinks. FYI you fucking idiot, I'm not a democrat. So there goes your fucking dumb assertion.
The people you referenced that were arrested for damage to American cities were also part of a collective referenced and supported by VP Kamala Harris to have them bailed out. You kerp calling me a traitor and sympathizer to a group of people being held and awaiting trial for just about anything but insurrection or being a traitor. So, you are not a Democrat??? Then you should have no problem calling out Nan Pelosi and the Democrats for making a farce of the investigation commission; most notably, Cherry picking which Republicans can and cannot sit on the commission.
Look at the polls and see if this is even close to the top. It ain't, even in your tent it's not, just the wingnuts like yourself.
Achieving justice is always important. Your repeated attempts to diminish this event won't change that.

But I get it. You're in a position where you cant defend these slobs, but at the same time you'll look weak to your fellow kool aid drinking trumpanzees if you say they belong in jail. So you're stuck skirting the line. Meanwhile you just attempt to diminish the event as if its no big deal. Pathetic.
The people you referenced that were arrested for damage to American cities were also part of a collective referenced and supported by VP Kamala Harris to have them bailed out. You kerp calling me a traitor and sympathizer to a group of people being held and awaiting trial for just about anything but insurrection or being a traitor. So, you are not a Democrat??? Then you should have no problem calling out Nan Pelosi and the Democrats for making a farce of the investigation commission; most notably, Cherry picking which Republicans can and cannot sit on the commission.
Kamala Harris did not directly bail anybody out.
As far as cherry picking who is on the commission, if you think someone as fucking stupid as MTG or Boebert belongs anywhere near making any type of decision that affects our country, you're dumber than I thought.

But as usual you cant stay on topic you have to deflect and talk about some other shit that has nothing to do with the topic at hand.
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