Steward Rhodes charged with seditious conspiracy

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These are “domestic terrorists” for using flagpoles and zip ties as weapons of choice to to overthrow America? I guess if these people were Democrat activists and had threatened to blow up the Capitol they would get commuted sentences like Leftist Susan Rosenberg or if they flew airplanes into the Capitol like the 9/11 terrorists did then the cries for Guantanamo Bay to be closed would be loudest from Democrats? If these were Democrat “activists” at the Capitol on January 6 and not right wing activists, then they would have their bail money raised by the current Vice President or if any of these “domestic terrorists” were a Bernie Sanders supporter shooting up an open field of Congressional Republicans, then Democrats would have no name for the shooter and simply ignore him.

You people really are full of shit. Be consistent, not partisan.
If. You pathetic piece of shit. The fact is, it wasnt dems that did it. It was republican domestic terrorists that invaded the Capitol. So you can take your what if's and shove them, buddy. Your sad attempt to shift this to a dems out to get repubs thing is pathetic. You sound like you might be a traitor yourself.
Do you think the lib lawyers are going to tirn themselves in like Otis on the Andy Griffith show?

no, they will just keep on truckin’ as if nothing happened
Whine, cry, throw temper tantrum.

Rinse, repeat.
No, you asshole. I’m trying to get you to admit that you shouldn’t DENY an asserted fact if you don’t have a solid factual basis to make that denial.

You are tragically retarded.
I can deny an asserted fact. That's how it works dipshit. It's up to him to prove his assertion. Just like in court. Otherwise, if nobody denies an assertion, we'd be walking around in lala land with the rest of you dumb chimp trumpanzees believing the election was stolen.
Did I ever make such a claim? No.

What I did say (which you are far too retarded to comprehend) is that their motivation can serve to negate the required intent.

Do you have an adult there to assist you?
Their motivation is meaningless. Your motivation to commit a crime doesnt get you off the hook. I'm tired of explaining this. You sound like another dumb chimp I've talked to and blocked on here before. Probably the same dummy.
If. You pathetic piece of shit. The fact is, it wasnt dems that did it. It was republican domestic terrorists that invaded the Capitol. So you can take your what if's and shove them, buddy. Your sad attempt to shift this to a dems out to get repubs thing is pathetic. You sound like you might be a traitor yourself.
They “invaded” with flagpoles and zip ties. If it was officially an “invasion” or “terrorist event” comparatively, then it was the most laughable one in history.

You are Goddamn right this is an attempt by Democrats to get Republicans. It is Democrats who need the shift and diversion. The guy they ran for the White House with 81 Million votes is sitting at a 33 percent approval and there actually is going to be a takeover on Capitol Hill in 2022 by Republicans.
Lots of us saw some of the protestors engage in trespassing, criminal mischief and assaults. Do you think “links” are required to acknowledge that which so many of us observed?

Or are you attempting to politely ask me to link to any of my prior posts where I said that those responsible for that conduct should be prosecuted? And here I didn’t know I was somehow obliged to jump through your mindless hoops. (And why would it have to be in an OP? Didn’t it dawn on you that I might have said it in a response on someone else’s thread?)

Get bent, you dipshit.
Wow, upset you that much!
They “invaded” with flagpoles and zip ties.
Thanks to DC gun laws. We can revisit that later.

They thought they had the backing and invitation of the most powerful man in the world: the orange pile of shit. Just ask them.

If you think their attempt was weak and stupid, go cry to them about it. They are the ones who did it.
They “invaded” with flagpoles and zip ties. If it was officially an “invasion” or “terrorist event” comparatively, then it was the most laughable one in history.

You are Goddamn right this is an attempt by Democrats to get Republicans. It is Democrats who need the shift and diversion. The guy they ran for the White House with 81 Million votes is sitting at a 33 percent approval and there actually is going to be a takeover on Capitol Hill in 2022 by Republicans.
LOL thinking people that beat cops, invaded the Capitol, and went hunting for Congressmen are simply being used by dems to go after republicans. You, sir, are a traitor and not an American. You are a lawless piece of shit that has no respect for America, police officers, or the law.
We know the right is only upset because it was a FAILED coup. :heehee:
No it wasn't.
The administration was embarrassed when asked if there was anyone charged with sedition.
Sheepishly answered, "no".
Two days later, magically there are sedition charges.
Imagine that, they finally followed through and became transparent. :auiqs.jpg:
No it wasn't.
The administration was embarrassed when asked if there was anyone charged with sedition.
Sheepishly answered, "no".
Two days later, magically there are sedition charges.
Imagine that, they finally followed through and became transparent. :auiqs.jpg:
Doesnt really matter what you want to call it. These 11 are going to face years in jail. Which makes this a great day in America for real Americans.
No it wasn't.
The administration was embarrassed when asked if there was anyone charged with sedition.
Sheepishly answered, "no".
Two days later, magically there are sedition charges.
Imagine that, they finally followed through and became transparent. :auiqs.jpg:
They were asked that several times over the last year. So your post is painfully stupid, we are all dumber for having read it, and now our brains need showers.
"we Got 'em"
"Any day now"

fucktards like Nostra and Lastamender and Mac-7
who will defend the CULT have been given a dose of reality.

They cannot accept this, and are doubling down.

Sedition charges today, Jan 13, 2022.

This is just a build up to greater charges.
I can deny an asserted fact. That's how it works dipshit. It's up to him to prove his assertion. Just like in court. Otherwise, if nobody denies an assertion, we'd be walking around in lala land with the rest of you dumb chimp trumpanzees believing the election was stolen.
No, you stanky asshole. You can say, “prove it.”

But if I say Biden said “X, Y and Z” you instead say “Joe Biden NEVER said ‘X, Y and Z’” then YOU have assumed the burden of proving that he didn’t say it.

You’re far too stupid to try to engage in public discussions.
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