Stewardess from Hell: Teamsters Doctrine(666)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a capitalism-parody inspired by Children of the Revolution.

Signing off,



Angela was an airline stewardess who travelled around the world and became very popular in airline-employee social circles. She partied hard and spent time with multiple popular pilots who were her boyfriends. Angela had a strange mark on the back of her head, which her friends would often ask her about. The mark was of three curvy figures that looked like the numbers '666.' Angela joked she was an agent of the AntiChrist and was therefore 'marked' by the forces of heaven and hell(!). Angela was very well-liked and no one considered her in any way really evil, malicious, or dangerous.

Angela started dating a young handsome pilot named Thomas one summer and grew very fond of him. Thomas kept asking him what she thought of her '666' marking on her head, but she always brushed off his inquisitiveness. She wasn't getting annoyed at Thomas' persistent nudging humorous curiosity but she wondered why he was so curious. Thomas confided in her one night while they were together and explained to Angela that he was working as a narcotics-runner, transporting drugs like cocaine and opium from Europe to North America during his flight.

Angela was shocked at this revelation. She considered Thomas an unassuming but self-confident and law-abiding sociable young pilot. She asked her boyfriend if he thought his criminal activities were dangerous or put him in harm's way, but Thomas assured her and explained he was doing this modern 'drug ring' activity so raise criticisms against the Teamsters in America. Angela asked him what Thomas had against the Thomas, and he coolly replied he was doing field-research so he could someday write a book about why capitalism euphoria demolishes any sane urge to forge practical forms of socialism (as Hoffa and the Teamsters did!).

Angela realized Thomas was a self-proclaimed 'capitalism prophet.' Thomas kept telling her of his plans to write his book about capitalism-critique. Angela's girlfriend's dad was part of the Teamsters and always considered the group harmless and even socioculturally-symbolic! She asked Thomas if he was sure that the Teamsters was something he wanted to 'dissect' using his 'field-research' regarding real-life experiences 'adventuring' in the 'dominion' of capitalism (through airline traffic, etc.). Thomas then leaned his head back and showed Angela to her shock that he too had a '666' mark on his head.

ANGELA: My goodness; your 'mark' is just like mine, Thomas!
THOMAS: I know, Angela (and I know why)?
THOMAS: I'm the AntiChrist...
ANGELA: What??
THOMAS: Believe me when I tell you this.
ANGELA: seem to really believe this.
THOMAS: Why else would I want to dissect capitalism (Teamsters, etc.)?
ANGELA: Hold on there 'stud.' Maybe you're just an 'obsessive-intellectual.'
THOMAS: You think this is my 'daydream.'
ANGELA: Well, what response did you expect?
THOMAS: Think about it, Angela; didn't I strike you as...thoughtful?
ANGELA: I seemed very thoughtful, and you seem thoughtful now(!).
THOMAS: I've been thinking about my identity all my life; I discovered my 'mark' early.
ANGELA: So you found your 'mark' when you were a young boy; I was young too...
THOMAS: You're my agent, Angela...
ANGELA: I'm an 'agent of the AntiChrist' (wait till I tell my girlfriend).
THOMAS: Believe in yourself...and believe in me, darling.
ANGELA: This is all very eerie, Thomas; I'm attracted to you (and I think I love you).
THOMAS: But you think I might be a suicidal loon suddenly...
ANGELA: Well, yes!!
THOMAS: Join me on my crusade, and if we fail, we can claim 'criminal insanity.'
ANGELA: think this capitalism-crusade is some kind of joyride?
THOMAS: Good and evil are halves of the imagination; capitalism will be our gossip(!).
ANGELA: Alright (my lord); lead on...
THOMAS: Satan will be our cool bishop.
ANGELA: What a fantasy! "Capitalism the stew."



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