STFU Jack Kingston

It puts a child's family's financial business out in the open for all of the other kids to see, and to ridicule.

That's what's wrong with it.

Work isn't wrong, but forcing a child into unnecessary hardship when there are better ways is a fucking cruel thing to do. Only the cocksuckers r us on the board are all chill with that idea.
Maybe I'm just weird but I dont see how you can be humiliated by working for your food.

Granted, I think the work students should probably be doing is their school work

Picture it kids eating lunch while laughing at the other kids who are cleaning up vomit because their momma doesnt make enough money to allow her kids to "be a kid". So they have to grow up fast.

Of course everyone is going to pretend that humiliation doesnt matter or kids need to get over it since they are the reason they are poor (sarcasm). It's not like they'll be bullied or made fun of.

And if they do so what? Thats life kid move on...except kids usually will do something about a shitty life and hurt someone or themselves. But fuck it, thats Darwinism. They cant hack it better off dead.

Imagine how unfair this would be if you asked little Tommy whos parents are well off to sweep floors!

Imagine the outrage.
When I was 5(1966) I started picking up pecans for 5 cents a pound on my Papa's farm. I was allowed to keep all the money and I put it into the bank along with my weekly allowance of 5 dollars. If we could provide kids with these opportunities and make them save their money, we would be building a stronger child.
Maybe I'm just weird but I dont see how you can be humiliated by working for your food.

Granted, I think the work students should probably be doing is their school work

Picture it kids eating lunch while laughing at the other kids who are cleaning up vomit because their momma doesnt make enough money to allow her kids to "be a kid". So they have to grow up fast.

Of course everyone is going to pretend that humiliation doesnt matter or kids need to get over it since they are the reason they are poor (sarcasm). It's not like they'll be bullied or made fun of.

And if they do so what? Thats life kid move on...except kids usually will do something about a shitty life and hurt someone or themselves. But fuck it, thats Darwinism. They cant hack it better off dead.


Actually, I just think it's sad that you would mock and ridicule anyone, let alone children, who need to work
What he said wasn't wrong. Why isn't a poor kid humiliated he is on the free lunch program? He or she should be. Why isn't that child's parents humiliated? They should be.

Doing work for the items you need to live isn't humiliating no matter what that job may be. Thinking you are owed something for no effort on your part because actually working for it is beneath you should be humiliating.

You know who this humiliates? The f*cking janitor! The person that actually does the job to earn enough money to support himself and his family but is somehow deemed beneath the little bastard on welfare.

If you won't sweep a floor for f*cking lunch YOU DESERVE TO STARVE. If doing a menial task in order to feed yourself is beneath you what is up to you standards? What job is possibly up to your standards to actually take care of yourself? Janitorial services isn't good enough, McDonalds? Burger King? Walmart? What f*cking job is good enough for a person to do to actually feed themselves?

At what age should the poor child start sweeping the floor while kids with well-off parents are outside playing or in class learning? Is 8 early enough for you? Or should kindergarteners and first graders be bussing tables too?

No one is talking about not letting kids take classes, although truth be told they would learn more spending time with the janitor than with the teacher.
AZMike is right: at what point did manual labor become a disgrace? At what point did taking hand outs cease being a disgrace?

Let all the kids do it then. Why humiliate a child who had nothing to do with his/her situation in life. Work is fine, but make all the kids learn those lessons. Don't single the poor ones out because of events that are out of their control. They're kids for christ sake.
I rode my bike to my dads job site after school to sweep up, take the trash to the dumpster and stack all of the lumber into piles. Then I got to throw the bike in my dad's truck to go home for dinner.

Work isn't a virus that needs to be treated, it's necessary to the growth of an individual into a productive human being.

When I was a kid, we got up at 4 am to milk the cows....then we went down to the river, a 4 mile walk, uphill both ways, to catch our breakfast, while we were there, we washed our only set of clothes in that river using soap that we made ourselves........blah, blah, fucking blah!
You spoiled pussy. You can't believe people actually did that at one time. But they did and I have met many people with similar stories.

No you haven't.
The problem for the older people here is they need to realize society isnt the society of 50 years ago. Its a fantasy to believe that your time was better than modern times
Maybe I'm just weird but I dont see how you can be humiliated by working for your food.

Granted, I think the work students should probably be doing is their school work

What was it that jesus said about the poor...."Make their children work for their food.." It was something like that, right?
Now its clear why Republicans are anti-abortion. They need the cheap labor to increase that bottom line.
At what age should the poor child start sweeping the floor while kids with well-off parents are outside playing or in class learning? Is 8 early enough for you? Or should kindergarteners and first graders be bussing tables too?

No one is talking about not letting kids take classes, although truth be told they would learn more spending time with the janitor than with the teacher.
AZMike is right: at what point did manual labor become a disgrace? At what point did taking hand outs cease being a disgrace?

You didn't answer my question. At what age are you going to have the child start missing recess and bonding time with the well-off kids so she can start working for her lunch?

Age 5? Age 7?
What age do you think is old enough to learn a child is dirt poor and living off of handouts?
Maybe I'm just weird but I dont see how you can be humiliated by working for your food.

Granted, I think the work students should probably be doing is their school work

What was it that jesus said about the poor...."Make their children work for their food.." It was something like that, right?

He said you always have the poor with you.

The Gospel teaches us to work. After all, it was God who blessed us with the need to work.
What are you smoking?

Rep. Jack Kingston Proposes That Poor Students Sweep Floors In Exchange For Lunch

And when you humiliate the kid out of school, what's your plan then?

C'mon -- could we just have one cycle to allow Dems to be the ones to run with the stupid ball? They handed us the gift of Obamacare and you say crap like this??

What he said wasn't wrong. Why isn't a poor kid humiliated he is on the free lunch program? He or she should be. Why isn't that child's parents humiliated? They should be.

Doing work for the items you need to live isn't humiliating no matter what that job may be. Thinking you are owed something for no effort on your part because actually working for it is beneath you should be humiliating.

You know who this humiliates? The f*cking janitor! The person that actually does the job to earn enough money to support himself and his family but is somehow deemed beneath the little bastard on welfare.

If you won't sweep a floor for f*cking lunch YOU DESERVE TO STARVE. If doing a menial task in order to feed yourself is beneath you what is up to you standards? What job is possibly up to your standards to actually take care of yourself? Janitorial services isn't good enough, McDonalds? Burger King? Walmart? What f*cking job is good enough for a person to do to actually feed themselves?

Although I agree that the qualifying students should do some work, let it be known that MikeAzz's reasoning is subhuman and represents everything that is wrong in America today. MikeAzz hates nearly everyone, probably due to being bullied at a young age.

There is nothing at all wrong with working, and everyone should have a job (even including MikeAzz). As a classic liberal, I feel strongly that work is empowering. Students receiving assistance should be given the opportunity to believe they have earned it.
Maybe I'm just weird but I dont see how you can be humiliated by working for your food.

Granted, I think the work students should probably be doing is their school work

What was it that jesus said about the poor...."Make their children work for their food.." It was something like that, right?

He said you always have the poor with you.

The Gospel teaches us to work. After all, it was God who blessed us with the need to work.

Yeah but remind me about that line in that bible that talks about how poor children should be made to work for their food. I can't remember which passage that was that I read that....can you remind me please. Thanks!
What was it that jesus said about the poor...."Make their children work for their food.." It was something like that, right?

He said you always have the poor with you.

The Gospel teaches us to work. After all, it was God who blessed us with the need to work.

Yeah but remind me about that line in that bible that talks about how poor children should be made to work for their food. I can't remember which passage that was that I read that....can you remind me please. Thanks!

Im unfamiliar with any verse that exempts the rich from working as well. We are all commanded to work 6 days and rest on the 7th.

Even my 1 year old can do work. She likes being helpful and throwing her trash away and taking things from mommy to daddy or vice versa.

There is nothing wrong with working. And I hope she continues to love working and being helpful the rest of her life.
What was it that jesus said about the poor...."Make their children work for their food.." It was something like that, right?

He said you always have the poor with you.

The Gospel teaches us to work. After all, it was God who blessed us with the need to work.

Yeah but remind me about that line in that bible that talks about how poor children should be made to work for their food. I can't remember which passage that was that I read that....can you remind me please. Thanks!

2 Thessalonians 3:10-12

10For even when we were with you, we gave you this command: Anyone unwilling to work should not eat. 11For we hear that some of you are living in idleness, mere busybodies, not doing any work. 12Now such persons we command and exhort in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living. (NRSV)
He said you always have the poor with you.

The Gospel teaches us to work. After all, it was God who blessed us with the need to work.

Yeah but remind me about that line in that bible that talks about how poor children should be made to work for their food. I can't remember which passage that was that I read that....can you remind me please. Thanks!

Im unfamiliar with any verse that exempts the rich from working as well. We are all commanded to work 6 days and rest on the 7th.

Even my 1 year old can do work. She likes being helpful and throwing her trash away and taking things from mommy to daddy or vice versa.

There is nothing wrong with working. And I hope she continues to love working and being helpful the rest of her life.

So you're saying the bible doesn't preach making children work who are poor and hungry? Odd. Don't you think?
He said you always have the poor with you.

The Gospel teaches us to work. After all, it was God who blessed us with the need to work.

Yeah but remind me about that line in that bible that talks about how poor children should be made to work for their food. I can't remember which passage that was that I read that....can you remind me please. Thanks!

2 Thessalonians 3:10-12

10For even when we were with you, we gave you this command: Anyone unwilling to work should not eat. 11For we hear that some of you are living in idleness, mere busybodies, not doing any work. 12Now such persons we command and exhort in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living. (NRSV)

This includes children?

What about babies with poor mothers? Should they work to get their milk?
Maybe I'm just weird but I dont see how you can be humiliated by working for your food.

Granted, I think the work students should probably be doing is their school work

Picture it kids eating lunch while laughing at the other kids who are cleaning up vomit because their momma doesnt make enough money to allow her kids to "be a kid". So they have to grow up fast.

Of course everyone is going to pretend that humiliation doesnt matter or kids need to get over it since they are the reason they are poor (sarcasm). It's not like they'll be bullied or made fun of.

And if they do so what? Thats life kid move on...except kids usually will do something about a shitty life and hurt someone or themselves. But fuck it, thats Darwinism. They cant hack it better off dead.


Actually, I just think it's sad that you would mock and ridicule anyone, let alone children, who need to work

Try pulling someone elses heart strings bud. No one believes you care about kids while advocating having them isolated and ridiculed because their parents are poor

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