STFU Jack Kingston

And I bet you actually believe that too. If you think you have brains in your nutbag, you 1) aren't really as smart as you think and 2) are usuing the wrong body part to think.

If you think

That I think

That there are brains in my nutbag

wow, n/m :cuckoo:
OK, so you dont have brains in your nutbag. You sure as hell dont have them in yoru head either. Where are they hiding? Come out, come out, wherever you are.

:lol: whats a yoru head? :lol:
Actually, I just think it's sad that you would mock and ridicule anyone, let alone children, who need to work

Try pulling someone elses heart strings bud. No one believes you care about kids while advocating having them isolated and ridiculed because their parents are poor

Who said anything about isolating and ridiculing them other than you?

When some have to work because of their parent income and others dont then what happens sparky?

I said there is no shame in working for what you need. Why do you think there is shame in it? Why do you feel inclined to ridicule and mock someone who works?

I had a friend named Tony. The kids called him Tony Balogna. Thats all kids need to mock. Have you met a child before?

There is work that is age appropriate that anyone can do. Why do you let society shut you in a box that says you can only work during a certain period of your life?

Stop being stupid. You're smarter than this...seriously

Work is one of the most beautiful things in life. It's tough sometimes. And yeah at times it can suck. But it's how we make life better for ourselves, our families, and the world around us. No one should be ashamed of that. And no one should be denied that.

If its so beautiful then why not share the beauty with the kids that are well off? Is it too beautiful for their eyes?
No one is talking about not letting kids take classes, although truth be told they would learn more spending time with the janitor than with the teacher.
AZMike is right: at what point did manual labor become a disgrace? At what point did taking hand outs cease being a disgrace?

Let all the kids do it then. Why humiliate a child who had nothing to do with his/her situation in life. Work is fine, but make all the kids learn those lessons. Don't single the poor ones out because of events that are out of their control. They're kids for christ sake.

Why is work humiliating? Perhaps we should provide fancy new cars to the parents so the kid wont be humiliated by mom picking him up in a 1990 Bonneville?
Kids know who has money and who doesn.t No one is going to get humiliated by working. That is a canard.

Glad to know you're against teaching these "valuable lessons" to all the kids.
I have more brains in my nutbag then you've ever possessed or come across, rabies.

And I bet you actually believe that too. If you think you have brains in your nutbag, you 1) aren't really as smart as you think and 2) are usuing the wrong body part to think.

His brains are in his nutbag. There's his problem right there.
Notice he cannot refute the argument, thus the ad hom.

You haven't made an argument. You tossed out platitudes.

The platitude "hard work is blah blah blah," isn't necessary.

Most people know those things, but of course, the preachy preacher types think that they're the ones who possess that knowledge and everyone else is "simple."


It's that everyone else is smarter than you.

We can do two things at once.

We can know that hard work is great, and at the same time not think it's a good idea in this scenario.

Betcha never thunkaa datt, did ya dingleberry? A heealp.
"We can know that hard work is great, and at the same time not think it's a good idea in this scenario. "

Well said.
2 Thessalonians 3:10-12

10For even when we were with you, we gave you this command: Anyone unwilling to work should not eat. 11For we hear that some of you are living in idleness, mere busybodies, not doing any work. 12Now such persons we command and exhort in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living. (NRSV)

This includes children?

What about babies with poor mothers? Should they work to get their milk?

No one here can accuse you of having any sense.

Keep on with your retarded questions.

Work is a virtue no matter the age.

So is that a yes, babies should work for their milk when their moms are too poor to provide it?
Actually, I just think it's sad that you would mock and ridicule anyone, let alone children, who need to work

Try pulling someone elses heart strings bud. No one believes you care about kids while advocating having them isolated and ridiculed because their parents are poor

Who said anything about isolating and ridiculing them other than you?

I said there is no shame in working for what you need. Why do you think there is shame in it? Why do you feel inclined to ridicule and mock someone who works?

There is work that is age appropriate that anyone can do. Why do you let society shut you in a box that says you can only work during a certain period of your life? Work is one of the most beautiful things in life. It's tough sometimes. And yeah at times it can suck. But it's how we make life better for ourselves, our families, and the world around us. No one should be ashamed of that. And no one should be denied that.

What work should a one year old do when their mother is too poor to feed them? What about a 3 year old? What work do you suggest for those poor kids?
The bible angle is "meh," because Religious can always fall back on misinterpretation, out of context, allegory vs. literal, and all kinds of bullshit.

It's not the correct way to address the issue because anyone can play devil's advocate and get out of that point of view very easily.
Try pulling someone elses heart strings bud. No one believes you care about kids while advocating having them isolated and ridiculed because their parents are poor

Who said anything about isolating and ridiculing them other than you?

I said there is no shame in working for what you need. Why do you think there is shame in it? Why do you feel inclined to ridicule and mock someone who works?

There is work that is age appropriate that anyone can do. Why do you let society shut you in a box that says you can only work during a certain period of your life? Work is one of the most beautiful things in life. It's tough sometimes. And yeah at times it can suck. But it's how we make life better for ourselves, our families, and the world around us. No one should be ashamed of that. And no one should be denied that.

What work should a one year old do when their mother is too poor to feed them? What about a 3 year old? What work do you suggest for those poor kids?

The offer of a job--of having a role to play in society--is as necessary as the offer of food for sustenance. Both should be provided.
Who said anything about isolating and ridiculing them other than you?

I said there is no shame in working for what you need. Why do you think there is shame in it? Why do you feel inclined to ridicule and mock someone who works?

There is work that is age appropriate that anyone can do. Why do you let society shut you in a box that says you can only work during a certain period of your life? Work is one of the most beautiful things in life. It's tough sometimes. And yeah at times it can suck. But it's how we make life better for ourselves, our families, and the world around us. No one should be ashamed of that. And no one should be denied that.

What work should a one year old do when their mother is too poor to feed them? What about a 3 year old? What work do you suggest for those poor kids?

The offer of a job--of having a role to play in society--is as necessary as the offer of food for sustenance. Both should be provided.

A one year old should have a job, bro?
Let all the kids do it then. Why humiliate a child who had nothing to do with his/her situation in life. Work is fine, but make all the kids learn those lessons. Don't single the poor ones out because of events that are out of their control. They're kids for christ sake.

Why is work humiliating? Perhaps we should provide fancy new cars to the parents so the kid wont be humiliated by mom picking him up in a 1990 Bonneville?
Kids know who has money and who doesn.t No one is going to get humiliated by working. That is a canard.

Glad to know you're against teaching these "valuable lessons" to all the kids.

Was there a point there? I didnt see it through all the stupid in the post.
And I bet you actually believe that too. If you think you have brains in your nutbag, you 1) aren't really as smart as you think and 2) are usuing the wrong body part to think.

His brains are in his nutbag. There's his problem right there.
Notice he cannot refute the argument, thus the ad hom.

You haven't made an argument. You tossed out platitudes.

The platitude "hard work is blah blah blah," isn't necessary.

Most people know those things, but of course, the preachy preacher types think that they're the ones who possess that knowledge and everyone else is "simple."


It's that everyone else is smarter than you.

We can do two things at once.

We can know that hard work is great, and at the same time not think it's a good idea in this scenario.

Betcha never thunkaa datt, did ya dingleberry? A heealp.

You missed the point. How typical.
Kids already know which kids come from families with money and which don't. Ergo there is no humiliation. Ergo your objection to the proposal is based on an erroneous belief.
The bible angle is "meh," because Religious can always fall back on misinterpretation, out of context, allegory vs. literal, and all kinds of bullshit.

It's not the correct way to address the issue because anyone can play devil's advocate and get out of that point of view very easily.

I agree with you. Remind me which poster introduced it. Oh yeah, your butt buddy RDD.
His brains are in his nutbag. There's his problem right there.
Notice he cannot refute the argument, thus the ad hom.

You haven't made an argument. You tossed out platitudes.

The platitude "hard work is blah blah blah," isn't necessary.

Most people know those things, but of course, the preachy preacher types think that they're the ones who possess that knowledge and everyone else is "simple."


It's that everyone else is smarter than you.

We can do two things at once.

We can know that hard work is great, and at the same time not think it's a good idea in this scenario.

Betcha never thunkaa datt, did ya dingleberry? A heealp.

You missed the point. How typical.
Kids already know which kids come from families with money and which don't. Ergo there is no humiliation. Ergo your objection to the proposal is based on an erroneous belief.

Your point is based on an

The bible angle is "meh," because Religious can always fall back on misinterpretation, out of context, allegory vs. literal, and all kinds of bullshit.

It's not the correct way to address the issue because anyone can play devil's advocate and get out of that point of view very easily.

I agree with you. Remind me which poster introduced it. Oh yeah, your butt buddy RDD.


This is why no one likes you. Your own side doesn't even claim you.
Who said anything about isolating and ridiculing them other than you?

I said there is no shame in working for what you need. Why do you think there is shame in it? Why do you feel inclined to ridicule and mock someone who works?

There is work that is age appropriate that anyone can do. Why do you let society shut you in a box that says you can only work during a certain period of your life? Work is one of the most beautiful things in life. It's tough sometimes. And yeah at times it can suck. But it's how we make life better for ourselves, our families, and the world around us. No one should be ashamed of that. And no one should be denied that.

What work should a one year old do when their mother is too poor to feed them? What about a 3 year old? What work do you suggest for those poor kids?

The offer of a job--of having a role to play in society--is as necessary as the offer of food for sustenance. Both should be provided.

So the job a one year old should/could do is.......? :eusa_eh:
Why is work humiliating? Perhaps we should provide fancy new cars to the parents so the kid wont be humiliated by mom picking him up in a 1990 Bonneville?
Kids know who has money and who doesn.t No one is going to get humiliated by working. That is a canard.

Glad to know you're against teaching these "valuable lessons" to all the kids.

Was there a point there? I didnt see it through all the stupid in the post.

Yes, the point is you're in favor of coddling the rich but teaching the poor lessons...even when it's kids who had no say in the situation they were handed.

This is why everyone laughs at you.
What are you smoking?

Rep. Jack Kingston Proposes That Poor Students Sweep Floors In Exchange For Lunch

And when you humiliate the kid out of school, what's your plan then?

C'mon -- could we just have one cycle to allow Dems to be the ones to run with the stupid ball? They handed us the gift of Obamacare and you say crap like this??

What he said wasn't wrong. Why isn't a poor kid humiliated he is on the free lunch program? He or she should be. Why isn't that child's parents humiliated? They should be.

Doing work for the items you need to live isn't humiliating no matter what that job may be. Thinking you are owed something for no effort on your part because actually working for it is beneath you should be humiliating.

You know who this humiliates? The f*cking janitor! The person that actually does the job to earn enough money to support himself and his family but is somehow deemed beneath the little bastard on welfare.

If you won't sweep a floor for f*cking lunch YOU DESERVE TO STARVE. If doing a menial task in order to feed yourself is beneath you what is up to you standards? What job is possibly up to your standards to actually take care of yourself? Janitorial services isn't good enough, McDonalds? Burger King? Walmart? What f*cking job is good enough for a person to do to actually feed themselves?

Never have kids please.
Regardless kids are there to learn not sweep floors.
But hey they are out of the womb so fuck them right?

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