STFU Jack Kingston

The offer of a job--of having a role to play in society--is as necessary as the offer of food for sustenance. Both should be provided.

So the job a one year old should/could do is.......? :eusa_eh:

Be reasonable. Infants and young children should have society's support, no matter the circumstance. Of course they don't need jobs--but they should be able to experience the pride and ownership of work as soon as they can.

This applies to rich kids suffering from "afflunza" as well, but they are often insulated from the real world.

I am trying to be reasonable. That's why I'm trying to understand at what age you think that children should be required to work for their food. So if a 1 or 3 year old is too young, what about 4? 5? What age should kids being required to work when their parents can't afford their meals?
then you are ignorant of what is going on...

I had my son working around the house "earning his keep" as soon as he was big enough to carry out the trash.

Then when he could mow the lawn, that became his job, and still is.

Learning to work at an early age is not wrong.

There is a huge difference between a loving parent having his child do chores and a bureaucracy requiring a four-year-old or six-year-old or 8-year-old or 10-year-old or 15-year-old to work x-amount of time before he's allowed to eat.

Kids should get to be kids. They should get to play. They should get to spend time with their friends. They should be encouraged to make friends across the social spectrum, not artificially forced into even more cliques than they're in now by not letting them have recess with the well-off kids so they can work for their lunch.

Why don't you explain to me how what I said about veterans' benefits is incorrect? I was under the impression that they won't be getting as large of COLAs. That's a slower increase, not a cut.

You won't believe anything I say, so get off the brain candy sites and research for yourself what is in the bill..

Here is a hint.. Disabled Vets.

Here is another hint, look up what the Democrats voted to protect instead of the COLA for Disabled Vets.

I read more about it. I agree with you. I had wrongly heard that disabled vets would not be affected; that was the original and incorrect claim made by the people who wrote the legislation. Protecting refunds for illegal immigrants was wrong, period, but especially when it was done while veterans were being harmed.

Too bad Republicans like Kingston seem determined to get in the way with messages like this which will only prevent the election of people who would protect veterans and do something about stopping illegal aliens from getting tax refunds.

Do you ever think about that?

It's well and good to claim to care about veterans but if you keep defending repugnant things like Kingston suggested, veterans are SOL. You can't help them if you can't get the Senate or the White House away from Democrats. Defending people who would make poor children do menial labor while protecting subsidies to rich farmers or big oil will let Democrats stay in power to push their agendas.
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Was there a point there? I didnt see it through all the stupid in the post.

Yes, the point is you're in favor of coddling the rich but teaching the poor lessons...even when it's kids who had no say in the situation they were handed.

This is why everyone laughs at you.

Remind me where I wrote about coddling the rich. Oh yeah, it didnt happen so you ahd to make it up so you could make some kind of point against an argument I never made.

You didn't support the rich children being taught this same lesson through work. Do rich kids automatically understand the value of work right from birth? Of course not, yet you don't want to advocate all children learning this lesson. Why is that? Because you're a hypocrite.
then you are ignorant of what is going on...

I had my son working around the house "earning his keep" as soon as he was big enough to carry out the trash.

Then when he could mow the lawn, that became his job, and still is.

Learning to work at an early age is not wrong.

There is a huge difference between a loving parent having his child do chores and a bureaucracy requiring a four-year-old or six-year-old or 8-year-old or 10-year-old or 15-year-old to work x-amount of time before he's allowed to eat.

Kids should get to be kids. They should get to play. They should get to spend time with their friends. They should be encouraged to make friends across the social spectrum, not artificially forced into even more cliques than they're in now by not letting them have recess with the well-off kids so they can work for their lunch.

Why don't you explain to me how what I said about veterans' benefits is incorrect? I was under the impression that they won't be getting as large of COLAs. That's a slower increase, not a cut.

You won't believe anything I say, so get off the brain candy sites and research for yourself what is in the bill..

Here is a hint.. Disabled Vets.

Here is another hint, look up what the Democrats voted to protect instead of the COLA for Disabled Vets.

"Disabled vets" should not be a sacred cow. The vets I know that receive lifetime disability payments were never in a battle. One bumped his head on a locker after being in the AF for one year (he's been receiving disability and working fulltime for over 25 years now), and the other shot himself in the foot in the Philippines when he was out drinking one night. He said he "got in a gun battle with muggers." He's gotten full disability payments for over 30 years, and he spends all of his time smoking dope and bitching about immigrants.

On the other hand, I know a good many American workers that have been seriously injured on the job and continue working anyway with NO benefits. I, myself, bear a 10-inch scar on my knee from a workplace injury. I never applied for disability; never thought about doing it.

I know a fat right winger that is on government disability, and has been for 15 years. His knees are bad. He could get surgery to replace them (paid for by the government, of course), but he'd lose his disability if his knees were fixed. Of course, there are other jobs he could be doing that don't require extensive use of his sore knees, but he won't do them--'cuz he's disabled.

Don't give me that disability shit. I'm betting that at least 80% of those receiving disability are actually employable. The government needs to provide JOBS, not disability checks, in most instances.
Yes, the point is you're in favor of coddling the rich but teaching the poor lessons...even when it's kids who had no say in the situation they were handed.

This is why everyone laughs at you.

Remind me where I wrote about coddling the rich. Oh yeah, it didnt happen so you ahd to make it up so you could make some kind of point against an argument I never made.

You didn't support the rich children being taught this same lesson through work. Do rich kids automatically understand the value of work right from birth? Of course not, yet you don't want to advocate all children learning this lesson. Why is that? Because you're a hypocrite.

Screw the rich kids, they have their own problems (mostly stemming from "affluenza," which does seem to keep them out of Texas jails).
What are you smoking?

Rep. Jack Kingston Proposes That Poor Students Sweep Floors In Exchange For Lunch

And when you humiliate the kid out of school, what's your plan then?

C'mon -- could we just have one cycle to allow Dems to be the ones to run with the stupid ball? They handed us the gift of Obamacare and you say crap like this??

What he said wasn't wrong. Why isn't a poor kid humiliated he is on the free lunch program? He or she should be. Why isn't that child's parents humiliated? They should be.

Doing work for the items you need to live isn't humiliating no matter what that job may be. Thinking you are owed something for no effort on your part because actually working for it is beneath you should be humiliating.

You know who this humiliates? The f*cking janitor! The person that actually does the job to earn enough money to support himself and his family but is somehow deemed beneath the little bastard on welfare.

If you won't sweep a floor for f*cking lunch YOU DESERVE TO STARVE. If doing a menial task in order to feed yourself is beneath you what is up to you standards? What job is possibly up to your standards to actually take care of yourself? Janitorial services isn't good enough, McDonalds? Burger King? Walmart? What f*cking job is good enough for a person to do to actually feed themselves?

I'm honestly surprised it took the nuts that long to jump in and defend this guy. Not to mention the throng that high fived him with thanks.

If you need the perfect example of the difference between conservatives and liberals, this is it.
I rode my bike to my dads job site after school to sweep up, take the trash to the dumpster and stack all of the lumber into piles. Then I got to throw the bike in my dad's truck to go home for dinner.

Work isn't a virus that needs to be treated, it's necessary to the growth of an individual into a productive human being.

When I was a kid, we got up at 4 am to milk the cows....then we went down to the river, a 4 mile walk, uphill both ways, to catch our breakfast, while we were there, we washed our only set of clothes in that river using soap that we made ourselves........blah, blah, fucking blah!
You spoiled pussy. You can't believe people actually did that at one time. But they did and I have met many people with similar stories.

You find me a person who walked uphill both ways.

You piece of shit. YOU did not do hard labor as a kid. You are soft.
Yiou dont like me because you get pwned every time you try to debate. And I point out the obvious, like this, and you deflect to some stupidity.

You've never not once beaten me in a single debate.

Shit, I've barely ever debated you, you don't SAY anything.

You're right above the "worthy of mocking" line, and like one-hundred and eighty-seven inches below the "worthy to engage" line. You're irrelevant.

But he tries so hard by thinking he won something or pwned you. There is no point in engaging him. Its actually worse than engaging mal in a gay debate,but ita the same idea. Circular logic.
I've shown anyone with a shred of integrity that all of you, your pals who thank you in that post, are totally unable to conduct a reasonable debate. You've failed to make any kind of reasonable point other than that you obviously care more about little kids than anyone else. Which is all you really care about anyway.
When I was a kid, we got up at 4 am to milk the cows....then we went down to the river, a 4 mile walk, uphill both ways, to catch our breakfast, while we were there, we washed our only set of clothes in that river using soap that we made ourselves........blah, blah, fucking blah!
You spoiled pussy. You can't believe people actually did that at one time. But they did and I have met many people with similar stories.

You find me a person who walked uphill both ways.

You piece of shit. YOU did not do hard labor as a kid. You are soft.

It's hard to know whether you are being intentionally stupid or you come by it naturally.
What are you smoking?

Rep. Jack Kingston Proposes That Poor Students Sweep Floors In Exchange For Lunch

And when you humiliate the kid out of school, what's your plan then?

C'mon -- could we just have one cycle to allow Dems to be the ones to run with the stupid ball? They handed us the gift of Obamacare and you say crap like this??

What he said wasn't wrong. Why isn't a poor kid humiliated he is on the free lunch program? He or she should be. Why isn't that child's parents humiliated? They should be.

Doing work for the items you need to live isn't humiliating no matter what that job may be. Thinking you are owed something for no effort on your part because actually working for it is beneath you should be humiliating.

You know who this humiliates? The f*cking janitor! The person that actually does the job to earn enough money to support himself and his family but is somehow deemed beneath the little bastard on welfare.

If you won't sweep a floor for f*cking lunch YOU DESERVE TO STARVE. If doing a menial task in order to feed yourself is beneath you what is up to you standards? What job is possibly up to your standards to actually take care of yourself? Janitorial services isn't good enough, McDonalds? Burger King? Walmart? What f*cking job is good enough for a person to do to actually feed themselves?

I'm honestly surprised it took the nuts that long to jump in and defend this guy. Not to mention the throng that high fived him with thanks.

If you need the perfect example of the difference between conservatives and liberals, this is it.

What’s both sad and amusing is the OP is attempting to admonish a fellow republican (Kingston) for crossing a line yet most of her fellow rightist are coming to Kingston’’s defense for no other reason than he’s a conservative.

Woe unto she who violates the 11th Commandment.
why cant you walk uphill both ways? you go up one side, down the other to get to school.....

then up one side and down the other to get home.

uphill both ways. downhill, too.
You've never not once beaten me in a single debate.

Shit, I've barely ever debated you, you don't SAY anything.

You're right above the "worthy of mocking" line, and like one-hundred and eighty-seven inches below the "worthy to engage" line. You're irrelevant.

But he tries so hard by thinking he won something or pwned you. There is no point in engaging him. Its actually worse than engaging mal in a gay debate,but ita the same idea. Circular logic.
I've shown anyone with a shred of integrity that all of you, your pals who thank you in that post, are totally unable to conduct a reasonable debate. You've failed to make any kind of reasonable point other than that you obviously care more about little kids than anyone else. Which is all you really care about anyway.

Oh goodie we are now into the "I know you better than you know yourself" segment of this back and forth.
You spoiled pussy. You can't believe people actually did that at one time. But they did and I have met many people with similar stories.

You find me a person who walked uphill both ways.

You piece of shit. YOU did not do hard labor as a kid. You are soft.

It's hard to know whether you are being intentionally stupid or you come by it naturally.

Well we all know it comes naturally for you.
Politicians......with pretty much 24hour access to media....should not be getting "caught" saying things that they believe. They SHOULD be saying them in press conferences.
Yes, the point is you're in favor of coddling the rich but teaching the poor lessons...even when it's kids who had no say in the situation they were handed.

This is why everyone laughs at you.

Remind me where I wrote about coddling the rich. Oh yeah, it didnt happen so you ahd to make it up so you could make some kind of point against an argument I never made.

You didn't support the rich children being taught this same lesson through work. Do rich kids automatically understand the value of work right from birth? Of course not, yet you don't want to advocate all children learning this lesson. Why is that? Because you're a hypocrite.

Shockingly no response from the resident hypocrite Rabbi.
What are you smoking?

Rep. Jack Kingston Proposes That Poor Students Sweep Floors In Exchange For Lunch

And when you humiliate the kid out of school, what's your plan then?

C'mon -- could we just have one cycle to allow Dems to be the ones to run with the stupid ball? They handed us the gift of Obamacare and you say crap like this??

What he said wasn't wrong. Why isn't a poor kid humiliated he is on the free lunch program? He or she should be. Why isn't that child's parents humiliated? They should be.

Doing work for the items you need to live isn't humiliating no matter what that job may be. Thinking you are owed something for no effort on your part because actually working for it is beneath you should be humiliating.

You know who this humiliates? The f*cking janitor! The person that actually does the job to earn enough money to support himself and his family but is somehow deemed beneath the little bastard on welfare.

If you won't sweep a floor for f*cking lunch YOU DESERVE TO STARVE. If doing a menial task in order to feed yourself is beneath you what is up to you standards? What job is possibly up to your standards to actually take care of yourself? Janitorial services isn't good enough, McDonalds? Burger King? Walmart? What f*cking job is good enough for a person to do to actually feed themselves?

I'm honestly surprised it took the nuts that long to jump in and defend this guy. Not to mention the throng that high fived him with thanks.

If you need the perfect example of the difference between conservatives and liberals, this is it.

I'm just fine with that comparison. Just how much fantasy land are you left wing idiots willing to push onto our kids? You seem to be working on many years of a child's life filled with unicorn's and rainbows but devoid of any f*cking reality.

Free lunch through high school, no work involved and sure as hell not janitorial work because that's demeaning. So after you have "saved" these children from the reality they are on welfare your next step is what? Oh yeah, free college educations (well, loans that will f*ck you for the next 20 years but free now)! And lunch to go with it I'm sure. Stay on the government handout through college, stay on your parents insurance until 26, don't even think about working for yourself the benevolent government has you covered by other people paying the tab.

So now by your retarded f*cking reasoning we get a sh*tload of 26 year old college graduates who have never worked a day or had to pay a bill and somehow you think these entitled f*cks are going to actually step up to the plate and pay the freight for the next generation? How stupid are you?

This is a recipe for the failure of a nation.

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