STFU Jack Kingston

What he said wasn't wrong. Why isn't a poor kid humiliated he is on the free lunch program? He or she should be. Why isn't that child's parents humiliated? They should be.

Doing work for the items you need to live isn't humiliating no matter what that job may be. Thinking you are owed something for no effort on your part because actually working for it is beneath you should be humiliating.

You know who this humiliates? The f*cking janitor! The person that actually does the job to earn enough money to support himself and his family but is somehow deemed beneath the little bastard on welfare.

If you won't sweep a floor for f*cking lunch YOU DESERVE TO STARVE. If doing a menial task in order to feed yourself is beneath you what is up to you standards? What job is possibly up to your standards to actually take care of yourself? Janitorial services isn't good enough, McDonalds? Burger King? Walmart? What f*cking job is good enough for a person to do to actually feed themselves?

I'm honestly surprised it took the nuts that long to jump in and defend this guy. Not to mention the throng that high fived him with thanks.

If you need the perfect example of the difference between conservatives and liberals, this is it.

I'm just fine with that comparison. Just how much fantasy land are you left wing idiots willing to push onto our kids? You seem to be working on many years of a child's life filled with unicorn's and rainbows but devoid of any f*cking reality.

Free lunch through high school, no work involved and sure as hell not janitorial work because that's demeaning. So after you have "saved" these children from the reality they are on welfare your next step is what? Oh yeah, free college educations (well, loans that will f*ck you for the next 20 years but free now)! And lunch to go with it I'm sure. Stay on the government handout through college, stay on your parents insurance until 26, don't even think about working for yourself the benevolent government has you covered by other people paying the tab.

So now by your retarded f*cking reasoning we get a sh*tload of 26 year old college graduates who have never worked a day or had to pay a bill and somehow you think these entitled f*cks are going to actually step up to the plate and pay the freight for the next generation? How stupid are you?

This is a recipe for the failure of a nation.

Well, Kingston hasn't given the recipe for success of a nation. He's showing how to keep Democrats in power for generations to come.

First step in fixing our problems is not to make six year olds mop the floor during recess. If that's the proposed solution, then you're out of luck. Kingston won't be elected to the senate and if he's loud enough he'll cause a ripple effect which will help the Dems increase their seats in the senate the way Mourdock and Akin did.
what he said wasn't wrong. Why isn't a poor kid humiliated he is on the free lunch program? He or she should be. Why isn't that child's parents humiliated? They should be.

Doing work for the items you need to live isn't humiliating no matter what that job may be. Thinking you are owed something for no effort on your part because actually working for it is beneath you should be humiliating.

You know who this humiliates? The f*cking janitor! The person that actually does the job to earn enough money to support himself and his family but is somehow deemed beneath the little bastard on welfare.

If you won't sweep a floor for f*cking lunch you deserve to starve. If doing a menial task in order to feed yourself is beneath you what is up to you standards? What job is possibly up to your standards to actually take care of yourself? Janitorial services isn't good enough, mcdonalds? Burger king? Walmart? What f*cking job is good enough for a person to do to actually feed themselves?

i'm honestly surprised it took the nuts that long to jump in and defend this guy. Not to mention the throng that high fived him with thanks.

If you need the perfect example of the difference between conservatives and liberals, this is it.

i'm just fine with that comparison. Just how much fantasy land are you left wing idiots willing to push onto our kids? You seem to be working on many years of a child's life filled with unicorn's and rainbows but devoid of any f*cking reality.

Free lunch through high school, no work involved and sure as hell not janitorial work because that's demeaning. So after you have "saved" these children from the reality they are on welfare your next step is what? Oh yeah, free college educations (well, loans that will f*ck you for the next 20 years but free now)! And lunch to go with it i'm sure. Stay on the government handout through college, stay on your parents insurance until 26, don't even think about working for yourself the benevolent government has you covered by other people paying the tab.

So now by your retarded f*cking reasoning we get a sh*tload of 26 year old college graduates who have never worked a day or had to pay a bill and somehow you think these entitled f*cks are going to actually step up to the plate and pay the freight for the next generation? How stupid are you?

This is a recipe for the failure of a nation.

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You didn't support the rich children being taught this same lesson through work. Do rich kids automatically understand the value of work right from birth? Of course not, yet you don't want to advocate all children learning this lesson. Why is that? Because you're a hypocrite.

Shockingly no response from the resident hypocrite Rabbi.

Yawn. When you have an actual point please post it. Until then, stick it up your ass.

Yeah you were better off ignoring the question... This response just make it worse for you.

Hypocrisy confirmed!
What should happen is that every poor kid whose parents can't afford to buy them lunch should have to bus the tables while the more well off kids are eating. Then the poor kid, while busing tables could sneak a little of the scraps off the plates and thereby get themselves a little something to eat.

Doesn't that sound like a good idea Az mikey? I am sure your kids would share with the poorer kids. Right after they spit in their leftover food. Learned that from their Dad I bet.

I really like it when the Christmas spirit of Rethugs is put on public display. So heartwarming to hear of the concern for kids.
What are you smoking?

Rep. Jack Kingston Proposes That Poor Students Sweep Floors In Exchange For Lunch

And when you humiliate the kid out of school, what's your plan then?

C'mon -- could we just have one cycle to allow Dems to be the ones to run with the stupid ball? They handed us the gift of Obamacare and you say crap like this??

What he said wasn't wrong. Why isn't a poor kid humiliated he is on the free lunch program? He or she should be. Why isn't that child's parents humiliated? They should be.

Doing work for the items you need to live isn't humiliating no matter what that job may be. Thinking you are owed something for no effort on your part because actually working for it is beneath you should be humiliating.

You know who this humiliates? The f*cking janitor! The person that actually does the job to earn enough money to support himself and his family but is somehow deemed beneath the little bastard on welfare.

If you won't sweep a floor for f*cking lunch YOU DESERVE TO STARVE. If doing a menial task in order to feed yourself is beneath you what is up to you standards? What job is possibly up to your standards to actually take care of yourself? Janitorial services isn't good enough, McDonalds? Burger King? Walmart? What f*cking job is good enough for a person to do to actually feed themselves?

the kid is in school to study.

Now, I have nothing against kids sweeping the floors and learning the basic working skills - but all of them, not just the poor ones.

who should actually sweep the floors are the parents and other able body adults on assistance if they do not work.
Those should be obliged to do community service in exchange for their handouts.
Or they can find a job.

College students are also there to study. But if I understand the US correctly many of those students who do not have rich parents work, either in the college or nearby. And no one finds this in the least demeaning. So what exactly is the difference?
Yes sir, it has been shown that young, poor kids are already at an educational disadvantage. Of course with no good education, you might as well have them sweep the floors. Call it on the job training.
Cause that's about the best jobs they will find with no good education.

And you rethugs think that the Dems promote class distinctions. You rethugs want to train the underclass starting in what, first grade?
Peterf. You see any difference at all between a college age person and a second grader?
What he said wasn't wrong. Why isn't a poor kid humiliated he is on the free lunch program? He or she should be. Why isn't that child's parents humiliated? They should be.

Doing work for the items you need to live isn't humiliating no matter what that job may be. Thinking you are owed something for no effort on your part because actually working for it is beneath you should be humiliating.

You know who this humiliates? The f*cking janitor! The person that actually does the job to earn enough money to support himself and his family but is somehow deemed beneath the little bastard on welfare.

If you won't sweep a floor for f*cking lunch YOU DESERVE TO STARVE. If doing a menial task in order to feed yourself is beneath you what is up to you standards? What job is possibly up to your standards to actually take care of yourself? Janitorial services isn't good enough, McDonalds? Burger King? Walmart? What f*cking job is good enough for a person to do to actually feed themselves?

the kid is in school to study.

Now, I have nothing against kids sweeping the floors and learning the basic working skills - but all of them, not just the poor ones.

who should actually sweep the floors are the parents and other able body adults on assistance if they do not work.
Those should be obliged to do community service in exchange for their handouts.
Or they can find a job.

College students are also there to study. But if I understand the US correctly many of those students who do not have rich parents work, either in the college or nearby. And no one finds this in the least demeaning. So what exactly is the difference?

Fucking brilliant.
Kingston was just on CNN trying to say he didn't say what he was recorded saying. He blames the Liberal Media. :lol:
Peterf. You see any difference at all between a college age person and a second grader?

Yes, the Second Grader is much less likely to be high on drugs or alcohol and to stay in bed until noon. And, maybe, more likely to see a bit of light weeping as fun.
Shockingly no response from the resident hypocrite Rabbi.

Yawn. When you have an actual point please post it. Until then, stick it up your ass.

Yeah you were better off ignoring the question... This response just make it worse for you.

Hypocrisy confirmed!
It'snot really germane to this particular discussion. More germane would be why anyone thinks kids are too stupid to figure out who's on public assistence. I realize the people posting hat probably were too stupid to figure it out, but that doesnt explain everyone else.
Yes sir, it has been shown that young, poor kids are already at an educational disadvantage. Of course with no good education, you might as well have them sweep the floors. Call it on the job training.
Cause that's about the best jobs they will find with no good education.

And you rethugs think that the Dems promote class distinctions. You rethugs want to train the underclass starting in what, first grade?

Zeke, you certainly know about lack of education first hand.
No one is denying anyone an education. Kids on assistance will get the exact same education as those not. The difference is they will learn that being on assistance comes with a price. It's called "responsibility." You should try it sometime.
Yawn. When you have an actual point please post it. Until then, stick it up your ass.

Yeah you were better off ignoring the question... This response just make it worse for you.

Hypocrisy confirmed!
It'snot really germane to this particular discussion. More germane would be why anyone thinks kids are too stupid to figure out who's on public assistence. I realize the people posting hat probably were too stupid to figure it out, but that doesnt explain everyone else.

It's exactly the point of the conversation. You're only digging that hole deeper now.

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