STFU Jack Kingston

You haven't made an argument. You tossed out platitudes.

The platitude "hard work is blah blah blah," isn't necessary.

Most people know those things, but of course, the preachy preacher types think that they're the ones who possess that knowledge and everyone else is "simple."


It's that everyone else is smarter than you.

We can do two things at once.

We can know that hard work is great, and at the same time not think it's a good idea in this scenario.

Betcha never thunkaa datt, did ya dingleberry? A heealp.

You missed the point. How typical.
Kids already know which kids come from families with money and which don't. Ergo there is no humiliation. Ergo your objection to the proposal is based on an erroneous belief.

Your point is based on an


And yours is based on?
Yeah, you've been pwned. Get on with life.
The bible angle is "meh," because Religious can always fall back on misinterpretation, out of context, allegory vs. literal, and all kinds of bullshit.

It's not the correct way to address the issue because anyone can play devil's advocate and get out of that point of view very easily.

I agree with you. Remind me which poster introduced it. Oh yeah, your butt buddy RDD.


This is why no one likes you. Your own side doesn't even claim you.

Yiou dont like me because you get pwned every time you try to debate. And I point out the obvious, like this, and you deflect to some stupidity.
Glad to know you're against teaching these "valuable lessons" to all the kids.

Was there a point there? I didnt see it through all the stupid in the post.

Yes, the point is you're in favor of coddling the rich but teaching the poor lessons...even when it's kids who had no say in the situation they were handed.

This is why everyone laughs at you.

Remind me where I wrote about coddling the rich. Oh yeah, it didnt happen so you ahd to make it up so you could make some kind of point against an argument I never made.
What he said wasn't wrong. Why isn't a poor kid humiliated he is on the free lunch program? He or she should be. Why isn't that child's parents humiliated? They should be.

Doing work for the items you need to live isn't humiliating no matter what that job may be. Thinking you are owed something for no effort on your part because actually working for it is beneath you should be humiliating.

You know who this humiliates? The f*cking janitor! The person that actually does the job to earn enough money to support himself and his family but is somehow deemed beneath the little bastard on welfare.

If you won't sweep a floor for f*cking lunch YOU DESERVE TO STARVE. If doing a menial task in order to feed yourself is beneath you what is up to you standards? What job is possibly up to your standards to actually take care of yourself? Janitorial services isn't good enough, McDonalds? Burger King? Walmart? What f*cking job is good enough for a person to do to actually feed themselves?

At what age should the poor child start sweeping the floor while kids with well-off parents are outside playing or in class learning? Is 8 early enough for you? Or should kindergarteners and first graders be bussing tables too?
Your entire premise is based on bullsh*t. It doesn't matter what the kids of well off parents are doing that doesn't change the fact that YOU are on WELFARE. Blame your parents for it but at least get in the damn game here and work yourself out of it. Welfare doesn't mean you get to live like the rich kids, that's a fact of life. What are you going to do when the rich kid gets a car? Demand a f*cking welfare car?

Ten years old is old enough to begin learning that work equals money and without work you don't get sh*t. I started working at around ten, learned real fast that that was how people made money to purchase the items they need. It also taught me that the job I was currently qualified for wasn't where I wanted to end up and motivated me to be better.

This bullsh*t about poor kids not getting to live life like the rich ones meaning they get to live off the welfare of the rest of us needs to stop. You aren't rich and have to sweep the floor after work to get lunch, boo f*cking hoo. Do that job and pay better attention in class so maybe one day you won't have to sweep floors and realize your welfare mom and dad f*cked up and maybe you should do something different.

God with this..please..I want to watch you alienate almost every single mom vote out there.

You dont let kids starve and saying fuckem means you lost. People like you need to be pointed out and shunned.
You missed the point. How typical.
Kids already know which kids come from families with money and which don't. Ergo there is no humiliation. Ergo your objection to the proposal is based on an erroneous belief.

Your point is based on an


And yours is based on?
Yeah, you've been pwned. Get on with life.

You couldn't own your birth certificate, dipshit.

You're @least in the bottom 5 posters on the entire internet. Maybe bottom 3.
I agree with you. Remind me which poster introduced it. Oh yeah, your butt buddy RDD.


This is why no one likes you. Your own side doesn't even claim you.

Yiou dont like me because you get pwned every time you try to debate. And I point out the obvious, like this, and you deflect to some stupidity.

You've never not once beaten me in a single debate.

Shit, I've barely ever debated you, you don't SAY anything.

You're right above the "worthy of mocking" line, and like one-hundred and eighty-seven inches below the "worthy to engage" line. You're irrelevant.
Maybe I'm just weird but I dont see how you can be humiliated by working for your food.

Granted, I think the work students should probably be doing is their school work

Picture it kids eating lunch while laughing at the other kids who are cleaning up vomit because their momma doesnt make enough money to allow her kids to "be a kid". So they have to grow up fast.

Of course everyone is going to pretend that humiliation doesnt matter or kids need to get over it since they are the reason they are poor (sarcasm). It's not like they'll be bullied or made fun of.

And if they do so what? Thats life kid move on...except kids usually will do something about a shitty life and hurt someone or themselves. But fuck it, thats Darwinism. They cant hack it better off dead.


Actually, I just think it's sad that you would mock and ridicule anyone, let alone children, who need to work

Children are cruel. There is nothing wrong with work, but there is a time and place for it.
At what age should the poor child start sweeping the floor while kids with well-off parents are outside playing or in class learning? Is 8 early enough for you? Or should kindergarteners and first graders be bussing tables too?

No one is talking about not letting kids take classes, although truth be told they would learn more spending time with the janitor than with the teacher.
AZMike is right: at what point did manual labor become a disgrace? At what point did taking hand outs cease being a disgrace?

Let all the kids do it then. Why humiliate a child who had nothing to do with his/her situation in life. Work is fine, but make all the kids learn those lessons. Don't single the poor ones out because of events that are out of their control. They're kids for christ sake.

Well if they are rich they can just claim they dont know any better when they get in trouble. So the moral of the story here is. Poor? Work for it. Rich? Kill 4 people and get away with it, because you didnt have to work for your money.
Your point is based on an


And yours is based on?
Yeah, you've been pwned. Get on with life.

You couldn't own your birth certificate, dipshit.

You're @least in the bottom 5 posters on the entire internet. Maybe bottom 3.

And I still pwn you ever time. What does that say about you?
Here you are avoiding your own argument. What does that say?
What work should a one year old do when their mother is too poor to feed them? What about a 3 year old? What work do you suggest for those poor kids?

The offer of a job--of having a role to play in society--is as necessary as the offer of food for sustenance. Both should be provided.

So the job a one year old should/could do is.......? :eusa_eh:

Be reasonable. Infants and young children should have society's support, no matter the circumstance. Of course they don't need jobs--but they should be able to experience the pride and ownership of work as soon as they can.

This applies to rich kids suffering from "afflunza" as well, but they are often insulated from the real world.
Notice how everyone who thinks work is good for kids doesnt want to share that goodness with rich kids because they must be protected or something
He said you always have the poor with you.

The Gospel teaches us to work. After all, it was God who blessed us with the need to work.

Yeah but remind me about that line in that bible that talks about how poor children should be made to work for their food. I can't remember which passage that was that I read that....can you remind me please. Thanks!

Im unfamiliar with any verse that exempts the rich from working as well. We are all commanded to work 6 days and rest on the 7th.

Even my 1 year old can do work. She likes being helpful and throwing her trash away and taking things from mommy to daddy or vice versa.

There is nothing wrong with working. And I hope she continues to love working and being helpful the rest of her life.
Thats not work. Thats being kids do it as well.
More to my other point about rich kids. Mikeaz talkd about having to earn it because you wont learn the value of a dollar.

So we can point to the recent story Of the 16 year old who got drunk and killed four people. His defense being he didnt know any better because he doesnt understand the concept of money because his parents are rich.

This flies in the face of mikes logic because he is claiming poor kids dont understand because thwy are getting lunches for free.

See when you take the time to break down people like mikes argument, you can see just how weak it really is.
What are you smoking?

Rep. Jack Kingston Proposes That Poor Students Sweep Floors In Exchange For Lunch

And when you humiliate the kid out of school, what's your plan then?

C'mson -- could we just have one cycle to allow Dems to be the ones to run with the stupid ball? They handed us the gift of Obamacare and you say crap like this??


I sure wouldn't have a problem having the kids parents perform such tasks. It would not only instill some pride, but would teach people that if you expect government help, you need to earn it.

This is why no one likes you. Your own side doesn't even claim you.

Yiou dont like me because you get pwned every time you try to debate. And I point out the obvious, like this, and you deflect to some stupidity.

You've never not once beaten me in a single debate.

Shit, I've barely ever debated you, you don't SAY anything.

You're right above the "worthy of mocking" line, and like one-hundred and eighty-seven inches below the "worthy to engage" line. You're irrelevant.

But he tries so hard by thinking he won something or pwned you. There is no point in engaging him. Its actually worse than engaging mal in a gay debate,but ita the same idea. Circular logic.
Notice how everyone who thinks work is good for kids doesnt want to share that goodness with rich kids because they must be protected or something

Some did say all the kids should work.

Ahh back to the good ol days


Furman Owens, 12 years old. Can't read. Doesn't know his A,B,C's. Said, "Yes I want to learn but can't when I work all the time." Been in the mills 4 years, 3 years in the Olympia Mill. Columbia, South Carolina
What are you smoking?

Rep. Jack Kingston Proposes That Poor Students Sweep Floors In Exchange For Lunch

And when you humiliate the kid out of school, what's your plan then?

C'mson -- could we just have one cycle to allow Dems to be the ones to run with the stupid ball? They handed us the gift of Obamacare and you say crap like this??


I sure wouldn't have a problem having the kids parents perform such tasks. It would not only instill some pride, but would teach people that if you expect government help, you need to earn it.

And when Mommie finds that second job, 6-year-old Marie can go off work detail for awhile, but when she gets laid off again, back to the mop for Marie?

We can afford to feed children and let them have time to play and be refreshed for a day of learning.

We can afford to make them feel more safe and welcome and wanted at school than they would out in a gang.

We can.

Even Kingston acknowledges that it would be a fiscal loss to teach this lesson to the poor kids. There is no good reason to make little kids do menial labor. How much are you going to pay them? Minimum wage? Or are you going top make them work for less than minimum wage?

This is so disgusting and I hate Republicans for squandering their good message with suggestions like this. What horrible priorities. What other suggestions did Kingston have? I don't actually know. I sure hope he had more ideas than wasting taxpayer money on forced labor programs for kids who already go to sleep hungry in a homeless shelter. But I would not be surprised if that was the highlight of his economic suggestions. I hope I'm wrong, but no matter how many other ideas he had, this shouldn't even be on his top 20.
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As far as I know they didn't vote to cut the pay of veterans. They slowed the rate of increase of veterans' benefits for able-bodied, pre-retirement age vets. Something like this should happen with more people. Not just veterans and federal employees.

I only recently learned about the tax credit for illegal aliens. That sucks if I understand it anywhere near correctly. Shouldn't be allowed. No one who is here illegally should be getting refunds of money they earned illegally.

But that doesn't let Republicans off the hook for idiocy. School should be a place where kids feel safe and welcome. Not a searing embarrassing experience motivating them to truancy and early dropout.

So I'll ask you the same question I asked AzMike -- how early are you going to make the children start working for their keep?

then you are ignorant of what is going on...

I had my son working around the house "earning his keep" as soon as he was big enough to carry out the trash.

Then when he could mow the lawn, that became his job, and still is.

Learning to work at an early age is not wrong.

There is a huge difference between a loving parent having his child do chores and a bureaucracy requiring a four-year-old or six-year-old or 8-year-old or 10-year-old or 15-year-old to work x-amount of time before he's allowed to eat.

Kids should get to be kids. They should get to play. They should get to spend time with their friends. They should be encouraged to make friends across the social spectrum, not artificially forced into even more cliques than they're in now by not letting them have recess with the well-off kids so they can work for their lunch.

Why don't you explain to me how what I said about veterans' benefits is incorrect? I was under the impression that they won't be getting as large of COLAs. That's a slower increase, not a cut.

You won't believe anything I say, so get off the brain candy sites and research for yourself what is in the bill..

Here is a hint.. Disabled Vets.

Here is another hint, look up what the Democrats voted to protect instead of the COLA for Disabled Vets.

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