Still Hate Hillary Clinton? She Was Right Then And She’s Right Now


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
If you still hate Hillary Clinton for some reason, time to get over it. She was right about Donald Trump and his movement in 2016, and she's right now.

During the presidential campaign five years ago, Clinton made the simple observation that a large percentage of Donald Trump's followers could be considered a "basket of deplorables" because of their racism, white supremacy, nativism, misogyny, religious hatred and other retrograde antisocial values and beliefs.

As I wrote here several weeks ago, "In many ways, Clinton was too kind. If anything, she underestimated how many Americans were in fact committed and enthusiastic human deplorables"

A lot of people underestimated how many religious racist idiots there are. A lot of us didn’t.
She is the reason for Trump so.........that will never change so there will never be a reason to support her.

I get so sick of people throwing around "Fascism" and whatever lame label they want to use as in the end there isn't a major difference right now no matter which had won in 2016.
If you still hate Hillary Clinton for some reason, time to get over it. She was right about Donald Trump and his movement in 2016, and she's right now.

During the presidential campaign five years ago, Clinton made the simple observation that a large percentage of Donald Trump's followers could be considered a "basket of deplorables" because of their racism, white supremacy, nativism, misogyny, religious hatred and other retrograde antisocial values and beliefs.

As I wrote here several weeks ago, "In many ways, Clinton was too kind. If anything, she underestimated how many Americans were in fact committed and enthusiastic human deplorables"

A lot of people underestimated how many religious racist idiots there are. A lot of us didn’t.

Sure...and the Russian Dossier was a factual document, dumbass.
If you still hate Hillary Clinton for some reason, time to get over it. She was right about Donald Trump and his movement in 2016, and she's right now.

During the presidential campaign five years ago, Clinton made the simple observation that a large percentage of Donald Trump's followers could be considered a "basket of deplorables" because of their racism, white supremacy, nativism, misogyny, religious hatred and other retrograde antisocial values and beliefs.

As I wrote here several weeks ago, "In many ways, Clinton was too kind. If anything, she underestimated how many Americans were in fact committed and enthusiastic human deplorables"

A lot of people underestimated how many religious racist idiots there are. A lot of us didn’t.
Nothing like calling lawful citizens who pay their taxes, deplorables. Yeah, that really got those "white" folks out there to vote for her.

Nothing like calling lawful citizens who pay their taxes, deplorables. Yeah, that really got those "white" folks out there to vote for her.

Actually, it did. She won by 3 million votes.

Trump won the EC by 74,000 votes because less than 1% in 4 different swing districts, in an election that saw more than 1 million votes suppressed. 200,000 in Wisconsin alone.

The majority of America supports Clinton, while a majority of America hates Trumps guts. Another fact shit for brains America has to deal with whether they are any to or not.
If you still hate Hillary Clinton for some reason, time to get over it. She was right about Donald Trump and his movement in 2016, and she's right now.

During the presidential campaign five years ago, Clinton made the simple observation that a large percentage of Donald Trump's followers could be considered a "basket of deplorables" because of their racism, white supremacy, nativism, misogyny, religious hatred and other retrograde antisocial values and beliefs.

As I wrote here several weeks ago, "In many ways, Clinton was too kind. If anything, she underestimated how many Americans were in fact committed and enthusiastic human deplorables"

A lot of people underestimated how many religious racist idiots there are. A lot of us didn’t.
When are you people going to stop riding around in your way back machine?
If you still hate Hillary Clinton for some reason, time to get over it. She was right about Donald Trump and his movement in 2016, and she's right now.

During the presidential campaign five years ago, Clinton made the simple observation that a large percentage of Donald Trump's followers could be considered a "basket of deplorables" because of their racism, white supremacy, nativism, misogyny, religious hatred and other retrograde antisocial values and beliefs.

As I wrote here several weeks ago, "In many ways, Clinton was too kind. If anything, she underestimated how many Americans were in fact committed and enthusiastic human deplorables"

A lot of people underestimated how many religious racist idiots there are. A lot of us didn’t.
Awww someone misses his Trumpybear. Did Pinochijoe's latest approval rating make you wish for your old boyfriend back??
Actually, it did. She won by 3 million votes.

Trump won the EC by 74,000 votes because less than 1% in 4 different swing districts, in an election that saw more than 1 million votes suppressed. 200,000 in Wisconsin alone.

The majority of America supports Clinton, while a majority of America hates Trumps guts. Another fact shit for brains America has to deal with whether they are any to or not.
Huggy huggy, kissy kissy my Trumpybear.....
If you still hate Hillary Clinton for some reason, time to get over it. She was right about Donald Trump and his movement in 2016, and she's right now.

During the presidential campaign five years ago, Clinton made the simple observation that a large percentage of Donald Trump's followers could be considered a "basket of deplorables" because of their racism, white supremacy, nativism, misogyny, religious hatred and other retrograde antisocial values and beliefs.

As I wrote here several weeks ago, "In many ways, Clinton was too kind. If anything, she underestimated how many Americans were in fact committed and enthusiastic human deplorables"

A lot of people underestimated how many religious racist idiots there are. A lot of us didn’t.
You want to talk about "deplorables"? The Clinton Campaign paid big money to smear a political opponent with lies and then used our intelligence services and our main stream media to mislead the public into thinking it was real! They used our FISA courts to spy on said political opponent...once again lying to deceive the US public! Hillary Clinton subverted the watchdog role of Congress by running the State Department through servers she hid in her home...then lied about it when Benghazi blew up in her face. Her stonewalling of multiple investigations led to the discovery of her lies and caused her to lose the election. She met the plane carrying dead Americans who's deaths SHE caused with her poor policy decisions and lied to the families of those slain Americans about why they died!

Hillary Clinton doesn't have a "kind" bone in her body! She's a sleazier politician than Richard Nixon EVER was and has been for DECADES! So who's really the "deplorables" in this conversation, Skews?
Actually, it did. She won by 3 million votes.

Trump won the EC by 74,000 votes because less than 1% in 4 different swing districts, in an election that saw more than 1 million votes suppressed. 200,000 in Wisconsin alone.

The majority of America supports Clinton, while a majority of America hates Trumps guts. Another fact shit for brains America has to deal with whether they are any to or not.
And that is why we live in a Constitutional Republic, not in a Democracy(Mod Rule). Oh yeah, and those 11 million illegals in California dont count, so she actually lost by 8 million...Thanks for playing.
Yep, and she will be living in Trumps head for the rest of his life.
With all due respect, Skews...that loss to Trump because of all the shit Hillary pulled will haunt her for the rest of HER life! Hillary Clinton is a power hungry harpy who didn't get the one thing she wanted most in the world...the Presidency...and it will eat at her each and every day!
GOP party leaders who you Trump asslickers all bowed to before The Ape came along all hate his guts because they know he's a malignant psychopath.

Some day they may grow a spine & stand up to that lowlife.

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