Still no website in place for the public on Corona virus pandemic

OP you might want to clarify Joe as being Scarborough and not Biden who is still missing...
If you can't manufacture an intelligent rebuttal, maybe you should clarify why you are here?

Actually dumbass, she was pointing out an important fact you left out of the OP that certainly could make a difference to any arguments for or against the topic. So maybe YOU should clarify just what you're trying to point out, rather than insult her
And meanwhile Fauci has to waste breath correcting Trump's false statements rather than telling Americans what they can do to help
Really seems MSM and democrats aren't listening to Fauci either since he has repeatedly stated not everyone needs to be tested. It's not really hard to understand why only people showing symptoms need to be tested since if a person tests negative it doesn't mean they can contract the virus in the next 30 minutes. Right now they want people to take precautions like they have the virus.
Along with the fact testing people who have the virus but are not having symptoms requiring medical attention puts others in danger of exposer. Every test requires a medical professional to change protective gear for each person. So mass testing right now not only depletes finite recourses of protective gear but it also deplete medical professionals who could be helping the sick.

Much truth here ^ HOWEVER, anyone expressing symptoms should be tested NOW. And not just those who have returned from foreign travel. We can't do that because Donnie Dithered, Deflected, Dissembled and turned down WHO test kits that were offered back in January.

Respectfully disagree.

If you are coughing and short of breath you must be treated REGARDLESS of what causing the symptoms.

Testing is immaterial specially since the coronaviruses have been around since the 1970's so there will be a lot of false positives which will be blown out of proportion by the Lamestream Media and those determined to hype and deception.


THIS virus has not been around for 50 years. If it had, we'd be immune or dead by now. But, more to the actual point, the reason to test symptomatic people is so that everyone we can find can also be tested and quarantined.

That's what Trump fucked up early on. But, while that may have slowed the spread down some, it would have spread, but slower, unless we could find everyone, and we couldn't. But all social distancing is doing is slowing down the infection rate so that while most of us will eventually get a positive test, if tested, hospitals won't be overwhelmed with people all needing beds at the same time.
Joe calls for a government site to list mask, glove production Remember how Trump said that the website concerning this virus was going to be up and running very quickly? I remember. Trouble is, it was a lie. Just like everything else he tells us. I said it before, the lies about "everything is going to be beautiful", it will be like a miracle, and websites getting here quickly, has to stop. Making this all about him, is costing hundreds of lives, which ultimately will cost thousands of lives. Get your sh.. together Trump. Do what you say you're going to do.


Could it be because the "pandemic" is a POLITICAL HOAX?

A Politically Motivated Epidemic? But Maybe There Is A Hidden End-Game
If it were, then why did Trump get political by promising it then?

UNFORTUNATELY , DJT is a politician who is running for re-election and there are some extremely powerful entities trying to end his political career, ie,

The Demo Rats , the Lamestream Media (CBS. NBC, ABC, CNN et al) and the Deep State .

Reason the author claim that the coronavirus pandemic is a political hoax

A pathological lying politician like Trump who causes death, has no career. He never did. He is an enemy to the state, and everyone knows it. He pedals in lies, just as you do. You have no evidence of any "deep state. " No one ever has. Therefore, you are a liar. The thing about lies is this, it does catch up. And with the mountain of lies associated with this pandemic coming from Trump, it is costing lives. People are picking up on the fact, that Trump is the enemy, by virtue of his lies. His fake career is over.

He pedals in lies, just as you do.

Bicycle, tricycle, or unicycle?
Folks, this is what happens when you destroy someone's argument. The old chicken with the head cut off response.
The only thing you have destroyed is any remaining credibility you thought you might have.
Joe calls for a government site to list mask, glove production Remember how Trump said that the website concerning this virus was going to be up and running very quickly? I remember. Trouble is, it was a lie. Just like everything else he tells us. I said it before, the lies about "everything is going to be beautiful", it will be like a miracle, and websites getting here quickly, has to stop. Making this all about him, is costing hundreds of lives, which ultimately will cost thousands of lives. Get your sh.. together Trump. Do what you say you're going to do.


Could it be because the "pandemic" is a POLITICAL HOAX?

A Politically Motivated Epidemic? But Maybe There Is A Hidden End-Game
If it were, then why did Trump get political by promising it then?

UNFORTUNATELY , DJT is a politician who is running for re-election and there are some extremely powerful entities trying to end his political career, ie,

The Demo Rats , the Lamestream Media (CBS. NBC, ABC, CNN et al) and the Deep State .

Reason the author claim that the coronavirus pandemic is a political hoax

A pathological lying politician like Trump who causes death, has no career. He never did. He is an enemy to the state, and everyone knows it. He pedals in lies, just as you do. You have no evidence of any "deep state. " No one ever has. Therefore, you are a liar. The thing about lies is this, it does catch up. And with the mountain of lies associated with this pandemic coming from Trump, it is costing lives. People are picking up on the fact, that Trump is the enemy, by virtue of his lies. His fake career is over.

He pedals in lies, just as you do.

Bicycle, tricycle, or unicycle?
Folks, this is what happens when you destroy someone's argument. The old chicken with the head cut off response.
The only thing you have destroyed is any remaining credibility you thought you might have.

Kindly disinfect your Nostril(s) :D
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I'm not worried about getting accurate information on Corona. You can find that on the CDC and other sites. What's needed is at minimum a proprietary site where hospital and other medical purchasing agents could actually check to see current stockpiles on things like face masks, ventilators and test kits as well as place orders and get accurate delivery dates.

The Dithering Dotard and "Science Mike" Pence don't want anyone to know those things. Just BELIEVE them when they lie and tell us they are "available now". :rolleyes:
In order to create a website which provides accurate information you need a source which is NOT conflicted by interest

Find the reliable source first then you will find accurate information

I have seen dozens of doctors and hospital officials say that Donnie and his Albino Sidekick Mikey are NOT providing them with accurate information. Those two are conflicted by self-interest in getting reelected. That's about the beginning and the end of their motivation.
And have you noticed, and I know you have, how they are always self congratulating themselves and talking up the economy, as if that is the most important aspect of this crisis? They really could give two shits about Coronavirus. They're doing a ten job, it will be beautiful, Website will be here quickly, what's the ratings on Fox, I want to keep the numbers down, etc. These two are sick. Really, really, sick and disgusting.

Not working out so swell for them is it?

18,891.14 −282.84 (1.48%)
Mar 23, 12:54 PM EDT
And by "them" you mean Americans.
Joe calls for a government site to list mask, glove production Remember how Trump said that the website concerning this virus was going to be up and running very quickly? I remember. Trouble is, it was a lie. Just like everything else he tells us. I said it before, the lies about "everything is going to be beautiful", it will be like a miracle, and websites getting here quickly, has to stop. Making this all about him, is costing hundreds of lives, which ultimately will cost thousands of lives. Get your sh.. together Trump. Do what you say you're going to do.


Could it be because the "pandemic" is a POLITICAL HOAX?

A Politically Motivated Epidemic? But Maybe There Is A Hidden End-Game
If it were, then why did Trump get political by promising it then?

UNFORTUNATELY , DJT is a politician who is running for re-election and there are some extremely powerful entities trying to end his political career, ie,

The Demo Rats , the Lamestream Media (CBS. NBC, ABC, CNN et al) and the Deep State .

Reason the author claim that the coronavirus pandemic is a political hoax

A pathological lying politician like Trump who causes death, has no career. He never did. He is an enemy to the state, and everyone knows it. He pedals in lies, just as you do. You have no evidence of any "deep state. " No one ever has. Therefore, you are a liar. The thing about lies is this, it does catch up. And with the mountain of lies associated with this pandemic coming from Trump, it is costing lives. People are picking up on the fact, that Trump is the enemy, by virtue of his lies. His fake career is over.
Again. You know what you must do to remove the presidential ENEMY OF THE STATE. Get busy. Form your army. Remove him by force. The public is waiting for your naked heroism.
Democrats aren't redneck idiots like the Right. We have a tendency to believe in the institutions that were created, and sound the alarm when Republicans try and break them down.
I'm not worried about getting accurate information on Corona. You can find that on the CDC and other sites. What's needed is at minimum a proprietary site where hospital and other medical purchasing agents could actually check to see current stockpiles on things like face masks, ventilators and test kits as well as place orders and get accurate delivery dates.

The Dithering Dotard and "Science Mike" Pence don't want anyone to know those things. Just BELIEVE them when they lie and tell us they are "available now". :rolleyes:
In order to create a website which provides accurate information you need a source which is NOT conflicted by interest

Find the reliable source first then you will find accurate information

Then why did Trump brag about one coming soon then, if that source wasn't already reliable?
Joe calls for a government site to list mask, glove production Remember how Trump said that the website concerning this virus was going to be up and running very quickly? I remember. Trouble is, it was a lie. Just like everything else he tells us. I said it before, the lies about "everything is going to be beautiful", it will be like a miracle, and websites getting here quickly, has to stop. Making this all about him, is costing hundreds of lives, which ultimately will cost thousands of lives. Get your sh.. together Trump. Do what you say you're going to do.


Could it be because the "pandemic" is a POLITICAL HOAX?

A Politically Motivated Epidemic? But Maybe There Is A Hidden End-Game
If it were, then why did Trump get political by promising it then?

UNFORTUNATELY , DJT is a politician who is running for re-election and there are some extremely powerful entities trying to end his political career, ie,

The Demo Rats , the Lamestream Media (CBS. NBC, ABC, CNN et al) and the Deep State .

Reason the author claim that the coronavirus pandemic is a political hoax

A pathological lying politician like Trump who causes death, has no career. He never did. He is an enemy to the state, and everyone knows it. He pedals in lies, just as you do. You have no evidence of any "deep state. " No one ever has. Therefore, you are a liar. The thing about lies is this, it does catch up. And with the mountain of lies associated with this pandemic coming from Trump, it is costing lives. People are picking up on the fact, that Trump is the enemy, by virtue of his lies. His fake career is over.
Oh please hff e doesn't cause death. You're still alive. In a better world the democrats would be gone by now.
Me being alive and idiots like Trump causing death, have nothing to do with each other. Why do you post up stupid talk?
Joe calls for a government site to list mask, glove production Remember how Trump said that the website concerning this virus was going to be up and running very quickly? I remember. Trouble is, it was a lie. Just like everything else he tells us. I said it before, the lies about "everything is going to be beautiful", it will be like a miracle, and websites getting here quickly, has to stop. Making this all about him, is costing hundreds of lives, which ultimately will cost thousands of lives. Get your sh.. together Trump. Do what you say you're going to do.
I can't think of a single statement about this pandemic which Trump has made which has been correct.
Nor can I.
I'm not worried about getting accurate information on Corona. You can find that on the CDC and other sites. What's needed is at minimum a proprietary site where hospital and other medical purchasing agents could actually check to see current stockpiles on things like face masks, ventilators and test kits as well as place orders and get accurate delivery dates.

The Dithering Dotard and "Science Mike" Pence don't want anyone to know those things. Just BELIEVE them when they lie and tell us they are "available now". :rolleyes:
In order to create a website which provides accurate information you need a source which is NOT conflicted by interest

Find the reliable source first then you will find accurate information

I have seen dozens of doctors and hospital officials say that Donnie and his Albino Sidekick Mikey are NOT providing them with accurate information. Those two are conflicted by self-interest in getting reelected. That's about the beginning and the end of their motivation.
And have you noticed, and I know you have, how they are always self congratulating themselves and talking up the economy, as if that is the most important aspect of this crisis? They really could give two shits about Coronavirus. They're doing a ten job, it will be beautiful, Website will be here quickly, what's the ratings on Fox, I want to keep the numbers down, etc. These two are sick. Really, really, sick and disgusting.

To those of us who are not parasites , berners, or socialists the economy is extremely important.

But you miserable stupid fucks always demanding that fedgov do mere without ever asking where is the money going to come from?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Um, excuse me, but Larry Kudlow proposed an almost 3 trillion dollar socialist bailout. And you aren't a parasite? Please tell me I didn't just read that? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
another 'it isn't moving fast enough' thread.

here's an idea: get the fuck off of your ass and go do something to help.

until then, STFU. the caterwauling crybaby bullshit from some on the left to continue to attack Trump is absurd at this point.
Trump said it, no one on the Left did. Own your own bs and your lies, and stop being pussies by blaming everyone else for Trumps fuck ups.
Why dew ewe think we need a website? Aren’t there better things to spend money on?
NO! Money is well spent on accurate, pro-active, up to date information on numbers of masks, where you can get them, how are they being produced, etc.
He gives freaking daily updates. Pay attention.

Intelligent folks refer to his freaking daily updates as Dithering Donnie's Daily Disinformation Dump.

‘’democrats are not intelligent folks! They are assholes. All of them.
That's a great argument right there. Totally absent of any substance. :laughing0301: Don't you just feel like a total idiot sometimes with these vegetable responses of yours?
No shithead! I don’t. The facts are the facts whether you like them or not.
You don't have an argument. Just lies with nothing to back up your bs. You never have. "Democrats are not intelligent folks?" And what do you offer? Nothing but a bucket of shit when you come here. :auiqs.jpg:You never say anything.
The public will not forget what democrats are doing. Every one of them needs to be voted out of office.
Joe calls for a government site to list mask, glove production Remember how Trump said that the website concerning this virus was going to be up and running very quickly? I remember. Trouble is, it was a lie. Just like everything else he tells us. I said it before, the lies about "everything is going to be beautiful", it will be like a miracle, and websites getting here quickly, has to stop. Making this all about him, is costing hundreds of lives, which ultimately will cost thousands of lives. Get your sh.. together Trump. Do what you say you're going to do.
another 'it isn't moving fast enough' thread.

here's an idea: get the fuck off of your ass and go do something to help.

until then, STFU. the caterwauling crybaby bullshit from some on the left to continue to attack Trump is absurd at this point.
Trump said it, no one on the Left did. Own your own bs and your lies, and stop being pussies by blaming everyone else for Trumps fuck ups.

There's an awful lot of balls in the air right now you myopic idiot.

Again, get the fuck out of your chair and go do something. Until then you're nothing but a whiner. And I'm here to tell you, whiner, that at this moment in our history there is nothing, NOTHING, more despicable or downright ridiculous than that.

Stand up, grow up, or shut up. At this point I don't give a shit which you choose but I've had it with the #orangemanbad nonsense. This is bigger than that, and has been for a while. Buy a goddamn clue and be part of the solution.
OP you might want to clarify Joe as being Scarborough and not Biden who is still missing...
If you can't manufacture an intelligent rebuttal, maybe you should clarify why you are here?

Actually dumbass, she was pointing out an important fact you left out of the OP that certainly could make a difference to any arguments for or against the topic. So maybe YOU should clarify just what you're trying to point out, rather than insult her
And meanwhile Fauci has to waste breath correcting Trump's false statements rather than telling Americans what they can do to help
Really seems MSM and democrats aren't listening to Fauci either since he has repeatedly stated not everyone needs to be tested. It's not really hard to understand why only people showing symptoms need to be tested since if a person tests negative it doesn't mean they can contract the virus in the next 30 minutes. Right now they want people to take precautions like they have the virus.
Along with the fact testing people who have the virus but are not having symptoms requiring medical attention puts others in danger of exposer. Every test requires a medical professional to change protective gear for each person. So mass testing right now not only depletes finite recourses of protective gear but it also deplete medical professionals who could be helping the sick.

Much truth here ^ HOWEVER, anyone expressing symptoms should be tested NOW. And not just those who have returned from foreign travel. We can't do that because Donnie Dithered, Deflected, Dissembled and turned down WHO test kits that were offered back in January.

Respectfully disagree.

If you are coughing and short of breath you must be treated REGARDLESS of what causing the symptoms.

Testing is immaterial specially since the coronaviruses have been around since the 1970's so there will be a lot of false positives which will be blown out of proportion by the Lamestream Media and those determined to hype and deception.


THIS virus has not been around for 50 years. If it had, we'd be immune or dead by now. But, more to the actual point, the reason to test symptomatic people is so that everyone we can find can also be tested and quarantined.

That's what Trump fucked up early on. But, while that may have slowed the spread down some, it would have spread, but slower, unless we could find everyone, and we couldn't. But all social distancing is doing is slowing down the infection rate so that while most of us will eventually get a positive test, if tested, hospitals won't be overwhelmed with people all needing beds at the same time.

Avian Dis. 1970 May;14(2):330-6.
Coronaviruses, a new group of animal RNA viruses.

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