Still wondering if Barr is a Trump STOOGE???

Perhaps hoping that Trump can fill a SCOTUS seat with his fat ass, Barr is doing ALL of Trump's bidding perhaps stalling judicial oversight of his pro-Trump decisions since Barr is begging for a subpoena to force his biased hands.

Here's another cure pro-Trump decision by the DOJ screwing over any attempts by saner Americans who still believed that the Emolument Clause had some validity.

The Department of Justice has adopted a narrow interpretation of a law meant to bar foreign interests from corrupting federal officials, giving Saudi Arabia, China and other countries leeway to curry favor with Donald Trump via deals with his hotels, condos, trademarks and golf courses, legal and national security experts say.

The justice department stance now closely parallels arguments made in a January 2017 position paper by Trump Organization lawyer Sheri Dillon and several of her law partners. On 11 January 2017, just days before he was sworn in, Dillon said Trump isn’t accepting any payments in his “official capacity” as president, as the income is only related to his private business. “Paying for a hotel room is not a gift or a present, and it has nothing to do with an office,” Dillon said.…
Anyone who listened to Rush or Sean or Mark Levin or Mark Steyn or Tucker or Judge Jeanine or read Gregg Jarrett's book new the truth as of last July.

You are being forced to admit you were wrong.

That is how to interpret your comments.

An admission of treasonous deception.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
Ahem. hiLIARy served in the Senate and the Obama admin. They became enormously wealthy selling favors via her public servant position.

This thread is NOT about Hillary...........Start your own fucking thread bashing her.....

I.m sure your fellow Trump ass lickers will love it......

I bet you don't see anything wrong with Bubba Clinton taking $500K from the Russians for a "speech" in 2010 while hiLIARy was making decisions about the Uranium One deal.

Above, a perfect example why fuckheads strongly believe that any defense of Trump MUST include an attack of Hillary, and that maybe TWO wrongs are just fine.......LOL

A perfect example of the bogus moral equivalency performed by the Progs when they equate perfectly legal business transactions (Trump) with bribes (Clintons).

No President has ever owned a business while President. His only interest is supposed to be his work for and on behalf of the people.

George Washington had a working farm and a brewery, so try again.


a working HEMP farm, if memory serves

They didn't have synthetic fiber to make ropes back then, where do you think the saying "you been smoking rope" came from.

Perhaps hoping that Trump can fill a SCOTUS sear with his fat ass, Barr is doing ALL of Trump's bidding perhaps stalling judicial oversight of his pro-Trump decisions since Barr is begging for a subpoena to force his biased hands.

Here's another cure pro-Trump decision by the DOJ screwing over any attempts by saner Americans who still believed that the Emolument Clause had some validity.

The Department of Justice has adopted a narrow interpretation of a law meant to bar foreign interests from corrupting federal officials, giving Saudi Arabia, China and other countries leeway to curry favor with Donald Trump via deals with his hotels, condos, trademarks and golf courses, legal and national security experts say.

The justice department stance now closely parallels arguments made in a January 2017 position paper by Trump Organization lawyer Sheri Dillon and several of her law partners. On 11 January 2017, just days before he was sworn in, Dillon said Trump isn’t accepting any payments in his “official capacity” as president, as the income is only related to his private business. “Paying for a hotel room is not a gift or a present, and it has nothing to do with an office,” Dillon said.…
So, now the president (and all federal officials) can now accept bribes from foreign governments, so long as its through their private corporations?

Paying market rate for a service is not a bribe, get back to me when they start paying multiples of the market rate.


Well, membership fees at Mar a Lago went from 100,000 before Trump was elected to 200,000 after he became president. Even FOX news ran an article about it.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago doubles initiation fee to $200K

Donald Trump’s luxury resort in Florida is making the most of his leap into the White House by doubling its initiation fee to $200,000, it was reported Wednesday.

The price hike at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach took effect on Jan. 1, less than two months after Trump’s defeat of Hillary Clinton, according to CNBC.

A Reuters report said the increase occurred in two phases — from $100,000 to $150,000 in June, and then to $200,000 this month.

The timing raised red flags for a government watchdog.

“It sure looks like he’s using the presidency to line his pockets,” said Jordan Libowitz of the Center for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, DC.

So how many foreign governments are paying these increased fees, are they paying more than Americans? Also, how do you know these increases weren't planned long before he was elected?


Trump's DC hotel raised room rates after inauguration: report | TheHill
Perhaps hoping that Trump can fill a SCOTUS sear with his fat ass, Barr is doing ALL of Trump's bidding perhaps stalling judicial oversight of his pro-Trump decisions since Barr is begging for a subpoena to force his biased hands.

Here's another cure pro-Trump decision by the DOJ screwing over any attempts by saner Americans who still believed that the Emolument Clause had some validity.

The Department of Justice has adopted a narrow interpretation of a law meant to bar foreign interests from corrupting federal officials, giving Saudi Arabia, China and other countries leeway to curry favor with Donald Trump via deals with his hotels, condos, trademarks and golf courses, legal and national security experts say.

The justice department stance now closely parallels arguments made in a January 2017 position paper by Trump Organization lawyer Sheri Dillon and several of her law partners. On 11 January 2017, just days before he was sworn in, Dillon said Trump isn’t accepting any payments in his “official capacity” as president, as the income is only related to his private business. “Paying for a hotel room is not a gift or a present, and it has nothing to do with an office,” Dillon said.…
So, now the president (and all federal officials) can now accept bribes from foreign governments, so long as its through their private corporations?

Paying market rate for a service is not a bribe, get back to me when they start paying multiples of the market rate.


Well, membership fees at Mar a Lago went from 100,000 before Trump was elected to 200,000 after he became president. Even FOX news ran an article about it.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago doubles initiation fee to $200K

Donald Trump’s luxury resort in Florida is making the most of his leap into the White House by doubling its initiation fee to $200,000, it was reported Wednesday.

The price hike at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach took effect on Jan. 1, less than two months after Trump’s defeat of Hillary Clinton, according to CNBC.

A Reuters report said the increase occurred in two phases — from $100,000 to $150,000 in June, and then to $200,000 this month.

The timing raised red flags for a government watchdog.

“It sure looks like he’s using the presidency to line his pockets,” said Jordan Libowitz of the Center for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, DC.

So how many foreign governments are paying these increased fees, are they paying more than Americans? Also, how do you know these increases weren't planned long before he was elected?


Trump's DC hotel raised room rates after inauguration: report | TheHill

Smart Business Move
Schiff should be very worried tonight,, obama, rice, brennon .. tick tic toc
Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...:71:...
Reality Check: Politicians have ALWAYS selected those who align with them for important positions. Your ridiculous expectations are just another symptom of your rampant TDS. Get help!

Here, MORON.....learn something of the times that republicans were a decent bunch and didn't kiss orange asses.

The Saturday Night Massacre is the name popularly applied[1] to the series of events that took place in the United States on the evening of Saturday, October 20, 1973, during the Watergate scandal. U.S. President Richard Nixon ordered Attorney General Elliot Richardson to fire independent special prosecutor Archibald Cox; Richardson refused and resigned effective immediately. Nixon then ordered Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus to fire Cox; Ruckelshaus refused, and also resigned. Nixon then ordered the third-most-senior official at the Justice Department, Solicitor General Robert Bork, to fire Cox. Bork considered resigning, but did as Nixon asked. The political and public reaction to Nixon's actions were negative and highly damaging to the president. A new special counsel was appointed eleven days later on November 1, 1973,[2] and on November 14, 1973, a court ruled that the dismissals had been illegal
Ahem. hiLIARy served in the Senate and the Obama admin. They became enormously wealthy selling favors via her public servant position.

This thread is NOT about Hillary...........Start your own fucking thread bashing her.....

I.m sure your fellow Trump ass lickers will love it......


The real subject of this thread is your epic TDS moonbattery.

Carry on. It's going to help Trump 2020!
Amazing you have trump derangement syndrome so bad you come up with one conspiracy theroy after another.
Anything you can pull out of your fat greasy ass that you hope will have a 1 percent chance to discredit trump or anyone who has even shaken his hand.

Your one seriously butt hurt sob desperate as they come hoping and praying to hurt your own nation .
Your a poor excuse for a american and a f8ne example of the far left democrat socialist nazi moron

WOW.....did you come up all by yourself with "trump derangement syndrome" and "butt hurt"????

Your originality is simply "amazing"..........Quick, contact Hannity and tell me of your ingenious prose...

(please do NOT breed any more assholes like you on this planet.......LMAO)

BTW, moron........the Nazi HATED the socialists..........Go back and get your junior high fucking original......Do you Trump cult members attend a morning meeting and decide to use the very same trite phrases........Does Hannity also attend these meetings....???

Above yet another example of Trump cultists' "intelligentsia".......LOL

Schiff should be very worried tonight,, obama, rice, brennon .. tick tic toc
Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...Any day now...:71:...
Tic toc reps a clock lol counting down
Anyway, emoluments are "gifts" or "bribes", while purchasing services is not. .

Perfect response from Trump CULT member..........What a surprise......LMAO
We have a gift for you.. kiss my white ass, 6 more years of trump

You'll have to whistle so we can tell which end is which.
Lol this coward reported me haha I talked about his mom typical red flag coward liberal haha
Perhaps hoping that Trump can fill a SCOTUS seat with his fat ass, Barr is doing ALL of Trump's bidding perhaps stalling judicial oversight of his pro-Trump decisions since Barr is begging for a subpoena to force his biased hands.

Here's another cure pro-Trump decision by the DOJ screwing over any attempts by saner Americans who still believed that the Emolument Clause had some validity.

The Department of Justice has adopted a narrow interpretation of a law meant to bar foreign interests from corrupting federal officials, giving Saudi Arabia, China and other countries leeway to curry favor with Donald Trump via deals with his hotels, condos, trademarks and golf courses, legal and national security experts say.

The justice department stance now closely parallels arguments made in a January 2017 position paper by Trump Organization lawyer Sheri Dillon and several of her law partners. On 11 January 2017, just days before he was sworn in, Dillon said Trump isn’t accepting any payments in his “official capacity” as president, as the income is only related to his private business. “Paying for a hotel room is not a gift or a present, and it has nothing to do with an office,” Dillon said.…
Nope never wondered that, stooge.
Amazing you have trump derangement syndrome so bad you come up with one conspiracy theroy after another.
Anything you can pull out of your fat greasy ass that you hope will have a 1 percent chance to discredit trump or anyone who has even shaken his hand.

Your one seriously butt hurt sob desperate as they come hoping and praying to hurt your own nation .
Your a poor excuse for a american and a f8ne example of the far left democrat socialist nazi moron

WOW.....did you come up all by yourself with "trump derangement syndrome" and "butt hurt"????

Your originality is simply "amazing"..........Quick, contact Hannity and tell me of your ingenious prose...

(please do NOT breed any more assholes like you on this planet.......LMAO)

BTW, moron........the Nazi HATED the socialists..........Go back and get your junior high
No but like a good doctor its rather easy to diagnose a nut hut escapees like you.
You have all the symptoms. Fits of rage crying delusional constant conspiracy theory one after the other . you have all the classic symptoms .
I bet your buts so sore even wads of cotton hurt your big greasy ass when you wipe. I doubt you can sit
I bet you don't see anything wrong with Bubba Clinton taking $500K from the Russians for a "speech" in 2010 while hiLIARy was making decisions about the Uranium One deal.

Above, a perfect example why fuckheads strongly believe that any defense of Trump MUST include an attack of Hillary, and that maybe TWO wrongs are just fine.......LOL
What do you expect? When dems occupy the White House, you defend them tooth and nail, and say everything is fake news, or not relevant, and then when a Republican occupied the White House, you go on the attack and then say that all that in the past is in the past.

I'm almost certain that if a dem gets elected to the White House in 2020 that the left will often be referring back to trump's perceived indiscretions if their own candidate is under the gun.

It's how the political cycle works [emoji4]
Anyway, emoluments are "gifts" or "bribes", while purchasing services is not. .

Perfect response from Trump CULT member..........What a surprise......LMAO

I bet you don't see anything wrong with Bubba Clinton taking $500K from the Russians for a "speech" in 2010 while hiLIARy was making decisions about the Uranium One deal.

She made no such decision, dope.
Perhaps hoping that Trump can fill a SCOTUS seat with his fat ass, Barr is doing ALL of Trump's bidding perhaps stalling judicial oversight of his pro-Trump decisions since Barr is begging for a subpoena to force his biased hands.

Here's another cure pro-Trump decision by the DOJ screwing over any attempts by saner Americans who still believed that the Emolument Clause had some validity.

The Department of Justice has adopted a narrow interpretation of a law meant to bar foreign interests from corrupting federal officials, giving Saudi Arabia, China and other countries leeway to curry favor with Donald Trump via deals with his hotels, condos, trademarks and golf courses, legal and national security experts say.

The justice department stance now closely parallels arguments made in a January 2017 position paper by Trump Organization lawyer Sheri Dillon and several of her law partners. On 11 January 2017, just days before he was sworn in, Dillon said Trump isn’t accepting any payments in his “official capacity” as president, as the income is only related to his private business. “Paying for a hotel room is not a gift or a present, and it has nothing to do with an office,” Dillon said.…

Do you mean that there are people that actually believed that he wasn't?

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