Still wondering if Barr is a Trump STOOGE???

Perhaps hoping that Trump can fill a SCOTUS sear with his fat ass, Barr is doing ALL of Trump's bidding perhaps stalling judicial oversight of his pro-Trump decisions since Barr is begging for a subpoena to force his biased hands.

Here's another cure pro-Trump decision by the DOJ screwing over any attempts by saner Americans who still believed that the Emolument Clause had some validity.

The Department of Justice has adopted a narrow interpretation of a law meant to bar foreign interests from corrupting federal officials, giving Saudi Arabia, China and other countries leeway to curry favor with Donald Trump via deals with his hotels, condos, trademarks and golf courses, legal and national security experts say.

The justice department stance now closely parallels arguments made in a January 2017 position paper by Trump Organization lawyer Sheri Dillon and several of her law partners. On 11 January 2017, just days before he was sworn in, Dillon said Trump isn’t accepting any payments in his “official capacity” as president, as the income is only related to his private business. “Paying for a hotel room is not a gift or a present, and it has nothing to do with an office,” Dillon said.…
So, now the president (and all federal officials) can now accept bribes from foreign governments, so long as its through their private corporations?

Paying market rate for a service is not a bribe, get back to me when they start paying multiples of the market rate.

You've got T-mobile CEO increasing spending at Trump hotels.
Saudi lobbyist paying for 500 nights.
Even Trump's inaugural committee.
Hotel emoluments case he wants thrown out, because Trump cant prove innocence.

You poor little commie fuck, Americans don't have to prove their innocence. Lobbyist and CEOs renting hotels in DC isn't unusual, and the Trump hotel is in a prime location, walking distance to everything. Why the hell do you think he developed it in the first place?

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Perhaps hoping that Trump can fill a SCOTUS seat with his fat ass, Barr is doing ALL of Trump's bidding perhaps stalling judicial oversight of his pro-Trump decisions since Barr is begging for a subpoena to force his biased hands.

Here's another cure pro-Trump decision by the DOJ screwing over any attempts by saner Americans who still believed that the Emolument Clause had some validity.

The Department of Justice has adopted a narrow interpretation of a law meant to bar foreign interests from corrupting federal officials, giving Saudi Arabia, China and other countries leeway to curry favor with Donald Trump via deals with his hotels, condos, trademarks and golf courses, legal and national security experts say.

The justice department stance now closely parallels arguments made in a January 2017 position paper by Trump Organization lawyer Sheri Dillon and several of her law partners. On 11 January 2017, just days before he was sworn in, Dillon said Trump isn’t accepting any payments in his “official capacity” as president, as the income is only related to his private business. “Paying for a hotel room is not a gift or a present, and it has nothing to do with an office,” Dillon said.…
No. And it's a pity. Spying is now a judicially authorzed search, regardless of whether there was probable cause.

I heard on the radio today that James Baker, DOJ counsel, testified that a special counsel was being discussed BEFORE Comey was fired. So much for the lie that Comey's firing is what caused it.


Yes the deep state now is totally exposed as crooked to the core

This will now stampede the wise and powerful to help trump

We'll see.

Perhaps hoping that Trump can fill a SCOTUS seat with his fat ass, Barr is doing ALL of Trump's bidding perhaps stalling judicial oversight of his pro-Trump decisions since Barr is begging for a subpoena to force his biased hands.

Here's another cure pro-Trump decision by the DOJ screwing over any attempts by saner Americans who still believed that the Emolument Clause had some validity.

The Department of Justice has adopted a narrow interpretation of a law meant to bar foreign interests from corrupting federal officials, giving Saudi Arabia, China and other countries leeway to curry favor with Donald Trump via deals with his hotels, condos, trademarks and golf courses, legal and national security experts say.

The justice department stance now closely parallels arguments made in a January 2017 position paper by Trump Organization lawyer Sheri Dillon and several of her law partners. On 11 January 2017, just days before he was sworn in, Dillon said Trump isn’t accepting any payments in his “official capacity” as president, as the income is only related to his private business. “Paying for a hotel room is not a gift or a present, and it has nothing to do with an office,” Dillon said.…

He's a real estate developer.. And foreigners have interests in his company.. Get over it. A Saudi booking a suite in a Trump Resort is NOT A FUCKING CRIME..

Now taking huge pay-outs for the Clinton Foundation at the same time CRITICAL policy decisions need to made --- or having your AIDES give Clinton foreign donors SPECIAL ACCESS and FAVORS could be a crime.. But you're not interested a wit in that --- are you moron???
Above, a perfect example why fuckheads strongly believe that any defense of Trump MUST include an attack of Hillary, and that maybe TWO wrongs are just fine.......LOL

A perfect example of the bogus moral equivalency performed by the Progs when they equate perfectly legal business transactions (Trump) with bribes (Clintons).

No President has ever owned a business while President. His only interest is supposed to be his work for and on behalf of the people.

George Washington had a working farm and a brewery, so try again.


Were Saudi lobbyists flying in to drop a ton of cash by booking 500 nignts at his luxury hotel?

Washington wasn't an innkeeper, duh! LMAO


Yet the point stands regardless of your inability to comprehend.
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A perfect example of the bogus moral equivalency performed by the Progs when they equate perfectly legal business transactions (Trump) with bribes (Clintons).

No President has ever owned a business while President. His only interest is supposed to be his work for and on behalf of the people.

George Washington had a working farm and a brewery, so try again.


Were Saudi lobbyists flying in to drop a ton of cash by booking 500 nignts at his luxury hotel?

Washington wasn't an innkeeper, duh! LMAO


Yet the point stands regardless of your inability to comprehend.

Yeah the point that the 1st president didn't have a fire sale to divest himself and there's nothing that says the 45th has to either.

Don't know Gnat4900 knows this, but BEFORE Trump ran for Prez, he bought the land directly ADJACENT to the White House and built the fancy Trump Hotel right next door.. He can walk out to back driveway and SEE the entrance with his name on it... It's in the background of most of press gaggles at the back portico..

Now if Trump told visiting foreign dignitaries that he'd ONLY MEET WITH THEM -- if they stayed at his hotel next door or only grant them wishes if they showed him a receipt for a room there --- THAT -- would be a violation of the "emoluments clause"....
Don't know Gnat4900 knows this, but BEFORE Trump ran for Prez, he bought the land directly ADJACENT to the White House and built the fancy Trump Hotel right next door.. He can walk out to back driveway and SEE the entrance with his name on it... It's in the background of most of press gaggles at the back portico..

Now if Trump told visiting foreign dignitaries that he'd ONLY MEET WITH THEM -- if they stayed at his hotel next door or only grant them wishes if they showed him a receipt for a room there --- THAT -- would be a violation of the "emoluments clause"....
Selling influence is Hillary's thing....WAS Hillary's thing....when she had anything to sell.

I bet you don't see anything wrong with Bubba Clinton taking $500K from the Russians for a "speech" in 2010 while hiLIARy was making decisions about the Uranium One deal.

Above, a perfect example why fuckheads strongly believe that any defense of Trump MUST include an attack of Hillary, and that maybe TWO wrongs are just fine.......LOL

No it's just pointing out the double standard when it comes to getting investigated. Don't forget it was Schummer who fired the first salvo. I'm sure he wasnt joking, yet why was he never investigated? something tells me he will be if Barr is worth his salt
Now taking huge pay-outs for the Clinton Foundation at the same time CRITICAL policy decisions need to made --- or having your AIDES give Clinton foreign donors SPECIAL ACCESS and FAVORS could be a crime.. But you're not interested a wit in that --- are you moron???

Atta boy, Trump cult member and ass licker......"defend" your clown by accusing the Clintons of also being corrupt....without a fucking thought that your are actually ADMITTING that your charlatan is ALSO crooked.
I bet you don't see anything wrong with Bubba Clinton taking $500K from the Russians for a "speech" in 2010 while hiLIARy was making decisions about the Uranium One deal.

Above, a perfect example why fuckheads strongly believe that any defense of Trump MUST include an attack of Hillary, and that maybe TWO wrongs are just fine.......LOL

No it's just pointing out the double standard when it comes to getting investigated. Don't forget it was Schummer who fired the first salvo. I'm sure he wasnt joking, yet why was he never investigated? something tells me he will be if Barr is worth his salt

More shit thrown against the wall hoping that something would stick.....Want to COMPARE the years of investigations over Whitewater and Benghazi to what we have witnessed about your orange demagogue?
Anyway, emoluments are "gifts" or "bribes", while purchasing services is not. .

Perfect response from Trump CULT member..........What a surprise......LMAO
We have a gift for you.. kiss my white ass, 6 more years of trump
Barr is already kissing Trumps ass and he didn't even take a shower and our dem gift to you when dems win in 2020 will be fk you where you breathe
Anyway, emoluments are "gifts" or "bribes", while purchasing services is not. .

Perfect response from Trump CULT member..........What a surprise......LMAO
We have a gift for you.. kiss my white ass, 6 more years of trump
Barr is already kissing Trumps ass and he didn't even take a shower and our dem gift to you when dems win in 2020 will be fk you where you breathe
Lol wow why are you so against an investigation if you did nothing wrong. ??
That if he says “complete exoneration” often enough people will lose interest

You mean like how Hillary thought if she said WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE? often enough, we'd lose interest in the murders behind the Benghazi coverup?

Or do you mean like how when Obama thought that if he just said CORRUPTION AT THE IRS? NOT EVEN A SMIDGEN OF CORRUPTION while the IRS investigation into how they suppressed Romney voters in 2012 was still going on that we'd forget about Lois Lerner and how they stole an election?

No one give a flying crap about Trump's taxes except for a tiny cadre of rabid democrats still out to try to hang something around his neck. If there is anything wrong with Trump's taxes, we have the IRS to take care of that.
I bet you don't see anything wrong with Bubba Clinton taking $500K from the Russians for a "speech" in 2010 while hiLIARy was making decisions about the Uranium One deal.

Above, a perfect example why fuckheads strongly believe that any defense of Trump MUST include an attack of Hillary, and that maybe TWO wrongs are just fine.......LOL

No it's just pointing out the double standard when it comes to getting investigated. Don't forget it was Schummer who fired the first salvo. I'm sure he wasnt joking, yet why was he never investigated? something tells me he will be if Barr is worth his salt

More shit thrown against the wall hoping that something would stick.....Want to COMPARE the years of investigations over Whitewater and Benghazi to what we have witnessed about your orange demagogue?

Here's the difference bub: for Whitewater and Benghazi, the press protected the Clintons despite actual evidence. For Trump, the press is making up shit, and after over two years of being spied on and investigated, he's clean.

So Derp Derp Derp away little Derp.

NPC Group Derp.jpg
That if he says “complete exoneration” often enough people will lose interest

You mean like how Hillary thought if she said WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE? often enough, we'd lose interest in the murders behind the Benghazi coverup?

Or do you mean like how when Obama thought that if he just said CORRUPTION AT THE IRS? NOT EVEN A SMIDGEN OF CORRUPTION while the IRS investigation into how they suppressed Romney voters in 2012 was still going on that we'd forget about Lois Lerner and how they stole an election?

No one give a flying crap about Trump's taxes except for a tiny cadre of rabid democrats still out to try to hang something around his neck. If there is anything wrong with Trump's taxes, we have the IRS to take care of that.

There was no Benghazi "coverup" as determined by 7 Republican Investigations - no coverups, no lies, just a witch hunt to discredit Clinton in the eyes of American voters. That's your first lie.

How could the IRS possible suppress voters? They didn't strike Republican names from voter rolls, block voter registration applications, or change ID requirements.That one of the dumbest things you've ever posted which is saying a LOT.

As a Russian troll, perhaps you might not be aware but non-profit corporations CANNOT BE POLITICAL in nature. If your non-profit's goals are to promote Republican causes, your application for non-profit status will be declined. So yes, it is necessary for the IRS to ask more questions from those Tea Party non-profits which flooded the IRS with requests for non-profit status. Lois Lerner is a registered Republican. That's you second lie.

Barrack Obama won the 2012 election in a landslide. One of the largest electoral college victories in history. That's your third lie.

I know you Russians are in the habit of lying over and over again and changing history. That's pretty much the Joseph Stalin playbook that Donald Trump is currently using, but the vast majority have watched this dangerously incompetent idot stumble through the first two years of his Presidency like a bull in a china shop, destroying every aspect of the institutions which make America rich and powerful, sellling access and policy through his golf clubs.

And here's the thing, going into 2020. Competent and experienced candidates will not run down ticket to be part of Donald Trump's Congress or Senate. Everything Donald Trump touches dies, and right now, he's killing the Republican Party.

When you have a toxic and corrupt President like Donald Trump, who doesn't reflect sound American values, only corrupt and venal people will want to be part of his government. That, in part, is why Republicans lost the House. People will not vote for Trump's agenda of hate and cruelty. Americans want better people working on their behalf, and Trump has only worked to enrich himself and his billionaire buddies, and to punish his enemies. He has done nothing for the working Americans he promised to help.
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Here's the difference bub: for Whitewater and Benghazi, the press protected the Clintons despite actual evidence. For Trump, the press is making up shit, and after over two years of being spied on and investigated, he's clean.

Based on the above bullshit.......Best thing for you is to have a tall glass of orange kool-aid and go back to bed.....
Here's the difference bub: for Whitewater and Benghazi, the press protected the Clintons despite actual evidence. For Trump, the press is making up shit, and after over two years of being spied on and investigated, he's clean.

Based on the above bullshit.......Best thing for you is to have a tall glass of orange kool-aid and go back to bed.....

Spin spin spin little moonbat, spin!
Here's the difference bub: for Whitewater and Benghazi, the press protected the Clintons despite actual evidence. For Trump, the press is making up shit, and after over two years of being spied on and investigated, he's clean.

Based on the above bullshit.......Best thing for you is to have a tall glass of orange kool-aid and go back to bed.....

Spin spin spin little moonbat, spin!
Had Barr said the information provided to the court to show probable cause needed to be examined, I'd have given him the benefit of the doubt. But he by passed that and issued a judgment based only on his beliefs.
Here's the difference bub: for Whitewater and Benghazi, the press protected the Clintons despite actual evidence. For Trump, the press is making up shit, and after over two years of being spied on and investigated, he's clean.

Based on the above bullshit.......Best thing for you is to have a tall glass of orange kool-aid and go back to bed.....

Spin spin spin little moonbat, spin!
And you conclude Trump definitely had nothing to do with Russian hacking?
Here's the difference bub: for Whitewater and Benghazi, the press protected the Clintons despite actual evidence. For Trump, the press is making up shit, and after over two years of being spied on and investigated, he's clean.

Based on the above bullshit.......Best thing for you is to have a tall glass of orange kool-aid and go back to bed.....

Spin spin spin little moonbat, spin!
Had Barr said the promm
Here's the difference bub: for Whitewater and Benghazi, the press protected the Clintons despite actual evidence. For Trump, the press is making up shit, and after over two years of being spied on and investigated, he's clean.

Based on the above bullshit.......Best thing for you is to have a tall glass of orange kool-aid and go back to bed.....

Spin spin spin little moonbat, spin!
And you conclude Trump definitely had nothing to do with Russian hacking?

The burden is not on me to prove Trump is innocent. The burden is on the accusers to prove his guilt. After $$millions and 2 plus years, you have come up with ZILCH. The evidence that has been unearthed shows that the Obama Admin SPIED on the opposition party's presidential candidate in 2016. You prog loons started this nightmare, and like all liars, you will be caught in your own trap.

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