stimulating housing demand will cure the economy

rewrite these mortgages.

Make the banks who wrote them take the bigger slice of the loss.

it will cycle through much faster and people will be freed up to spend money they have had to use to pay these unsustainable mortgages.

The right leaning house refuses to fix this and would rather use our system for their election purposes intead of fixng things
Now you fucks are doubling down on that same stupid
What a fucking idiot you are - your piece is proposing exactly that.


Never change, TM. You are awesome.

Must spread... She is a constant source of amusement, isn't she?

I figure TDM must be 8 feet tall and weigh in at a ton and a half just to fit all that "stupid" into one person.
Some wonder why folks actually pay any attention to her. I can only speak for myself, but I am always surprised when her stupidity is even more profound than I just previously imagined. And, she delivers quite consistently.
We have to let the housing market clear, which is going to occur over the next few years. Schemes to stimulate housing just prolongs the problem.
rewrite these mortgages.

Make the banks who wrote them take the bigger slice of the loss.

it will cycle through much faster and people will be freed up to spend money they have had to use to pay these unsustainable mortgages.

The right leaning house refuses to fix this and would rather use our system for their election purposes intead of fixng things


Reward people for making stupid choices.

That is what the left does.
Stimulating Housing Demand

When the housing market collapsed four years ago, many economists and federal regulators blamed excessive leverage on Main Street and Wall Street for the crisis. Now, years later, the unwinding of that massive debt -- known as deleveraging --is slowing the economic recovery, says Mike Konczal, a fellow at the Roosevelt Institute, a left-leaning think tank.

"Mortgage debt is the real core problem" for the economy, Konczal told The Daily Ticker.

It's estimated that 23 percent to 31 percent of homeowners owe more debt than their homes are worth, said Konczal. Not surprisingly, many are trying to pay off that debt, leaving less money to spend on anything else, and that drop in demand is causing high unemployment. He calls it a "balance sheet recession."

Vintage "Atlas Shrugged". Liberals caused the housing collapse when Bill Clinton signed the new and "improved" Community Reinvestment Act and essentially ensured that people who didn't quailfy for loans (because they didn't have the means to pay them back) were then given loans. Then of course, they blame the "free market" even though it was the government that caused the problem.

If liberals didn't ignore reality for the propaganda spoon fed them, I would give them a huge hint: you cannot create demand for anything. People decide for themselves what they want and what they don't want, what they will pay and what they won't pay. Anything short of the free market ends with collapse and failure at the hands of liberals and government.
rewrite these mortgages.

Make the banks who wrote them take the bigger slice of the loss.

it will cycle through much faster and people will be freed up to spend money they have had to use to pay these unsustainable mortgages.

The right leaning house refuses to fix this and would rather use our system for their election purposes intead of fixng things

And what happens to the trillions of dollars that the banks have to write off? What about the millions of people who's IRA's and 401K's are heavily invested in financial stocks?
People who should not have been allowed to buy underwear on credit took out mortgages on homes that were vastly overpriced due to easy money. Yes, banks should shoulder some of the blame. but penalizing banks and rewarding deadbeat borrowers not only is unfair to borrowers that kept up their payments, it's unfair to millions of people who own financial stocks.
dear fucking dolt.

who wrote them those mortgages and then sold them for profit to unsuspecting securities investors.

The lenders.

They should take the hit for what they have done.

Instead they are seeing huge profits.

Beat the little guy is NOT going to effect recovery anyway you assbite
Fannie and Freddie need to liquidate their residential portfolio.

18 months of fire sales then the market will be back
no it was due the industry being deregulated and then using that deregulation to pull a fast one by selling worthless mortgages and then rolling them into securities and selling them to buyers who had no way of knowing they were packed with worhtless mortgages.

The banks caused this and should fucking pay the cost of fixing it

Which the government was a FULL PARTNER in genius...:lol:
How do you know what that ringing sound is every morning?
SEC Votes for Final Rules Defining How Banks Can Be Securities Brokers
Eight Years After Passage of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Key Provisions Will Now Be Implemented
Washington, D.C., Sept. 19, 2007 - Ending eight years of stalled negotiations and impasse, the Commission today voted to adopt, jointly with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board), new rules that will finally implement the bank broker provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999. The Board will consider these final rules at its Sept. 24, 2007 meeting. The Commission and the Board consulted with and sought the concurrence of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and Office of Thrift Supervision.
can any of you explain what the sec doc says in laymans language?

Why? You still wouldn't understand it.
And I don''t think anyone here other than you speak mouth drool....anyone here work/live near a special needs institution that can speak on the same level as TM?

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