stimulus check dead ?

In the greatest economy the world has ever known, why would there be a need for stimulus checks?

Surely people stashed away enough of their tax cut money for a rainy day, no?

We have an economy that's greatly improving given the circumstances. Therefore it's already stimulated. As for the people not working, without that extra federal money, it will inspire them to actually go out and find a job. For those that don't, they will stay on their state unemployment like any other time people are out of work.

Most states are broke, unlike the Federal Government most states cannot deficit spend. As for the economy being "greatly Improved", I can't speak to personal experiences but I can provide for my family in my home and theirs for at least 18 months, when 50% of American Families live on paycheck to paycheck.

The stock and bond markets have been better, since 2018 and the first part of 2020 they were very bad. This chaos however needs to stop. Given the weekend number of increasing infections and Trump's unwillingness to admit he's been wrong, and his followers still claiming Covid is a hoax, can we not expect more chaos, more defaults on single family homes and many high rise office buildings?

Shhhh... but in case this new normal continues can we expect a depression?

Wishful thinking on your part, so no, don't expect that. States need to prepare for anything if they are to take care of unemployment coverage, just like private insurance does. If they cannot, then the best thing for states to do is relinquish that duty to the private market which I'm sure will do a much better job.

I have no problem with the feds extending benefits when a person exhausts their state benefits. Under federal unemployment, you must accept any work offered even if it's not in your field. What I am against is all this extra federal money that influences a persons decision to either go back to work or find another job. It's like Rush Limbaugh said so many times, if you pay people to stay home, don't be surprised when they do.

At this rate, unemployment will continue to drop, consumer confidence will increase, and the market is recovering just fine. This is the plan unless creepy Joe actually does win the presidency. Then get your money out of the market as soon as possible, because it will take a nose dive like we haven't seen in quite some time.
/——/ I’m already 70% in cash, But I do this every presidential election since Gord tried to steal a Florida.
Uncle Don will pass out more cash for votes very soon.
/-----/ Piglosi needs to sign off on it too, Dimwit. Any fake outrage over that?
I doubt her name will be on the check.
/---/ Being a good libtard, I know you'll drop your stimulus check into the shredder.
I don't get any checks from the government.

You don't deserve any. :auiqs.jpg:
We all can't be as low income as yous guys.

This is so true. I haven't met a leftist here yet who doesn't own their own business, independently wealthy, or comfortably early retired. Me? I'm the only truck driver in the place.

I don't consider myself "leftist" that word is nothing more than a pejorative used by the ignorant. However, I retired at 57 and my oldest son drives for UPS. He had degrees in Math and Computer Technology but found driving for UPS to have benefits Silicon Valley didn't offer, and his income is equal to what he earned at a desk without the benefits.

UPS pays good money but their employees are generally treated like shit from what I've been told by many a driver. Their tractor-trailer drivers not so much because we are in high demand, but the parcel trucks, I've heard some stories from those folks.

Unlike your son, a lot of younger people don't want to get into anything that involves physical labor. They want to get a college education, and go to work in dress shirts. My nephew got a Masters and had a job waiting for him when he got out of college. It was a company owned by a friends mother. But with all the loans he needed to take out, he's still in his early 30's living with his mother until he pays all his bills off, and can comfortably live in his own place.

When I was his age, I already worked over 15 years full time, bought my rental property and home. I moved from my parents house at the age of 20 and never went back; never needed to. Of course, my nephew makes more money than I ever did, but in the scope of an entire life, will he be that much ahead of me?
/—-/ Almost the same story with me except I moved out at 18.
Yep. My dad gave me the boot when I turned 18. So off to boot camp I went.

You don't find much of that today. The children stay with their parents into their 20's, 30's, and some cases, 40's. The parents on the other hand welcome it. They want their kids in the home for as long as possible.

When I grew up, it was what they called the generation gap. I got along with my parents just fine, but a lot of liberty lost because you could not do what you wanted to do. The parents were against it.

Today, father and son smoke a joint while watching tv and playing video games. Son has his girlfriend stay overnight, or move her in altogether. Mom and daughter listen to the same kinds of music and go to the same concerts.

As the generation gap deteriorated, so did the concept of individuality and flying out of the nest as soon as possible.
/—-/ My three daughters were born between 1975 and 1980. As soon as they graduated college they moved out on their own. We didn’t push them out.
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is that what Trump did in 2017 with his tax giveaway or was that different? Just wondering.
That was Congress who cut taxes for the rich ... all of them got campaign money from the rich ... ten to one return on investment ... because only $20 trillion in debt is an excellent time to cut revenue ... although $30 trillion is debt is a better time to ... by this time next year ...
The rich are the only ones paying significant taxes so if taxes are cut of course they get a break, dumb ass. You can't cut zero and achieve any appreciable result.
In the greatest economy the world has ever known, why would there be a need for stimulus checks?

Surely people stashed away enough of their tax cut money for a rainy day, no?

We have an economy that's greatly improving given the circumstances. Therefore it's already stimulated. As for the people not working, without that extra federal money, it will inspire them to actually go out and find a job. For those that don't, they will stay on their state unemployment like any other time people are out of work.

Most states are broke, unlike the Federal Government most states cannot deficit spend. As for the economy being "greatly Improved", I can't speak to personal experiences but I can provide for my family in my home and theirs for at least 18 months, when 50% of American Families live on paycheck to paycheck.

The stock and bond markets have been better, since 2018 and the first part of 2020 they were very bad. This chaos however needs to stop. Given the weekend number of increasing infections and Trump's unwillingness to admit he's been wrong, and his followers still claiming Covid is a hoax, can we not expect more chaos, more defaults on single family homes and many high rise office buildings?

Shhhh... but in case this new normal continues can we expect a depression?

Wishful thinking on your part, so no, don't expect that. States need to prepare for anything if they are to take care of unemployment coverage, just like private insurance does. If they cannot, then the best thing for states to do is relinquish that duty to the private market which I'm sure will do a much better job.

I have no problem with the feds extending benefits when a person exhausts their state benefits. Under federal unemployment, you must accept any work offered even if it's not in your field. What I am against is all this extra federal money that influences a persons decision to either go back to work or find another job. It's like Rush Limbaugh said so many times, if you pay people to stay home, don't be surprised when they do.

At this rate, unemployment will continue to drop, consumer confidence will increase, and the market is recovering just fine. This is the plan unless creepy Joe actually does win the presidency. Then get your money out of the market as soon as possible, because it will take a nose dive like we haven't seen in quite some time.
/——/ I’m already 70% in cash, But I do this every presidential election since Gord tried to steal a Florida.
Uncle Don will pass out more cash for votes very soon.
/-----/ Piglosi needs to sign off on it too, Dimwit. Any fake outrage over that?
I doubt her name will be on the check.
/---/ Being a good libtard, I know you'll drop your stimulus check into the shredder.
I don't get any checks from the government.

You don't deserve any. :auiqs.jpg:
We all can't be as low income as yous guys.

This is so true. I haven't met a leftist here yet who doesn't own their own business, independently wealthy, or comfortably early retired. Me? I'm the only truck driver in the place.

I don't consider myself "leftist" that word is nothing more than a pejorative used by the ignorant. However, I retired at 57 and my oldest son drives for UPS. He had degrees in Math and Computer Technology but found driving for UPS to have benefits Silicon Valley didn't offer, and his income is equal to what he earned at a desk without the benefits.

UPS pays good money but their employees are generally treated like shit from what I've been told by many a driver. Their tractor-trailer drivers not so much because we are in high demand, but the parcel trucks, I've heard some stories from those folks.

Unlike your son, a lot of younger people don't want to get into anything that involves physical labor. They want to get a college education, and go to work in dress shirts. My nephew got a Masters and had a job waiting for him when he got out of college. It was a company owned by a friends mother. But with all the loans he needed to take out, he's still in his early 30's living with his mother until he pays all his bills off, and can comfortably live in his own place.

When I was his age, I already worked over 15 years full time, bought my rental property and home. I moved from my parents house at the age of 20 and never went back; never needed to. Of course, my nephew makes more money than I ever did, but in the scope of an entire life, will he be that much ahead of me?
/—-/ Almost the same story with me except I moved out at 18.
Yep. My dad gave me the boot when I turned 18. So off to boot camp I went.

You don't find much of that today. The children stay with their parents into their 20's, 30's, and some cases, 40's. The parents on the other hand welcome it. They want their kids in the home for as long as possible.

When I grew up, it was what they called the generation gap. I got along with my parents just fine, but a lot of liberty lost because you could not do what you wanted to do. The parents were against it.

Today, father and son smoke a joint while watching tv and playing video games. Son has his girlfriend stay overnight, or move her in altogether. Mom and daughter listen to the same kinds of music and go to the same concerts.

As the generation gap deteriorated, so did the concept of individuality and flying out of the nest as soon as possible.
/—-/ My three daughters were born between 1975 and 1980. As soon as they graduated college they moved out on their own. We didn’t push them out.

Parents should help their kids along even as adults if they are trying. Some take advantage of that because they like pot more than a good paying job, and opt to live with mom and dad working low wage jobs where they can't really afford to move out. Better paying jobs generally drug test employees.

Years ago I found out some guy my niece was dating moved into my sisters house with her. They were not even real serous yet, not even engaged. The punk was a player too. He was a cook and didn't make much money, and my sister stupidly allowed him to move in because he had no place to stay.

After a while he made himself at home and got very comfortable. One day my sister got sick of cleaning up after him, and told him he's responsible for cleaning up the guest bathroom that he exclusively used. He blew up at her and they got into a fight.

See, that would have never, ever happened when I was her age. If I told my parents my GF was moving in, they would have said fine. Get your own place and you can do with her what you want, but not under our roof.
The rich are the only ones paying significant taxes so if taxes are cut of course they get a break, dumb ass. You can't cut zero and achieve any appreciable result.

Of course you think $20 trillion debt is a great time to cut revenue ... I love only paying 3% of my income in Federal taxes ... the system is great ...
In the greatest economy the world has ever known, why would there be a need for stimulus checks?

Surely people stashed away enough of their tax cut money for a rainy day, no?

We have an economy that's greatly improving given the circumstances. Therefore it's already stimulated. As for the people not working, without that extra federal money, it will inspire them to actually go out and find a job. For those that don't, they will stay on their state unemployment like any other time people are out of work.

Most states are broke, unlike the Federal Government most states cannot deficit spend. As for the economy being "greatly Improved", I can't speak to personal experiences but I can provide for my family in my home and theirs for at least 18 months, when 50% of American Families live on paycheck to paycheck.

The stock and bond markets have been better, since 2018 and the first part of 2020 they were very bad. This chaos however needs to stop. Given the weekend number of increasing infections and Trump's unwillingness to admit he's been wrong, and his followers still claiming Covid is a hoax, can we not expect more chaos, more defaults on single family homes and many high rise office buildings?

Shhhh... but in case this new normal continues can we expect a depression?

Wishful thinking on your part, so no, don't expect that. States need to prepare for anything if they are to take care of unemployment coverage, just like private insurance does. If they cannot, then the best thing for states to do is relinquish that duty to the private market which I'm sure will do a much better job.

I have no problem with the feds extending benefits when a person exhausts their state benefits. Under federal unemployment, you must accept any work offered even if it's not in your field. What I am against is all this extra federal money that influences a persons decision to either go back to work or find another job. It's like Rush Limbaugh said so many times, if you pay people to stay home, don't be surprised when they do.

At this rate, unemployment will continue to drop, consumer confidence will increase, and the market is recovering just fine. This is the plan unless creepy Joe actually does win the presidency. Then get your money out of the market as soon as possible, because it will take a nose dive like we haven't seen in quite some time.
/——/ I’m already 70% in cash, But I do this every presidential election since Gord tried to steal a Florida.
Uncle Don will pass out more cash for votes very soon.
/-----/ Piglosi needs to sign off on it too, Dimwit. Any fake outrage over that?
I doubt her name will be on the check.
/---/ Being a good libtard, I know you'll drop your stimulus check into the shredder.
I don't get any checks from the government.

You don't deserve any. :auiqs.jpg:
We all can't be as low income as yous guys.

This is so true. I haven't met a leftist here yet who doesn't own their own business, independently wealthy, or comfortably early retired. Me? I'm the only truck driver in the place.

I don't consider myself "leftist" that word is nothing more than a pejorative used by the ignorant. However, I retired at 57 and my oldest son drives for UPS. He had degrees in Math and Computer Technology but found driving for UPS to have benefits Silicon Valley didn't offer, and his income is equal to what he earned at a desk without the benefits.

UPS pays good money but their employees are generally treated like shit from what I've been told by many a driver. Their tractor-trailer drivers not so much because we are in high demand, but the parcel trucks, I've heard some stories from those folks.

Unlike your son, a lot of younger people don't want to get into anything that involves physical labor. They want to get a college education, and go to work in dress shirts. My nephew got a Masters and had a job waiting for him when he got out of college. It was a company owned by a friends mother. But with all the loans he needed to take out, he's still in his early 30's living with his mother until he pays all his bills off, and can comfortably live in his own place.

When I was his age, I already worked over 15 years full time, bought my rental property and home. I moved from my parents house at the age of 20 and never went back; never needed to. Of course, my nephew makes more money than I ever did, but in the scope of an entire life, will he be that much ahead of me?
/—-/ Almost the same story with me except I moved out at 18.
Yep. My dad gave me the boot when I turned 18. So off to boot camp I went.

You don't find much of that today. The children stay with their parents into their 20's, 30's, and some cases, 40's. The parents on the other hand welcome it. They want their kids in the home for as long as possible.

When I grew up, it was what they called the generation gap. I got along with my parents just fine, but a lot of liberty lost because you could not do what you wanted to do. The parents were against it.

Today, father and son smoke a joint while watching tv and playing video games. Son has his girlfriend stay overnight, or move her in altogether. Mom and daughter listen to the same kinds of music and go to the same concerts.

As the generation gap deteriorated, so did the concept of individuality and flying out of the nest as soon as possible.
/—-/ My three daughters were born between 1975 and 1980. As soon as they graduated college they moved out on their own. We didn’t push them out.
Yeah I still have a 29 year old daughter at home. My two sons, however, got the boot at 18. My two daughters, well, it's different with females. Can't kick them out to the streets in today's perverted sick world. Here's one reason why:
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The rich are the only ones paying significant taxes so if taxes are cut of course they get a break, dumb ass. You can't cut zero and achieve any appreciable result.

Of course you think $20 trillion debt is a great time to cut revenue ... I love only paying 3% of my income in Federal taxes ... the system is great ...
/——/ A $20 trillion debt is a great time to cut spending.
Moscow Mitch says let the states go bankrupt. Ok, Mitch, let's begin with Kentucky. i could go on and on with my rantings, because there's so much a President Biden can do to reverse this hellish course Trump put us on asunder!
Uncle Don will pass out more cash for votes very soon.
/-----/ Piglosi needs to sign off on it too, Dimwit. Any fake outrage over that?
I doubt her name will be on the check.
/---/ Being a good libtard, I know you'll drop your stimulus check into the shredder.
I don't get any checks from the government.
That's because you still live in your Mom's basement.
Moscow Mitch says let the states go bankrupt. Ok, Mitch, let's begin with Kentucky. i could go on and on with my rantings, because there's so much a President Biden can do to reverse this hellish course Trump put us on asunder!
McConnell was very specific. He talked about states not having the funding for their retirement systems. You and McGrath in her(?) campaign ads are constantly referencing Kentucky when he said no such thing.

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