stimulus check dead ?

Equal protection of the laws is a right not a privilege. We need automatic stabilization of our economy now! Employment is at the will of either party in our at-will employment States. Unemployment compensation can solve simple poverty and ensure capital circulates under our form of Capitalism. A positive multiplier effect is the return on that investment.
Listen stupid there is no santa claus, easter bunny or money trees. The money has to come from somewhere now or in the future. You may even have to get up off of your dead ass and go to work. Frankly I'd just as soon see some you lazy assholes starve to death so as to prevent you from being a permanent drag on society.
Only illegals don't care about the laws; obey the laws, right wingers. Don't merely be false witness bearing practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) when it merely involves the less fortunate under our form of Capitalism. We have a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge.
And you have pure shit for brains too, asshat.
Equal protection of the laws is a right not a privilege. We need automatic stabilization of our economy now! Employment is at the will of either party in our at-will employment States. Unemployment compensation can solve simple poverty and ensure capital circulates under our form of Capitalism. A positive multiplier effect is the return on that investment.
Listen stupid there is no santa claus, easter bunny or money trees. The money has to come from somewhere now or in the future. You may even have to get up off of your dead ass and go to work. Frankly I'd just as soon see some you lazy assholes starve to death so as to prevent you from being a permanent drag on society.
Only illegals don't care about the laws; obey the laws, right wingers. Don't merely be false witness bearing practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) when it merely involves the less fortunate under our form of Capitalism. We have a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge.
And you have pure shit for brains too, asshat.
Says the guy with nothing but ad hominems instead of any valid arguments. Project much like usual, right winger.
We need automatic stabilization of our economy now!

Capitalism is said to have been invented in 1602 ... what became the Dutch East India Company ...
The first economic bubble to burst was in 1634 ... the Dutch Tulip Crisis ...

The Soviet Union is a good example of a stable market ... rock bottom ... I'd rather take my chances ...
Equal protection of the laws is a right not a privilege. We need automatic stabilization of our economy now! Employment is at the will of either party in our at-will employment States. Unemployment compensation can solve simple poverty and ensure capital circulates under our form of Capitalism. A positive multiplier effect is the return on that investment.

We just bailed out "our form of Capitalism" 12 years ago ... $5 to $10 trillion to keep "our form of Capitalism" ... here we are again ... $5 to $10 trillion to keep "our form of Capitalism" ... this is unsustainable, perhaps "our form of Capitalism" isn't worth bailing out ...

The United States bankruptcy laws are insanely liberal ... in other places in the past, insolvency meant prison time until someone paid off the debts ... so no one took any chances ... here in the USA, we can (typically) keep our house and car, maybe taking a chance is worth it ...

Bank of America is not "too big to fail" ... they should have been allowed to go into bankruptcy rather than this bullshit "Quantitative Easing" (= "Printing Money") ... and here we go again "printing more money" ... the FED discount rate is 0.25%, we can no longer use this to control inflation ... uh oh ... landlords get super rich in periods of hyperinflation ... perhaps "our form of Capitalism" isn't worth bailing out ...

In no way am I happy with this current Republican Senate ... but ... they do get some things right ... fighting Democrats from stealing our grandchildren's future is very right ...
is that what Trump did in 2017 with his tax giveaway or was that different? Just wondering.
  • 50% of working Americans live paycheck to paycheck
  • Most of them pay rent or have a mortgage
  • Now that the stimulus check has gone a full month, some rents/mortgages have gone into default
  • Without going into more debt, we are toying with the possibility of a Depression.
This should not be a political issue, it is a matter of saving families from losing everything they have!

How many of you can buy food, pay your utilities, insurance and car loan (if you have one) and your rent or mortgage for 6 months without a paycheck?
Uncle Don will pass out more cash for votes very soon.
/-----/ Piglosi needs to sign off on it too, Dimwit. Any fake outrage over that?
She already has.
/-----/ Hag Piglosi will pass out more cash for votes very soon.
She's had a stimulus package passed for well over 100 days, hardly "just in time for the election".

Yep, but facts do not convince Trump supporters.
will there be a second stimulus check ?
Yes. Pelosi is holding it hostage hoping it'll make Trump look bad. It is backfiring on the Democrats just like every scheme they devise
f you do
will there be a second stimulus check ?
Yes. Pelosi is holding it hostage hoping it'll make Trump look bad. It is backfiring on the Democrats just like every scheme they devise
Let me get this straight. Another stimulis is not needed, but Pelosi is a hag for supposedly holding up the next one, amirite?
will there be a second stimulus check ?

The question is, for what? our unemployment rate dropped again in August to 8.4%, the market is steady and at times grows, new housing starts in July were up 22.5%. What do we need stimulated?

How would a stimulus help when these liberal cities and states are still virtually shut down?

At the rate we are currently going, unemployment will be in the 6% range come election day. No, that's not great, but it's very good considering the circumstances.
Our UE rate is disguised, with the small business bail out.... And other bail outs.

The business got the money if they agreed to paying their employees that were laid off, while they were unemployed.....thru August/September....

Many of these restaurants, and bars, movie theaters, gyms, etc etc etc....And airlines bailed out,

Will not reopen full force, if at all, and those employees will hit the UE lines, once the bailout/stimulus checks run out..... we should start seeing those permanent layoffs soon.

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