Stimulus Checks delayed to include Trump's name

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And this is just the kind of thing His loyal and faithful subjects love about Him.
His loyal and faithful subjects are totally insane.
people say the same about how are you any different than them?....just asking.....
The difference being I have the receipts proving I'm right in these debates and you haven't. Nothing insane about the truth and facts. What do folks like you have? TDS surrender posts and memes. That's it. That's what you call a bunch of total losers right there.
oh give me a aint no different than many of the other dipshits here who think their opinion is right....dont forget your bullshit is here for everyone to see....
See how easy it was to get you to surrender? All it takes is the truth and facts, and you have to go back in your miserable hole.
i cant get in that miserable are taking up all the room in it...
You know, I've been a military brat, a military member, and now am a retired Navy sailor. I've gotten government checks damn near all my life, and NEVER have I see them have anything about anyone else other than the US Treasurer on them.

Well, that has changed, because now Trump has seen fit to make sure that all the stimulus checks coming out will have his name and that it's his stimulus in the memo line. Presidents can't sign Treasury checks, which is why he is doing this. The WH says that while the decision was just recently made, they don't see any reason why it should delay the checks.

Hate to tell them, but they are wrong, this change can take anywhere from an extra week to a month. I worked with payroll in the military, and I know how long some of these changes can take.

It's a fake story. Probably planted by a Chinese paid propagandist.
Fact Check: Stimulus Checks Not Being Held Up For Trump’s Name

Published 9 hours ago on April 15, 2020
By Alicia F. Luke

Multiple Treasury Department officials confirmed to Breitbart News that the claims of a delay are inaccurate. One Treasury Department official confirmed that President Trump’s name will appear on the paper checks, adding there will be no delay to make that happen.

This thread just blew up in the OP's face.............again. :abgg2q.jpg:
The Treasury Department ordered the IRS to add President Trump’s name to the paper stimulus checks, which is likely to cause a delay in their delivery.

President Donald Trump’s name will be printed on the economic stimulus checks that will be distributed by the Internal Revenue Service to individuals to help mitigate losses caused by the coronavirus pandemic, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

The addition, which was ordered by the Treasury Department, is expected to delay the delivery of paper checks by several days, according to the Post, which cited unnamed senior agency officials. The phrase “President Donald J. Trump” will be printed in a memo line on the left side of the checks (most will total $1,200 for individuals), below a line that says “Economic Impact Payment.”

After the IRS adjusts its printing technology for this addition, tens of millions of Americans are expected to receive these checks in the mail in the coming weeks.

NBC News also confirmed the report Tuesday night.


I've never heard of this before. Trump's narcissism knows no bounds.

WTF, now you're complaining about a delay...after the Nancy delay? Dumbass.

If not for the "Nancy delay", you wouldn't be getting this check. There was no stimulus payment to taxpayers in the McConnell plan at all - it all went to corporations with no strings attached. I'm sure your boss would have shared his government check with you, just like he shared his corporate tax cut with you.

Nancy delayed the stimulus so that money would flow to the people first. Trump is trying to take credit for this payment which you would not be receiving if not for Nancy Pelosi.

You seem to have Pork confused with People. I know they both start with a "P", but they are very different.

No, Mitch was very careful to include a LOT of pork for the mid-Western states. All of the Republican fly-over states got $300,000 per case for covid cases, while New York received $12,000 per case. Mitch made sure the mid-West got huge chunks pork for their states because there's a fucking election coming up. Party before country.

If you were an American following American news in the USA you would know this. Don't they give a list of things you SHOULD know when you come to work at the troll farm?
That was easy. But then, destroying your lies always is. I knew when I asked you couldn't bring a link.

Run along, Troll.
"Shot communists"?? :auiqs.jpg:

What'd you do, frequent a bar, get into philosophical discussions and then shoot 'em across the table?

No dicksucker.....1/7 AC/AM '67-'68 285 days in action while your fag ass sat home and protested us. ESAD punk.

I was in high school, ya bitter old fart. What I'm asking is ---- how do you know you were shooting "communists"? Did you survey them?
That guy is a liar.
the viet cong were communist idiot !

OH WERE THEY NOW. Did YOU survey them?
wow what a freaking idiot you are ! American troops were fighting communist Vietnamese back then ! you know about the American Vietnam vets dont you ?? after all it was the left that spit on them and called them baby killers when they came home ! its one of the biggest reason i cant stand democrats !

I know about Vietnam trying to throw off imperialism for several decades --- that's got jack shit to do with "communism". But I don't know anything about "the left" "spitting" or "calling" anything. That's not even possible. What kind of dipshit moron are you?
then you are not a very intelligent gay communist like you claim you are loser .

Show us "the left" performing an action en masse, dumb shit. :popcorn:
View attachment 323965

That's not "the left". Back up your claim or admit you fucked up.
what ???you stupid bastard ! thats a mass of democrats doing something in mass ! and you probably participate in many dem activities in mass like gay gangbangs and mass gerbiling and other sick shit leftist love !

Oh? So you can see the voter registration card of everybody in that shot?
Anyway you didn't say "Democrats' -- you said it was "the left". The ENTIRE LEFT gathered in New York City one day. What a great day for the hotels.

Fucking IDIOT.
all democrats are left idiot ! the day of moderates and blue dog in the dem party is over ! the dems are now the party of the squad, socialism [communism] and china !

This is further proof we need intelligence tests for voting.

"Democrats" are a political party, Dumbass, not a "right" or "left". Holy SHIT you're stupid.
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Once again ya puke, Donald John Trump is your President.
I never said he wasn’t (unlike you no doubt said about Obama). But I’m not going to say something just because your retarded ass said so.
Now go choke on a bag of rotten dicks.
I’m not into dudes, but thanks for the offer? :dunno: You might want to see a doctor about that, though.
"Shot communists"?? :auiqs.jpg:

What'd you do, frequent a bar, get into philosophical discussions and then shoot 'em across the table?

No dicksucker.....1/7 AC/AM '67-'68 285 days in action while your fag ass sat home and protested us. ESAD punk.
Thank you for your service

FUCK him, he's a lying asshole.
So are you.

Izzat right.

--------------- Link?

^^ How to keep a moron busy. "Gee Wally, I never thought I'd actually be called on it".
"Shot communists"?? :auiqs.jpg:

What'd you do, frequent a bar, get into philosophical discussions and then shoot 'em across the table?

No dicksucker.....1/7 AC/AM '67-'68 285 days in action while your fag ass sat home and protested us. ESAD punk.
Thank you for your service

FUCK him, he's a lying asshole.
So are you.

Izzat right.

--------------- Link?

^^ How to keep a moron busy. "Gee Wally, I never thought I'd actually be called on it".
"Shot communists"?? :auiqs.jpg:

What'd you do, frequent a bar, get into philosophical discussions and then shoot 'em across the table?

No dicksucker.....1/7 AC/AM '67-'68 285 days in action while your fag ass sat home and protested us. ESAD punk.
Thank you for your service

FUCK him, he's a lying asshole.
So are you.

Izzat right.

--------------- Link?

^^ How to keep a moron busy. "Gee Wally, I never thought I'd actually be called on it".

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo no link. Quelle surprise.

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