Stinking Muslilms Get a Permit??? We Don't??? don't believe me when I say I hate:








Intolerance for no valid reason


? have a hard time understanding why anyone would hate those things, eh?

I don't believe much of anything a libturd says.

Of course you don't Who can believe that people could POSSIBLY hate those things I've listed........right, LL? It's not Lonestar Logical.

I actually don't believe you hate all those things unless it's a conservative that's guilty of them. I have yet to hear you bitch, moan or complain about greedy, intolerant, misogynistic, bullying, thieving and corrupt liberals.
I don't believe much of anything a libturd says.

Of course you don't Who can believe that people could POSSIBLY hate those things I've listed........right, LL? It's not Lonestar Logical.

I actually don't believe you hate all those things unless it's a conservative that's guilty of them. I have yet to hear you bitch, moan or complain about greedy, intolerant, misogynistic, bullying, thieving and corrupt liberals.
Then you don't pay attention.

Just within the last week or two, I've condemned Bob Filner and that Weiner loser. But, I'm sure you don't listen to what doesn't fit your preconceived ideas about liberals. Even now, you STILL can't imagine a liberal hating those things I listed. There is something wrong with you, if you can't wrap your mind around those concepts.

Oh, did I mention I'm against intervention in Syria and have said so multiple times......?
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Of course you don't Who can believe that people could POSSIBLY hate those things I've listed........right, LL? It's not Lonestar Logical.

I actually don't believe you hate all those things unless it's a conservative that's guilty of them. I have yet to hear you bitch, moan or complain about greedy, intolerant, misogynistic, bullying, thieving and corrupt liberals.
Then you don't pay attention.

Just within the last week or two, I've condemned Bob Filner and that Weiner loser. But, I'm sure you don't listen to what doesn't fit your preconceived ideas about liberals. Even now, you STILL can't imagine a liberal hating those things I listed. There is something wrong with you, if you can't wrap your mind around those concepts.

So two idiots out of many, how inconsistent of you.
Poor stinkin' Muslims. Demonstrating (whatever) on the day your brothers killed 5,000+ Americans.

Fuck You and your religion of peace.

We had an absolute BLAST today - honoring our men and women who have fallen and those who serve. Special kudos to local law enforcement, federal cops and thousands of citizens who lined the beltway to welcome us in an out of OUR nation's capitol - not Islams!!!

And stinking rotten pro-Muslim Libberhoids can rot in fucking hell too.

Muslim rally vastly outnumbered by bikers, counterprotesters - Washington Times

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What on earth would Muslims have to do with your independently planned bike rally?

protect --LOL

they went to exercise the 1st Amendment rights

whats wrong with you

Yes and a lovely effect was the million muslim march turned out to be Uncle Akmed and his sons go for a stroll. The 2 million biker ride should happen every 9/11. IMHO
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Poor stinkin' Muslims. Demonstrating (whatever) on the day your brothers killed 5,000+ Americans.

Fuck You and your religion of peace.

We had an absolute BLAST today - honoring our men and women who have fallen and those who serve. Special kudos to local law enforcement, federal cops and thousands of citizens who lined the beltway to welcome us in an out of OUR nation's capitol - not Islams!!!

And stinking rotten pro-Muslim Libberhoids can rot in fucking hell too.

Muslim rally vastly outnumbered by bikers, counterprotesters - Washington Times

Sent From My iPhone

Why diminish all the good of the rally to commemorate the victims of 9/11 by injecting your irrational hatred into the same conversation? You besmirch something good because you haven't the self-control to stop indulging your bigotry for two fucking minutes. What's really important to you, remembering the victims of 9/11 and the heroism of so many that day and after, or venting your personal hatred? Is it all about YOU?! Get your shit together.

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