Stinking Muslilms Get a Permit??? We Don't???

Alfalfa said:
"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel."

You keep quoting repulsive losers. Johnson had Tourette's. wap. wap. whoop.

Hahahaaa! The Moron Muslime March failed and the Bikers Bash prevailed! Haaa! Muslimes are SUCH losers. And now the liberals who side with the dirty Muslimes are attacking the bikers. Most liberals are SUCH pathetic maggots! you DO know the President's full name. Cool. Odd how you refer to him only by his middle name. I don't remember calling John Fitzgerald Kennedy "Fitzgerald"...or calling Lyndon Baines Johnson "Baines"....or Richard Millhouse Nixon "Millhouse".

They weren't muslims


President Obama is a muslim? I thought he was a member of Rev. Wright's christian church.

Black Liberation Theology is hardly "Christian". It is more political than anything. Mostly racism wrapped in a very thin veil of religion.
Alfalfa said:
"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel."

You keep quoting repulsive losers. Johnson had Tourette's. wap. wap. whoop.

Hahahaaa! The Moron Muslime March failed and the Bikers Bash prevailed! Haaa! Muslimes are SUCH losers. And now the liberals who side with the dirty Muslimes are attacking the bikers. Most liberals are SUCH pathetic maggots!

Unlike you Surfer, many people live in a world of reality. The bikers that showed up showed up for a 9/11 memorial run and to show patriotism. To be sure, the bikers that organized for the event deserve credit for getting a few thousand riders to take off work and show up, but those riders did not show up because they hate muslims the way you do. You are the definition of someone exploiting the victims of 9/11 and the sacrifice's made by our military after 9/11. You and the people behind this event are using the patriotism of bikers to promote your agenda. You are walking on the dead bodies of the victims, the grief of the families and all those that have sacrificed since 9/11. You are and they are taking advantage of the grief of the entire nation to benifit your own little fantasy world. If it works out for you and you feel good about yourself, good for you. Just keep in mind that many view people like you as the real scum, the lowest of the low. Might as well go dance on the graves, because that is pretty much what you do.
Alfalfa said:
"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel."

You keep quoting repulsive losers. Johnson had Tourette's. wap. wap. whoop.

Hahahaaa! The Moron Muslime March failed and the Bikers Bash prevailed! Haaa! Muslimes are SUCH losers. And now the liberals who side with the dirty Muslimes are attacking the bikers. Most liberals are SUCH pathetic maggots!

Unlike you Surfer, many people live in a world of reality. The bikers that showed up showed up for a 9/11 memorial run and to show patriotism. To be sure, the bikers that organized for the event deserve credit for getting a few thousand riders to take off work and show up, but those riders did not show up because they hate muslims the way you do. You are the definition of someone exploiting the victims of 9/11 and the sacrifice's made by our military after 9/11. You and the people behind this event are using the patriotism of bikers to promote your agenda. You are walking on the dead bodies of the victims, the grief of the families and all those that have sacrificed since 9/11. You are and they are taking advantage of the grief of the entire nation to benifit your own little fantasy world. If it works out for you and you feel good about yourself, good for you. Just keep in mind that many view people like you as the real scum, the lowest of the low. Might as well go dance on the graves, because that is pretty much what you do.

Pot meet kettle.
I'll ask you. What American values are those?

The ones you libtards hate.

Let's see.

I am a liberal and I hate:








Intolerance for no valid reason



So......thank you for showing what YOUR Values are.

Hell, everyone knows how dishonest liberals are. So if you expect anyone to believe you, other than another libtard, then you're only fooling yourself.
Alfalfa said:
"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel."

You keep quoting repulsive losers. Johnson had Tourette's. wap. wap. whoop.

Hahahaaa! The Moron Muslime March failed and the Bikers Bash prevailed! Haaa! Muslimes are SUCH losers. And now the liberals who side with the dirty Muslimes are attacking the bikers. Most liberals are SUCH pathetic maggots!

Unlike you Surfer, many people live in a world of reality. The bikers that showed up showed up for a 9/11 memorial run and to show patriotism. To be sure, the bikers that organized for the event deserve credit for getting a few thousand riders to take off work and show up, but those riders did not show up because they hate muslims the way you do. You are the definition of someone exploiting the victims of 9/11 and the sacrifice's made by our military after 9/11. You and the people behind this event are using the patriotism of bikers to promote your agenda. You are walking on the dead bodies of the victims, the grief of the families and all those that have sacrificed since 9/11. You are and they are taking advantage of the grief of the entire nation to benifit your own little fantasy world. If it works out for you and you feel good about yourself, good for you. Just keep in mind that many view people like you as the real scum, the lowest of the low. Might as well go dance on the graves, because that is pretty much what you do.


Bikers were told Muslims were celebrating 9-11 and they showed up in droves to drown them out. That is what Rolling Thunder does
They ran into trouble when they found out having a "We hate Muslims" rally was not a good day
So they called it a "We love 9-11" rally
The ones you libtards hate.

Let's see.

I am a liberal and I hate:








Intolerance for no valid reason



So......thank you for showing what YOUR Values are.

Hell, everyone knows how dishonest liberals are. So if you expect anyone to believe you, other than another libtard, then you're only fooling yourself. don't believe me when I say I hate:








Intolerance for no valid reason


? have a hard time understanding why anyone would hate those things, eh?
Let's see.

I am a liberal and I hate:








Intolerance for no valid reason



So......thank you for showing what YOUR Values are.

Hell, everyone knows how dishonest liberals are. So if you expect anyone to believe you, other than another libtard, then you're only fooling yourself. don't believe me when I say I hate:








Intolerance for no valid reason


? have a hard time understanding why anyone would hate those things, eh?

I don't believe much of anything a libturd says.
Camp said:
Unlike you Surfer, many people live in a world of reality...

You have NO IDEA what you're talking about. You defend these vile, demonic maggots and are what's wrong with this country. Go away.
The best part about you is that you're both idiotic and appalling. That's probably why nobody likes you.
Johnson had Tourette's. wap. wap. whoop.

Unlike you, huh? :rolleyes:

Hahahaaa! The Moron Muslime March failed and the Bikers Bash prevailed! Haaa! Muslimes are SUCH losers. And now the liberals who side with the dirty Muslimes are attacking the bikers. Most liberals are SUCH pathetic maggots!

Blind, rabid hatred is not a political position, little boy. You don't represent conservatism when you indulge your fear and weakness like that no matter what you'd like to believe. Learn to keep your mouth shut until you grow up some.
Hell, everyone knows how dishonest liberals are. So if you expect anyone to believe you, other than another libtard, then you're only fooling yourself. don't believe me when I say I hate:








Intolerance for no valid reason


? have a hard time understanding why anyone would hate those things, eh?

I don't believe much of anything a libturd says.

Of course you don't Who can believe that people could POSSIBLY hate those things I've listed........right, LL? It's not Lonestar Logical.
Camp said:
Unlike you Surfer, many people live in a world of reality...

You have NO IDEA what you're talking about. You defend these vile, demonic maggots and are what's wrong with this country. Go away.
The best part about you is that you're both idiotic and appalling. That's probably why nobody likes you.

What is this comment? Right out of elementary school?
Poor stinkin' Muslims. Demonstrating (whatever) on the day your brothers killed 5,000+ Americans.

Fuck You and your religion of peace.

We had an absolute BLAST today - honoring our men and women who have fallen and those who serve. Special kudos to local law enforcement, federal cops and thousands of citizens who lined the beltway to welcome us in an out of OUR nation's capitol - not Islams!!!

And stinking rotten pro-Muslim Libberhoids can rot in fucking hell too.

Muslim rally vastly outnumbered by bikers, counterprotesters - Washington Times

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