Stirring Up Race War... The Most Desperate Democrat Move Yet?


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
It is clear at this point. There is nothing the leftists aren't fine with destroying in order to swing the election. The attempted race-war is the most desperate attempt yet. Each time you think they have hit the rock bottom, they go even lower. Worse is coming...

What in the hell are these democrats thinking? Do they believe that defeating the greatest president in history is more important than having a community? Burning it all down is worth it for the impossible scenario that Americans are so impossibly stupid that they blame president Trump for the demonic creations of the far left?

I have a message to the crazed leftists. Your plan will never work. All you are doing is burning down your communities and pissing people off.

.....the pandemic didn't work.... the race war won't work either, then the Rats will come out with something new.....and if that doesn't work then something else......and it's going to be like that until the Elections.:mad-61:

So be prepared for all the BS, keep your eyes open and know what they are up to!

But one thing I can tell you: the DemonRats are doomed, it won't work!

It is clear at this point. There is nothing the leftists aren't fine with destroying in order to swing the election. The attempted race-war is the most desperate attempt yet. Each time you think they have hit the rock bottom, they go even lower. Worse is coming...

What in the hell are these democrats thinking? Do they believe that defeating the greatest president in history is more important than having a community? Burning it all down is worth it for the impossible scenario that Americans are so impossibly stupid that they blame president Trump for the demonic creations of the far left?

I have a message to the crazed leftists. Your plan will never work. All you are doing is burning down your communities and pissing people off.
They're into plan F) now, and after this fails
they're going to G) which is back to a new Stormy Daniels scandal.
It is clear at this point. There is nothing the leftists aren't fine with destroying in order to swing the election. The attempted race-war is the most desperate attempt yet. Each time you think they have hit the rock bottom, they go even lower. Worse is coming...

What in the hell are these democrats thinking? Do they believe that defeating the greatest president in history is more important than having a community? Burning it all down is worth it for the impossible scenario that Americans are so impossibly stupid that they blame president Trump for the demonic creations of the far left?

I have a message to the crazed leftists. Your plan will never work. All you are doing is burning down your communities and pissing people off.

It won't work. Unlike prior generations, this younger generation doesn't buy that narrative. They've seen their futures exported to low wage countries, Trump can rally them in this regard as he has solidly fought for ALL Americans. God Bless him for this. There are a number of issues of course, I will focus on a couple of key ones.

My generation and generations before bought the "that guy who looks different is your enemy". It was easier to do, as the divide was more prevalent. This generation is screwed across the board, they aren't interested in what divides them but rather what common traits they have. There are similar problems in the homes of Black citizens as White, thanks to the exporting of poisons from China into the U.S and the exporting of jobs from the U.S to China. This has impacted ALL of them.

In all honesty, my generation and the one before it started the destruction of the West. We had successes when I was young in defending capitalism and fighting communism, but when the 1990s arrived and we fell for the "fluff over substance" of leaders, it ensured we would have to play catch up. Too many decided, "whatever is good for me, is all that matters", and ultimately it was the greatest trap to ensure collective suffering.

Trump 2020 would be a huge win for this generation, and ours, though some of the younger generation don't know this yet due to the work of the media, but many of them have and will figure it out.
I do agree that corporations moved overseas for dirt cheap labor. As an American I cannot expect american workers to work for anything close to those wages. Shame on corporations who did this.
How much crap are the dems going to pull in the next few months? I can't even begin to see where they go next? Race and female accusers are probably out. That is their staple. They are going to have to get creative, and that's a little scary.

Yes, any False Flags imaginable they can think of....... doesn't matter how bloody they are....... DemonRats are very evil creatures, they don't care who they harm they only care about power.

Hell is waiting for them all with open arms.
Every mayor in every big city, controlled by the Democrats, he is allowing all this shit to happen, all of these "protests" (looting) in what appears to be a coordinated Democrat party, nationwide mission of insurrection and destruction.

Complete desperation.

Every mayor in every big city, controlled by the Democrats, he is allowing all this shit to happen, all of these "protests" (looting) in what appears to be a coordinated Democrat party, nationwide mission of insurrection and destruction.

Complete desperation.


They are encouraging it. It's clear that they have made this their new agenda.

They believe they are going to to defeat Trump by burning their cities to ground. This won't ever work. Those people in the cities mostly voted for democrats anyway.
If there was a giant volcanic eruption tomorrow that devastated our country ... the commenters of this thread would say it was the Demoncrats who did it just to get back at their dear leader.

This is what the democrats are doing, blaming Trump for the Chinese virus... while it's actually them shutting down the economy and causing all the real damage.

You need to go fuck yourself, or perhaps some jogger does it first if you live in a diversity enriched area.
If there was a giant volcanic eruption tomorrow that devastated our country ... the commenters of this thread would say it was the Demoncrats who did it just to get back at their dear leader.


On one thread, the blob supporters will say about liberal politicians, all they care about is keeping their jobs....

In the very next breath, they will swear the same politicians are going to be voted out because of their policies.

Wouldn't the politicians stand a better chance to "keep their jobs" if they only had popular policies in place?
If there was a pandemic eruption tomorrow that devastated our country ... the commenters of this thread would say it was the Demoncrats who did it just to get back at their dear leader.

Oh, I’m sorry. That more or less already happened...
We knew democrats were terrified that there would be an economic recovery. This is their way of stopping any recovery for years. Maybe permanently.
They do this crap every election cycle...........kinda early now.....but the Hype over the Virus was turning against them..............NEEDED A DIVERSION........

People even in very blue states and cities were telling to go F about BACKFIRED STRATEGIES..........

It is clear at this point. There is nothing the leftists aren't fine with destroying in order to swing the election. The attempted race-war is the most desperate attempt yet. Each time you think they have hit the rock bottom, they go even lower. Worse is coming...

What in the hell are these democrats thinking? Do they believe that defeating the greatest president in history is more important than having a community? Burning it all down is worth it for the impossible scenario that Americans are so impossibly stupid that they blame president Trump for the demonic creations of the far left?

I have a message to the crazed leftists. Your plan will never work. All you are doing is burning down your communities and pissing people off.
Race war? You got Blacks, whites, Latinos, and Asians out there protesting together.
If there was a giant volcanic eruption tomorrow that devastated our country ... the commenters of this thread would say it was the Demoncrats who did it just to get back at their dear leader.

This is what the democrats are doing, blaming Trump for the Chinese virus... while it's actually them shutting down the economy and causing all the real damage.

You need to go fuck yourself, or perhaps some jogger does it first if you live in a diversity enriched area.
This "Tom Paine" character really IS an insufferable little prick, isn't he? Just dreadful.
It is clear at this point. There is nothing the leftists aren't fine with destroying in order to swing the election. The attempted race-war is the most desperate attempt yet. Each time you think they have hit the rock bottom, they go even lower. Worse is coming...

What in the hell are these democrats thinking? Do they believe that defeating the greatest president in history is more important than having a community? Burning it all down is worth it for the impossible scenario that Americans are so impossibly stupid that they blame president Trump for the demonic creations of the far left?

I have a message to the crazed leftists. Your plan will never work. All you are doing is burning down your communities and pissing people off.
No I think keeping people locked up inside till after election scam for sake of pulling the mail in voter scam was worse, and allowed them to fuel this instability. I think we have to apologize to all the conspiracy zealots who've warned us how far these population control people will go and what their process would look like. It's getting very similar to what we used to mock and laugh at happening.
Of course. States were beginning to open up again and that's a no no for dems that want things to stay crazy all the way to November. Lloyds tragic death was just the final proverbial straw..and Soros was holding the match.

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