Stock Market today???

When the markets open today, will the slide continue? If it does, this could be the start of an economic disaster. I am nervous about it. Overseas markets had wild swings. Will the NYSE?

Republicans in Congress are really sweating this.

Trump's running up the debt because he thinks he will be out of office when those chickens come to roost.

A another 800 point drop will swing more Senators to the Impeachment train or to start passing legislation to quell the Trump disaster. Like a bill to end Trump's tariffs. A silent Senate will become a Democrat Senate when the Democrat candidate wins in a land slide in 2020 with huge coattails.

Today might be that turning point.

The stock market has benefitted from QE and ZIRP policy from the Fed for the last half dozen years. Now that we have QT and the Fed is trying to normalize rates, money is flowing out of the market. We have had a 10 plus year bull market. Now we have an overdue bear market. All of this has little to do with politics. And Republican Senators are not going to convict Trump DumbDave. Find something else to have a wet dream about.
Oh, it's going to slowly slide down for a while.

A) It has been artificially inflated due to pent-up non-investing because of Obama. When Trump won, years of non-investing broke free.

B) Democrats won the House, which lessens confidence for the future

C) Tariffs will shake things up some

Funny as hell you put tariffs last even though the markets are in the red since Trump issued his first tariffs. And the market boomed for a couple days after it was announced US and China had some sort of trade plan worked out and then crashed again the day Trump tweeted he is the tariff man...

But tariffs only shake things up “some”!!!!!

Partisan blindness at it finest

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Tariffs are always bad but buy now and when the tariffs end you'll be glad you did

Too soon to buy more, there is more dropping to be had

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Don't time the market

I have a main portfolio that holds steady and is for long term retirement use.

Anything else is just for fun and the chance for some quick gains. Timing the market is what it is all about.

If I am wrong and it goes up, then nothing lost.

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And I’ll repeat what I said before ...yes the Fed is hammering us with aggressive rate increases and the stock market will feel it. But it has to be done. Years of ZIRP and QE have severely damaged market feedback mechanisms.
The Fed did it. Now it has to undo it. And it will be like a heroin addict going cold turkey.

Thank you for being the only other sane voice here. It seems all the other posters have no idea the effect that cheap rates and billions of dollars of money printing will have on the stock market. Now that the Fed is pulling $50 billion out of the economy every month while tightening interest rates the market as well as the economy will suffer.
Unfortunately people with 401Ks don't liquidate.
No you ride out the ups and downs and keep investing

That strategy is great if you have the time. What if you are a 70 year old in retirement? Then you don’t have the luxury of taking a 50% hit to your portfolio.
Oh, it's going to slowly slide down for a while.

A) It has been artificially inflated due to pent-up non-investing because of Obama. When Trump won, years of non-investing broke free.

B) Democrats won the House, which lessens confidence for the future

C) Tariffs will shake things up some

Funny as hell you put tariffs last even though the markets are in the red since Trump issued his first tariffs. And the market boomed for a couple days after it was announced US and China had some sort of trade plan worked out and then crashed again the day Trump tweeted he is the tariff man...

But tariffs only shake things up “some”!!!!!

Partisan blindness at it finest

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Tariffs are always bad but buy now and when the tariffs end you'll be glad you did

You keep saying you are buying these drops. Why don’t you share with us what you’re buying?
Trump's running up the debt because he thinks he will be out of office when those chickens come to roost.

He actually said that
He is correct. Let's go back as far as FDR. He had four terms in office. How much of his debt did he pay down?
The only president to come close to balancing a budget was Clinton and how much was really paid down?
44 paid down how much?

Even if we paid no more government wages, no more social programs, no more military, stopped all government payments and paid every cent collected in taxes for the next six years we would not pay off our debt.
Since it is easy to talk about reducing debt but not so easy to actually accomplish we are going to eventually flounder in our debt. Even if Trump was elected to two terms he would be long out of office before we are completely screwed by our love of debt.
When the markets open today, will the slide continue? If it does, this could be the start of an economic disaster. I am nervous about it. Overseas markets had wild swings. Will the NYSE?

Republicans in Congress are really sweating this.

Trump's running up the debt because he thinks he will be out of office when those chickens come to roost.

A another 800 point drop will swing more Senators to the Impeachment train or to start passing legislation to quell the Trump disaster. Like a bill to end Trump's tariffs. A silent Senate will become a Democrat Senate when the Democrat candidate wins in a land slide in 2020 with huge coattails.

Today might be that turning point.

I know you libs are hoping for economic collapse, to punish America for electing a reprobate like Trump.

But the President won't be blamed regardless.

Sorry, the president always gets blamed for the economy whether or not he had anything to do with it. If he hadn’t just died, you could ask Bush 41.
Oh, it's going to slowly slide down for a while.

A) It has been artificially inflated due to pent-up non-investing because of Obama. When Trump won, years of non-investing broke free.

B) Democrats won the House, which lessens confidence for the future

C) Tariffs will shake things up some

Funny as hell you put tariffs last even though the markets are in the red since Trump issued his first tariffs. And the market boomed for a couple days after it was announced US and China had some sort of trade plan worked out and then crashed again the day Trump tweeted he is the tariff man...

But tariffs only shake things up “some”!!!!!

Partisan blindness at it finest

Sent from my iPhone using
Tariffs are always bad but buy now and when the tariffs end you'll be glad you did

You keep saying you are buying these drops. Why don’t you share with us what you’re buying?

I buy what I always buy

Growth and sector indexed Etfs and mutual funds

I don't buy individual stocks
When the markets open today, will the slide continue? If it does, this could be the start of an economic disaster. I am nervous about it. Overseas markets had wild swings. Will the NYSE?

Republicans in Congress are really sweating this.

Trump's running up the debt because he thinks he will be out of office when those chickens come to roost.

A another 800 point drop will swing more Senators to the Impeachment train or to start passing legislation to quell the Trump disaster. Like a bill to end Trump's tariffs. A silent Senate will become a Democrat Senate when the Democrat candidate wins in a land slide in 2020 with huge coattails.

Today might be that turning point.

I know you libs are hoping for economic collapse, to punish America for electing a reprobate like Trump.

But the President won't be blamed regardless.

Sorry, the president always gets blamed for the economy whether or not he had anything to do with it. If he hadn’t just died, you could ask Bush 41.

Bush 41 got blamed for raising taxes in spite of his sacred vow to the American people.

He foolishly thought that his liberal friends would stand behind him after his massive tax increase that they egged him on and got him to give his imprimatur to. Instead they stabbed him in the back.

BTW, nothing wrong with the Economy, just a blip in the stock market this week.
Oh, it's going to slowly slide down for a while.

A) It has been artificially inflated due to pent-up non-investing because of Obama. When Trump won, years of non-investing broke free.

B) Democrats won the House, which lessens confidence for the future

C) Tariffs will shake things up some

Funny as hell you put tariffs last even though the markets are in the red since Trump issued his first tariffs. And the market boomed for a couple days after it was announced US and China had some sort of trade plan worked out and then crashed again the day Trump tweeted he is the tariff man...

But tariffs only shake things up “some”!!!!!

Partisan blindness at it finest

Sent from my iPhone using
Tariffs are always bad but buy now and when the tariffs end you'll be glad you did

You keep saying you are buying these drops. Why don’t you share with us what you’re buying?

I buy what I always buy

Growth and sector indexed Etfs and mutual funds

I don't buy individual stocks
Can you give some specifics. What ETFs are you buying, mutual funds?
When the markets open today, will the slide continue? If it does, this could be the start of an economic disaster. I am nervous about it. Overseas markets had wild swings. Will the NYSE?

Republicans in Congress are really sweating this.

Trump's running up the debt because he thinks he will be out of office when those chickens come to roost.

A another 800 point drop will swing more Senators to the Impeachment train or to start passing legislation to quell the Trump disaster. Like a bill to end Trump's tariffs. A silent Senate will become a Democrat Senate when the Democrat candidate wins in a land slide in 2020 with huge coattails.

Today might be that turning point.

I know you libs are hoping for economic collapse, to punish America for electing a reprobate like Trump.

But the President won't be blamed regardless.

Sorry, the president always gets blamed for the economy whether or not he had anything to do with it. If he hadn’t just died, you could ask Bush 41.

Bush 41 got blamed for raising taxes in spite of his sacred vow to the American people.

He foolishly thought that his liberal friends would stand behind him after his massive tax increase that they egged him on and got him to give his imprimatur to. Instead they stabbed him in the back.

BTW, nothing wrong with the Economy, just a blip in the stock market this week.

I think we have a better than 50% chance to have a recession before the 2020 election. Have you seen the bond market, do you know what an inverted yield curve typically portends?

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Part of the U.S. Treasury yield curve “inverted” this week, setting off debate over whether it is delivering a classic signal of oncoming recession or it has just developed a short-term kink that can be explained away by technical reasons.

Whatever the reason, investors and economists ignore this message from the bond market at their peril: yield curve inversions - when shorter-dated securities yield more than longer maturities - have preceded every U.S. recession in recent memory by anywhere from 15 months to around two years.

One part of the U.S. yield curve just inverted; what does that mean? | Reuters
People are beginning to talk about the "R" word again. I haven't personally got any money in the stock market, but a recession affects us all, and recessions seem to be somehow tied to the stock market. Businesses go belly up. People lose jobs. Things go down from there. It better not happen. We JUST got out of the last one.

It *WILL* happen. Recessions are a part of normal business cycles. Count on this one thing if nothing else...there is always another recession on the horizon. And another bear market. And behind them another bull market and economic boom.
This can’t be overemphasized.
Yes the last one was a pathetic recovery. That’s because statists like Bush and Obama and Yellen tried to mitigate it. In the end we had the poorest economic recovery in history.

I posted a short article higher up in the thread that does a good job of explaining stock market changes and the relation between market indexes and business cycles.
Unfortunately people with 401Ks don't liquidate.
No you ride out the ups and downs and keep investing

That strategy is great if you have the time. What if you are a 70 year old in retirement? Then you don’t have the luxury of taking a 50% hit to your portfolio.
Why? If you have income generated from Dividends who cares what the hit on the portfolio is. As long as they continue to pay, take some of that dividend and buy more stock when it gets lower. That is cost averaging in a nutshell.
Unfortunately people with 401Ks don't liquidate.
No you ride out the ups and downs and keep investing

That strategy is great if you have the time. What if you are a 70 year old in retirement? Then you don’t have the luxury of taking a 50% hit to your portfolio.
If you're 70 years old you should not have the bulk of your savings in equities.

The game changes in retirement from growth to preservation and hedging inflation which is why it is so important to start saving when you are young
Unfortunately people with 401Ks don't liquidate.
No you ride out the ups and downs and keep investing

That strategy is great if you have the time. What if you are a 70 year old in retirement? Then you don’t have the luxury of taking a 50% hit to your portfolio.
If you're 70 years old you should not have the bulk of your savings in equities.

The game changes in retirement from growth to preservation and hedging inflation which is why it is so important to start saving when you are young
So Warren Buffet who has plenty of equities is wrong?

Berkshire Hathaway Portfolio Tracker
Unfortunately people with 401Ks don't liquidate.
No you ride out the ups and downs and keep investing

That strategy is great if you have the time. What if you are a 70 year old in retirement? Then you don’t have the luxury of taking a 50% hit to your portfolio.
Why? If you have income generated from Dividends who cares what the hit on the portfolio is. As long as they continue to pay, take some of that dividend and buy more stock when it gets lower. That is cost averaging in a nutshell.

If your entire portfolio is made up of dividend paying stocks, but when your retired you are using those dividends as income, not growth.
I liquidated a few months back. I'm ready!
Unfortunately people with 401Ks don't liquidate.
No you ride out the ups and downs and keep investing

That strategy is great if you have the time. What if you are a 70 year old in retirement? Then you don’t have the luxury of taking a 50% hit to your portfolio.
If you're 70 years old you should not have the bulk of your savings in equities.

The game changes in retirement from growth to preservation and hedging inflation which is why it is so important to start saving when you are young
So Warren Buffet who has plenty of equities is wrong?

Berkshire Hathaway Portfolio Tracker

You do know that's not his own money don't you?

That's his investment company's portfolio

and when you have as much money as Buffett you can do whatever the fuck you want.

I'm taking a wild guess and saying you're not even close
They worried as hell about the democrats taking over the house and fucking shit up again.

Yeah, when it’s good it is because of Trump, When it’s bad it’s because of the Dems. Can you be any more predictable?!
I don't blame Trump's comment on the debt for the market's fall, I see it as about his comment on pulling out of NAFTA.

Trump is about to play a dangerous game of chicken with Democrats to try to ram through his trade deal with Mexico and Canada

I think Trump shot himself in the foot on this one.
Of course the Democrats have nothing to do with it at all?

I see the market swings that took place this summer in reaction to NAFTA negotiation status as the strongest indication to what's happening with the market these days. My alternative guess would the bond market yield curve that on Monday inverted for the first time in a decade.

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