stone Found Guilty On All 7 Counts

Every charge against him is a process crime.
I.E., serious felonies.
And intimidating a witness was one of the charges. Just like Trump did to the ambassador at the hearing. Can you tell he's guilty by those actions? If he was innocent he wouldn't have to do that, now would he?

At the hearing? How did she know she was being intimidated while she was testifying? Once she's done, it has no effect.
It affects how others will testify. Which of course, is Trump's objective.
You can go to prison for lying to congress but congress people can lie to us. WTF?
And you can lie to the Senate about spying on them if you are head of the cia and not get charged, and lie about emails to the fbi and not get charged if you are a Clinton.
You can go to prison for lying to congress but congress people can lie to us. WTF?
And you can lie to the Senate about spying on them if you are head of the cia and not get charged, and lie about emails to the fbi and not get charged if you are a Clinton.
At the hearing? How did she know she was being intimidated while she was testifying?
Because Schiff read the tweet out loud during the hearing. Good grief, step outside the bubble for some fresh air once in a while.

And you are wrong anyway, as witnesses often get recalled.

What was the threat he supposedly conveyed? Harm to her, family and friends?
What was the threat he supposedly conveyed?
I am done spoondfeeding you. If you don't understand or agree with the intimidation being alleged, then that is a matter of cultish opinion. And i have no desire to try to chisel away at your ossified, cultish brain.
As long as you are not in the deep state, the justice system works on overdrive even.

Hillary on the other hand, still free despite destroying evidence right under everyone's nose.

We must work harder to get justice done.
Evidence of what? You never even had a crime. Just hey maybe something happened with these emails. Meanwhile team trump commits real crimes and goes to jail.

You moron, she destroyed the emails on the server.
And that isn't a crime. If it was your repub idiots sure failed since they had complete control of the government for 2 years! Why do you believe all the BS they spew? The trumpers are the ones going to jail.
You can go to prison for lying to congress but congress people can lie to us. WTF?
And you can lie to the Senate about spying on them if you are head of the cia and not get charged, and lie about emails to the fbi and not get charged if you are a Clinton.
No proof no charge So far 6 republican scum guilty ....Obama had ZERO Repubs have become the Mafia party The Casa Nostra
What was the threat he supposedly conveyed?
I am done spoondfeeding you. If you don't understand or agree with the intimidation being alleged, then that is a matter of cultish opinion. And i have no desire to try to chisel away at your ossified, cultish brain.

So no threat then. Good to know.
Ya'all want a laugh ?? Trump says all this is hurting his family LOL LOL LOL
Like Melanie? The wife whose name he gets wrong and he cheated on?

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