stone Found Guilty On All 7 Counts

Stone’s fingerprints are all over some of the worst aspects of American politics in the past five decades: Watergate, lobbying, negative advertising, the 2000 recount, the Clinton conspiracy complex, and, most famously, Trump
Our two tier justice system, I'm sure left wing nut jobs love it.

trump’s circle are felons. Fact.

In your dreams maybe.
Stone, Manafort, Flynn, all guilty. Educate yourself

Manafort did nothing connected to Trump, he did not pay his taxes true. Flynn's case is in the process of getting a second look. Besides I am getting to the point given what the dems have walked away from so far, I just don't care anymore.
You have a lot of support for criminals....

No because I am not a f-ing demrat
Check the men’s voting to see how real this is

58% to 37% Approving and agreeing with trump

The problem is the brainwashed women’s vote just the opposite

The men will
Now rise up and stop the unwise from electing crooks with a high logic ability test for voting
6 trumpers are in jail now. Sounds like the men are electing the crooks.


It’s the liberal juries with the liberal women and a few liberal men following

This is the exact same thing all over again that comes in cycles

The Adam and Eve issue !!

Then the majority of the men stops those brainwashed unwise and stops their men supporters

You truly are too stupid to be one person. We wouldn't be in this mess if not for the politics of men. It is time for the women of America to take over the country and stop running it for the benefit of rich white men, and start running it for the benefit of all 325,000,000 people living in the USA.

For the past 40 years, the USA has been in decline, socially and economically. This is because conservative men decided that the benefits of the American economy should only go to the owners of the means of production, and not to their workers. Since that time, the rich have gotten much, much richer, and low wage workers haven't had a raise, working men and women can't afford health insurance, and young people have been turned into indentured servants to their student loans.

It is long past the time where Americans can continue to disadvantage 40% of the population to benefit the benefit of shareholders and wealthy corpoprations. Women will change that focus from business to the people. It's supposed to be government "for the people". Not once are the wealthy or corporations mentioned in the Declaration of Indepenedence or the Constitution. The benefits of the Republic are to be determined by a government "of the people, by the people and for the people". Americans have lost sight of the simple idea that "the people" matter.


Dead wrong

America has started falling since the unwise became more of the voting population

This never lasts because the wise comes to stop this great harm

A democracy of the unwise electing crooks always gets slapped down

Learn history !!!
It's history now
I love when he goes into a state, begs them not to vote Democrat because it will be a slam against him...and he gets it stuffed in his face

It’s not the men... it’s the women voting opposite each other

Because there is more women the vote barely goes with the women

Understand that men are voting in a landslide for conservatives and women are the opposite

Also age

The young is voting big for liberals and the older big for conservatives

But understand who is right here??

Men have higher logic than women

And age teaches people what is the best. Which is conservatism

A nation that has this type of divide will fall back to the dark ages because the unwise are doing the electing of crooks

Men will rise up with trump to totally stop this now

This was the Adam and Eve thing all over again


A few people are made to be seen as the majority by the fake news


The military agrees with trump and has also judged the deep state as the enemy of America and they are ready to act !!

They will stop the New York and Dc crooked judges and jury systems
A year ago, support faded.
especially since children of troops born overseas arent citizens.

Veterans who remember oath support impeachment.

Vast majority of Trump ballwashers have no idea what the oath means.

Wrong dead wrong

The military has judged that the deep state is the enemy of America

They agree with trump

So they are now ready to act !!
The vast majority of the men has judged the deep state as the enemy of America ? Ju
What they have done to Roger Stone is so wrong.....

the same goes to the Planned Parenthood journalist who has been found "guilty" and has to pay almost a million dollars...what the heck is this?

and now they want to get Rudy Giuliani too?

They can't get the President so they ( the scum Left) are going after all those who are on the President's side?

This is very wrong, it must be stopped NOW, because this is a disgrace.

A jury convicted on all seven counts. Not "the scum left", you derranged lunatic.

Democrat jury don’t count

Link please to the "Democrat" jury, lunatic.

Just check the voter patterns in dc and New York to see the jury are indeed liberals

This now will be stopped by the men of americs who are conservative


A few people are made to be seen as the majority by the fake news


The military agrees with trump and has also judged the deep state as the enemy of America and they are ready to act !!

They will stop the New York and Dc crooked judges and jury systems
A year ago, support faded.
especially since children of troops born overseas arent citizens.

Veterans who remember oath support impeachment.

Vast majority of Trump ballwashers have no idea what the oath means.

Wrong dead wrong

The military has judged that the deep state is the enemy of America

They agree with trump

So they are now ready to act !!
Got a military fact other than knees news and daily caller
The vast majority of the men has judged the deep state as the enemy of America ? Ju
What they have done to Roger Stone is so wrong.....

the same goes to the Planned Parenthood journalist who has been found "guilty" and has to pay almost a million dollars...what the heck is this?

and now they want to get Rudy Giuliani too?

They can't get the President so they ( the scum Left) are going after all those who are on the President's side?

This is very wrong, it must be stopped NOW, because this is a disgrace.

A jury convicted on all seven counts. Not "the scum left", you derranged lunatic.

Democrat jury don’t count

Link please to the "Democrat" jury, lunatic.

Just check the voter patterns in dc and New York to see the jury are indeed liberals

This now will be stopped by the men of americs who are conservative

So nothing but lunatic raving then?
The vast majority of the men has judged the deep state as the enemy of America ? Ju
What they have done to Roger Stone is so wrong.....

the same goes to the Planned Parenthood journalist who has been found "guilty" and has to pay almost a million dollars...what the heck is this?

and now they want to get Rudy Giuliani too?

They can't get the President so they ( the scum Left) are going after all those who are on the President's side?

This is very wrong, it must be stopped NOW, because this is a disgrace.

A jury convicted on all seven counts. Not "the scum left", you derranged lunatic.

Democrat jury don’t count

Link please to the "Democrat" jury, lunatic.

Just check the voter patterns in dc and New York to see the jury are indeed liberals

This now will be stopped by the men of americs who are conservative

So nothing but lunatic raving then?

It's incredible how the far right radical extremists think that the people of our nation put politics over the law when sitting on a jury.

They don't.

The people on the juries in America are regular people from the population. They listen to the evidence then rule on a verdict. Politics usually has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Yet the far right radical extremists believe that America doesn't have the rule of law and only persecute those of a different view and expect juries to ignore concrete facts to allow criminals to not face justice for their crimes. For the only reason being that the person is a republican.

Our system just doesn't work that way.

Which makes me believe that the person you're replying to and many others are actually russian bots here to try to cause more hate and division here in America. The one you're replying to has been using divide the two sexes against the other.

A very good way to spot them is the ones who signed up recently but have a ton of posts, they post a lot of memes and their posts usually includes words that cause division using sex or race or sexual orientation or political party.

The best reply to those posters is "How's the weather in moscow today comrade?"
The vast majority of the men has judged the deep state as the enemy of America ? Ju
A jury convicted on all seven counts. Not "the scum left", you derranged lunatic.

Democrat jury don’t count

Link please to the "Democrat" jury, lunatic.

Just check the voter patterns in dc and New York to see the jury are indeed liberals

This now will be stopped by the men of americs who are conservative

So nothing but lunatic raving then?

It's incredible how the far right radical extremists think that the people of our nation put politics over the law when sitting on a jury.

They don't.

The people on the juries in America are regular people from the population. They listen to the evidence then rule on a verdict. Politics usually has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Yet the far right radical extremists believe that America doesn't have the rule of law and only persecute those of a different view and expect juries to ignore concrete facts to allow criminals to not face justice for their crimes. For the only reason being that the person is a republican.

Our system just doesn't work that way.

Which makes me believe that the person you're replying to and many others are actually russian bots here to try to cause more hate and division here in America. The one you're replying to has been using divide the two sexes against the other.

A very good way to spot them is the ones who signed up recently but have a ton of posts, they post a lot of memes and their posts usually includes words that cause division using sex or race or sexual orientation or political party.

The best reply to those posters is "How's the weather in moscow today comrade?"
And the poster hits many posts within a minute or two of the last. One after another.
You have some imagination.

Check the men’s voting to see how real this is

58% to 37% Approving and agreeing with trump

The problem is the brainwashed women’s vote just the opposite

The men will
Now rise up and stop the unwise from electing crooks with a high logic ability test for voting
6 trumpers are in jail now. Sounds like the men are electing the crooks.


It’s the liberal juries with the liberal women and a few liberal men following

This is the exact same thing all over again that comes in cycles

The Adam and Eve issue !!

Then the majority of the men stops those brainwashed unwise and stops their men supporters

You truly are too stupid to be one person. We wouldn't be in this mess if not for the politics of men. It is time for the women of America to take over the country and stop running it for the benefit of rich white men, and start running it for the benefit of all 325,000,000 people living in the USA.

For the past 40 years, the USA has been in decline, socially and economically. This is because conservative men decided that the benefits of the American economy should only go to the owners of the means of production, and not to their workers. Since that time, the rich have gotten much, much richer, and low wage workers haven't had a raise, working men and women can't afford health insurance, and young people have been turned into indentured servants to their student loans.

It is long past the time where Americans can continue to disadvantage 40% of the population to benefit the benefit of shareholders and wealthy corpoprations. Women will change that focus from business to the people. It's supposed to be government "for the people". Not once are the wealthy or corporations mentioned in the Declaration of Indepenedence or the Constitution. The benefits of the Republic are to be determined by a government "of the people, by the people and for the people". Americans have lost sight of the simple idea that "the people" matter.


Dead wrong

America has started falling since the unwise became more of the voting population

This never lasts because the wise comes to stop this great harm

A democracy of the unwise electing crooks always gets slapped down

Learn history !!!

I agree. The unwise are the religious right who vote for whoever their leader tell them to vote without thought. Republicans have cobbled together a disparate group of disenfranchised white people - the evangelical right wing, white supremacists, and gullible people who believe the bullshit which floods the airwaves in the midwest called "talk radio".

Christian evangelicals vote solely to have their version of Christianity legally inflicted on the more than 80% of Americans who think these people are the Christian Talaban, and just as dangerous to the rest of the country, especially the women.

The white supremacists want a white Christian nation. Non-whites get the crumbs. Trump is the first guy since the 1970's who dared promote these kinds of odious policies, publically.

But hate and anger are hard to sustain, and even harder to control. Trump has played a dangerous game and it's coming to an end. Americans will not vote for four more years of hate and anger. They're exhaused.
The vast majority of the men has judged the deep state as the enemy of America ? Ju
Democrat jury don’t count

Link please to the "Democrat" jury, lunatic.

Just check the voter patterns in dc and New York to see the jury are indeed liberals

This now will be stopped by the men of americs who are conservative

So nothing but lunatic raving then?

It's incredible how the far right radical extremists think that the people of our nation put politics over the law when sitting on a jury.

They don't.

The people on the juries in America are regular people from the population. They listen to the evidence then rule on a verdict. Politics usually has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Yet the far right radical extremists believe that America doesn't have the rule of law and only persecute those of a different view and expect juries to ignore concrete facts to allow criminals to not face justice for their crimes. For the only reason being that the person is a republican.

Our system just doesn't work that way.

Which makes me believe that the person you're replying to and many others are actually russian bots here to try to cause more hate and division here in America. The one you're replying to has been using divide the two sexes against the other.

A very good way to spot them is the ones who signed up recently but have a ton of posts, they post a lot of memes and their posts usually includes words that cause division using sex or race or sexual orientation or political party.

The best reply to those posters is "How's the weather in moscow today comrade?"
And the poster hits many posts within a minute or two of the last. One after another.

Yes that too.

They're russian bots in one of those bot factories doing their job to divide our nation and elect trump.

They are very transparent if you know what to look for.

More people need to call them out for what they are.
trump’s circle are felons. Fact.

In your dreams maybe.
Stone, Manafort, Flynn, all guilty. Educate yourself

Manafort did nothing connected to Trump, he did not pay his taxes true. Flynn's case is in the process of getting a second look. Besides I am getting to the point given what the dems have walked away from so far, I just don't care anymore.
You have a lot of support for criminals....

No because I am not a f-ing demrat
I see repubs going to jail, not dems. See the OP.
In your dreams maybe.
Stone, Manafort, Flynn, all guilty. Educate yourself

Manafort did nothing connected to Trump, he did not pay his taxes true. Flynn's case is in the process of getting a second look. Besides I am getting to the point given what the dems have walked away from so far, I just don't care anymore.
You have a lot of support for criminals....

No because I am not a f-ing demrat
I see repubs going to jail, not dems. See the OP.

DC area juries convict Republicans and let demrats walk, they could have charged Stone with killing Abe Lincoln that jury, you and the other lying left wing piles of bs would say he was guilty. So blow it out your backside.
Manafort did nothing connected to Trump, he did not pay his taxes true.
Except sell access to trump to pay his debts... I wonder how much access the Russians bought? Seems like a LOT.

The need for evidence goes away when you get rid of the witnesses. Lock them away like Julian Assange, or make them disappear like Joseph Mifsud.
Link please to the "Democrat" jury, lunatic.

Just check the voter patterns in dc and New York to see the jury are indeed liberals

This now will be stopped by the men of americs who are conservative

So nothing but lunatic raving then?

It's incredible how the far right radical extremists think that the people of our nation put politics over the law when sitting on a jury.

They don't.

The people on the juries in America are regular people from the population. They listen to the evidence then rule on a verdict. Politics usually has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Yet the far right radical extremists believe that America doesn't have the rule of law and only persecute those of a different view and expect juries to ignore concrete facts to allow criminals to not face justice for their crimes. For the only reason being that the person is a republican.

Our system just doesn't work that way.

Which makes me believe that the person you're replying to and many others are actually russian bots here to try to cause more hate and division here in America. The one you're replying to has been using divide the two sexes against the other.

A very good way to spot them is the ones who signed up recently but have a ton of posts, they post a lot of memes and their posts usually includes words that cause division using sex or race or sexual orientation or political party.

The best reply to those posters is "How's the weather in moscow today comrade?"
And the poster hits many posts within a minute or two of the last. One after another.

Yes that too.

They're russian bots in one of those bot factories doing their job to divide our nation and elect trump.

They are very transparent if you know what to look for.

More people need to call them out for what they are.
Thank you Hillary Rotten-brain Clinton.
Stone, Manafort, Flynn, all guilty. Educate yourself

Manafort did nothing connected to Trump, he did not pay his taxes true. Flynn's case is in the process of getting a second look. Besides I am getting to the point given what the dems have walked away from so far, I just don't care anymore.
You have a lot of support for criminals....

No because I am not a f-ing demrat
I see repubs going to jail, not dems. See the OP.

DC area juries convict Republicans and let demrats walk, they could have charged Stone with killing Abe Lincoln that jury, you and the other lying left wing piles of bs would say he was guilty. So blow it out your backside.

love it when you cry like a little girl
Stone, Manafort, Flynn, all guilty. Educate yourself

Manafort did nothing connected to Trump, he did not pay his taxes true. Flynn's case is in the process of getting a second look. Besides I am getting to the point given what the dems have walked away from so far, I just don't care anymore.
You have a lot of support for criminals....

No because I am not a f-ing demrat
I see repubs going to jail, not dems. See the OP.

DC area juries convict Republicans and let demrats walk, they could have charged Stone with killing Abe Lincoln that jury, you and the other lying left wing piles of bs would say he was guilty. So blow it out your backside.
And you and the other ah's would give your ah a pass if he shot and killed someone on 5th ave
Stone, Manafort, Flynn, all guilty. Educate yourself

Manafort did nothing connected to Trump, he did not pay his taxes true. Flynn's case is in the process of getting a second look. Besides I am getting to the point given what the dems have walked away from so far, I just don't care anymore.
You have a lot of support for criminals....

No because I am not a f-ing demrat
I see repubs going to jail, not dems. See the OP.

DC area juries convict Republicans and let demrats walk, they could have charged Stone with killing Abe Lincoln that jury, you and the other lying left wing piles of bs would say he was guilty. So blow it out your backside.
Oh that's cute. Fact is it's the repubs proving to be criminals.
In your dreams maybe.
Stone, Manafort, Flynn, all guilty. Educate yourself

Manafort did nothing connected to Trump, he did not pay his taxes true. Flynn's case is in the process of getting a second look. Besides I am getting to the point given what the dems have walked away from so far, I just don't care anymore.
You have a lot of support for criminals....

No because I am not a f-ing demrat
I see repubs going to jail, not dems. See the OP.

Manafort did a LOT in relation to Trump. He handed over the Republican data files on Americans to his Russian buddy Kiliimnik. That one piece of work alone justified the Russian placement of Manafort with the Trump Campaign.

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