Stop Calling Leftists ‘Liberals’

If Democrats are so great on the economy through regulation, why after nearly 7 years of Obama and most of that time a Democrat Congress does it all, save for the stock market over which they have no control, suck?

You must be one of those guys who actually BELIEVES the UE rate was 5.3 last month. :cuckoo:
We have the best economy in the world now.

In comparison to the rest of the fucked-up planet, sure. It was better to start with. Still, it's no excuse for the Democrats' decidedly unfriendly business environment.
In the actual spectrum, there are almost no leftists the USA. Dems are centrists. If you call them leftists, you're a dupe of the New BS GOP.

Too funny. It's clear the Democrats have rejected the founding philosophy, and have become the new Communists.
In the actual spectrum, there are almost no leftists the USA. Dems are centrists. If you call them leftists, you're a dupe of the New BS GOP.

Too funny. It's clear the Democrats have rejected the founding philosophy, and have become the new Communists.
RW idiocy. Having an intelligent, fair, transparent competition health system is hardly communist, nor is trying to stop Pub corruption, dupe. Thanks for the world depression.
In the actual spectrum, there are almost no leftists the USA. Dems are centrists. If you call them leftists, you're a dupe of the New BS GOP.

Too funny. It's clear the Democrats have rejected the founding philosophy, and have become the new Communists.
RW idiocy. Having an intelligent, fair, transparent competition health system is hardly communist, nor is trying to stop Pub corruption, dupe. Thanks for the world depression.

That's nice. Run along now.

BTW, I'm no Republican.
In the actual spectrum, there are almost no leftists the USA. Dems are centrists. If you call them leftists, you're a dupe of the New BS GOP.

Too funny. It's clear the Democrats have rejected the founding philosophy, and have become the new Communists.
RW idiocy. Having an intelligent, fair, transparent competition health system is hardly communist, nor is trying to stop Pub corruption, dupe. Thanks for the world depression.

That's nice. Run along now.

BTW, I'm no Republican.
BS, no matter what you call yourself, dupe. Who do you vote for? Duh.
The Left managed to requisition a word and redefine it in order to form a false bond with the Founding Fathers, who of course were "liberal" in the classical sense. It's well past time that erroneous definition was corrected.

This was the founders' view of corporations:

Our Hidden History of Corporations in the United States

Which liberalism is that?
So the FFs were TOTALLY against corporations getting into politics.
For our leftist buds that are still confused about this ----

Henry D. Thoreau was a Liberal ---- the Noam Chomsky stuff they fed you in college is leftist.

Shawn Hannity and Rush Limbaugh just recently discovered the word "freedom". Liberals have been pounding on it's importance since our founding..

Liberals have economic, social and legal principles and an innate fear of large intrusive government. Leftists only care about being in control of large intrusive governments and will morph their principles in order to win.

Shouldn't be a lot of confusion here. Most BigL ibertarians and SOME Dems are Liberals. Tea Party could be politically liberal but comes from socially conservative base.

Common wisdom is that liberal/conservative is measured on a one-dimensional ruler. But there are at least TWO and maybe more measurements. Social and economic freedom are inseparable. And without BOTH, you are not truly free.
Economic freedom? If you're talking about corporations able to do what they want, it's usually bad for people and their fredom. See corrupt GOP deregulation bubbles and busts. Strong, reasonable regulation is socialism. feel the Bern. lol
the key word is reasonable.....
I'm with you, I do try to refer to them as leftists or authoritarian leftists. As you say, there is nothing liberal about them. Check out my sig
BS. Choice to the people. As opposed to Pub freedom, just as long as you agree with us and give it up to the rich and their giant corps. In the real world, Dems are pragmatic centrists and the New BS GOP is greedy, nuts and brainwashed/off the wall.

On the whole, you just seem to worry about keeping your taxes down, and fall for Pubcrappe about low taxes- BUT THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT FOR THE RICH AND THEIR CORPS ONLY, dupe.
GOPers seem to want to throw all opponents in prison. Think pot, abortion, flag stompers, etc etc. Dems? NOT.

You party animals are truly amusing. Many conservative leaders have advocated for pot reform. Including William Buckley. There is plenty of discussion and debate on the issues within that party.

What you don't realize -- is that BOTH parties are fractured pretty badly right now. The Reps have their "Tea Party" pseudo-libertarian split which YOU think is amusing. But the Dems have their Leftist/Socialist split which the rest of us political outsiders view as far more dangerous to freedom and the Constitution..

If you don't LIKE Govt/Corporate collusion and quid pro quo -- You're only real solution is supporting TRUE liberal 3rd parties like the Libertarians. No way that's an ADVERTISEMENT.. It's a FACT....
Buckley on that was the exception who proves the rule. Libertarians and TP are just RW whackos who never actually leave the duped wing of the GOP. Like you "outsiders" lol...

Never read any P.J O'Rourke? Classic right-wing stoner there.... Go get yourself a copy of "Eat the Rich"
It starts talking about a Bill O'Reilly of FoxNews comment and, in effect, puts the record straight. Here's an excerpt:

Classically, liberalism stands for economic freedom, freedom of expression, civil rights of individuals, and limited government under the rule of law. In fact, in much of the world outside of the U.S., in Europe and Australia and even Canada, it still means that, and is considered “right wing.” But there is nothing “liberal” about the modern American left, or the Democrats’ leadership or base, and there hasn’t been for decades.

I am definitely going to change my definition of liberalism and make darned sure I don't get it mixed up with the Left's socialism and “progressive” outlook.

Read the story @ The left hijacks the word liberal to serve their agenda PJ Media

So you want us to call you a liberal? Rand Paul is a liberal? Donald Trump is a liberal? Most Republicans are liberals?

lol, won't that get a bit confusing? Take a smart pill and think these things through before you post them from now on.

Ahh carbineer,

But Trump is an Asshole, Cruz is an Asshole, Walker is an Asshole...

Maybe the Republicans shouldn't be describing themselves as Conservatives but as Assholes.
The Left managed to requisition a word and redefine it in order to form a false bond with the Founding Fathers, who of course were "liberal" in the classical sense. It's well past time that erroneous definition was corrected.

This was the founders' view of corporations:

Our Hidden History of Corporations in the United States

Which liberalism is that?
So the FFs were TOTALLY against corporations getting into politics.
For our leftist buds that are still confused about this ----

Henry D. Thoreau was a Liberal ---- the Noam Chomsky stuff they fed you in college is leftist.

Shawn Hannity and Rush Limbaugh just recently discovered the word "freedom". Liberals have been pounding on it's importance since our founding..

Liberals have economic, social and legal principles and an innate fear of large intrusive government. Leftists only care about being in control of large intrusive governments and will morph their principles in order to win.

Shouldn't be a lot of confusion here. Most BigL ibertarians and SOME Dems are Liberals. Tea Party could be politically liberal but comes from socially conservative base.

Common wisdom is that liberal/conservative is measured on a one-dimensional ruler. But there are at least TWO and maybe more measurements. Social and economic freedom are inseparable. And without BOTH, you are not truly free.
Economic freedom? If you're talking about corporations able to do what they want, it's usually bad for people and their fredom. See corrupt GOP deregulation bubbles and busts. Strong, reasonable regulation is socialism. feel the Bern. lol
the key word is reasonable.....
Conservatives fear change and diversity.

Liberals embrace complete state control of all human activity
Yeah, that really works....I demand you stop shitting in a toilet and to eat your, do it!!
So what do we want to throw people in jail for, like you freedom lovers lol...pot, abortion, free speech etc etc...
Old Huckabee said he would use military forced to stop abortions....
Stop calling rightists 'conservatives,' Goldwater was a conservative – today's frightened rightwing reactionaries, religious fundamentalists, and TPM nitwits are not 'conservatives.'

There ARE rightists -- no doubt. Close kin to the big government loving, leftist party animals that are mainly concerned with obtaining and USING power --- and less concerned about consistent philosophy and principles. Folks like Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Mitch McConnell come to mind.. But they are not the religious fundies and reactionaries. The "rightist" agenda is use and continue to bloat the Federal parasite to build American exceptionalism and some idealized concept of national greatness.. And they will use non-conservative principles in order to get there. They LOVE corporate collusion as much as the Dems do... As long as they gain control and influence over those businesses.

As for hate -- You cant compete with the religion bashing, morally relative, class warrior, slogan driven street leftist. Dem party is becoming a festering sore of anti-capitalist, anti-white, anti-God, anti-semetic, fact allergic, class envious beggars and whiners.. Their prime objective is create a nation of beggars and whiners beholding to their power..
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Conservatives fear change and diversity.

"Liberals" force people into relationships they don't want to engage in. Race is a big one because they have found a superior moral argument for what they want to do. Do you disagree with forcing school integration? That means you are a big bad racist! Boo! Ther is plenty of "diversity" in our society.
I call them bed wetters, moonbats, libtards, dumbfucks, asswipes, deadbeats, gasbags, fruitcakes, parasites, kooks, dipshits, assholes, psycos, dumbasses, nerds, nitwits, pinkoes, pinheads, imbeciles, tools, rats, oxygen thieves, ........ ......... .......


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