Stop & frisk vs close gun show loophole: Which takes more bad guns off street?

Which would remove the most bad guns from streets?

  • Stop and Frisk...particularly in high crime areas

    Votes: 7 100.0%
  • Closing the ability of citizens to do a private gun sale...aka "gun show loop hole".

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Ok. Which one takes more bad guns off the street? You know...ones most likely to be used to murder someone?

Stop and NYPD used to do?
Or...closing the gun show loophole....which isn't specific to gun's just a private sale...between private citizens....which happens EVERY DAY in the ghetto....but liberals love the imagery of men in a gun show making deals 2 Saturdays a year...but ignore the daily gun running in the ghetto.

So obviously support one....while staunchly opposing the other. But....which one would actually get more of the guns most likely to be used in crimes off the street????
I voted Stop and Frisk.

The "gun show loophole" is a liberal boogeyman term.

All it means is that two private citizens can sell a gun to each other without going through the process a commercial dealer must. Wanna buy a new Glock from the store? FFL dealer must do the paperwork and checks. Wanna buy your uncles old hunting rifle from him?? Private sale. Go to a gun show. See a fellow attendee with a nice gun and wanna buy it? You can. Private sale.

And thats the same thing happening in the ghettos and trailer parks....all day every day. Guns being sold and traded for drugs. Closing a loop hole won't change that.

Libs will say "yeah but closing the loop hole will dry up the supply of loose guns". No. It wont. Most of those loose ones are stolen or are straw purchases (someone who is eligible buys a gun from a dealer on behalf of someone who cant).

Closing the loop hole won't change the guns floating around out there.

But Stop and Frisk??? It immediately and directly rounds up illegally carried and owned guns. And liberals STOPPED IT in NY and want it stopped everywhere.

They want regular folk to no longer be able to buy each other's hunting rifles at a gun show or their neighbors gun.

BUT they do not want a tactic that immediately gets guns most likely to be used in a crime off the street.
Libs??? You DO want loose guns off the street...right?
Stop and frisk. And if DUI check points are legal so are stop and frisk points.
I voted Stop and Frisk..

Duh. Everyone knew you would. You didn't have to announce it.

Well....I want loose guns that are most likely to be used in a crime taken off the street. Stop and Frisk does this 100x more effectively than closing the "gun show loop hole"...which has nothing specifically to do with gun shows....would do.
as far as me , no to both . Stop and frisk is especially terrible Comrades .
Hmmm. Maybe libs don't want loose guns off the street as much as we thought they do. Seems they just want to annoy or "win" against gun friendly Americans.
no lib here , just that stop and frisk , fug that , un-American as heck .
So 100% to 0% people feel stop and Frisk removes more guns.

Yet...libs oppose the one that works...and praises the one that doesnt.
I'm sorta shocked that there hasn't been a Paul Kersey type show up some where. Especially in the dark shadows of Chi town
Or someone lurking in the shadows with military skills may wanna try out there new hobby on the citizenry.

I know that certain gang bangers don't allow membership unless you're prior military
well . I don't like either and I know about the so called gun show loop hole which doesn't exist , just for the record Bucs .

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