Stop Insulting God

It is the Quran that is an insult to God, it makes him out to be a sadistic monster, read for yourselves, and remember that the Quran makes clear these punishments will be for all eternity.

22.19 These two antagonists dispute with each other about their Lord: But those who deny (their Lord),- for them will be cut out a garment of Fire: over their heads will be poured out boiling water.
22.20 With it will be scalded what is within their bodies, as well as (their) skins.
22.21 In addition there will be maces of iron (to punish) them.
22.22 Every time they wish to get away therefrom, from anguish, they will be forced back therein, and (it will be said), "Taste ye the Penalty of Burning!"

4.56 Those who reject our Signs, We shall soon cast into the Fire: as often as their skins are roasted through, We shall change them for fresh skins, that they may taste the penalty: for God is Exalted in Power, Wise.
It is the Quran that is an insult to God, it makes him out to be a sadistic monster, read for yourselves, and remember that the Quran makes clear these punishments will be for all eternity.

22.19 These two antagonists dispute with each other about their Lord: But those who deny (their Lord),- for them will be cut out a garment of Fire: over their heads will be poured out boiling water.
22.20 With it will be scalded what is within their bodies, as well as (their) skins.
22.21 In addition there will be maces of iron (to punish) them.
22.22 Every time they wish to get away therefrom, from anguish, they will be forced back therein, and (it will be said), "Taste ye the Penalty of Burning!"

4.56 Those who reject our Signs, We shall soon cast into the Fire: as often as their skins are roasted through, We shall change them for fresh skins, that they may taste the penalty: for God is Exalted in Power, Wise.

God has nothing to do with the Qur'an. We can thank God for that.

  1. Stop Insulting God

Or what, EXACTLY? :eusa_eh:

The first generation to UNDERSTAND the right of everyone to be wrong in religious matters gets to watch their grand children set out for the stars.

True Story! :thup:

Or what, EXACTLY?

That is the big question. Or what? Sounds like Allah cannot defend himself and has to depend on those he has duped into believing he is God - to do his fighting for him.

  1. Stop Insulting God

Or what, EXACTLY? :eusa_eh:

The first generation to UNDERSTAND the right of everyone to be wrong in religious matters gets to watch their grand children set out for the stars.

True Story! :thup:

Or what, EXACTLY?

That is the big question. Or what? Sounds like Allah cannot defend himself and has to depend on those he has duped into believing he is God - to do his fighting for him.

I don't believe that any God would feel the need to defend themselves from mindless, spiteful, hateful, hypocritical "Christians" who frequently go around talking trash about other Abrahamic religions on Internet message boards.

Christianity is an insult to God Almighty, simply.

Christians believe Jesus is the son of God. This is a blasphemy. The Almighty God, the Lord of the worlds does not have a son. He is far too great for that. Christians must stop insulting God. They must stop insulting God, whom they have been insulting for about 2000 years.

Also out of respect for other human beings, they must stop insulting God. By doing so, they are also insulting all of mankind.

I agree. I've been watching a dvd on the Greek Gods and it has been explaining the similarities between the Greek myths and Christianity which the Greeks later became because it gave them a promise of salvation.

Anyways, they were telling the story of Zeus. Zeus had a father too. Cronus. Cronus swallowed all his kids except Zeus. Zeus eventually freed his brothers and sisters and they, the Olypians, battled the Titans.

And now I find out the Titans aren't even the first gods.

In Greek mythology the primordial deities are the first entities or beings that came into existence. These deities are a group of gods from which all others descend. They most notably include Uranus (Father Sky) and Gaia (Mother Earth), who preceded the Titans, who themselves preceded the Olympians.

This may sound dumb but then this morning I heard a Christian telling a group of little kids that Jesus fed 5000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 3 fish and Christians believe that so I guess Christianity isn't any more believable now is it?

  1. Stop Insulting God

Or what, EXACTLY? :eusa_eh:

The first generation to UNDERSTAND the right of everyone to be wrong in religious matters gets to watch their grand children set out for the stars.

True Story! :thup:

Or what, EXACTLY?

That is the big question. Or what? Sounds like Allah cannot defend himself and has to depend on those he has duped into believing he is God - to do his fighting for him.

I don't believe that any God would feel the need to defend themselves from mindless, spiteful, hateful "Christians" who feel compelled to talk trash about other Abrahamic religions on Internet message boards.

I don't believe in any god(s).
Never mind the Greeks, the ancient Egyptians had quite a colourful religion. I have been reading some of the book of the dead, after posting a link to it on my thread 'spiritual teachings'

"Glory be to Osiris Un-nefer, the great god within Abydos, king of eternity, lord of the everlasting, who passeth through millions of years in his existence."
Never mind the Greeks, the ancient Egyptians had quite a colourful religion. I have been reading some of the book of the dead, after posting a link to it on my thread 'spiritual teachings'

"Glory be to Osiris Un-nefer, the great god within Abydos, king of eternity, lord of the everlasting, who passeth through millions of years in his existence."

Through the bulk of human evolution, humans lived in small nomadic bands practicing a hunter gatherer lifestyle. The emergence of complex and organized religions can be traced to the period when humans abandoned their nomadic hunter gatherer lifestyles in order to begin farming during the Neolithic period. beginning about 10,200 BC
Never mind the Greeks, the ancient Egyptians had quite a colourful religion. I have been reading some of the book of the dead, after posting a link to it on my thread 'spiritual teachings'

"Glory be to Osiris Un-nefer, the great god within Abydos, king of eternity, lord of the everlasting, who passeth through millions of years in his existence."

beginning about 10,200 BC The emergence of complex and organized religions can be traced to the period when humans abandoned their nomadic hunter gatherer lifestyles in order to begin farming during the Neolithic period.

Çatalhöyük city in Turkey 7500 years before Christ. They believed in god too.

The Pyramid Texts from ancient Egypt are one of the oldest known religious texts in the world dating to between 2400-2300 BCE. Writing played a major role in sustaining organized religion by standardizing religious ideas regardless of time or location.

Christianity is an insult to God Almighty, simply.

Christians believe Jesus is the son of God. This is a blasphemy. The Almighty God, the Lord of the worlds does not have a son. He is far too great for that. Christians must stop insulting God. They must stop insulting God, whom they have been insulting for about 2000 years.

Also out of respect for other human beings, they must stop insulting God. By doing so, they are also insulting all of mankind.

I agree. I've been watching a dvd on the Greek Gods and it has been explaining the similarities between the Greek myths and Christianity which the Greeks later became because it gave them a promise of salvation.

Anyways, they were telling the story of Zeus. Zeus had a father too. Cronus. Cronus swallowed all his kids except Zeus. Zeus eventually freed his brothers and sisters and they, the Olypians, battled the Titans.

And now I find out the Titans aren't even the first gods.

In Greek mythology the primordial deities are the first entities or beings that came into existence. These deities are a group of gods from which all others descend. They most notably include Uranus (Father Sky) and Gaia (Mother Earth), who preceded the Titans, who themselves preceded the Olympians.

This may sound dumb but then this morning I heard a Christian telling a group of little kids that Jesus fed 5000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 3 fish and Christians believe that so I guess Christianity isn't any more believable now is it?

I wonder to what extent ancient Mesopotamia may have influenced Greek mythology.

In ancient Mesopotamia, the primordial gods were the male and female primordial waters, who were both deities as well as places.

Abzu... a great cosmic being made of freshwater, and the goddess Tiamat... a cosmic, draconic saltwater goddess of Chaos... who was apparently far more badass than Abzu.

Both filled the primordial Abyss with their waters, and merged their waters to give birth to the younger generations of gods...

Even in the Mesopotamian myths, the younger gods rebelled against the primordial gods, but only after Abzu first plotted against them. After Abzu's defeat, Tiamat created an army of twelve monstrous titanlike creations to destroy the younger Gods, but the hero Marduk emerged to defeat Tiamat and bring order to the cosmos.

Christianity is an insult to God Almighty, simply.

Christians believe Jesus is the son of God. This is a blasphemy. The Almighty God, the Lord of the worlds does not have a son. He is far too great for that. Christians must stop insulting God. They must stop insulting God, whom they have been insulting for about 2000 years.

Also out of respect for other human beings, they must stop insulting God. By doing so, they are also insulting all of mankind.

I agree. I've been watching a dvd on the Greek Gods and it has been explaining the similarities between the Greek myths and Christianity which the Greeks later became because it gave them a promise of salvation.

Anyways, they were telling the story of Zeus. Zeus had a father too. Cronus. Cronus swallowed all his kids except Zeus. Zeus eventually freed his brothers and sisters and they, the Olypians, battled the Titans.

And now I find out the Titans aren't even the first gods.

In Greek mythology the primordial deities are the first entities or beings that came into existence. These deities are a group of gods from which all others descend. They most notably include Uranus (Father Sky) and Gaia (Mother Earth), who preceded the Titans, who themselves preceded the Olympians.

This may sound dumb but then this morning I heard a Christian telling a group of little kids that Jesus fed 5000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 3 fish and Christians believe that so I guess Christianity isn't any more believable now is it?

I wonder to what extent ancient Mesopotamia may have influenced Greek mythology.

In ancient Mesopotamia, the primordial gods were the male and female primordial waters, who were both deities as well as places.

Abzu... a great cosmic being made of freshwater, and the goddess Tiamat... a cosmic, draconic saltwater goddess of Chaos... who was apparently far more badass than Abzu.

Both filled the primordial Abyss with their waters, and merged their waters to give birth to the younger generations of gods...

Even in the Mesopotamian myths, the younger gods rebelled against the primordial gods, but only after Abzu first plotted against them. After Abzu's defeat, Tiamat created an army of twelve monstrous titanlike creations to destroy the younger Gods, but the hero Marduk emerged to defeat Tiamat and bring order to the cosmos.

This is what Christians are incapable of doing. They don't realize all the religions that came before theirs. Doesn't it bother them that the 999 religions before theirs were all completely made up?

I think it is hard for them to grasp because 2000 or 7000 years seems like such a long time to them. But not really in the 200,000 history of man.

Christianity is just the latest story being told. Many stories before it were told. All made up by our primitive superstitious and uneducated ancestors
Christianity is an insult to God Almighty, simply.

Christians believe Jesus is the son of God. This is a blasphemy. The Almighty God, the Lord of the worlds does not have a son. He is far too great for that. Christians must stop insulting God. They must stop insulting God, whom they have been insulting for about 2000 years.

Also out of respect for other human beings, they must stop insulting God. By doing so, they are also insulting all of mankind.
Alla is satan and you are the blasphemer.

Such are the men who do great evil and say,
"you also are doing great evil." You must be responsible, stop insulting the Almighty God by saying He has a son. This religion of Christianity is most iniquitous. How terrible. Stop insulting God.
It is written:

2 Peter 1 16 For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.

[URL='']We were Eyewitnesses

16For we did not follow cleverly devised tales when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty. 17For when He received honor and glory from God the Father, such an utterance as this was made to Him by the Majestic Glory, "This is My beloved Son with whom I am well-pleased "--[/URL]
Christianity is an insult to God Almighty, simply.

Christians believe Jesus is the son of God. This is a blasphemy. The Almighty God, the Lord of the worlds does not have a son. He is far too great for that. Christians must stop insulting God. They must stop insulting God, whom they have been insulting for about 2000 years.

Also out of respect for other human beings, they must stop insulting God. By doing so, they are also insulting all of mankind.
That is all contrary to our 1st Amendment, in many ways.

I do not agree with you in the slightest, and fighting with you about it is something I won't be drawn into
Christianity is an insult to God Almighty, simply.

Christians believe Jesus is the son of God. This is a blasphemy. The Almighty God, the Lord of the worlds does not have a son. He is far too great for that. Christians must stop insulting God. They must stop insulting God, whom they have been insulting for about 2000 years.

Also out of respect for other human beings, they must stop insulting God. By doing so, they are also insulting all of mankind.
That is all contrary to our 1st Amendment, in many ways.

I do not agree with you in the slightest, and fighting with you about it is something I won't be drawn into

That is using wisdom. It is best to respond to the enemies of God with Scripture - it is written. It's how Jesus responded to Satan.
Christianity is an insult to God Almighty, simply.

Christians believe Jesus is the son of God. This is a blasphemy. The Almighty God, the Lord of the worlds does not have a son. He is far too great for that. Christians must stop insulting God. They must stop insulting God, whom they have been insulting for about 2000 years.

Also out of respect for other human beings, they must stop insulting God. By doing so, they are also insulting all of mankind.
That is all contrary to our 1st Amendment, in many ways.

I do not agree with you in the slightest, and fighting with you about it is something I won't be drawn into

That is using wisdom. It is best to respond to the enemies of God with Scripture - it is written. It's how Jesus responded to Satan.
I support his right to believe what he believes, and I support his right to tell me he thinks I'm wrong.

I even support his right to tell me to stop doing something he thinks I shouldn't be doing.

I will not tolerate any expectations that I am required to do what he says, and I won't entertain that. He'll just have to suck it up, and move on.

If he attacks me for telling him that I don't agree, or not doing what he demands...I'll reciprocate.

Such are the men who do great evil and say,
"you also are doing great evil." You must be responsible, stop insulting the Almighty God by saying He has a son. This religion of Christianity is most iniquitous. How terrible. Stop insulting God.

The occult teaches we are all the son's of God. God is within us and we are within him.
Christianity is an insult to God Almighty, simply.

Christians believe Jesus is the son of God. This is a blasphemy. The Almighty God, the Lord of the worlds does not have a son. He is far too great for that. Christians must stop insulting God. They must stop insulting God, whom they have been insulting for about 2000 years.

Also out of respect for other human beings, they must stop insulting God. By doing so, they are also insulting all of mankind.

You're wrong.

Such are the men who do great evil and say,
"you also are doing great evil." You must be responsible, stop insulting the Almighty God by saying He has a son. This religion of Christianity is most iniquitous. How terrible. Stop insulting God.

The occult teaches we are all the son's of God. God is within us and we are within him.

The occult is wrong. You must receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior to become a son of God. It's in the bible. Read this:

It is written:

John 1 12 Yet to all who did receive him to those who believed in his name he gave the right to become children of God--

The Witness of John
11He came to His own, and those who were His own did not receive Him. 12But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, 13who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.

and again it is written:

Those that are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God.

All who practice the occult are the children of Satan. (and Satan is not God - he is a created being - a fallen angel awaiting the day he'll be cast into the lake of fire) Not everyone is a child of God. Ye shall know them by their fruits.
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