Zone1 Stop Listening to Thomas Sowell

Sowell is an idiot who says what you need to hear in order to feel good about being white. Whites have depended on the government since 1776. so shut up with that dumb bs.
You have no idea what you are talking about
You know what's "sad", Ms Turquoise? That you have Black people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton who have made a cottage industry out of race baiting. They haven't done jack shit for blacks but MAN have they made themselves fabulously wealthy!
Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are amatuers at race baiting compared to the likes of Richard Spencer, Jared Taylor and David Duke.
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Thomas Sowell says what Whites want him to say so he can make money.
Thomas Sowell exists in the world of "academia", Ms. Turquoise...a part of society that has totally been taken over by the far left. If Sowell simply wanted to cash would have been FAR easier for him to parrot the crap that his fellow college "academics" spout...viewpoints that never ever seem to work in real life then to literally fight their collective scorn for decades! The fact that he hasn't done so says VOLUMES about what kind of man he is!
As for Biden's Cabinet? It's the biggest collection of morons ever to sit in a Presidential cabinet. From top to bottom the level of incompetence exhibited by this group of people is STAGGERING!
Our enemies see it as well.
Admit it, hate Sowell because he doesn't buy into your whole black "victimhood" bullshit and he's black and grew up poor! He did what you can't do and you need him to shut up and go away because he makes you look like a whiny loser!
No, I dislike Sowell because his lies are used by people like you to deny what your racism has done. I have done everything Sowell has and more. I am college educated, I have held executive positions and have helped build businesses. So I think I can comment on the inaccuracy of Sowells claims without a white loser like you telling me anything. Sowell is a joke and only white racists accept his opinion as fact.

Sowell has lived off grants from white right wing foundations who pay him to write his anti black garbage. They fund the "research" for his books and then losers like you buy them because they tell you what you desperately need to hear in order to feel good about being white. Sowelll has never provided a public service or tangible good. He barks about blacks and has not once presented a plan or program to address whatever problem he sees. All he has ever done is pander to white racists to get paid. He is the classic example of a sellout.
Google their names. They are race baiting bigots. Both have a good sized following from what I hear.
With all due respect, Ms. Turquoise? I'm rather well read. A couple newspapers a day and I didn't have a clue who either was even AFTER I Googled them so it's obvious to me that they DON"T have a good sized following at all! So my question to you is...who's telling you that they do?
So let me contrast Sowell with another black man who thinks nearly the same way.

Robert Woodson. Robert Woodson is a right-wing black individual who founded the Woodson Center, an agency working to address issues in low-income neighborhoods. While Mr Woodson talks nearly as crazy as Sowell, he has at least created a program that he feels provides a solution to whatever difficulties he feels faces black communities. I don't think I have seen a Thomas Sowell Center for any type of black development in black neighborhoods anywhere. But he has made plenty of money dissing black people.

“The concept of an ‘Uncle Tom’ as that term is used in the Black community-is a slave who is given prestige and comfort by the master, using his position to tread on the slaves abused by the master,” - Pam Keith

And that's all Sowelll has ever done.
With all due respect, Ms. Turquoise? I'm rather well read. A couple newspapers a day and I didn't have a clue who either was even AFTER I Googled them so it's obvious to me that they DON"T have a good sized following at all! So my question to you is...who's telling you that they do?
You apparently are not well read then, because those guys a very well known.
No, I dislike Sowell because his lies are used by people like you to deny what your racism has done. I have done everything Sowell has and more. I am college educated, I have held executive positions and have helped build businesses. So I think I can comment on the inaccuracy of Sowells claims without a white loser like you telling me anything. Sowell is a joke and only white racists accept his opinion as fact.

Sowell has lived off grants from white right wing foundations who pay him to write his anti black garbage. They fund the "research" for his books and then losers like you buy them because they tell you what you desperately need to hear in order to feel good about being white. Sowelll has never provided a public service or tangible good. He barks about blacks and has not once presented a plan or program to address whatever problem he sees. All he has ever done is pander to white racists to get paid. He is the classic example of a sellout.
At this point, IM2...I don't think anyone here really thinks you've held "executive positions" or have helped "build businesses"! As for your "college education"? Just because you went to college doesn't mean that you're educated. Your posts here lack intellectual gravity. You regurgitate your poor woe us...woe us...message of racial discrimination and blame everyone but yourself for your lack of success. After awhile it gets tired.
At this point, IM2...I don't think anyone here really thinks you've held "executive positions" or have helped "build businesses"! As for your "college education"? Just because you went to college doesn't mean that you're educated. Your posts here lack intellectual gravity. You regurgitate your poor woe us...woe us...message of racial discrimination and blame everyone but yourself for your lack of success. After awhile it gets tired.
What you think doesn't matter. What I have done here is present a position suported by documented evidence. You have post nothing more than a racist opinion.
Thomas Sowell exists in the world of "academia", Ms. Turquoise...a part of society that has totally been taken over by the far left. If Sowell simply wanted to cash would have been FAR easier for him to parrot the crap that his fellow college "academics" spout...viewpoints that never ever seem to work in real life then to literally fight their collective scorn for decades! The fact that he hasn't done so says VOLUMES about what kind of man he is!
Sowell has cashed in.
Are we comparing him to the houseplant sitting behind the desk in the Oval Office right now? Compared to Joe Biden, Trump looks like a MENSA candidate!
Trump was the houseplant. But you think he's great because he promises you a return to absolute whiteness.
You know what's "sad", Ms Turquoise? That you have Black people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton who have made a cottage industry out of race baiting. They haven't done jack shit for blacks but MAN have they made themselves fabulously wealthy!
Actually Jackson and Sharpton started organizations that work in and for black communities. The people who have made a cottage industry out of race baiting are people like Rush Limbaugh who died worth 800 million dollars and Hannity, who is worth 500 million. Both Hannity and Limbaugh were college dropouts with no other skills.
Actually Jackson and Sharpton started organizations that work in and for black communities. The people who have made a cottage industry out of race baiting are people like Rush Limbaugh who died worth 800 million dollars and Hannity, who is worth 500 million. Both Hannity and Limbaugh were college dropouts with no other skills.
Wow...someone's triggered! What annoys you more, IM2? That nobody believes your claims anymore? Or that nobody ever did? This is where you start to spam your usual crap about what a "racist" I...or anyone else who doesn't buy into your bullshit...must be! It's so predictable it's become laughable!
Everyone instead SHOULD listen carefully to the truth spoken by Mr. Sowell. He is honest and clear thinking and logical.

Obviously, black racists don’t want anyone to hear such words.
Nor do black Marxists want to acknowledge Sowell's obvious truisms.

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