Zone1 Stop Listening to Thomas Sowell

Trump was the houseplant. But you think he's great because he promises you a return to absolute whiteness.
What Trump gave us was some of the best economic numbers we've ever had before Covid allowed Democrats to shut down the economy. What Biden has given us is record inflation and an economy teetering on a Recession! Why ANYONE would claim Biden was good President absolutely baffles me!
Actually Jackson and Sharpton started organizations that work in and for black communities. The people who have made a cottage industry out of race baiting are people like Rush Limbaugh who died worth 800 million dollars and Hannity, who is worth 500 million. Both Hannity and Limbaugh were college dropouts with no other skills.
Oops ... you should have posted this in the political humor section. Sharpton and Jackson are clowns who work for themselves. Anyone with two brain cells could figure that out.
Actually Jackson and Sharpton started organizations that work in and for black communities. The people who have made a cottage industry out of race baiting are people like Rush Limbaugh who died worth 800 million dollars and Hannity, who is worth 500 million. Both Hannity and Limbaugh were college dropouts with no other skills.
Which shows how useless a modern college degree often is
Oh yes, Shelby Steele. Yes, it is sad that we have Black people who will turn on their own people. In private, I bet even the Whites ridicule them.
Of course they do. They know thhey are just using him for their agenda and he is so happy to be accepted by them that he falls right in line.
Oops ... you should have posted this in the political humor section. Sharpton and Jackson are clowns who work for themselves. Anyone with two brain cells could figure that out.
You go tell that to the black families they have helped over the years. You have chosen to believe what white race hustlers tell you. I'm black son, I know what goes on in the black community better than some ignorant white racist moron who repeats what he gets told by the prrofessionals in the white grievance industry.
"Why We Are Excited About Obama and Why He Can't Win"

Great call there, Shelby!
  • Winner
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Lisa is another racist loser who claimed she worked in admissions but doesn't know what admission officrs use to determine eligibility. You are an idiot that is why you think Sowell is great.
To the contrary. After working in admissions and seeing how the leftists twist and turn to admit less qualified blacks over better qualified whites - the very reason for the “holistic” approach - I see how racist the entire process is.

You, on the other hand, are content to have race a factor when and because it gives an unfair advantage to blacks and discriminates against whites and Asians. Thankfully, SCOTUS will be putting a stop to the racism you support.

And P.S. You placed this in Zone 1. You are not allowed to call specific posters “racist losers” here.
Depends on the major. Majors like electrical engineering are valuable and needed. Majors like Ethnic Studies and Sociology are a big waste.
In china even solid degrees like engineering lead nowhere

And communist china is the model that libs want to imitate

You go tell that to the black families they have helped over the years. You have chosen to believe what white race hustlers tell you. I'm black son, I know what goes on in the black community better than some ignorant white racist moron who repeats what he gets told by the prrofessionals in the white grievance industry.
The black families that Jackson and Sharpton have helped over the years? Oh, you mean the Jackson and the Sharpton families? Those are the only families that those two race baiters really give a shit about and everyone here knows it!
Thomas Sowell is not some great independent thinker delivering blacks some kind of truth we do not want to accept. He's a black man who panders to white racists to earn a living.

A Critique of Thomas Sowell​

View attachment 775709

Given the gargantuan volume of Sowell’s popular writing, I’m going to need to focus on the central cluster of claims Sowell is known for. This is essentially aggregated from a variety of Sowell’s work since much of it is repetitive — the primary books I’m addressing are Discrimination and Disparities and Black Rednecks, White Liberals, combined with the vast expanse of Sowell video interviews and clips available on the Internet. I’ve broken down what I see to be this central cluster into its constitutive claims in order to deal with them in sequence:
  1. Disparities do not prove discrimination, particularly pertaining to Black-White economic inequality in the US.
  2. Black Americans, especially the worst-off living in urban centres, have a “redneck” culture that was handed to them by White southerners via Britain. It is this culture that produces bad behavioural patterns, such as crime and single parenthood.
  3. These behavioural patterns are exacerbated by the interventions of the welfare state.
  4. It is these behavioural patterns from the combination of culture and welfare that lead to Black-White economic inequality.
  5. Black people are blameworthy for their inequality-producing behaviour.
Each of these claims, as well as the argument as a whole, are riddled with problems of argumentative logic and empirical evidence. In many cases even just one of them would tank the entire enterprise; the sum of all of them is utterly damning. Even in my semi premature academic studies, I am able to conceptualize what affects the black community better than this so-called ‘economist’.

Discrimination and Disparities​

Sowell is correct that intentional racial discrimination (according to Sowell’s classification, Discrimination 1 and 2) at a given juncture — say, racial discrimination by an employer — cannot fully explain Black-White racial disparities in economic outcomes. It does not follow, however, that therefore the remaining racial disparity not explained by acute racial discrimination is not caused by racism in society. Sowell concludes that, for instance, employers and realtors and bankers will make choices about hiring or real estate or loans based on the relevant qualities the individual brings to the table, such as education, credit scores, criminal or eviction history, and so on (this is what he calls Discrimination). People have differences in the quantity and quality of these they can bring to the table, and thus it is perfectly reasonable to find inequalities in economic outcomes.
What is not answered by this, however, is why these inequalities would be unevenly distributed by race.

Why Do People Love Thomas Sowell?

Thomas Sowell, I think it is fair to say, is first and foremost a pundit. He has made his career less on scholarly arguments accountable to the rigorous critique of his peers and more on quotable quips, book-length tirades, and debate clap lines for the adulation of his libertarian fans and conservative think tank colleagues — especially claiming to be an ex-Marxist who ‘saw the light”. Even though his arguments are hollow when you knock on them, Sowell presents his arguments with confidence and frames the story as being one of an incompetent, mean-spirited economic left against a ‘sensible’, objective, evidence-based economic right. When that is a story you already believe, Sowell’s arguments appear compelling, and his demeanour is confident and charismatic. But ultimately, Sowell is better at rhetorical flourish than thoughtful empirical analysis or philosophical consistency.

The great Thomas Sowell has your number, XXXXXXXXX

MOD Edit - no flaming in Zone 1

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The black families that Jackson and Sharpton have helped over the years? Oh, you mean the Jackson and the Sharpton families? Those are the only families that those two race baiters really give a shit about and everyone here knows it!
The black families that Jackson and Sharpton have helped over the years? Oh, you mean the Jackson and the Sharpton families? Those are the only families that those two race baiters really give a shit about and everyone here knows it!

Mod Edit - no flaming in Zone 1

. You don't know shit about anything real happening in the black community. All you're doing is repeating what white race baiters tell you.

The Rainbow PUSH Coalition is the product of a social justice movement that grew out of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference’s (SCLC) Operation Breadbasket. Founded by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Operation Breadbasket sought to combine theology and social justice and to effect progressive economic, educational, and social policy in America. In 1966, Dr. King appointed Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. to serve as the first director of Operation Breadbasket in Chicago, IL.

The Rainbow PUSH Coalition is the result of a merger between Operation PUSH and the Rainbow Coalition. Established in 1971 by Rev. Jackson, People United to Save Humanity (later changed from “Save” to “Serve”)–PUSH, was an organization dedicated to improving the economic conditions of black communities across the United States. In the 1970s, PUSH expanded into areas of social and political development using direct action campaigns, a weekly radio broadcast, and awards that honored prominent blacks in the U.S. and abroad. Through Operation PUSH, Rev. Jackson established a platform from which to protect black homeowners, workers, and businesses.

PUSH also dedicated itself to developing young people through reading programs and the creation of PUSH Excel, a program that emphasized keeping inner-city youth in school while assisting them with job placement. The organization was also highly successful at compelling major corporations with a presence in the black community to adopt affirmative action programs which committed the companies to hire more black and minority executives and supervisors. It also influenced these companies to include black suppliers, wholesalers, and distributors on their purchasing lists. PUSH also used prayer vigils and boycotts as a means to win job concessions for minorities from white businesses.

Established in 2013, Operation Push Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization targeting young men between the ages of 10-14 created to encourage an early start on collegiate preparation and entrepreneurial development. To do this, we will transparently invest, encourage, and build up every child no matter their circumstances or upbringing. We want our young men to understand the importance of early college preparation, setting goals, and taking tangible strategic steps to achieve those goals. We desire to foster an entrepreneurial spirit in our young men that will place them on a path of career success. We will help them understand that they are not limited to a career in athletics or entertainment, and are in no way limited by their neighborhoods or their circumstances. Our young men will understand that preparation + discipline will push them towards a successful career and life.

After 60 years of work Jackson is worth


The Highest-Paid News Anchors in 2019

1. Sean Hannity

Salary - $40 million
Sean Hannity, a stalwart at Fox News as host of "The Sean Hannity Show" earns $40 million at the broadcast network, and has an estimated net worth of $250 million.

Sean Hannity, the king of race baiting, earns 4 times more in 1 year that Jacksons net worth accumulated over 60. And while he does this he tells dumb whites like you how Jackson makes a cottage industry from race only to enrich himself.


National Action Network is one of the leading civil rights organizations in the Nation with chapters throughout the entire United States. Founded in 1991 by Reverend Al Sharpton, NAN works within the spirit and tradition of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to promote a modern civil rights agenda that includes the fight for one standard of justice, decency and equal opportunities for all people regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, citizenship, criminal record, economic status, gender, gender

The right to equal justice under the law should not be conditional or based upon a person’s color or economic status. Over the last two decades NAN has been in the vanguard of the movement to bring such equality to every community that has been unfairly treated.

Racial profiling, stop and frisk policing and police brutality were standard practice in many communities just over 20 years ago. Many of the anti-racial profiling laws on the books today are a direct result of NAN’s commitment to the principles and practices of Dr. King and the tradition of non-violent engagement.

NAN has been at the forefront of the fight to uphold police accountability, advocating locally and nationally.

NAN has led the fight against police misconduct and other injustices by ensuring that those whose rights are violated are brought to justice. We also offer legal assistance through Legal Night and referrals to clients through our Crisis Intake and National Crisis Center, headquartered at our House of Justice in Harlem.

In 2017 NAN launched a campaign to increase diversity in the contracts for control of our pension funds. We have worked extensively in New York with both city and state comptrollers, and have targeted some of the largest investment firms in the nation. NAN has also made sure that Black media entities, television, radio and marketing firms get their fair share of advertising dollars, contracts and procurements. The largest ever deal NAN negotiated was with the NAACP and National Urban League resulting in an agreement with Comcast and NBC Universal to expand current diversity initiatives resulting in four Black and Latino television stations, the biggest civil rights agreement in our time with major broadcasters.


Rev. Al Sharpton has an estimated net worth of $500,000 as of 2023, Celebrity Net Worth notes.


Rush Limbaugh was an American conservative radio host, political commentator, author, media personality, and former television show host who had a net worth of $600 million at the time of his death.

The greatest race baiter in modern history, Limbaugh is the one whose allegations against Sharpton and Jackson you are repeating. This race pimp made approximately 250,000 per day to push his white grievance pimp show. By the third day of the week, Limbaugh made more money than Sharptons entires net worth earned after a minimum of 32 years as an activist. You don't know shit, but you repeat the race bait bs you are told.
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Mod Edit - no flaming in Zone 1

. You don't know shit about anything real happening in the black community. All you're doing is repeating what white race baiters tell you.

The Rainbow PUSH Coalition is the product of a social justice movement that grew out of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference’s (SCLC) Operation Breadbasket. Founded by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Operation Breadbasket sought to combine theology and social justice and to effect progressive economic, educational, and social policy in America. In 1966, Dr. King appointed Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. to serve as the first director of Operation Breadbasket in Chicago, IL.

The Rainbow PUSH Coalition is the result of a merger between Operation PUSH and the Rainbow Coalition. Established in 1971 by Rev. Jackson, People United to Save Humanity (later changed from “Save” to “Serve”)–PUSH, was an organization dedicated to improving the economic conditions of black communities across the United States. In the 1970s, PUSH expanded into areas of social and political development using direct action campaigns, a weekly radio broadcast, and awards that honored prominent blacks in the U.S. and abroad. Through Operation PUSH, Rev. Jackson established a platform from which to protect black homeowners, workers, and businesses.

PUSH also dedicated itself to developing young people through reading programs and the creation of PUSH Excel, a program that emphasized keeping inner-city youth in school while assisting them with job placement. The organization was also highly successful at compelling major corporations with a presence in the black community to adopt affirmative action programs which committed the companies to hire more black and minority executives and supervisors. It also influenced these companies to include black suppliers, wholesalers, and distributors on their purchasing lists. PUSH also used prayer vigils and boycotts as a means to win job concessions for minorities from white businesses.

Established in 2013, Operation Push Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization targeting young men between the ages of 10-14 created to encourage an early start on collegiate preparation and entrepreneurial development. To do this, we will transparently invest, encourage, and build up every child no matter their circumstances or upbringing. We want our young men to understand the importance of early college preparation, setting goals, and taking tangible strategic steps to achieve those goals. We desire to foster an entrepreneurial spirit in our young men that will place them on a path of career success. We will help them understand that they are not limited to a career in athletics or entertainment, and are in no way limited by their neighborhoods or their circumstances. Our young men will understand that preparation + discipline will push them towards a successful career and life.

After 60 years of work Jackson is worth

View attachment 776087

The Highest-Paid News Anchors in 2019

1. Sean Hannity

Salary - $40 million
Sean Hannity, a stalwart at Fox News as host of "The Sean Hannity Show" earns $40 million at the broadcast network, and has an estimated net worth of $250 million.

Sean Hannity, the king of race baiting, earns 4 times more in 1 year that Jacksons net worth accumulated over 60. And while he does this he tells dumb whites like you how Jackson makes a cottage industry from race only to enrich himself.

View attachment 776089

National Action Network is one of the leading civil rights organizations in the Nation with chapters throughout the entire United States. Founded in 1991 by Reverend Al Sharpton, NAN works within the spirit and tradition of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to promote a modern civil rights agenda that includes the fight for one standard of justice, decency and equal opportunities for all people regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, citizenship, criminal record, economic status, gender, gender

The right to equal justice under the law should not be conditional or based upon a person’s color or economic status. Over the last two decades NAN has been in the vanguard of the movement to bring such equality to every community that has been unfairly treated.

Racial profiling, stop and frisk policing and police brutality were standard practice in many communities just over 20 years ago. Many of the anti-racial profiling laws on the books today are a direct result of NAN’s commitment to the principles and practices of Dr. King and the tradition of non-violent engagement.

NAN has been at the forefront of the fight to uphold police accountability, advocating locally and nationally.

NAN has led the fight against police misconduct and other injustices by ensuring that those whose rights are violated are brought to justice. We also offer legal assistance through Legal Night and referrals to clients through our Crisis Intake and National Crisis Center, headquartered at our House of Justice in Harlem.

In 2017 NAN launched a campaign to increase diversity in the contracts for control of our pension funds. We have worked extensively in New York with both city and state comptrollers, and have targeted some of the largest investment firms in the nation. NAN has also made sure that Black media entities, television, radio and marketing firms get their fair share of advertising dollars, contracts and procurements. The largest ever deal NAN negotiated was with the NAACP and National Urban League resulting in an agreement with Comcast and NBC Universal to expand current diversity initiatives resulting in four Black and Latino television stations, the biggest civil rights agreement in our time with major broadcasters.


Rev. Al Sharpton has an estimated net worth of $500,000 as of 2023, Celebrity Net Worth notes.

View attachment 776094
Rush Limbaugh was an American conservative radio host, political commentator, author, media personality, and former television show host who had a net worth of $600 million at the time of his death.

The greatest race baiter in modern history, Limbaugh is the one whose allegations against Sharpton and Jackson you are repeating. This race pimp made approximately 250,000 per day to push his white grievance pimp show. By the third day of the week, Limbaugh made more money than Sharptons entires net worth earned after a minimum of 32 years as an activist. You don't know shit, but you repeat the race bait bs you are told.
You're too clueless to grasp the significant difference with someone getting a nine million dollar bankroll while running "non profits" and someone who works in the Private Sector and collects a salary that they negotiate with their employer!

As for Sharpton? His net worth is so low because he owes MILLIONS in back taxes that he never paid! Duh?
Conservatives love him because he propagates the lies Conservatives want to believe
Translation from Adam_Clayton’s distortion to truthful English:

Intelligent people respect Sowell because he tells the truth. And it is a truth that some black racists don’t want shared.
Mod Edit - no flaming in Zone 1

. You don't know shit about anything real happening in the black community. All you're doing is repeating what white race baiters tell you.

The Rainbow PUSH Coalition is the product of a social justice movement that grew out of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference’s (SCLC) Operation Breadbasket. Founded by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Operation Breadbasket sought to combine theology and social justice and to effect progressive economic, educational, and social policy in America. In 1966, Dr. King appointed Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. to serve as the first director of Operation Breadbasket in Chicago, IL.

The Rainbow PUSH Coalition is the result of a merger between Operation PUSH and the Rainbow Coalition. Established in 1971 by Rev. Jackson, People United to Save Humanity (later changed from “Save” to “Serve”)–PUSH, was an organization dedicated to improving the economic conditions of black communities across the United States. In the 1970s, PUSH expanded into areas of social and political development using direct action campaigns, a weekly radio broadcast, and awards that honored prominent blacks in the U.S. and abroad. Through Operation PUSH, Rev. Jackson established a platform from which to protect black homeowners, workers, and businesses.

PUSH also dedicated itself to developing young people through reading programs and the creation of PUSH Excel, a program that emphasized keeping inner-city youth in school while assisting them with job placement. The organization was also highly successful at compelling major corporations with a presence in the black community to adopt affirmative action programs which committed the companies to hire more black and minority executives and supervisors. It also influenced these companies to include black suppliers, wholesalers, and distributors on their purchasing lists. PUSH also used prayer vigils and boycotts as a means to win job concessions for minorities from white businesses.

Established in 2013, Operation Push Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization targeting young men between the ages of 10-14 created to encourage an early start on collegiate preparation and entrepreneurial development. To do this, we will transparently invest, encourage, and build up every child no matter their circumstances or upbringing. We want our young men to understand the importance of early college preparation, setting goals, and taking tangible strategic steps to achieve those goals. We desire to foster an entrepreneurial spirit in our young men that will place them on a path of career success. We will help them understand that they are not limited to a career in athletics or entertainment, and are in no way limited by their neighborhoods or their circumstances. Our young men will understand that preparation + discipline will push them towards a successful career and life.

After 60 years of work Jackson is worth

View attachment 776087

The Highest-Paid News Anchors in 2019

1. Sean Hannity

Salary - $40 million
Sean Hannity, a stalwart at Fox News as host of "The Sean Hannity Show" earns $40 million at the broadcast network, and has an estimated net worth of $250 million.

Sean Hannity, the king of race baiting, earns 4 times more in 1 year that Jacksons net worth accumulated over 60. And while he does this he tells dumb whites like you how Jackson makes a cottage industry from race only to enrich himself.

View attachment 776089

National Action Network is one of the leading civil rights organizations in the Nation with chapters throughout the entire United States. Founded in 1991 by Reverend Al Sharpton, NAN works within the spirit and tradition of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to promote a modern civil rights agenda that includes the fight for one standard of justice, decency and equal opportunities for all people regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, citizenship, criminal record, economic status, gender, gender

The right to equal justice under the law should not be conditional or based upon a person’s color or economic status. Over the last two decades NAN has been in the vanguard of the movement to bring such equality to every community that has been unfairly treated.

Racial profiling, stop and frisk policing and police brutality were standard practice in many communities just over 20 years ago. Many of the anti-racial profiling laws on the books today are a direct result of NAN’s commitment to the principles and practices of Dr. King and the tradition of non-violent engagement.

NAN has been at the forefront of the fight to uphold police accountability, advocating locally and nationally.

NAN has led the fight against police misconduct and other injustices by ensuring that those whose rights are violated are brought to justice. We also offer legal assistance through Legal Night and referrals to clients through our Crisis Intake and National Crisis Center, headquartered at our House of Justice in Harlem.

In 2017 NAN launched a campaign to increase diversity in the contracts for control of our pension funds. We have worked extensively in New York with both city and state comptrollers, and have targeted some of the largest investment firms in the nation. NAN has also made sure that Black media entities, television, radio and marketing firms get their fair share of advertising dollars, contracts and procurements. The largest ever deal NAN negotiated was with the NAACP and National Urban League resulting in an agreement with Comcast and NBC Universal to expand current diversity initiatives resulting in four Black and Latino television stations, the biggest civil rights agreement in our time with major broadcasters.


Rev. Al Sharpton has an estimated net worth of $500,000 as of 2023, Celebrity Net Worth notes.

View attachment 776094
Rush Limbaugh was an American conservative radio host, political commentator, author, media personality, and former television show host who had a net worth of $600 million at the time of his death.

The greatest race baiter in modern history, Limbaugh is the one whose allegations against Sharpton and Jackson you are repeating. This race pimp made approximately 250,000 per day to push his white grievance pimp show. By the third day of the week, Limbaugh made more money than Sharptons entires net worth earned after a minimum of 32 years as an activist. You don't know shit, but you repeat the race bait bs you are told.
That was extremely long and completely dishonest.


By William Julius Wilson
June 24, 1984

In the year of the 30th anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court decision against racial separation and of the 20th anniversary of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the economist Thomas Sowell of Stanford University's Hoover Institution reconsiders actions taken in the name of ''civil rights'' since 1954. ''Civil Rights: Rhetoric or Reality?'' is a brutally frank, perceptive and important contribution to the national debate over the means to achieve equality and social justice for minorities and women.

...alternative explanations and hypotheses are not sufficiently explored by Mr. Sowell. This is perhaps most clearly revealed in his critique of affirmative action programs.

Mr. Sowell links the deteriorating plight of the most disadvantaged segments of the minority population to the era of affirmative action pressure. He argues that such pressure increases the demand for highly qualified minority members but decreases the demand for the less qualified because of the cost, particularly at times of discharge and promotion. However, the decline in the socioeconomic status of the less qualified may have had nothing at all to do with affirmative action programs. I say this because the truly disadvantgaged minority members have been particularly burdened by changes in the economy since the late 1960's.

Indeed, recent studies have revealed that minorities are disproportionately represented in industries that have had the largest number of job losses due to economic cutbacks, plant closings and the relocation of firms. Moreover, the harmful effects of the drastic decline in central city industries that employ a substantial proportion of young workers have been concentrated among black males. These changes were most evident during a period that just happens to coincide with ''the era of affirmative action'' - a period that was also plagued by recessions that intensified the miseries of disadvantaged workers. By mainly concentrating on cultural, demographic and geographic factors to challenge the cause and effect assumptions of the civil rights vision, Mr. Sowell ignores the problems of the American economy as it furthers the gap between the haves and have-nots. It could be that the most important criticism of the civil rights vision is that it fails to consider, as does Mr. Sowell, what is perhaps the gravest racial problem of all today - obstacles to the economic advancement of the truly disadvantaged created by the changing organization of our economy.

William Julius Wilson (born December 20, 1935) is an American sociologist. He is a professor at Harvard University and author of works on urban sociology, race and class issues. Laureate of the National Medal of Science, he served as the 80th President of the American Sociological Association, was a member of numerous national boards and commissions. He identified the importance of neighborhood effects and demonstrated how limited employment opportunities and weakened institutional resources exacerbated poverty within American inner-city neighborhoods.

Thomas Sowell’s Arguments on Race​

Thomas Sowell has some weird arguments about race that he has spread to many people. His fans are dogmatic, no less so than SJW’s, and their views need to be confronted with the relevant facts instead of being ignored.

In Conclusion​

Anybody concerned with the relevant science will not entertain such foolishness. This sort of argument is one made by people who know nothing about anything and merely wish to stall debate. This is what I call an attempted “epistemological filibuster.” There is no evidence to support the culture claims, but there are lines of evidence that suggest he is wrong. Such views must be debated. There is no room for absolutely pseudoscientific views to be welcomed in public discourse — there is no reason to hate the people that absorbed these bad views, but you do need confront the views for their complete lack of merit.


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