
Having been in the military, they sign you to an 8 year contract and tell you up front that you could be kept on active duty for all 8 years if the military needs you. Only a portion of the time is supposed to be active duty, but they can change that "for the good of the miiltary." They don't hide it, they don't bury it, they do sugar coat it some, but everyone goes in knowing it's a possibility. So those that whine they didn't know are liars.
I've heard a review of the movie and they said it's more of an anti-soldier movie than an anti-war film. Makes the soldiers (except the main one) look bad.
I've heard a review of the movie and they said it's more of an anti-soldier movie than an anti-war film. Makes the soldiers (except the main one) look bad.

What a surprise........another in a long list of movies I won't go see.
What a surprise........another in a long list of movies I won't go see.

Yeah me too...I wonder when people will figure out the difference between supporting troops and supporting a war....
fair enough, so don't go throwing around accusations about REAL patriots when you've done (or not done) just as much as anyone else. :cool:

and what, praytell, are you alluding to regarding what needed to be done? So, if I didn't stage a fucking mini revolucion I can't be just as impacted by this bullshit war via MY friends and family stationed in the mideast as some right winger using her kids service as political capital? REAL patriots? In my book REAL patriots have been railing against the lethal potential of scurrilous wars rather than USE their kids' service like an amplifyer for their personal politics. Ala Cindy Sheehan.. which, I have to reiterate, is fucking RICH that THIS chick counts... but the sacrifice of Casey Sheehan doesn't quite count as much.

funny how that works.

Now, regarding your "haven't done enough" comment be my guest and list what, exactly, you think would have been "enough". Maybe calling bullshit on a war that hindsight has proven accurate? Maybe having the sensibility to think beyond my fucking political party? By all means.. clue me in here. I MUST know what REAL patriots were out doing on 09/12/01

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