Stop Panicking over the Flu. Corona Virus is the F-ing Flu Dumbasses

Strange how Germany has twice as many cases but no deaths.

Coronavirus Map: Tracking the Spread of the Outbreak
I wouldn't trust that map

but it's all just so fake lol.

The disease we are discussing is Coronavirus Disease or Covid-19.
COVID-19 has now mutated 6 times inside 3 months. This virus is becoming more and more aggressive. It may cause the flu and secondary pneumonia infections. Right now its affecting those with diminished immune systems and poor health situations involving the heart and respiratory systems.

I have to laugh at the people running out and buying up surgical masks and other dust masks as they are 10 micron masks. COVID-19 is about 0.5 Microns in size so these masks are of little use or protection. My level A suit has a 0.1 micron filter system specifically built for viruses.

You notice how SEVERE their lack of information scary ain't it LOL. I mean that in the general education these " flu " thinkers are lol.

Oh look a DEMONIC rat got it lol

While scientists generally agree that covid-19 will spread across the entire US, they also agree that it is very important to slow this spread so as not to overwhelm our infrastructure and economy. So, they are recommending that large gatherings of people be avoided.
So do fear mongers- and they of course have an agenda- that agenda is multi faceted and has nothing to do with not spreading anything other than fear.
lol d.a

Hawaii and Maryland both declare state of emergency as U.S. coronavirus infections explode to 226… air traffic lockdown coming soon

You think Fox MSN ABC MSNBC NBC etc are gonnna tell you lmfao..
What is funny the WHO openly admits these gawd dam doctors don't even have more than 1/2 's worth of training for vaccines. LMFAO and dumb fks take them as if they are known to be GODS trusted approved.


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Really...then why is it micro virologist.
If you cared, you wouldn't be getting your info from AM radio and from begging strangers on message boards. Go look it up yourself.
OMG...let me guess what you're thinking in your pea sized brain world? "Trump and CIA created the virus to kill black peoples...just like CIA put crack on the streets in 1980's!" :lmao:
Sorry idiot, of the two of us, you're the one who is woefully misinformed and slobbering over idiotic conspiracy theories.
You should be cautious about criticizing a man who is ten times brighter than you, FFI.

Get off his dick.
False narrative.
Does everything the flu does but only one virus.......
No, as influenza is a family of viruses, just as coronavirus is a family of viruses.

You know, with a minimum of effort, you can look this stuff up and not be so ignorant.
I posted the data a long time ago.....and while they are CLASSIFIED as DIFFERENT.........The symptoms and typical cures and precautions are the same................I even posted an article on how they named it was NAMED FOR PC, not offend.......

One newspaper called it the Wuhan flu..............Amazing isn't that...

Calling it the flu is just a colloquialism to help people understand the issue. It’s not scientifically accurate.

We have drugs that treat influenza. I don’t know of any such drug for Coronavirus.
There is no known cure. Hospitals treat the symptoms which goes a long way toward speeding recovery and reducing the death rate. They have been treating some patients with antivirals.

The news media should be using the correct terms. Calling it the flu is misleading. Although the symptoms are similar there are a number of differences.

Coronaviruses are a group of similar viruses that cause various respiratory disease.
This virus is called Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2
or (SARS-CoV-2)
The name of the disease is Covid-19.
While scientists generally agree that covid-19 will spread across the entire US, they also agree that it is very important to slow this spread so as not to overwhelm our infrastructure and economy. So, they are recommending that large gatherings of people be avoided.
Slowing the spread of the virus also gives medical science the time to create and test antivirals which can make a big difference in the survival rate and recovery time. Also it will give us time to manufacture and get enough test kits throughout the country. Business, government, and individuals are treating the virus with an abundance of caution which means they're closing schools and businesses, cancelling events, and staying home out of fear since they don't know who nor how many people are actually infected in their area. This of course is have big effect on the economy.
Slowing the spread of the virus also gives medical science the time to create and test antivirals which can make a big difference in the survival rate and recovery time.
Israel said they'd have a cure in a matter of weeks- this is fear mongering with more than one agenda but ultimately it will hurt those who can least afford it. Regular people who are old (like me maybe) the young and those already ill or a weak immune system for whatever reason with something else. It's mostly, IMO, click bait revenue generating bullshit.
Even at 72 I ain't skeered- I'm not going to get vaccinated or tested or quarantined- and yes "I" have that say so. Godvernment does not own me, nor does society.
In order to have this " FAKE" vaccines half the dumb ass public has NO IDEA how many SAFETY LEVELS THIS FKN NCHIT HAS SKIPPED GGOOD LUCK TAKE THAT VACCINES STUPID ASSES!! You deserve all it will do to you. Most are to retarded to realize some side effects won't happen the instant you take it ........ idiots will NEVER connect this vaccine causing the health harm it will certainly do. JUST WATCH the idiots who take it while you don't take iit.
Slowing the spread of the virus also gives medical science the time to create and test antivirals which can make a big difference in the survival rate and recovery time.
Israel said they'd have a cure in a matter of weeks- this is fear mongering with more than one agenda but ultimately it will hurt those who can least afford it. Regular people who are old (like me maybe) the young and those already ill or a weak immune system for whatever reason with something else. It's mostly, IMO, click bait revenue generating bullshit.
Even at 72 I ain't skeered- I'm not going to get vaccinated or tested or quarantined- and yes "I" have that say so. Godvernment does not own me, nor does society.
Developing a vaccine that will kill a virus can be done almost overnight but developing a vaccine that has acceptable side effects and can be manufactured in quantity is something quite different. Generally it takes at least a year to produce an acceptable vaccine and in most cases a lot longer. Effective treatments generally take a lot less time but, they are rarely reliable cures for viral infections.

If people follow the hygiene recommendations of CDC, are willing to self quarantine, send sick employees home, and avoid large crowds the virus can be contained or at least the spread slowed until we have sufficient test kits available and an antiviral proven to work.

When voluntary measures fail, mandatory quarantines are necessary as was the case in China who instigated, massive lockdowns, plant closures, curfews, electronic surveillance, and restrictions of all traffic in and out of highly infected areas. It's harsh but it does work.
California Gov. Newsom declares state of emergency after first coronavirus-related death
My great-grandmother died in the 1918 outbreak. My grandma was 7. Heartbreaking. But this happened. Death is part of life. I was sick at Christmas and recovery after simple medical attention. I was also sick with the Hong Kong version that spread...I believe in 1969. But I was a small child. Very sick. If God wants you to Heaven your time is up. Have not been sick since December although I work in public and some people are falling I'll twice this season. I feel like there is some kind of second wave of this virus or something?

Cool, so let's do nothing and let God do the life and death testing. :icon_rolleyes:
California Gov. Newsom declares state of emergency after first coronavirus-related death
My great-grandmother died in the 1918 outbreak. My grandma was 7. Heartbreaking. But this happened. Death is part of life. I was sick at Christmas and recovery after simple medical attention. I was also sick with the Hong Kong version that spread...I believe in 1969. But I was a small child. Very sick. If God wants you to Heaven your time is up. Have not been sick since December although I work in public and some people are falling I'll twice this season. I feel like there is some kind of second wave of this virus or something?

Cool, so let's do nothing and let God do the life and death testing. :icon_rolleyes:
That is what would happen if the media were silenced. Epidemics are bad for the economy, bad for the war efforts, and even worse for politicians seeking reelection.

Back in 1918 with elections only 18 months off and the country embroiled in WWI, congress passed the 1918 Sedition Act which made it a crime to utter, print, write, or publish anything disloyal to the government. Almost immediately after the act was signed into law, the War Dept, fearing news of the spreading flu would effect the war effort, they asked the Attorney General to act. They urged the AG to use the act against newspapers and magazines that were publishing articles urging quarantines, government action, staying home when sick, and generally frighten the public over nothing more than the common "Grip". Congressmen made speeches about staying on the job even when sick. One Senator praised an employee in a munitions plant that died on the job sick. A sports writer for the NY Times in 2018 condemned sports fans of cowardliness for skipping the Yankee games just because of a bad cold. Newspapers began replacing stories about the spreading of the disease with articles about the war and the war effort. Posters in defense plants encouraged workers to come to work even thou they were sick. In effect, government was insuring the spread of the virus to support the war effort, the stock market, and reelection of the democrats.

Sedition Act of 1918 - Wikipedia
1918 flu pandemic offers lessons for future
Making spread of the virus more likely.

lool but it's just the fkg flu




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