Zone1 Stop racism

"Capitalism is an exceptional belief that the activities of the most vile scum, driven by the most base motives, will somehow be for the benefit of everyone" (c) John Maynard Keynes

Move to Cuba then, socialist. You'll LOVE it there. I'll pay for your one-way ticket.
Money first! Do you think I'll take a capitalist's word for it?
And I would ever trust a socialist???????

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John Maynard Keynes was SO CLUELESS that he badmouthed capitalism while taking full advantage of it, and badmouthed communism as well.

“How can I accept the Communist doctrine, which sets up as its bible, above and beyond criticism, an obsolete textbook which I know not only to be scientifically erroneous but without interest or application to the modern world? How can I adopt a creed which, preferring the mud to the fish, exalts the boorish proletariat above the bourgeoisie and the intelligentsia, who with all their faults, are the quality of life and surely carry the seeds of all human achievement? Even if we need a religion, how can we find it in the turbid rubbish of the red bookshop? It is hard for an educated, decent, intelligent son of Western Europe to find his ideals here, unless he has first suffered some strange and horrid process of conversion which has changed all his values.” ― John Maynard Keynes


“The avoidance of taxes is the only intellectual pursuit that carries any reward. ”
John Maynard Keynes

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It's simple. Stop the mania and the fixation on race. In 2017 we where "post racial", what is worse than racism (and this fixation on racism). Sorry, racism? It's like yesterday's poster child.
Why do post threads about race every damn day?
Stop being a racist and all that will end.
Can’t because it is natural to always be with your own and favor your own over those that are not like you and you do it yourself!

Now you will give a long winded lecture that your racism is perfectly fine while demanding Whites to stop being racist!
It may be time to ask the historic/legal question, "Cui bono?" That is to say, "Who benefits from the focus on racial matters and grievances?"

The late Mr. Limbaugh used to categorize public persons such as the Rev. Al Sharpton as "race pimps," implying that they were stoking the fires of racial antipathy in order to promote their own importance and, indirectly, income.

But in addition to the race pimps, there are the professional apologists, who seek to rationalize the massive failures of Black Americans to assimilate and adopt the middle-class lifestyle, thus guaranteeing themselves a life of poverty.

One could suppose that our own, "IM2" is such a person, but I would never suggest that.
DGS49, thank you.
Let me add that when the black scholar, Frederick Douglass, was asked "What can we do for you blacks?" a hundred forty years ago, he replied, "Leave us alone!" Douglass was far ahead of his time in wisdom. He would be reviled today by Democrats as "Uncle Tom" and "Oreo" - racist epithets Democrats love to smear others with.
“The second key maneuver, which flowed naturally from the first, was to redefine racism itself. Confronted with civil rights headlines depicting unflattering portrayals of KKK rallies and jackbooted sheriffs, white authority transformed those damning images of white supremacy into the sole definition of racism. This simple but wickedly brilliant conceptual and linguistic shift served multiple purposes. First and foremost, it was conscience soothing. The whittling down of racism to sheet-wearing goons allowed a cloud of racial innocence to cover many whites who, although ‘resentful of black progress’ and determined to ensure that racial inequality remained untouched, could see and project themselves as the ‘kind of upstanding white citizen(s)’ who were ‘positively outraged at the tactics of the Ku Klux Klan”. The focus on the Klan also helped to designate racism as an individual aberration rather than something systemic, institutional and pervasive.” - Carol Anderson, White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide
“Racism burdens Whites by silently holding us up as the standard of excellence, leaving few excuses available to the majority of us who don’t measure up. It burdens us with a narrow bandwidth of options for how to be – White or otherwise. It burdens us with our own suffering, since no one seems to sympathize when our lives are difficult. Racism coddles Whites by not requiring us to learn what all people of color must do to survive – how to live in multiple worlds, speak multiple languages and quickly navigate complex realities. It coddles us by making us too fragile to fully hear, understand and receive what people of color are saying, much less take responsibility for our part. It makes us too fragile to talk with people of color in any way that doesn’t meet our standards of comfort and familiarity, much less tolerate being in groups where we are the racial minority. These are skills people of color utilize almost everyday, and in some respects makes them more resilient, creative and intelligent than us.” -Susana Rinderle
It's simple. Stop the mania and the fixation on race. In 2017 we where "post racial", what is worse than racism (and this fixation on racism). Sorry, racism? It's like yesterday's poster child.

I was born in 1979. Racism was gone when I was born and I didn't see it until I was 13 years old. I assumed it was gone a long long time before I was born because the only racist stories I heard were from my grandparent's generation or older. Nobody from my parent's generation had any racist stories. At age 13 is when Rodney King happened. Was Rodney King the only black man ever unjustly beaten or killed by cops in my short 13-year life? I doubt it. For some reason this Rodney King situation was important. Hmmm. What was happening in 1992? Bill Clinton was running for president and used race to energize his campaign. Ok. Then racism completely disappeared off of the face of the earth and didn't show up again until 2012. Then the name Treyvon Martin became the most important name in all of US History. What was going on in 2012? You guessed it. It was a presidential election year. A man by the name of Barrack Obama was running for president. A race discussion in 2008 would have damaged Obama's campaign so we had absolutely zero incidents of police brutality. Wow. That was magic. But in 2012 it was important to remind voters that if you voted against Obama then you were racist. Then racism disappeared again and popped its head up in 2016 and hasn't left since.

You better believe racism will be an issue in 2024. Mark my words. There will be a Rodney King this year that is totally ignored just like our Rodney King from 2021 was ignored but the Rodney King that happens in 2024 will be front and center. It will be on the news day and night ad nauseam.
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It's a fun topic? :D

I agree. I'm a sucker for it too. Discussing race issues accomplishes absolutely nothing. It's fun trying to expose the disingenuousness of the anti-racist nuts even when I know it is fruitless. Some of us know they aren't serious. I guess it's just really fun because you know the anti-racist nuts know they are disingenuous so you know the entertainment value for them when you argue is just as much as it is for you. So it is basically a double-sided lollipop. Both sides are being fully entertained. People like to watch the circus but nobody wants elephants in their backyard. We like to watch racism but are still fully grateful that it isn't something we have to deal with anymore. Anti-racist lunatics are entertaining. Engaging them just enhances the entertainment value. The anti-racists are a sideshow circus performers. What can I say? I like a free show.

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