Zone1 Stop racism

I was born in 1979. Racism was gone when I was born and I didn't see it until I was 13 years old. I assumed it was gone a long long time before I was born because the only racist stories I heard were from my grandparent's generation or older. Nobody from my parent's generation had any racist stories. At age 13 is when Rodney King happened. Was Rodney King the only black man ever unjustly beaten or killed by cops in my short 13-year life? I doubt it. For some reason this Rodney King situation was important. Hmmm. What was happening in 1992? Bill Clinton was running for president and used race to energize his campaign. Ok. Then racism completely disappeared off of the face of the earth and didn't show up again until 2012. Then the name Treyvon Martin became the most important name in all of US History. What was going on in 2012? You guessed it. It was a presidential election year. A man by the name of Barrack Obama was running for president. A race discussion in 2008 would have damaged Obama's campaign so we had absolutely zero incidents of police brutality. Wow. That was magic. But in 2012 it was important to remind voters that if you voted against Obama then you were racist. Then racism disappeared again and popped its head up in 2016 and hasn't left since.

You better believe racism will be an issue in 2024. Mark my words. There will be a Rodney King this year that is totally ignored just like our Rodney King from 2021 was ignored but the Rodney King that happens in 2024 will be front and center. It will be on the news day and night ad nauseam.
I couldn’t agree more. The Democrats lie about racism in order to motivate blacks, and the brainwashed leftist whites, to vote. It’s all a big exaggeration, and you can tell by how the fakers have to go back generations for examples. (“In 1879 this”…..”In 1953 that”…..)

Take George Floyd - a violent ex-con hopped up on drugs. The leftists erupted into violent riots all over the country, for months on end, with the false claim that unarmed blacks are being killed. And the thing is - there was never any indication it had to do with race at all. It was never mentioned at trial. But it WAS an election year.

Around the same time, a white unarmed man in a hotel was killed - I don’t remember his name, because nothing was ever made of it - and radio silence.

Now we have all the leftists turning the country upside down to stomp out so-called racism. The most obvious example is giving prestigious jobs to completely unqualified people because they are black females, such as the VP and the Press Secretary.

And the favoritism toward blacks, and against whites, is downright dangerous. We now have a “woke” military that thinks its main objective it to create “equity” rather than build the best defense.

We have all sorts of ridiculous things going on:

- Our ex-Governor (a Democrat, naturally) proposed two pay scales for teachers - a higher one for blacks and a lower one for whites.

- We now capitalize Black and lower-case white, which sends a subtle message.

- MACY’s is bragging about their “clothing line with a black perspective,” and how they hire “brilliant black designers.”

- A black principal in NY said her goal was to eventually fire all white teachers, and after two years she accomplished it.

- A ”woke” corporation announced layoffs would be by order of race, with whites being fired first and only after all whites were gone would a black be terminated.

- Commercials and advertisements are primarily of blacks or bi-racial families.

- A prestigious and competitive high school eliminated its tough entrance exam because not enough blacks were able to score high enough to get in.

The favoritism toward blacks and against whites and Asians begins to stop once the SCOTUS announces that using race as an admissions decision is unconstitutional.
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Look in the mirror
You look in the mirror. You've got life backwards and this right wing whining about blacks being racists just because we call out the history of white racism and its continuing forms is dead.

Learn what the real definition of racist or racism is and stop repeating the right wing victimhood version. The real definition of racism is:

a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.

Do you understand?

Not all whites are racists, so I do not believe that being white is a fundamental determinant of racism. Racism is a learned behavior, therefore it is not an inherent human trait in ANYONE. And that includes whites.

But there is a subculture in the white community that practices racism and you are in it. Also, there can be no denial of a system you grew up in that denied people based on race and provided preference to whites. Nor can continuing modern white racism mostly coming from the right be ignored.

And if that causes you butthurt, OH WELL! Because that's the reality of how America has operated.
Democrat racism in congress.jpg

Hypocrites and liars.png
It's simple. Stop the mania and the fixation on race. In 2017 we where "post racial", what is worse than racism (and this fixation on racism). Sorry, racism? It's like yesterday's poster child.
Racism is the byword for Democrats who have no solutions.
Racism was not over in 1979. It's funny the lies some whites tell themselves while they practice the very racism they say has ended.
This ain't the 1860's and you ignore a lot things like the Corwin Amendment and the 1877 Compromise. But in 2020 Republicans filibustered the John Lewis Voting Rights Act.

So your disingenuous post is noted and quoting a woman who can't spell her own name doesn't give you credibility.
I have an honest question for you. What was more important in 1860, maintaining the Union and preventing over a million Americans being killed or maimed, or the elimination of slavery which was already dying all over the world for economic reasons?
While IM2 moans over racism (against blacks), we have examples such as:

1) The previous VA governor proposes two pay scales, the lower one for whites.

2) The principal of a NYC school declares her intention to eventually rid the school of all white teachers - and succeeds.

3) A company announces lay-offs, and that no blacks will lose their job until after all whites are fired.

4) Blacks get accepted into educational programs over whites with far better grades and scores - and because they are black.

5) Blacks are favored to such a ridiculous extreme that most commercials and posters are of them, even though they are only 14% of the population.

6) News articles brag that the percentage of whites are is dropping in their jurisdictions.

7) Schoolchildren are taught that whites are racist oppressors, and some schools even teach a book that whitey made a deal with the devil.

Racism is back, all right. Racism against whites.
Racism was not over in 1979. It's funny the lies some whites tell themselves while they practice the very racism they say has ended.

You should write a book titled, “Systematic Racism in America 1970 and Beyond”.

I’d buy a copy.
You should write a book titled, “Systematic Racism in America 1970 and Beyond”.

I’d buy a copy.
I’d write that book! The subtitle could be ”How your Skin Color Changes your Odds of Admission to the Ivy League, Law School, and Med School.”
It does not have to exist.

It depends on what you mean by racism. The kind where people think bad about another race. No. You can’t eliminate that. If you are talking about the kind of racism where people are murdered for being black then yes. You can get rid of that. It just depends on how you define racism. Real racism can and has been eliminated. Mental racism will exist for eternity. Nobody will ever be able to stop it.
It depends on what you mean by racism. The kind where people think bad about another race. No. You can’t eliminate that. If you are talking about the kind of racism where people are murdered for being black then yes. You can get rid of that. It just depends on how you define racism. Real racism can and has been eliminated. Mental racism will exist for eternity. Nobody will ever be able to stop it.
Why do whites like yourself try telling us who face racism that racism has ended? Real racism has not been eliminated. The "mental racism" you made up creates the acts of the "real racism" you believe has been eliminated. Please stop being white trying to tell people of color that racism has ended.
Why do whites like yourself try telling us who face racism that racism has ended? Real racism has not been eliminated. The "mental racism" you made up creates the acts of the "real racism" you believe has been eliminated. Please stop being white trying to tell people of color that racism has ended.
Maybe because WE have a better insight into what white people think than YOU do as a black man. You only face racism because you view every event in your life through a prism of race. Most whites simply don't care what race other people are and shun the few who do. Most of us judge people on the content of their character, and you fail the test of decency.
Why do whites like yourself try telling us who face racism that racism has ended? Real racism has not been eliminated. The "mental racism" you made up creates the acts of the "real racism" you believe has been eliminated. Please stop being white trying to tell people of color that racism has ended.

You do know this discussion is fruitless. Right? This is just for entertainment. Lighten up.

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