Zone1 Stop racism

It's simple. Stop the mania and the fixation on race. In 2017 we where "post racial", what is worse than racism (and this fixation on racism). Sorry, racism? It's like yesterday's poster child.

Can start with blacks if they want it to end.

They can say they don't want affirmative action and say "we want to get by in life based on our own personal ambition, intelligence, determination and skills".

They can say "if it weren't for slavery we wouldn't be in a free country right now thanks to what our ancestors did and we don't blame white people alive today for what whites did hundreds of years ago. And we realize slavery happened to everyone all over the world like in Barbary where blacks had more white slaves than there were black slaves in America for a longer period of time".

They can say "we want to be treated as equals. It's not fair for us to yell racism because we get in trouble for breaking laws, if we don't want to get in trouble we won't break laws. It's not fair for us to be racist to say white people can't say some words because of their skin color but we can. We don't want to be treated special because we're black. We just want to be treated like an American. Poor blacks are poor because of their own doing just like the millions of poor whites".

They can say "blm should be abolished and arrested because it isn't right they get to steal and burn and destroy and create hate and riot and cause problems in the name of black skin"

And so on. Basically most racism today is created by blacks themselves. In the late 90s racism was slowly on its way out the door because people stopped forcing it to be an issue. Even Saturday night live would have skits making fun of blacks and whites and it wasn't an issue.
For the morally righteous and narcissistic elite, this ideology it not simply political. It is, as professor John McWhorter notes, a ‘new religion’ for a new elite, a belief system which links anything and everything to racism, which shows remarkably little interest in any evidence to the contrary, seeks to ‘cancel’ detractors and is used by elites to both acquire more social status for themselves from other elites while simultaneously disassociating themselves from the supposedly racist, imperialist masses below.

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