Stop! Stop! I'm Tired Of Winning!!!!

The judge doesn't have that authority. All the government has to say is they agree with the plaintiff and a judgment would be entered.

Judges have rejected guilty pleas from defendants. Entered a "not gulty" plea for them, and ordered a replacement of counsel. Judges don't just accept what is placed before them, they seek justice and truth.

Judge refuses guilty plea from workplace beheading suspect | Tulsa's 24-Hour News, Weather and Traffic

The suspect, 32-year-old Alton Nolen, said in May 2016 he wanted to plead guilty and be sentenced to death.

Nolen is charged in the 2014 beheading of 54-year-old Colleen Hufford at Vaughan Foods in Moore.

On Tuesday, Cleveland County District Judge Lori Walkley ruled she will not accept a guilty plea.

Judge Walkley instead ordered a jury trial after Nolen refused to speak to her during the hearing.

Results of a mental examination released last week showed that Nolen is competent to plea.

Prosecutors have said they’ll seek the death penalty.
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If the solicitor general doesn't defend the suit, then the judge would pull from the mountain of amicus curiae briefs to defend it.

The judge doesn't have that authority. All the government has to say is they agree with the plaintiff and a judgment would be entered.

The judge doesn't allow his court to be used. That's why they accept briefs from "friends of the court" to argue points of law the plaintiff or defendant failed to. They are there to find justice, not to referee squabbles. You can see it in action by the USSC asking the lawyers to address points from the amicus curiae briefs.

The court has no authority if the plaintiff and defendant agree to a settlement. You regressives have been using sue and settle to rewrite EPA regs for years. What's good for the goose...........

The judge doesn't have that authority. All the government has to say is they agree with the plaintiff and a judgment would be entered.

Judges have rejected guilty pleas from defendants. Entered a "not gulty" plea for them, and ordered a replacement of counsel. Judges don't just accept what is placed before them, they seek justice and truth.

Judge refuses guilty plea from workplace beheading suspect | Tulsa's 24-Hour News, Weather and Traffic

The suspect, 32-year-old Alton Nolen, said in May 2016 he wanted to plead guilty and be sentenced to death.

Nolen is charged in the 2014 beheading of 54-year-old Colleen Hufford at Vaughan Foods in Moore.

On Tuesday, Cleveland County District Judge Lori Walkley ruled she will not accept a guilty plea.

Judge Walkley instead ordered a jury trial after Nolen refused to speak to her during the hearing.

Results of a mental examination released last week showed that Nolen is competent to plea.

Prosecutors have said they’ll seek the death penalty.

This would not be a criminal case dipstick. It's civil.

The court has no authority if the plaintiff and defendant agree to a settlement. You regressives have been using sue and settle to rewrite EPA regs for years. What's good for the goose...........


The judge can accept or reject any settlement put in front of them. If the two parties settle it outside of the court, they can do that. But the court will not rubber stamp a settlement that isn't in the interest of justice.
Judges have rejected guilty pleas from defendants. Entered a "not gulty" plea for them, and ordered a replacement of counsel. Judges don't just accept what is placed before them, they seek justice and truth..

This would not be a criminal case dipstick. It's civil.


Whether criminal or civil, judges are not rubber stamps. And as I already pointed out the USsC reads all the amicus curiae briefs, and even sites them in their decisions. Courts do not allow anybody to throw the game. the 'friends of the court' will not allow it.
The court has no authority if the plaintiff and defendant agree to a settlement. You regressives have been using sue and settle to rewrite EPA regs for years. What's good for the goose...........


The judge can accept or reject any settlement put in front of them. If the two parties settle it outside of the court, they can do that. But the court will not rubber stamp a settlement that isn't in the interest of justice.

You keep thinking that skippy.

Judges have rejected guilty pleas from defendants. Entered a "not gulty" plea for them, and ordered a replacement of counsel. Judges don't just accept what is placed before them, they seek justice and truth..

This would not be a criminal case dipstick. It's civil.


Whether criminal or civil, judges are not rubber stamps. And as I already pointed out the USsC reads all the amicus curiae briefs, and even sites them in their decisions. Courts do not allow anybody to throw the game. the 'friends of the court' will not allow it.

This would never make it to the supreme court, it would be settled in district court and there would be no appeal. Only the plaintiff or defendant have standing to appeal, if neither does the settlement stands.

it would be settled in district court and there would be no appeal. Only the plaintiff or defendant have standing to appeal, if neither does the settlement stands.

And the settlement would be moot in any other district. Which would give standing to anybody effected due to the ensuing equal protection violation.
it would be settled in district court and there would be no appeal. Only the plaintiff or defendant have standing to appeal, if neither does the settlement stands.

And the settlement would be moot in any other district. Which would give standing to anybody effected due to the ensuing equal protection violation.

Wrong again there skippy, when a federal law is declared unconstitutional it applies to the whole nation, there would be no equal protection violation. maobamacare was declared originally unconstitutional in lower courts and the government appealed, no appeal, no way to overturn the lower court.

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Wrong again there skippy, when a federal law is declared unconstitutional it applies to the whole nation,

A district court can only enforce its judgement within it's own district. When 9th circuit made a decision, it didn't bind the entire country.
Wrong again there skippy, when a federal law is declared unconstitutional it applies to the whole nation,

It depends who declares it unconstitutional

it would be settled in district court and there would be no appeal. Only the plaintiff or defendant have standing to appeal, if neither does the settlement stands.

When a law is declared unconstitutional, it can no longer be enforced within the jurisdiction of the court issuing that ruling. If that’s a District Court, then the ruling applies within that District; if it’s a Circuit court, the ruling applies within the Circuit; if it’s the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), the ruling applies throughout the country.
Wrong again there skippy, when a federal law is declared unconstitutional it applies to the whole nation,

A district court can only enforce its judgement within it's own district. When 9th circuit made a decision, it didn't bind the entire country.

Really, the ninth killed the original travel suspension and it applied to the whole country. You're just not very smart, are ya?

Really, the ninth killed the original travel suspension and it applied to the whole country. You're just not very smart, are ya?


That was a STAY, against the government enforcing the EO. The stay killed it, not the declaration of being unconstitutional.
By a 3-0 vote, the court refused to lift a Hawaii judge's stay on Donald Trump's revised orderbanning travel from six mostly Muslim countries.

Fourth Circuit Upholds National Stay On Trump Travel Ban Executive Order; Blames Trump's 'Religious Intolerance
Really, the ninth killed the original travel suspension and it applied to the whole country. You're just not very smart, are ya?


The district judge ordered a STAY on the executive order. He issued that stay because the ban was unconstitutional. The 9th circuit upheld that stay.

Please stop insulting your superiors when it comes to law. I have to confess I grew up with someone who knows more about law then you ever will.
Really, the ninth killed the original travel suspension and it applied to the whole country. You're just not very smart, are ya?


The district judge ordered a STAY on the executive order. He issued that stay because the ban was unconstitutional. The 9th circuit upheld that stay.

Please stop insulting your superiors when it comes to law. I have to confess I gre up with someone who knows more about law then you ever will.

So splaine this skippy, when the EPA recruited organizations to sue them and the EPA didn't defend the law and settled, the change in regulations only applied in that district? Don't think so.

So splaine this skippy, when the EPA recruited organizations to sue them and the EPA didn't defend the law and settled, the change in regulations only applied in that district? Don't think so.

Cite an example and i'll look at it.
Once again....Trumps claims of vindication prove false

It is getting pathetic coming from a President......we usually expect better from our leaders

But has there ever been a more inept "leader"? If we imagine him in the business world, we can see why he would fail just as bigly as Trump is now.

From the very first day,me has failed at every lie he told.

He's the Mad King.

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