Stop the Steal!

Fucking liar.

He "demanded" nothing of the kind.

"Give me the winning lottery numbers or I'll kill you." - demand and criminal

"I'd like to find the winning lottery numbers." _ well who wouldn't.

You Nazis are such fucking scum - such liars and pigs.
They are DemNazi Globalist Fascist Scum who care nothing for life, Democracy, or Freedom.

Always remember that the only thing that matters to them is that they spread their disease as far and wide as they possibly can until their Messiah Satan can come and rule over them in the 666 New DemNazi World Order.
This is what their damn New Normal is all about.
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I QUOTED Trump ...directly from the transcript ya fucking idiot
Don't you have some Russia Collusion to pay Putin for to help you cheat in the 2024 election like you did in 2016 or are you DemNazis gonna contract with China CCP and Xi again like you did in 2020?
Okay Nazi, what's the time stamp where Trump tells Raffensperger to find 11,780 votes?

I gave you the transcripts - yet not a single one of you Nazis can do anything but lie.

No, Trump never told anyone to "find" any votes.

This lie was debunked two years ago, but you Nazi vermin are desperate. You've destroyed the economy, your treason at the border has outraged everyone with your sick, racist replacement plot. Your attempt to assassinate the top members of the United States Government is straight out of a central African dictatorship.

So you do the "BUH TWUMP" shit and hope everyone forgets that these lies were exposed years ago. You hate Emanuel Goldstien, just as you're told to in your two minute hate.

No one has demonstrated that the statement was ever made..

You denials are so pathetic.
Okay Nazi, what's the time stamp where Trump tells Raffensperger to find 11,780 votes?

I gave you the transcripts - yet not a single one of you Nazis can do anything but lie.

No, Trump never told anyone to "find" any votes.

This lie was debunked two years ago, but you Nazi vermin are desperate. You've destroyed the economy, your treason at the border has outraged everyone with your sick, racist replacement plot. Your attempt to assassinate the top members of the United States Government is straight out of a central African dictatorship.

So you do the "BUH TWUMP" shit and hope everyone forgets that these lies were exposed years ago. You hate Emanuel Goldstien, just as you're told to in your two minute hate.

Another idiot clinging to the lie.
Don't you have some Russia Collusion to pay Putin for to help you cheat in the 2024 election like you did in 2016 or are you DemNazis gonna contract with China CCP and Xi again like you did in 2020?

Thou shalt not bear False Witness, Tree. Every lie you tell about Trump condemns you in the eyes of God.
You denials are so pathetic.

Another idiot clinging to the lie.

Thou shalt not bear False Witness, Tree. Every lie you tell about Trump condemns you in the eyes of God.
You still haven't quoted him saying "find me 11780 votes," dingbat.
No one has demonstrated that the statement was ever made..
Referring to this statement
"So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state."

Of course that is a direct quote
Where does Trump say "find me 11780 votes?"
So now the moron parses further.

Problem is all through that call trump says "You will find" and tries to bully the Georgia officials to "find" votes
Referring to this statement
"So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state."

Of course that is a direct quote

So now the moron parses further.

Problem is all through that call trump says "You will find" and tries to bully the Georgia officials to "find" votes
It says "I want to find 11, 780 votes." it doesn't say "find me 11780 votes."

You lying scum bags pretend there's no difference between the two statements. That is so typical of progs. Making up what other people say is to fit their sleazy narrative is their modus operandi
It says "I want to find 11, 780 votes." it doesn't say "find me 11780 votes."

You lying scum bags pretend there's no difference between the two statements.
There isn't and you know it or you wouldn't have (falsely) denied he said the first one.

Especially with ALL the times he said "You will find" in that call including threats of prosecution
Referring to this statement
"So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state."

Of course that is a direct quote

So now the moron parses further.

Problem is all through that call trump says "You will find" and tries to bully the Georgia officials to "find" votes
I don't parse. I quote exactly. You make shit up. That's called "lying." Now correcting your deliberately misquote is "parsing."

What a fucking scumbag.
There isn't and you know it or you wouldn't have (falsely) denied he said the first one.

Especially with ALL the times he said "You will find" in that call including threats of prosecution
There's a big difference, scumbag. If there wasn't, why would you keep insisting on using your fake version of the quote? Your version is not a quote. It's fiction.
There's a big difference, scumbag. If there wasn't, why would you keep insisting on using your fake version of the quote? Your version is not a quote. It's fiction.
I have posted NO "fake version" of anything.

So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state."

That is a direct quote from the transcript

You're babbling
I have posted NO "fake version" of anything.

So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state."

That is a direct quote from the transcript

You're babbling
Of course you did. Is what you posted exactly what's in the transcript? No, you changed the wording.

Case closed, scumbag.
You denials are so pathetic.

Another idiot clinging to the lie.

Thou shalt not bear False Witness, Tree. Every lie you tell about Trump condemns you in the eyes of God.
When Joe Biden destroys your 401K, destroys your savings and puts you under the yoke of "The Great Reset" and his "New World Order" You can come crying to us then. But it will be too late for you. Same as when you meet your maker on Judgment Day.
I have posted NO "fake version" of anything.

So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state."

That is a direct quote from the transcript

You're babbling
You lie and spin every day.
What you talkin about Willis?

You're Creepy like hair sniffing Joe.
when you tell somebody "i just want to find", your meaning is equivalent to "please help me get this".
Yet that wasn't what was said at all. That is just your lying spin to support your lying narrative, and your lying politicians running your lying Kangaroo court.

Say, what every happened to your 4 year long lying narrative of "Russian Collusion"?

Lying, scheming, seditious, treasonous insurrectionist bastards is all that you are.
On that call to Raffensber. I can't see how 11 thousand votes put put trump over the top since Biden already had way more electoral votes and several million popular votes also.

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