Stop the Steal!

That was your initial lie...proven to be a lie.

Fucking liar.

You Nazis lied two years ago, got smacked down for your stupid lies - and here you scum are again - same lies.

That's the way it is with you scum, even after you are proven to be lying - you just keep going - your reality is your party.

I've proven again that you're flat out lying.

Now you want a particular phrasing .

There is no doubt that Trump is bullying Raffensburger to find exactly the number of votes he needs.

No fucker, I want you to tell the truth - but you won't.

You lied - as you Nazi scum do. You think because you're lying against Emanuel Goldstein it's okay that you lie.
Ah poor PROG, you really want this bad huh? Context matters, Trump always says fight like Hell, it's called work for what's right. Granted, the world you live in fighting is a physical thing only. Somehow I doubt you've fought for anything in your life.

If you were right, how is it only HUNDREDS of people rec'd Trump's message? All fanatics, PROGS, ANTIFA and spectators.

Judging by your post that puts you in the same category of HUNDREDS of people who rec'd the message you desire, which would mean you're special too. That's you howling, am I right? You look so dangerous, ah the horror.
Is this the best that Trump can get?

Even Fox News’ Conservative Analysts Say Jan. 6 Hearings Prove Trump’s ‘Unfitness’ for Presidency

Game - Set - Match

Turn out the lights, the party's over.......
So you admit you're a fucking liar. :thup:

Trump never ordered nor asked ANYONE to "find" votes.

Thank you for acknowledging that you and your fellow Nazis are lying scum slandering your betters.

You don't even know you’re insane, do ya, Fruitcake?

In reality, Trump threatened Raffensperger by telling him he is committing a crime if he doesn't look for enough votes to flip Georgia...

And you are going to find that they are — which is totally illegal, it is more illegal for you than it is for them because, you know what they did and you're not reporting it. That's a criminal, that's a criminal offense. And you can't let that happen. That's a big risk to you and to Ryan, your lawyer. And that's a big risk. But they are shredding ballots, in my opinion, based on what I've heard. And they are removing machinery and they're moving it as fast as they can, both of which are criminal finds. And you can't let it happen and you are letting it happen. You know, I mean, I'm notifying you that you're letting it happen. So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state.
I know you need attention, little retard.

Too tired to bother with a drooling fucktard like you tonight.

Who cares that you're deranged. The truth is as I said -- you have absolutely no evidence whatsoever that Obama authored that bio. The reality you're divorced from is that almost everything in that bio had already been published in newspapers. And the editor admitted she made a fact-checking error which led to the mistake about him being born in Kenya.

As always, you prove to be batshit insane. :cuckoo:
Ah poor PROG, you really want this bad huh? Context matters, Trump always says fight like Hell, it's called work for what's right. Granted, the world you live in fighting is a physical thing only. Somehow I doubt you've fought for anything in your life.

If you were right, how is it only HUNDREDS of people rec'd Trump's message? All fanatics, PROGS, ANTIFA and spectators.

Judging by your post that puts you in the same category of HUNDREDS of people who rec'd the message you desire, which would mean you're special too. That's you howling, am I right? You look so dangerous, ah the horror.

And yet they went to the Congress building and invaded it.

We call that CONTEXT.
You don't even know you’re insane, do ya, Fruitcake?

In reality, Trump threatened Raffensperger by telling him he is committing a crime if he doesn't look for enough votes to flip Georgia...

And you are going to find that they are — which is totally illegal, it is more illegal for you than it is for them because, you know what they did and you're not reporting it. That's a criminal, that's a criminal offense. And you can't let that happen. That's a big risk to you and to Ryan, your lawyer. And that's a big risk. But they are shredding ballots, in my opinion, based on what I've heard. And they are removing machinery and they're moving it as fast as they can, both of which are criminal finds. And you can't let it happen and you are letting it happen. You know, I mean, I'm notifying you that you're letting it happen. So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state.
Trump never ordered nor asked ANYONE to "find" votes.
So Uncensored is lying
Before you post anymore of your ignorant bullshit, address the fact that you didn't know everyone in 2016 said Trump would crash the market.
Hey noted...I googled that claim.

Ya know what I came up with?

Nuffin...ya fucking retard
FIGHT LIKE HELL!! That's what Trump told his rabid fans on January 6
Trump never said that (but a lot of democrats have!) and there were no rabid fans. Do these people look rabid to you?

Screen Shot 2021-02-14 at 5.09.06 PM.png

What means did they have to stop the turnover of power?
None. They brought cellphones, flags and selfie sticks not machine guns and bombs. There was no insurrection, its all a lie created to fool idiots like you who WANT to believe that!
Trump never said that (but a lot of democrats have!)
You stupid lying piece of shit. At the very end of the speech...right before he talks about marching on the Capitol

And again, most people would stand there at 9 o’clock in the evening and say I want to thank you very much, and they go off to some other life. But I said something’s wrong here, something is really wrong, can have happened.
And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.
Our exciting adventures and boldest endeavors have not yet begun. My fellow Americans, for our movement, for our children, and for our beloved country.
And I say this despite all that’s happened. The best is yet to come."

Exciting adventures" and "bold endeavors"

And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.

LOOK! Trump was right again! We don't have a country anymore. We have a banana-republic called Bidenland.

At least for 20 more weeks before the dam busts on you bubble-headed assholes.

Now tell us how many times democrats Waters, Schumer, Hillary, Obumma, Biden, and Pelosi told people to fight like hell, idiot. :th_waiting:
So you admit you're a fucking liar. :thup:

Trump never ordered nor asked ANYONE to "find" votes.

Thank you for acknowledging that you and your fellow Nazis are lying scum slandering your betters.
ordering or asking, insignificant difference.
Trump wanted Raffensberger to give Trump 11,780 votes.
Why else would Trump say to him on a phone call "i want to find 11,780 votes"; thats just how people talk on the phone when you want them to do something for you.

Perhaps even more significant is the email proof of fake electors for Georgia.

Both of these need to be taken together to get the full picture.
ordering or asking, insignificant difference.
Trump wanted Raffensberger to give Trump 11,780 votes.
Why else would Trump say to him on a phone call "i want to find 11,780 votes"; thats just how people talk on the phone when you want them to do something for you.

Perhaps even more significant is the email proof of fake electors for Georgia.

Both of these need to be taken together to get the full picture.
Raffenberger perjured himself today. He said numbers do not lie when he told Trump on the phone his own states data was incorrect. Play the whole phone call.

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