Stop Trying To Fix The Police....Fix The Ghetto

we do know that naxi, fascists, and hitler all had the same thing in common.

Drugs and the gathering of the European Jews into concentration camps. Isn't it remarkable that the Jews living in other European countries outside of Germany were collected and gathered and brought into the camps? People actually went out of their country to 'look' for any Jewish person when the Jews were not causing any harm or noises.

So, Naxi Germany was NOT Arabs nor Turks.

And yet, they still sought to commit premeditated intentional manslaughter as do many non Naxi German peoples, including Arabs and Turks and Non Arabs and non Turks. Can you imagine having a pie thrown in your face while in the House Senate because you were addressing the concerns of the Nation but because your opinion was not liked by certain persons, you had a pie tossed into your face?

German MP gets cake thrown in face by shameless lefties after call to LIMIT migrant influx
German MP gets cake thrown in face by shameless lefties after call to LIMIT migrant influx
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You see, Jesus helps the individual(s) who wants help.
The Government should help societies and neighborhoods and such that want help.
The Government is upon the Shoulder of Christ and for the Government to NOT do the good things to help others, is not a Godly thing to do.
So when Christ takes over the Governments, as in the Millennial Reign, the Governments will more likely be receiving their orders from Christ.

Jesus never once used the government to force anyone to do what He said should be done to help others. Jesus taught compassion comes from a willingness by the giver not a mandate from the taker.

Jesus never once used the government to force anyone to do what He said..... Jesus never once used the government to save lives.... So true...
Isaiah 9:6-7

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this."
Devotional 8/18/2016 In Touch Ministries...

Most of the devotional was directly taken from the devotional

New Testament apostles warned about false teachings that would sound good but defied the Truth. Believers in today's time must still heed these warnings. Ungodly leaders subtly twist Truth with such conviction that unprepared Christians of today can be charmed by the lies. That's why the Bible instructs us to evaluate the messages of whomever desires to lead us.

False Teachers are deceptive and the Holy Scriptures describes them as wolves in sheep's clothing. They appear to want people to know the 'real' truth about God, but their own interpretation of Scriptures may contain outright lies or a distorted mix of fact and error. Wise believers who study God's Word can detect false teachings. The wolves in sheep's clothing will further be exposed by their personal lives through their decisions, actions and words. And just as the term wolves in sheep's clothing is used, so these people wear the appearance of sheep while inwardly they seek to kill, steal and destroy.

Their enticing ideas appeal to the listeners. In fact, false teachers will often permit activities which are prohibited in the Holy Scriptures. Some deceivers describe God's grace as a license to do whichever thing is being allowed by the false teachers of the Holy Bible. Paul clearly denounces this. The learned body of Christ is expected to expose the darkness within the Body and Christ's disciples are expected to love one another, the body, just as Christ loved us.

To not reveal the darkness is to actually help the darkness spread.

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