Stop wasting our time obama - attack iran and remove its regime


Gold Member
May 31, 2009
The ten years of wasted time playing this game of charade diplomacy while iran builds nuclear weapons, and foments war across the mideast, all of which have served no purpose other than to grant the scum of the earth: khameini, putin, the chinese dictatorship and other rat holes with the message that the West, and in particular, the US, is a paper tiger afraid of its own shadow.

Iran is constructing a broad array of nuclear weapons to cement their hold on Lebanon, Yemen, Gaza and iraq - and make themselves immune from any attempts to conduct regime change, both internal and external. I've no doubt that psychopathic, cancerous, murderous regimes like iran's would use them on their own people to stay in power, a notion supported by their willingness to mass murder hundreds, if not thousands, of their own citizens in 2009 and at other times.

Obama needs to understand that there is no reasoning or negotiating with a regime of this nature; their sole existence is war and to spread their diseased version of islamic theocratic revolution across the mideast, and ultimately, entire world.

Extending these pointless negotiations will achieve nothing save grant the iranian filth more time to achieve a nuclear weapon, most of which is undoubtedly clandestine. This is nothing to say of the Parchin and Fordow facilities at which iran's regime has never allowed inspections of any kind.

Even if an agreement of some kind were signed, any rational human knows such a piece of paper with the iranian dung would not be worth the paper it is printed on.

It would be better to strike them now, and exterminate this horrific regime now, before they have pulled a north korea or pakistan and tested a weapon that comes as a surprise to Western intelligence agencies.

Is there a man in the room, obama?
Too many Iranians in the White House.

Starting with Senior Advisor to Hussein..... Iranian born Valerie Jarrett.

Hell will freeze over before Muslim Barack attacks Iran.
Not going to happen, neo-con.

You're mentally ill, and don't seem to have much to offer except for juvenile and thoughtless slogans meant to give the appearance that you have any value. Go back to the trash heap you crawled out of, chimp.
while iran builds nuclear weapons,

I'll bet you can't post any evidence of that, save Israelis assuring the world it's true.

C-nt, don't even think of entering or trolling my thread, you worthless fucking piece of shit. Either address the points raised in the OP, or GTFO. This thread is about iran - and will stay focused purely on iran, an illegal, cancerous terror state whose leadership cannot be liquidated soon enough.

Iran is a criminal, fascist regime illegally exporting weapons across the mideast, and building nuclear weapons illegally in multiple facilities where it continues to refuse access to inspectors; it is time to wipe that regime off the map.
The ten years of wasted time playing this game of charade diplomacy while iran builds nuclear weapons, and foments war across the mideast, all of which have served no purpose other than to grant the scum of the earth: khameini, putin, the chinese dictatorship and other rat holes with the message that the West, and in particular, the US, is a paper tiger afraid of its own shadow.

Iran is constructing a broad array of nuclear weapons to cement their hold on Lebanon, Yemen, Gaza and iraq - and make themselves immune from any attempts to conduct regime change, both internal and external. I've no doubt that psychopathic, cancerous, murderous regimes like iran's would use them on their own people to stay in power, a notion supported by their willingness to mass murder hundreds, if not thousands, of their own citizens in 2009 and at other times.

Obama needs to understand that there is no reasoning or negotiating with a regime of this nature; their sole existence is war and to spread their diseased version of islamic theocratic revolution across the mideast, and ultimately, entire world.

Extending these pointless negotiations will achieve nothing save grant the iranian filth more time to achieve a nuclear weapon, most of which is undoubtedly clandestine. This is nothing to say of the Parchin and Fordow facilities at which iran's regime has never allowed inspections of any kind.

Even if an agreement of some kind were signed, any rational human knows such a piece of paper with the iranian dung would not be worth the paper it is printed on.

It would be better to strike them now, and exterminate this horrific regime now, before they have pulled a north korea or pakistan and tested a weapon that comes as a surprise to Western intelligence agencies.

Is there a man in the room, obama?
How have the last three or four regime changes worked out?

You planning on a "Persian Spring"?

How'd the "Arab Spring" work out?
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... do it an' get it over with...

... put a God-fearin' Baptist minister in there to run things.
The ten years of wasted time playing this game of charade diplomacy while iran builds nuclear weapons, and foments war across the mideast, all of which have served no purpose other than to grant the scum of the earth: khameini, putin, the chinese dictatorship and other rat holes with the message that the West, and in particular, the US, is a paper tiger afraid of its own shadow.

Iran is constructing a broad array of nuclear weapons to cement their hold on Lebanon, Yemen, Gaza and iraq - and make themselves immune from any attempts to conduct regime change, both internal and external. I've no doubt that psychopathic, cancerous, murderous regimes like iran's would use them on their own people to stay in power, a notion supported by their willingness to mass murder hundreds, if not thousands, of their own citizens in 2009 and at other times.

Obama needs to understand that there is no reasoning or negotiating with a regime of this nature; their sole existence is war and to spread their diseased version of islamic theocratic revolution across the mideast, and ultimately, entire world.

Extending these pointless negotiations will achieve nothing save grant the iranian filth more time to achieve a nuclear weapon, most of which is undoubtedly clandestine. This is nothing to say of the Parchin and Fordow facilities at which iran's regime has never allowed inspections of any kind.

Even if an agreement of some kind were signed, any rational human knows such a piece of paper with the iranian dung would not be worth the paper it is printed on.

It would be better to strike them now, and exterminate this horrific regime now, before they have pulled a north korea or pakistan and tested a weapon that comes as a surprise to Western intelligence agencies.

Is there a man in the room, obama?
You are volunteering to be in the front lines for that one, right?
Hell will freeze over before any President attacks Iran.
We can only hope. Not our problem, Israel doesn't want anyone else to have what they have and Israel will do everything in their power to entice the US to attack Iran for them,
Hell will freeze over before any President attacks Iran.
We can only hope. Not our problem, Israel doesn't want anyone else to have what they have and Israel will do everything in their power to entice the US to attack Iran for them,

gee-----some of you guys claim that Israelis tell arabs to kill each other -----so they do------and now we get "Israel tells the US to fight a war-----so we do. I feel
cheated-----I am jew and no one does what I tell them to do
Not going to happen, neo-con.

You're mentally ill, and don't seem to have much to offer except for juvenile and thoughtless slogans meant to give the appearance that you have any value. Go back to the trash heap you crawled out of, chimp.

^^^^ The ad hom trash reveals you are a neo-con and have nothing to offer.

Your nonsense about terrorism solved nothing in Iraq other than we are being drawn back in.

The USA cannot control the ME, period.
I will now relate one of my famous PREDICTIONS----->>>> <maintain calm>
here it is>>>> elements of Hezbollah now infecting many
Mideast countries ---including sunni Yemen---and----Gaza,
(not too sure about Jordan) ----and ISIS elements will attack
Saudi Arabia-----Iran will join in----to get its grubby hands on
the black rock etc. ---then the US will be drawn into a conflict
with iran------but-----of course-----DA JOOOOS DID IT
Once upon a fantasy, yes, but the more Americans realize the more energy independence we develop the less vulnerable we are to ME exploitation of our energy needs, the better off we are to stay out of the ME.
Once upon a fantasy, yes, but the more Americans realize the more energy independence we develop the less vulnerable we are to ME exploitation of our energy needs, the better off we are to stay out of the ME.

I sympathize with your position jake----but it won't work-----we are all on one tiny
planet------and isolationism does not work
How have the last three or four regime changes worked out? You planning on a "Persian Spring"? How'd the "Arab Spring" work out?

1) what regime changes were those
2) how is the US/West or anyone but the arabs responsible for the uprisings in places like egypt or libya?
3) are you one of those dim-witted anti-arab racists who believe arab muslims are like 3 year old children unable to do anything for themselves, and everything that happens in the mideast is a US conspiracy?

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