Zone1 Stories Untold


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015

This is Nehemiah Juniel. He graduated college at 15. With AUTISM.

There are thousands of stories that are positive about events and people in the black community. But they don't get the exposure the shootings and killings do. And this is done by the same media some people falsely claim that's hiding black crime. The so called liberal media controlled by democrats, even as we see that most of the media is NOT owned by conservatives.



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This is Nehemiah Juniel. He graduated college at 15. With AUTISM.

There are thousands of stories that are positive about events and people in the black community. But they don't get the exposure the shootings and killings do. And this is done by the same media some people falsely claim that's hiding black crime. The so called liberal media controlled by democrats, even as we see that most of the media is NOT owned by conservatives.



congrats to the young man ... his family must be very proud ! you are right ! achievments like this should be celebrated and reported on the msm more often .
Report me for what? You called me idiot racist scum in your safe zone. You of all people should know the Zone 1 rules, son.
Agree! What’s “trolling” about pointing out that black kids can do exceptionally well when they 1) have the advantage of a financially secure home with married parents who teach the right values, and 2) have the traits needed to do well, including discipline, motivation, and intelligence.

Congrats to this young man for making the right choices and possessing the right traits, in addition to his parents for a job well done!
Agree! What’s “trolling” about pointing out that black kids can do exceptionally well when they 1) have the advantage of a financially secure home with married parents who teach the right values, and 2) have the traits needed to do well, including discipline, motivation, and intelligence.

Congrats to this young man for making the right choices and possessing the right traits, in addition to his parents for a job well done!
Absolutely, I wish every kid had the support this kid had but that is clearly not the case. And that is certainly not limited to just Black youth.
That's an awesome story, but to graduate college at 15? With autism? So, did he start college at 11? Who graduates from high school at 11?

I hope his emotional development can keep up, as oft times those with autism struggle with that aspect of life. He's going to medical school now? You have to wonder if all this academic success is coming too fast for his own good, but he sounds like Doogie Howser. Very neat story.
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There are thousands of stories that are positive about events and people in the black community. But they don't get the exposure the shootings and killings do. And this is done by the same media some people falsely claim that's hiding black crime. The so called liberal media controlled by democrats, even as we see that most of the media is NOT owned by conservatives Liberals.
That's an awesome story, but to graduate college at 15? With autism? So, did he start college at 11? Who graduates from high school at 11?

I hope his emotional development can keep up, as oft times those with autism struggle with that aspect of life. He's going to medical school now? You have to wonder if all this academic success is coming too fast for his own good, but he sounds like Doogie Howser. Very neat story.
That's a concern for sure.
Absolutely, I wish every kid had the support this kid had but that is clearly not the case. And that is certainly not limited to just Black youth.

Aside from having a solid family environment, the report indicated that the Walker County Democratic Party also came together with the local chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People to provide Nehemiah a donation.
This post is off topic and why do you choose to rain on a positive story?

Your post has been reported. You would not make these comments about a white child not matter what you say.

His post was absolutely on-topic as well as being reflective of and germane to the content of the article itself.

Because relevant, functional dialogue doesn't seem to conform to your specific interest in the topical content does not mean that you get to frame and dictate/limit the terms of the discussion.

That said, I sincerely hope someone does placate your report so we can make an example of them in front of all of their friends.

If anyone broke zone 1 rules, it was you with that ''say his name'' bullshit.

That was clearly meant to antagonize and to seed low value dialogue in return. And your threatening response to Mike that you were gonna run to a maude for daring to share his thoughts in a relevant way to the actual content in the article itself makes it rather clear that functional, civil dialogue is the very last thing you're interested in. You seem very angry and insulted by the very act thereof.
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It does when I'm the OP and held responsible to keep the thread on topic.
His family involvement was referenced frequently throughout the article.

How can you be responsible for 'keeping'' anything if you don't even wanna let dialogue reflect the relevance of this?

There would be no discussion of this kids family situation had he been white. There would have been all kinds of assertions to white superiority. There are black children from broken homes who achieve so discussing his family really is not the point. If people can be pressed to say names of dead black children over and over, then pointing out this kids success should not be questioned.

You don't know what functional dialogue is. You've proven it time after time.

Like I said, Obama came from a broken home. Ted Bundy had 2 parents. So whatever those like you think about family is not based in reality.

I don't care about any of this racist nonsense.

This is the pablum you were trying to seed, right?

Talk to the hand, my man. :talk2hand:
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His family involvement was referenced frequently throughout the article.

How can you be responsible for 'keeping'' anything if you don't even wanna let dialogue reflect the relevance of this?

I don't care about any of this racist nonsense.

This is the racist nonsense you were trying to seed, right?

Talk to the hand, my man. :talk2hand:
Because his family would not be discussed like this if he was white. It's pretty simple to understand. Also what we see is that the fatherless cHild stereotype did not apply which is the case for millions of black children. But the point of this thread is about positive sories about blacks missed by the media. That is what I stated in the OP.
Because his family would not be discussed like this if he was white.
Says who? You? You certainly tried to frame the thread in a manner that would stimulate that kind of response. There's no doubt about that.

The very fact that you carried yourself in the juvenile way that you did there in the op with that "say his name'' nonsense was glaringly obvious that all you were interested in was ''keeping'' the topical content and any diologue that followed premised on the color of the young man's skin.

And for what? So you can run to the mauds, if people were dumb enough to bite the bobber? Pft.

And you're gonna sit here and spew that nonsense about being ''responsible'' for leading dialogue?

Please. lol.
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There are thousands of stories that are positive about events and people in the black community. But they don't get the exposure the shootings and killings do. And this is done by the same media some people falsely claim that's hiding black crime. The so called liberal media controlled by democrats, even as we see that most of the media is NOT owned by conservatives Liberals.
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There are thousands of stories that are positive about events and people in the black community. But they don't get the exposure the shootings and killings do. And this is done by the same media some people falsely claim that's hiding black crime. The so called liberal media controlled by democrats, even as we see that most of the media is NOT owned by conservatives Liberals.
Good news never gets publicized. When was the last, or first time for that matter, that you heard about a cop helping someone?
Black activists ***Mod Edit: Zone 1 - Personal attacks not allowed in this area.*** become enraged and start screaming “raaaaaacist” when others point out that the failures in the black community are NOT due to racism, as they insist, but are correlated with the high out-of-wedlock birthrate and bad lifestyle choices….and then what do? They give an example of a child with involved, married parents who provided a stable home, who was taught good values by his parents, and who he himself was dedicated, motivated, disciplined, and smart - and has had remarkable success as a result.

And then…..I’m just summarizing here….when others point out that the boy’s own choices and positive traits, along with his stable home life and good parents, were what enabled his success, the OP starts demanding we “stay in topic.”

And why? Because while he blames racism for black failures, he provides an example that proves otherwise, and then becomes angry when it is pointed out.
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Black activists like IM2 become enraged and start screaming “raaaaaacist” when others point out that the failures in the black community are NOT due to racism, as they insist, but are correlated with the high out-of-wedlock birthrate and bad lifestyle choices….and then what do? They give an example of a child with involved, married parents who provided a stable home, who was taught good values by his parents, and who he himself was dedicated, motivated, disciplined, and smart - and has had remarkable success as a result.

And then…..I’m just summarizing here….when others point out that the boy’s own choices and positive traits, along with his stable home life and good parents, were what enabled his success, the OP starts demanding we “stay in topic.”

And why? Because while he blames racism for black failures, he provides an example that proves otherwise, and then becomes angry when it is pointed out.

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