Stormy Daniels Changes Her Story AGAIN?

LOL...Michael Cohen is about to get bitch slapped this week, Winger! It's what happens when you're a convicted perjurer...not once but several times...and you get on the witness stand and swear to tell the truth so help you god! Trump's lawyers are going bring up every time that he lied and force him to admit that he lied under oath before. It's going to get UGLY!

Fortunately, Cohen comes to court with audio and textual evidence to back his claims.
Fortunately, Cohen comes to court with audio and textual evidence to back his claims.

Rofl... the perjurer that no one likes? He's seriously damaged goods. The cross examination ought to be hilarious.
Rofl... the perjurer that no one likes? He's seriously damaged goods. The cross examination ought to be hilarious.

And when he plays an audio recording of him and Trump scheming to pay Pecker, you think the jury will not believe that since Cohen himself lacks credibility?
There's evidence of Trump outright lying about reimbursing Cohen for Stormy's silence. The jury will see that.
The amusing thing is that you really seem to believe that Cohen's going to be believable, Faun! Haven't you been paying attention to the trial? If there's one thing all of the prosecution witnesses seemed to agree on it was what a piece of shit Cohen is. Between him and Stormy I don't think there's much they wouldn't do for money!
The amusing thing is that you really seem to believe that Cohen's going to be believable, Faun! Haven't you been paying attention to the trial? If there's one thing all of the prosecution witnesses seemed to agree on it was what a piece of shit Cohen is. Between him and Stormy I don't think there's much they wouldn't do for money!

Again, it's not Cohen they'll have to believe. It's the voice of Trump and Cohen conspiring how to pay Pecker, that they'll hear with their own ears, they'll have to believe. There might also be corresponding texts and/or emails.
Again, it's not Cohen they'll have to believe. It's the voice of Trump and Cohen conspiring how to pay Pecker, that they'll hear with their own ears, they'll have to believe. There might also be corresponding texts and/or emails.

Cohen will give his story of what happened
Trump will reply he never had sex with her and never paid a cent

The jury will decide who to believe
I doubt Trump will speak under oath.

His lawyers will present his claims

Trump has instructed them to deny he ever had sex with Stormy Daniels or made and payments

See if the jury believes that
Cohen will give his story of what happened
Trump will reply he never had sex with her and never paid a cent

The jury will decide who to believe
Do you believe the guy who's been convicted twice of lying under oath or do you believe the guy who's never even been charged with that crime? Even a biased New York City jury is going to have a hard time believing anything that comes out of Cohen's mouth.
Do you believe the guy who's been convicted twice of lying under oath or do you believe the guy who's never even been charged with that crime? Even a biased New York City jury is going to have a hard time believing anything that comes out of Cohen's mouth.

Go with that..

Cohen committed perjury and Trump never lies
Do you think the jury will believe Trumps claim he never had sex with Stormy Daniels?
Go with that..

Cohen committed perjury and Trump never lies
Do you think the jury will believe Trumps claim he never had sex with Stormy Daniels?
Whether or not they had sex isn't the legal question that the jury should be's whether Trump committed a crime. So far the prosecution has not provided any evidence THAT occurred! Stormy Daniel's "story" has nothing to do with what Bragg has charged Trump with!
Whether or not they had sex isn't the legal question that the jury should be's whether Trump committed a crime. So far the prosecution has not provided any evidence THAT occurred! Stormy Daniel's "story" has nothing to do with what Bragg has charged Trump with!

That is where lying comes in..

Cohen will provide a credible explanation of Trump having sex with Stormy and ordering Cohen to “fix” it

Trumps counter story will revolve around he never had sex with Stormy, never tried to cover it up, never made payments

Who will the jury believe?

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