Stormy Daniels issues statement that she didn't have an affair with Trump...



I just saw the interview....her pupils were dilated.....did she just return from the eye Doctor?

I just saw an interview with Trump....his skin was orange.....did he just come from a spray on tanning session?
I did not see the interview. The take away is that there was no affair, there never was an affair. There was a single one night stand. On that, she is trying to make her fortune.

Of course that is your takeaway.

The real takeaway of course is that Donald Trump, while married and with a newborn son, chose to commit adultery with a porn star.

And then during his election- his lawyer paid her off to stay quiet about it.

Out of the goodness of his heart- taking out a home loan- to protect his billionaire client.
And the best response to Stormy?

Who cares.

He wasn't even President, Governor or attorney General of a state, he didn't rape her, two things you can't say about bill clinton, where we all learned that rape, and sexual assault do not matter if the one doing it is a democrat.

You know, I would be in the "who cares" column as well, except for one thing.

Trump's lawyer claims that he never got reimbursed for the NDA, and the 130,000 came out of his own pocket. Considering the reason for the NDA (helping Trump win), as well as that he paid for it out of his own pocket, that makes it an illegal campaign contribution in kind.

That is what I'm interested in. Either Trump broke election laws, or his lawyer did.

.the only one colluding with Russia was hilary, and the FBI are all in on it too.

And the best response to Stormy?

Who cares.

He wasn't even President, Governor or attorney General of a state, he didn't rape her, two things you can't say about bill clinton, where we all learned that rape, and sexual assault do not matter if the one doing it is a democrat.

And of course Bill Clinton and Donald Trump have both been accused of rape.

Donald Trump of course is the only one who has bragged about sexually assaulting women.

What we have all learned from the last election is that rape and sexual assault do not matter if the one doing it is a Republican.
I'm doing well, thank you.

Now how about answering my question...?

About defending porn?

Go ahead, defend it all you want, I wont stop you. It's obvious you folks see those involved as increadibly trust worthy.

LOL.....while speaking about the President involved with the porn star.....
That doesn't defend porn.

Thanks for confessing what most everyone already suspected -- you're brain-dead.

I know, right.

You taking the credibility of a women who says she felt obligated to have sex cuz a man bought her dinner means you have a superior mind, Right?

And why do you have your nose in Trumps bedroom? I thought that was out of bounds to the rainbow crowd
No, you don’t know. Remember? You were accusing others for defending porn; but when push came to shove, you couldn’t actually connect those dots.

And as I pointed out in another thread, while Stormy Daniels has virtually no credibility — she still has more credibility than Trump. And I wouldn’t believe they had sex based on her word alone; but for the $130,000 she was paid not to talk about it.
Reposting your words because they are so on point:

And as I pointed out in another thread, while Stormy Daniels has virtually no credibility — she still has more credibility than Trump. And I wouldn’t believe they had sex based on her word alone; but for the $130,000 she was paid not to talk about it.

Remember- we have no actually history of Stormy Daniels lying- while we have a virtual compendium of Donald Trump lying.
You know, they always say it's not the incident that gets you in trouble, but rather the cover up you do on it.

On 60 Minutes last night, they showed a lot of the documents that were used, and on one of them that was addressed to Ms. Daniels, the address at the top specifically said that it was a lawyer in the Trump organization.

And, the reason the NDA wasn't signed by Trump is probably because he was not available due to campaigning, and this was a rush job.

And now? If the lawyer continues to say that he is the one who paid for it out of the goodness of his heart and close relationship with Trump, that will be viewed as an illegal in kind campaign contribution because of the subject and the timing.

If Trump pays the lawyer for the 130,000, then Trump is basically admitting that the affair happened.

Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.
You can ahead and plant that "if" in the ground and give it some water and see if it sprouts any fruit.

'Cause all you guys have left now is a whore who acts while getting fucked for money, looking to get more money out someone she may or may not have contact with, who ended up becoming president.

Oh actually we have several women who have reported several similar stories.

So far we have two women who have talked about their sexual affairs with the married Donald Trump- who were then paid to keep their stories quiet- during the Presidential campaign.

There are multiple women who have accused Trump of sexual assault- one of whom is in the middle of a law suit against Trump.

And of course we have Trump himself bragging about sexually assaulting women.

Not that any of that means anything to the party of 'family values'.

AND, an attorney who says he doesn't care if the evidence will stand up in court, it's what the people think that matters. Pretty much admitting it's a bluff and being done for purely political reasons.

And an attorney who pays a woman $130,000 right before an election supposedly out of the goodness of his heart.

Pretty much admitting its a payoff to prevent the voters from hearing her speak- and was done for purely political reasons- and is a campaign contribution violation.
You know, they always say it's not the incident that gets you in trouble, but rather the cover up you do on it.

On 60 Minutes last night, they showed a lot of the documents that were used, and on one of them that was addressed to Ms. Daniels, the address at the top specifically said that it was a lawyer in the Trump organization.

And, the reason the NDA wasn't signed by Trump is probably because he was not available due to campaigning, and this was a rush job.

And now? If the lawyer continues to say that he is the one who paid for it out of the goodness of his heart and close relationship with Trump, that will be viewed as an illegal in kind campaign contribution because of the subject and the timing.

If Trump pays the lawyer for the 130,000, then Trump is basically admitting that the affair happened.

Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.
You can ahead and plant that "if" in the ground and give it some water and see if it sprouts any fruit.

'Cause all you guys have left now is a whore who acts while getting fucked for money, looking to get more money out someone she may or may not have contact with, who ended up becoming president.

Oh actually we have several women who have reported several similar stories.

So far we have two women who have talked about their sexual affairs with the married Donald Trump- who were then paid to keep their stories quiet- during the Presidential campaign.

There are multiple women who have accused Trump of sexual assault- one of whom is in the middle of a law suit against Trump.

And of course we have Trump himself bragging about sexually assaulting women.

Not that any of that means anything to the party of 'family values'.

AND, an attorney who says he doesn't care if the evidence will stand up in court, it's what the people think that matters. Pretty much admitting it's a bluff and being done for purely political reasons.

And an attorney who pays a woman $130,000 right before an election supposedly out of the goodness of his heart.

Pretty much admitting its a payoff to prevent the voters from hearing her speak- and was done for purely political reasons- and is a campaign contribution violation.
People settle and pay for false accusations and malicious lawsuits all the time. Doesn't mean anything happened, and if it did, so fucking what.
You know, they always say it's not the incident that gets you in trouble, but rather the cover up you do on it.

On 60 Minutes last night, they showed a lot of the documents that were used, and on one of them that was addressed to Ms. Daniels, the address at the top specifically said that it was a lawyer in the Trump organization.

And, the reason the NDA wasn't signed by Trump is probably because he was not available due to campaigning, and this was a rush job.

And now? If the lawyer continues to say that he is the one who paid for it out of the goodness of his heart and close relationship with Trump, that will be viewed as an illegal in kind campaign contribution because of the subject and the timing.

If Trump pays the lawyer for the 130,000, then Trump is basically admitting that the affair happened.

Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.
You can ahead and plant that "if" in the ground and give it some water and see if it sprouts any fruit.

'Cause all you guys have left now is a whore who acts while getting fucked for money, looking to get more money out someone she may or may not have contact with, who ended up becoming president.

Oh actually we have several women who have reported several similar stories.

So far we have two women who have talked about their sexual affairs with the married Donald Trump- who were then paid to keep their stories quiet- during the Presidential campaign.

There are multiple women who have accused Trump of sexual assault- one of whom is in the middle of a law suit against Trump.

And of course we have Trump himself bragging about sexually assaulting women.

Not that any of that means anything to the party of 'family values'.

AND, an attorney who says he doesn't care if the evidence will stand up in court, it's what the people think that matters. Pretty much admitting it's a bluff and being done for purely political reasons.

And an attorney who pays a woman $130,000 right before an election supposedly out of the goodness of his heart.

Pretty much admitting its a payoff to prevent the voters from hearing her speak- and was done for purely political reasons- and is a campaign contribution violation.
People settle and pay for false accusations and malicious lawsuits all the time. Doesn't mean anything happened, and if it did, so fucking what.

You know, when this story first came out, it was kinda shocking and strange, but it didn't surprised me because of the way Trump has been acting.

And yeah, it would have been a story that would have eventually blown over, except for the documents that are out there connecting her to Trump, and, the thing that DOES need to be investigated is the circumstances of the payoff. Was it an in kind campaign contribution or not? That is the thing that is going to sink him, not a one night stand with Ms. Daniels.
You can ahead and plant that "if" in the ground and give it some water and see if it sprouts any fruit.

'Cause all you guys have left now is a whore who acts while getting fucked for money, looking to get more money out someone she may or may not have contact with, who ended up becoming president.

Oh actually we have several women who have reported several similar stories.

So far we have two women who have talked about their sexual affairs with the married Donald Trump- who were then paid to keep their stories quiet- during the Presidential campaign.

There are multiple women who have accused Trump of sexual assault- one of whom is in the middle of a law suit against Trump.

And of course we have Trump himself bragging about sexually assaulting women.

Not that any of that means anything to the party of 'family values'.

AND, an attorney who says he doesn't care if the evidence will stand up in court, it's what the people think that matters. Pretty much admitting it's a bluff and being done for purely political reasons.

And an attorney who pays a woman $130,000 right before an election supposedly out of the goodness of his heart.

Pretty much admitting its a payoff to prevent the voters from hearing her speak- and was done for purely political reasons- and is a campaign contribution violation.
People settle and pay for false accusations and malicious lawsuits all the time. Doesn't mean anything happened, and if it did, so fucking what.

You know, when this story first came out, it was kinda shocking and strange, but it didn't surprised me because of the way Trump has been acting.

And yeah, it would have been a story that would have eventually blown over, except for the documents that are out there connecting her to Trump, and, the thing that DOES need to be investigated is the circumstances of the payoff. Was it an in kind campaign contribution or not? That is the thing that is going to sink him, not a one night stand with Ms. Daniels.
You guys keep going down those rabbit holes. All you have is a whore and an actress who's slept with hundreds of men for money, who now sees an opportunity to make money. Not the most credible witness. Too bad, the greedy slut already signed an agreement saying nothing happened, and received money for it too.

Besides, how many times do you need to be told, NOBODY CARES. Just because the Left and the crooked media have decided to beat on this dead horse with 24/7 coverage, still doesn't mean anybody cares, or the whore actually has a case.
Oh actually we have several women who have reported several similar stories.

So far we have two women who have talked about their sexual affairs with the married Donald Trump- who were then paid to keep their stories quiet- during the Presidential campaign.

There are multiple women who have accused Trump of sexual assault- one of whom is in the middle of a law suit against Trump.

And of course we have Trump himself bragging about sexually assaulting women.

Not that any of that means anything to the party of 'family values'.

AND, an attorney who says he doesn't care if the evidence will stand up in court, it's what the people think that matters. Pretty much admitting it's a bluff and being done for purely political reasons.

And an attorney who pays a woman $130,000 right before an election supposedly out of the goodness of his heart.

Pretty much admitting its a payoff to prevent the voters from hearing her speak- and was done for purely political reasons- and is a campaign contribution violation.
People settle and pay for false accusations and malicious lawsuits all the time. Doesn't mean anything happened, and if it did, so fucking what.

You know, when this story first came out, it was kinda shocking and strange, but it didn't surprised me because of the way Trump has been acting.

And yeah, it would have been a story that would have eventually blown over, except for the documents that are out there connecting her to Trump, and, the thing that DOES need to be investigated is the circumstances of the payoff. Was it an in kind campaign contribution or not? That is the thing that is going to sink him, not a one night stand with Ms. Daniels.
You guys keep going down those rabbit holes. All you have is a whore and an actress who's slept with hundreds of men for money, who now sees an opportunity to make money. Not the most credible witness. Too bad, the greedy slut already signed an agreement saying nothing happened, and received money for it too.

Besides, how many times do you need to be told, NOBODY CARES. Just because the Left and the crooked media have decided to beat on this dead horse with 24/7 coverage, still doesn't mean anybody cares, or the whore actually has a case.

See, that is where Trump and his lawyer screwed the pooch on that one. If his lawyer hadn't sent her an NDA, and didn't have anything to connect them to her, it would have been a case of he said/she said in the court of public opinion. And, considering that Ms. Daniels doesn't have the most credible of careers, it would have blown over fairly quickly.

But now? Ms. Daniels has paperwork from Trump's lawyers that connect her to Trump and his empire, and now she is the one that looks more credible.

Not only that, but her lawyer is running circles around Trump's.
You know, they always say it's not the incident that gets you in trouble, but rather the cover up you do on it.

On 60 Minutes last night, they showed a lot of the documents that were used, and on one of them that was addressed to Ms. Daniels, the address at the top specifically said that it was a lawyer in the Trump organization.

And, the reason the NDA wasn't signed by Trump is probably because he was not available due to campaigning, and this was a rush job.

And now? If the lawyer continues to say that he is the one who paid for it out of the goodness of his heart and close relationship with Trump, that will be viewed as an illegal in kind campaign contribution because of the subject and the timing.

If Trump pays the lawyer for the 130,000, then Trump is basically admitting that the affair happened.

Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.
You can ahead and plant that "if" in the ground and give it some water and see if it sprouts any fruit.

'Cause all you guys have left now is a whore who acts while getting fucked for money, looking to get more money out someone she may or may not have contact with, who ended up becoming president.

Oh actually we have several women who have reported several similar stories.

So far we have two women who have talked about their sexual affairs with the married Donald Trump- who were then paid to keep their stories quiet- during the Presidential campaign.

There are multiple women who have accused Trump of sexual assault- one of whom is in the middle of a law suit against Trump.

And of course we have Trump himself bragging about sexually assaulting women.

Not that any of that means anything to the party of 'family values'.

AND, an attorney who says he doesn't care if the evidence will stand up in court, it's what the people think that matters. Pretty much admitting it's a bluff and being done for purely political reasons.

And an attorney who pays a woman $130,000 right before an election supposedly out of the goodness of his heart.

Pretty much admitting its a payoff to prevent the voters from hearing her speak- and was done for purely political reasons- and is a campaign contribution violation.
People settle and pay for false accusations and malicious lawsuits all the time. Doesn't mean anything happened, and if it did, so fucking what.

Because people pay other people $130,000 for no reason whatsoever- and make them promise to not reveal any of the video's or recordings of what didn't happen- all of the time.

And typical of Trump supporters- so what if Trump broke campaign laws in order to keep her silent before the election.
Oh actually we have several women who have reported several similar stories.

So far we have two women who have talked about their sexual affairs with the married Donald Trump- who were then paid to keep their stories quiet- during the Presidential campaign.

There are multiple women who have accused Trump of sexual assault- one of whom is in the middle of a law suit against Trump.

And of course we have Trump himself bragging about sexually assaulting women.

Not that any of that means anything to the party of 'family values'.

AND, an attorney who says he doesn't care if the evidence will stand up in court, it's what the people think that matters. Pretty much admitting it's a bluff and being done for purely political reasons.

And an attorney who pays a woman $130,000 right before an election supposedly out of the goodness of his heart.

Pretty much admitting its a payoff to prevent the voters from hearing her speak- and was done for purely political reasons- and is a campaign contribution violation.
People settle and pay for false accusations and malicious lawsuits all the time. Doesn't mean anything happened, and if it did, so fucking what.

You know, when this story first came out, it was kinda shocking and strange, but it didn't surprised me because of the way Trump has been acting.

And yeah, it would have been a story that would have eventually blown over, except for the documents that are out there connecting her to Trump, and, the thing that DOES need to be investigated is the circumstances of the payoff. Was it an in kind campaign contribution or not? That is the thing that is going to sink him, not a one night stand with Ms. Daniels.
You guys keep going down those rabbit holes. All you have is a whore and an actress who's slept with hundreds of men for money, .

You guys certainly don't want us talking about the husband, father and entertainer who chose to commit adultery with a 'whore' who'se slept with hundreds of men for money- or the payoff to keep her silent about it.

Or the other woman who was paid to keep silent.

Or the women who are suing Trump for slander.

Or the women who have accused Trump of sexual assault.

Or Trump himself bragging about committing sexual assault.
Oh actually we have several women who have reported several similar stories.

So far we have two women who have talked about their sexual affairs with the married Donald Trump- who were then paid to keep their stories quiet- during the Presidential campaign.

There are multiple women who have accused Trump of sexual assault- one of whom is in the middle of a law suit against Trump.

And of course we have Trump himself bragging about sexually assaulting women.

Not that any of that means anything to the party of 'family values'.

AND, an attorney who says he doesn't care if the evidence will stand up in court, it's what the people think that matters. Pretty much admitting it's a bluff and being done for purely political reasons.

And an attorney who pays a woman $130,000 right before an election supposedly out of the goodness of his heart.

Pretty much admitting its a payoff to prevent the voters from hearing her speak- and was done for purely political reasons- and is a campaign contribution violation.
People settle and pay for false accusations and malicious lawsuits all the time. Doesn't mean anything happened, and if it did, so fucking what.

You know, when this story first came out, it was kinda shocking and strange, but it didn't surprised me because of the way Trump has been acting.

And yeah, it would have been a story that would have eventually blown over, except for the documents that are out there connecting her to Trump, and, the thing that DOES need to be investigated is the circumstances of the payoff. Was it an in kind campaign contribution or not? That is the thing that is going to sink him, not a one night stand with Ms. Daniels.

Besides, how many times do you need to be told, NOBODY CARES..

You keep shouting that NOBODY CARES- because you are clearly desperate to convince people to stop caring.
AND, an attorney who says he doesn't care if the evidence will stand up in court, it's what the people think that matters. Pretty much admitting it's a bluff and being done for purely political reasons.

And an attorney who pays a woman $130,000 right before an election supposedly out of the goodness of his heart.

Pretty much admitting its a payoff to prevent the voters from hearing her speak- and was done for purely political reasons- and is a campaign contribution violation.
People settle and pay for false accusations and malicious lawsuits all the time. Doesn't mean anything happened, and if it did, so fucking what.

You know, when this story first came out, it was kinda shocking and strange, but it didn't surprised me because of the way Trump has been acting.

And yeah, it would have been a story that would have eventually blown over, except for the documents that are out there connecting her to Trump, and, the thing that DOES need to be investigated is the circumstances of the payoff. Was it an in kind campaign contribution or not? That is the thing that is going to sink him, not a one night stand with Ms. Daniels.
You guys keep going down those rabbit holes. All you have is a whore and an actress who's slept with hundreds of men for money, who now sees an opportunity to make money. Not the most credible witness. Too bad, the greedy slut already signed an agreement saying nothing happened, and received money for it too.

Besides, how many times do you need to be told, NOBODY CARES. Just because the Left and the crooked media have decided to beat on this dead horse with 24/7 coverage, still doesn't mean anybody cares, or the whore actually has a case.

See, that is where Trump and his lawyer screwed the pooch on that one. If his lawyer hadn't sent her an NDA, and didn't have anything to connect them to her, it would have been a case of he said/she said in the court of public opinion. And, considering that Ms. Daniels doesn't have the most credible of careers, it would have blown over fairly quickly.

But now? Ms. Daniels has paperwork from Trump's lawyers that connect her to Trump and his empire, and now she is the one that looks more credible.

Not only that, but her lawyer is running circles around Trump's.
Yeah yeah yeah. And yet, signing an NDA is fairly common practice and enforced by courts. You guys will keep jerking off to this latest concocted "controversy" for a month, and then move on to the next rabbit hole, after Stormy and her thug attorney get slapped with a 20 million dollar NDA violation. I wonder what it will be next? Will it involve Democrats marching in the streets having their usual hissyfits over things not going their way?
You can ahead and plant that "if" in the ground and give it some water and see if it sprouts any fruit.

'Cause all you guys have left now is a whore who acts while getting fucked for money, looking to get more money out someone she may or may not have contact with, who ended up becoming president.

Oh actually we have several women who have reported several similar stories.

So far we have two women who have talked about their sexual affairs with the married Donald Trump- who were then paid to keep their stories quiet- during the Presidential campaign.

There are multiple women who have accused Trump of sexual assault- one of whom is in the middle of a law suit against Trump.

And of course we have Trump himself bragging about sexually assaulting women.

Not that any of that means anything to the party of 'family values'.

AND, an attorney who says he doesn't care if the evidence will stand up in court, it's what the people think that matters. Pretty much admitting it's a bluff and being done for purely political reasons.

And an attorney who pays a woman $130,000 right before an election supposedly out of the goodness of his heart.

Pretty much admitting its a payoff to prevent the voters from hearing her speak- and was done for purely political reasons- and is a campaign contribution violation.
People settle and pay for false accusations and malicious lawsuits all the time. Doesn't mean anything happened, and if it did, so fucking what.

Because people pay other people $130,000 for no reason whatsoever- and make them promise to not reveal any of the video's or recordings of what didn't happen- all of the time.

And typical of Trump supporters- so what if Trump broke campaign laws in order to keep her silent before the election.

You know, I'm wondering if Trump's lawyer even bothered to find out about campaign laws. If he had, then maybe he wouldn't have made that stupid statement about wanting to pay for it out of his own pocket because Trump is a long time friend, because that could be viewed as an in kind campaign contribution.

Stormy Daniels isn't going to be the thing that messes up Trump. It's gonna be the question of the hush money being an illegal campaign contribution.
You know, they always say it's not the incident that gets you in trouble, but rather the cover up you do on it.

On 60 Minutes last night, they showed a lot of the documents that were used, and on one of them that was addressed to Ms. Daniels, the address at the top specifically said that it was a lawyer in the Trump organization.

And, the reason the NDA wasn't signed by Trump is probably because he was not available due to campaigning, and this was a rush job.

And now? If the lawyer continues to say that he is the one who paid for it out of the goodness of his heart and close relationship with Trump, that will be viewed as an illegal in kind campaign contribution because of the subject and the timing.

If Trump pays the lawyer for the 130,000, then Trump is basically admitting that the affair happened.

Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.
You can ahead and plant that "if" in the ground and give it some water and see if it sprouts any fruit.

'Cause all you guys have left now is a whore who acts while getting fucked for money, looking to get more money out someone she may or may not have contact with, who ended up becoming president.

Oh actually we have several women who have reported several similar stories.

So far we have two women who have talked about their sexual affairs with the married Donald Trump- who were then paid to keep their stories quiet- during the Presidential campaign.

There are multiple women who have accused Trump of sexual assault- one of whom is in the middle of a law suit against Trump.

And of course we have Trump himself bragging about sexually assaulting women.

Not that any of that means anything to the party of 'family values'.

AND, an attorney who says he doesn't care if the evidence will stand up in court, it's what the people think that matters. Pretty much admitting it's a bluff and being done for purely political reasons.

And an attorney who pays a woman $130,000 right before an election supposedly out of the goodness of his heart.

Pretty much admitting its a payoff to prevent the voters from hearing her speak- and was done for purely political reasons- and is a campaign contribution violation.

Speak? Speak what? The truth? Obviously she has issues with "speaking truths". One day she slept with Trump, the next day she didn't, the next day she did. You know she shopped the story around FOR MONEY, Right?

And NOW she want's the "truth" to be told? Which friggen one?

And you have to love her explanation as to why! (And you can't make this stuff up folks, you really can't), because she's pissed that she can't talk about HUMPING SOMEONE! Why? BECAUSE SHE AGREED NOT TO!

Now this is the kind of person you want to believe? Knock yourself out. Someone who would state for the record that she felt obligated to have sex with someone because he bought her dinner and used his bathroom should not get anyone's attention for longer then it takes to give a facepalm.
AND, an attorney who says he doesn't care if the evidence will stand up in court, it's what the people think that matters. Pretty much admitting it's a bluff and being done for purely political reasons.

And an attorney who pays a woman $130,000 right before an election supposedly out of the goodness of his heart.

Pretty much admitting its a payoff to prevent the voters from hearing her speak- and was done for purely political reasons- and is a campaign contribution violation.
People settle and pay for false accusations and malicious lawsuits all the time. Doesn't mean anything happened, and if it did, so fucking what.

You know, when this story first came out, it was kinda shocking and strange, but it didn't surprised me because of the way Trump has been acting.

And yeah, it would have been a story that would have eventually blown over, except for the documents that are out there connecting her to Trump, and, the thing that DOES need to be investigated is the circumstances of the payoff. Was it an in kind campaign contribution or not? That is the thing that is going to sink him, not a one night stand with Ms. Daniels.

Besides, how many times do you need to be told, NOBODY CARES..

You keep shouting that NOBODY CARES- because you are clearly desperate to convince people to stop caring.
Not even Democrats care, they are just fantasizing that this could lead to something bigger, which it won't, even according to Leftwing experts. It's yet another Leftwing mass jerkoff session.
And an attorney who pays a woman $130,000 right before an election supposedly out of the goodness of his heart.

Pretty much admitting its a payoff to prevent the voters from hearing her speak- and was done for purely political reasons- and is a campaign contribution violation.
People settle and pay for false accusations and malicious lawsuits all the time. Doesn't mean anything happened, and if it did, so fucking what.

You know, when this story first came out, it was kinda shocking and strange, but it didn't surprised me because of the way Trump has been acting.

And yeah, it would have been a story that would have eventually blown over, except for the documents that are out there connecting her to Trump, and, the thing that DOES need to be investigated is the circumstances of the payoff. Was it an in kind campaign contribution or not? That is the thing that is going to sink him, not a one night stand with Ms. Daniels.
You guys keep going down those rabbit holes. All you have is a whore and an actress who's slept with hundreds of men for money, who now sees an opportunity to make money. Not the most credible witness. Too bad, the greedy slut already signed an agreement saying nothing happened, and received money for it too.

Besides, how many times do you need to be told, NOBODY CARES. Just because the Left and the crooked media have decided to beat on this dead horse with 24/7 coverage, still doesn't mean anybody cares, or the whore actually has a case.

See, that is where Trump and his lawyer screwed the pooch on that one. If his lawyer hadn't sent her an NDA, and didn't have anything to connect them to her, it would have been a case of he said/she said in the court of public opinion. And, considering that Ms. Daniels doesn't have the most credible of careers, it would have blown over fairly quickly.

But now? Ms. Daniels has paperwork from Trump's lawyers that connect her to Trump and his empire, and now she is the one that looks more credible.

Not only that, but her lawyer is running circles around Trump's.
Yeah yeah yeah. And yet, signing an NDA is fairly common practice and enforced by courts. You guys will keep jerking off to this latest concocted "controversy" for a month, and then move on to the next rabbit hole, after Stormy and her thug attorney get slapped with a 20 million dollar NDA violation. I wonder what it will be next? Will it involve Democrats marching in the streets having their usual hissyfits over things not going their way?

It's not the NDA itself that is the problem, it's the timing of the NDA, and the benefit that Trump would receive from having the story kept secret during the campaign. And, there is also the question of his lawyer paying for the 130,000 himself. If Trump pays him for it, then that part of it goes away, but he still hasn't paid his lawyer yet.
You know, they always say it's not the incident that gets you in trouble, but rather the cover up you do on it.

On 60 Minutes last night, they showed a lot of the documents that were used, and on one of them that was addressed to Ms. Daniels, the address at the top specifically said that it was a lawyer in the Trump organization.

And, the reason the NDA wasn't signed by Trump is probably because he was not available due to campaigning, and this was a rush job.

And now? If the lawyer continues to say that he is the one who paid for it out of the goodness of his heart and close relationship with Trump, that will be viewed as an illegal in kind campaign contribution because of the subject and the timing.

If Trump pays the lawyer for the 130,000, then Trump is basically admitting that the affair happened.

Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.
You can ahead and plant that "if" in the ground and give it some water and see if it sprouts any fruit.

'Cause all you guys have left now is a whore who acts while getting fucked for money, looking to get more money out someone she may or may not have contact with, who ended up becoming president.

Oh actually we have several women who have reported several similar stories.

So far we have two women who have talked about their sexual affairs with the married Donald Trump- who were then paid to keep their stories quiet- during the Presidential campaign.

There are multiple women who have accused Trump of sexual assault- one of whom is in the middle of a law suit against Trump.

And of course we have Trump himself bragging about sexually assaulting women.

Not that any of that means anything to the party of 'family values'.

AND, an attorney who says he doesn't care if the evidence will stand up in court, it's what the people think that matters. Pretty much admitting it's a bluff and being done for purely political reasons.

And an attorney who pays a woman $130,000 right before an election supposedly out of the goodness of his heart.

Pretty much admitting its a payoff to prevent the voters from hearing her speak- and was done for purely political reasons- and is a campaign contribution violation.

Speak? Speak what? The truth? Obviously she has issues with "speaking truths". One day she slept with Trump, the next day she didn't, the next day she did. You know she shopped the story around FOR MONEY, Right?

And NOW she want's the "truth" to be told? Which friggen one?

And you have to love her explanation as to why! (And you can't make this stuff up folks, you really can't), because she's pissed that she can't talk about HUMPING SOMEONE! Why? BECAUSE SHE AGREED NOT TO!

Now this is the kind of person you want to believe? Knock yourself out. Someone who would state for the record that she felt obligated to have sex with someone because he bought her dinner and used his bathroom should not get anyone's attention for longer then it takes to give a facepalm.
i wonder if they'll show videos of Stormy fucking donkey sized men in court? Such a credible witness.
And an attorney who pays a woman $130,000 right before an election supposedly out of the goodness of his heart.

Pretty much admitting its a payoff to prevent the voters from hearing her speak- and was done for purely political reasons- and is a campaign contribution violation.
People settle and pay for false accusations and malicious lawsuits all the time. Doesn't mean anything happened, and if it did, so fucking what.

You know, when this story first came out, it was kinda shocking and strange, but it didn't surprised me because of the way Trump has been acting.

And yeah, it would have been a story that would have eventually blown over, except for the documents that are out there connecting her to Trump, and, the thing that DOES need to be investigated is the circumstances of the payoff. Was it an in kind campaign contribution or not? That is the thing that is going to sink him, not a one night stand with Ms. Daniels.
You guys keep going down those rabbit holes. All you have is a whore and an actress who's slept with hundreds of men for money, who now sees an opportunity to make money. Not the most credible witness. Too bad, the greedy slut already signed an agreement saying nothing happened, and received money for it too.

Besides, how many times do you need to be told, NOBODY CARES. Just because the Left and the crooked media have decided to beat on this dead horse with 24/7 coverage, still doesn't mean anybody cares, or the whore actually has a case.

See, that is where Trump and his lawyer screwed the pooch on that one. If his lawyer hadn't sent her an NDA, and didn't have anything to connect them to her, it would have been a case of he said/she said in the court of public opinion. And, considering that Ms. Daniels doesn't have the most credible of careers, it would have blown over fairly quickly.

But now? Ms. Daniels has paperwork from Trump's lawyers that connect her to Trump and his empire, and now she is the one that looks more credible.

Not only that, but her lawyer is running circles around Trump's.
Yeah yeah yeah. And yet, signing an NDA is fairly common practice and enforced by courts. You guys will keep jerking off to this latest concocted "controversy" for a month, and then move on to the next rabbit hole, after Stormy and her thug attorney get slapped with a 20 million dollar NDA violation. I wonder what it will be next? Will it involve Democrats marching in the streets having their usual hissyfits over things not going their way?

After Trump and his lawyer get slapped for campaign law violation what will it be next?

Will it involve the Trump thugs threatening people like you do when things are not going Trump's way?

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