Stormy Lawyer Fires Warning Shot With Claim of DVD Proof of Affair

If Trump commits impeachable offenses, he should be impeached. If not, he shouldn’t be. It’s pretty when Clinton was disbarred for lying to a grand jury.
I have no idea if such a recording exist but if it does and she was recording Trump without his knowledge or conset that is likely illegal and she would be facing jail time.
If Trump commits impeachable offenses, he should be impeached. If not, he shouldn’t be. It’s pretty when Clinton was disbarred for lying to a grand jury.

that never happened

turn off rush and read a book, dipstick
Hmmm, if she recorded it without his knowledge that sets her up for a long prison sentence. But if he was amenable, who cares. I find it amusing that the tards who could care less about clintons rapes and attacks on women are suddenly all concerned about trump and his CONSENSUAL dalliances. These people are pretty fucked up.
I’m sure you’d say the same if a tape of Clinton surfaced at the time; or if the right loons’ conspiracy theory about Obama being gay was proven true with a sex tape.

I could care less then as far his consensual dalliances were concerned, but the rapes, those I have a problem with. As should you too. Clearly you don't.
If Trump commits impeachable offenses, he should be impeached. If not, he shouldn’t be. It’s pretty when Clinton was disbarred for lying to a grand jury.

that never happened

turn off rush and read a book, dipstick


"While Clinton can no longer practice law in front of the highest court, it’s not accurate to say that he was disbarred from either the Supreme Court or from practicing law in Arkansas. Clinton’s license was suspended in Arkansas, but he was not disbarred, and while Clinton did face the possibility of being barred from arguing in front the U.S. Supreme Court, he resigned before the ruling was handed down."

FACT CHECK: Bill Clinton was Fined, Disbarred Over the Monica Lewinsky Scandal
If Trump commits impeachable offenses, he should be impeached. If not, he shouldn’t be. It’s pretty when Clinton was disbarred for lying to a grand jury.

that never happened

turn off rush and read a book, dipstick


"While Clinton can no longer practice law in front of the highest court, it’s not accurate to say that he was disbarred from either the Supreme Court or from practicing law in Arkansas. Clinton’s license was suspended in Arkansas, but he was not disbarred, and while Clinton did face the possibility of being barred from arguing in front the U.S. Supreme Court, he resigned before the ruling was handed down."

FACT CHECK: Bill Clinton was Fined, Disbarred Over the Monica Lewinsky Scandal

what part of *it’s not accurate to say that he was disbarred from either the Supreme Court or from practicing law in Arkansas.* eludes you, brainiac?

jesus, you posted it :lol:

what a dope
Clinton assaulted women. There is no equivalence. Broads assaulted The Donald. Total opposite situation.

But let's be honest the left is disparate to see as Adam Schiff calls "naked Trump." :p
At least libs are finally finding their morality.

If Trump lies to a grand jury about jizzing all over this woman, would Libs support impeachment?
Why would there be a grand jury? No one did anything wrong. No laws were broken. This is just political grandstanding.
If Trump commits impeachable offenses, he should be impeached. If not, he shouldn’t be. It’s pretty when Clinton was disbarred for lying to a grand jury.
There is nothing impeachable about a consensual affair ten or more years ago.
If Trump commits impeachable offenses, he should be impeached. If not, he shouldn’t be. It’s pretty when Clinton was disbarred for lying to a grand jury.

that never happened

turn off rush and read a book, dipstick


"While Clinton can no longer practice law in front of the highest court, it’s not accurate to say that he was disbarred from either the Supreme Court or from practicing law in Arkansas. Clinton’s license was suspended in Arkansas, but he was not disbarred, and while Clinton did face the possibility of being barred from arguing in front the U.S. Supreme Court, he resigned before the ruling was handed down."

FACT CHECK: Bill Clinton was Fined, Disbarred Over the Monica Lewinsky Scandal

what part of *it’s not accurate to say that he was disbarred from either the Supreme Court or from practicing law in Arkansas.* eludes you, brainiac?

jesus, you posted it :lol:

what a dope

He resigned before he was disbarred. Kind of like saying "I'm taking my marbles and going home" but the marbles were going to get taken away anyway. So even snopes says the claim is MOSTLY TRUE.
Hmmm, if she recorded it without his knowledge that sets her up for a long prison sentence. But if he was amenable, who cares. I find it amusing that the tards who could care less about clintons rapes and attacks on women are suddenly all concerned about trump and his CONSENSUAL dalliances. These people are pretty fucked up.
I’m sure you’d say the same if a tape of Clinton surfaced at the time; or if the right loons’ conspiracy theory about Obama being gay was proven true with a sex tape.

I could care less then as far his consensual dalliances were concerned, but the rapes, those I have a problem with. As should you too. Clearly you don't.
The rapes that occurred in your head? I’d say the problem lies with you
The odds that Trump consented to be videotaped having sex with Stormy are nil.
If Stormy illegally videotaped Trump then her lawyer would have told her she could go to prison for doing so.
It's all moot anyway.
There's NOTHING on the DVD..........NOTHING!
The slimeball lawyer is attempting to extort Trump. The lawyer is soon going to find out what that means to the bar.
What does it say when she made a DVD of the affair?

What a sick, twisted broad. Absolutely desperate and of the lowest class. She will get paid and get her 15 minutes, but she sold her soul for this.
For god's sake, she's a porn star. Calling her 'sick and twisted' is redundant. Trump is also sick and twisted for having anything to do with her, don't you get that? We are witnessing the lowest of the low as far as character in the person who is supposed be the leader of our country. Swamp? He crawls on the bottom of the toilet. He's a dung beetle.
Remember, lawyers are taught to lie while telling the truth. The DVD is said to corroborate the existence of a relationship. It could be a video of them having lunch or some other innocuous activity. I guarantee it is not a video of them doing the old In&Out.

If it turns out that Trump was an adulterer 14 years ago, then dammit, I'm going to be pissed! I'll still vote for him again, but I'll be pissed.
What does it say when she made a DVD of the affair?

What a sick, twisted broad. Absolutely desperate and of the lowest class. She will get paid and get her 15 minutes, but she sold her soul for this.
She might be what you say she is BUT our President is a sick twisted pervert a real POS Who in the scheme of things is more important?

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